61 antifa members charged in Georgia but the media coverage is LAUGHABLE

How is asking who the leader of "Antifa" is a dumb question?
Because in this modern era of social gathering via online portals an actual leader giving orders isn't needed. Same way flash mobs are spontaneously in one spot all at the same time. Be it to entertain with a song or dance or to loot. One post gone viral is all it takes.
That's not to say their isn't some sort of hierarchy as there most likely is but that's neither here nor there. The end result is all that matters.
Because in this modern era of social gathering via online portals an actual leader giving orders isn't needed. Same way flash mobs are spontaneously in one spot all at the same time. Be it to entertain with a song or dance or to loot. One post gone viral is all it takes.
That's not to say their isn't some sort of hierarchy as there most likely is but that's neither here nor there. The end result is all that matters.

Dragging the lefties into the 21st century is truly painful sometimes.

They still think it's 1850.
Because in this modern era of social gathering via online portals an actual leader giving orders isn't needed. Same way flash mobs are spontaneously in one spot all at the same time. Be it to entertain with a song or dance or to loot. One post gone viral is all it takes.
That's not to say their isn't some sort of hierarchy as there most likely is but that's neither here nor there. The end result is all that matters.
I can name the leaders of right wing fascist terrorist groups. These dopey kids must be outsmarting you again.

So what is the hierarchy?
I can name the leaders of right wing fascist terrorist groups. These dopey kids must be outsmarting you again.

So what is the hierarchy?
No idea and no concern as to who if anyone it is. I am not part of any group. I am not part of government. I am not part of law enforcement.
It's not my job to deal with antifa or BLM or the proud boys or the kkk or any other fucking nutty group.

Having said that it doesn't mean that I don't think they exist or pose threats, be they minor or major threats.

Storming the capital for example was beyond stupid imo but I keep it in perspective. They broke a few fences and a couple windows. Hardly worthy of decades in jail. Meanwhile Antifa & BLM have caused BILLIONS in damages and countless lives.

Do you have any other asinine thoughts to offer?

And about time. People are tired of Republicans who refuse to fight.

Republican Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr has indicted dozens of people on racketeering charges over years of riots and protests in opposition to the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, which is under construction.

“Cop City,” as the facility has been called by left-wing activists, has been targeted since it was announced by organized protesters.

In an indictment that was announced on Tuesday, Carr called those who have been targeting the facility “militant anarchists,” the Associated Press reported.

The indictment, which is dated Aug. 29, uses Georgia’s anti-racketeering or RICO law and targets 61 people.


Carr’s indictment could be viewed as a sign the state’s Republican Party is fighting fire with fire.

The AG has accused all of the defendants of conspiring to obstruct the construction of the police and fire training center, accusing them of violence, intimidation and destruction of property.

In July, a police cruiser near the facility was targeted by an arsonist.

Other fires were set in March when the facility was targeted by masked protestors but the effort to prevent it from being completed started in 2021.

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Carr cited the instances of violence and intimidation as his rationale for going after the individuals he said were behind it.

Defendants include more than three dozen people who have previously been charged with domestic terrorism and other acts in connection to the violent protests and riots at or near the training center.

Three leaders of the movement against it are also accused of money laundering.

The RICO charges could result in those who have already been charged facing heavy sentences if they are convicted.


If they did the crime they should do the time. You seem to think it has to do with the party. It's not. It's about the law. I suspect this will be like all the other right wing accusations. Lots of theories, but no proof. Bring on the credible proof, and I will join you in celebration if they are found guilty.
If they did the crime they should do the time. You seem to think it has to do with the party. It's not. It's about the law. I suspect this will be like all the other right wing accusations. Lots of theories, but no proof. Bring on the credible proof, and I will join you in celebration if they are found guilty.
At a dinner with Burisma execs they asked Hunter to call DC to have Shokin taken care of. Five days later Joe extorted the Ukranians wuth US aid to get Shokin fired.

Both facts. Proof. Evidence
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You seem to think it has to do with the party. It's not. It's about the law.

Is that why NOBODY was even charged with the great leftist riots of 2020?

They burned police stations and other buildings to the ground and NOBODY was even charged with a crime.

You thunk that has nothing to do with "party"???
At a dinner with Burisma execs the asked Hunter to call DC to have Shokin taken care of. Five days later Joe extorted the Ukranians wuth US aid to get Shokin fired.

Both facts. Proof. Evidence
This is a PROVEN lie.
Tell the same LIE over and OVER and you believe it.
The GOP playbook.

Show me the evidence of Shokin Prosecuting Corruption.
If Shokin WAS prosecuting corruption, then just show who and when Shokin did the Prosecuting.

Your story is a LIE created by Rudy, Trump and John Solomon.
Show me the corruption that Shokin was prosecuting.
Your fake news story claims that Shokin was Prosecuting Corruption, including Burisma, just simple show the case that Shoking prosecuted.

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