62% Think Trump Committed a Crime

Trump is a massively liability in the election.

Republicans all watch fake news and they don't realize the evidence against Trump is devastating.

Trump is going down in flames and bringing the party with him.
Each of the four cases is fundamentally flawed*. Only a complete moron - or a Democrat - could even countenance the idea that these are all independent, legitimate prosecutions...coincidentally directed at the person who will be the Republican nominee for President.


You gotta be a fucking idiot.
* Manhattan: no human has ever been convicted of a campaign finance violation on this fact pattern.
Mar-a-Lago: No elected government official has ever been indicted on even comparable charges, although "we" know that it is common for elected Presidents and VP's to take such documents after their term ends
Georgia: Nothing there. The communication that is at the core of this bullshit was perfectly appropriate.
January 6th: Not a single act of communication by Trump meets the definition of a crime. Period.

Not a single conviction will come out of this, after the appeals play out.

It is THE SAME AS the Russia Collusion Hoax. A lot of smoke and mirrors, no substance.

I asked how Fanni is going explain why these alleged criminals were concerned with complying with the US code regarding electors

They were not “appointed ” electors in accordance with state laws set prior to the election.

They could not comply with the law in the first place . They are dumb criminals of course because they tried to comply with the law because they knew they we’re supposed to attend such place in each State in accordance with the laws of the State And such place what is the capital capital building in Lansing Michigan. As I have shown you, the police would not let them in.

Have they gone home and refused to do what Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis asked them to do they would not be charged for making probably fraudulent official government documents.

But that’s not what they did. And they signed their name to an official government document that said they were signing it well inside the Michigan state capitol building. They lied on the forgery and then they signed it. We know Republicans are stupid, but Jesus Christ and these are leaders. What does that say about the followers?

3 U.S.C. § 7 Meeting and vote of electors​
The electors of President and Vice President of each State shall meet and give their votes on the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday in December next following their appointment at such place in each State in accordance with the laws of the State enacted prior to election day.
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They were not “appointed ” electors in accordance with state laws set prior to the election.

They could not comply with the law in the first place . They are dumb criminals of course because they tried to comply with the law because they knew they we’re supposed to attend such place in each State in accordance with the laws of the State And such place what is the capital capital building in Lansing Michigan. As I have shown you, the police would not let them in.

Have they gone home and refused to do what Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis asked them to do they would not be charged for making probably fraudulent official government documents.

But that’s not what they did. And they signed their name to an official government document that said they were signing it well inside the Michigan state capitol building. They lied on the forgery and then they signed it. We know Republicans are stupid, but Jesus Christ and these are leaders. What does that say about the followers?

3 U.S.C. § 7 Meeting and vote of electors​
The electors of President and Vice President of each State shall meet and give their votes on the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday in December next following their appointment at such place in each State in accordance with the laws of the State enacted prior to election day.
Even repeating it, you still can't comprehend my very simple question.
Trump is toast next year if that number holds. Less than 40% of the vote and four convictions leading to maybe twenty years in prison,
“Vox Populi,” Trump is a rat. If inflation is so bad quit sending Trump money / when he gets enough he’s gonna fly the coup to Moscow anyway.





Let’s call Trump’s criminal enterprise electors what they were not in accordance with as Rawley posted in:

3 U.S.C. § 7 Meeting and vote of electors​
The electors of President and Vice President of each State shall meet and give their votes on the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday in December next following their appointment at such place in each State in accordance with the laws of the State enacted prior to election day.

(JUNE 25, 1948, CH. 644, 62 STAT. 673; PUB. L. 117–328, DIV. P, TITLE I, § 106(A), Dec. 29, 2022, 136 STAT. 5236.) CITE AS: 3 USC​
The electors for Trump we know for a fact we’re not at the place that the state of Michigan designated for the electoral vote to take place.

The Michigan capital police did not let them in the building on that day.

They lied that they were there and signed it. It was a fraud in a criminal enterprise for the continuance of a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election for Trump,

nf.23.08.28 #245
Someone just proved they are an idiot.
I asked how Fanni is going explain why these alleged criminals were concerned with complying with the US code regarding electors

She does not have to explain anything. She asks each one when they are under oath if they were the “appointed” elector according to the laws of the state they were serving in that official capacity.

They have to say no.

They are the one’s who will have to explain why they signed a document swearing under oath that they are the “appointed” elector according to the laws of the state they were serving in that official capacity.

Your question is assbackward when you bother to understand the law that you cited?

Your welcome!
Honest headline:
62% of people polled are incapable of thinking for themselves and will blindly believe whatever propaganda the MSM tells them.

Aren't you part of Cult 45?

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