64% think attempting and failing to obstruct justice is as bad as obstructing justice

all I am doing is showing the article is written by a source that is owned by a company in Germany

Asshole........The o/p is citing a POLL....it is NOT just an article on someone's opinion....its just a fucking poll implemented within the US and responded by US citizens......

Argue about the poll format, if you want, but stop being an asshole about a German company.....

Low IQ Trumpsters show their stupidity without shame.......LOL
I agree that if trump issued orders to obstruct, it is bad. The fact that the only reason obstruction didnt take place is because of the insubordination of those working for him, is no excuse.

However, it's hard to speak out on it because the left will not speak out against their own when wrongdoing has occurred.

Had Hillary won, you can bet there would have been no further investigation of her clear and apparent obstruction (destroying evidence, wiping servers etc.)

It's the one thing that is noticable between the two sides. The right will criticize their own, you'll hardly ever find anyone on the left who will do the same.

That must be why we have ZERO Rumpbots who will break down and admit the obvious, that he's repeatedly lying about where his father was born.

SMH Nun so blind, pray for us.
I have no idea where his father was born. I wasnt aware that was even an issue....

The birthplace isn't. The fact that Rump has been deliberately lying about that birthplace --- in spite of the whole world already knowing it's bullshit, yet he goes right on doing it ---- speaks volumes about his mental issues. And the fact that zero of his cult followers can summon up the stones to admit he's lying through his teeth, addresses your cherrypicking in the post I quoted.
Most of Trump's lies are exaggerations or is due to his inability to answer simple questions, so he just says whatever comes into his mind.

Trump considers his lies just different version of the truth. For example at a rally in an arena, he may want to stimulate the crowd with something positive. So he says isn't this a gorgeous arena and look at this crowd, more than 40,000 true patriots. He never even considers that the arena only holds 10,000 people. That's immaterial. And this is how he approaches just about everything. He never lets facts get in the way of saying what he want to say.

We know all that, but to sum it up as "oh well that's just Rump" is irresponsible. You can't --- can not --- just walk around telling lies about known and quantifiable facts that everybody already knows are lies. The Bronx is not "a wonderful place in Germany" and it never can be, PERIOD. There is literally no planet where that works.

We can dispute, discuss and disagree opinions from one end of the earth to the other but it's impossible to function if we don't agree on the simple question of what Reality is. It's impossible as well as irresponsible to simply declare "my father was born in Germany" when not only do you know damn well he wasn't but the whole world knows damn well he wasn't. That's when you get into Orwellian "two plus two equals five" insanity.

Does it matter where his father was born or how many people are in the arena? No. Does it matter that here's an asshole who thinks he can simply change Reality on his own whim? BIGLY.

And on the greater scale does it matter that his cult followers will decline to call him out on that lie, look straight at a birth certificate clearly emblazoned with the words "STATE OF NEW YORK" across the top, and insist that it means "Germany"? Again, BIGLY.
Well it seem the poll has been shown for what it is and is another slanted poll the left want to use for their argument against Trump and Russia.

As I pointed out the article is from a German owned company and as another poster pointed out the polling data could be slanted.

Now with that I know Nat will defend the data and website while screaming about the possible Obstruction and Russia influence over our 2016 election..
I don't know anything about the poll but it sounds reasonable because many people's expectations of their president are pretty high when it comes to conduct and character. The fact that someone was able to intervene and change what would have been a violation of the law by the president to an attempted violation does not speak well for the integrity and character of the president. In others words, Americans hold their president, including Donald Trump to a higher standard than they do other citizens.

If you hold Donald Trump to a higher standard then you are just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Donald Trump has a long history in the tabloids and media and anyone with any form of commonsense knows he is a wildcard and threat to even himself.

As for my comment the fact remains the Op'er along with many on the left have been spewing how Russia influenced our election and all I am doing is showing the article is written by a source that is owned by a company in Germany and that it is easy to spin that Germany or England are influencing our election process with their Propaganda just like Russia attempted...

That's absurd. "A company owned by someone in Germany" is in NO way "the country of Germany". A country can't be responsible for everything one of its citizens does with its companies. You have no point with the "German-owned" canard.
I agree that if trump issued orders to obstruct, it is bad. The fact that the only reason obstruction didnt take place is because of the insubordination of those working for him, is no excuse.

However, it's hard to speak out on it because the left will not speak out against their own when wrongdoing has occurred.

Had Hillary won, you can bet there would have been no further investigation of her clear and apparent obstruction (destroying evidence, wiping servers etc.)

It's the one thing that is noticable between the two sides. The right will criticize their own, you'll hardly ever find anyone on the left who will do the same.

That must be why we have ZERO Rumpbots who will break down and admit the obvious, that he's repeatedly lying about where his father was born.

SMH Nun so blind, pray for us.
I have no idea where his father was born. I wasnt aware that was even an issue....

The birthplace isn't. The fact that Rump has been deliberately lying about that birthplace --- in spite of the whole world already knowing it's bullshit, yet he goes right on doing it ---- speaks volumes about his mental issues. And the fact that zero of his cult followers can summon up the stones to admit he's lying through his teeth, addresses your cherrypicking in the post I quoted.
Also how was I cherry picking? You made a reply to my post in which you talk about trumpers not acknowledging trumps lies about his father's birthplace, I simply responded that I didnt know this was even an issue. I've not heard any of the talk shows I listen to even bring it up

"The talk shows you listen to"? That may be a starting point....

"Cherrypicking" applies to this:
The right will criticize their own, you'll hardly ever find anyone on the left who will do the same.

That's your post, it's still sitting right there above.

I then gave you a stunning example of the reverse.

Wanna read it? Exhibit A. And every one of that poster's idiocies thereafter. He sits there and tells the world "his father WAS born in Germany" ---- while staring straight at the man's birth certificate labeled "STATE OF NEW YORK".

Now that's extreme self-delusion. Göbbels would say, "if the Fúhrer wishes it, two plus two equals five!"

And that's insanity, both on the part of the perpetraitor and on the part of the sycophant. In NO way does it constitute "criticizing their own".
Last edited:
all I am doing is showing the article is written by a source that is owned by a company in Germany

Asshole........The o/p is citing a POLL....it is NOT just an article on someone's opinion....its just a fucking poll implemented within the US and responded by US citizens......

Argue about the poll format, if you want, but stop being an asshole about a German company.....

Low IQ Trumpsters show their stupidity without shame.......LOL

Well now isn't that a sweet message from you.

A poll that a Geman owned company cherry picked to support their opinion of Trump, so you love the Germans meddling into out political system but cry about the Russians.

Also prove that I am a Trumpster because I can prove I dislike him more than you but what I will not join the hypocrite nonsense you enjoy doing...

The poll is like all polls and can be skewed to support the opinion of the poll taker and get simple minded people like you to believe what they are telling you.

So if you do not want me to slam you for using foreign sources to whine about Russians then maybe you should use American sources and not German...
This latest survey (post the redacted Mueller report,) is a bit of "bad news" for Trump.....not only in his attempts to obstruct justice, but ALSO of his incompetence in such attempts.

As a reminder to the simple math challenged, Trump sycophants, 64% is almost 2 out of 3 voters.

Bad news for Trump: 64% of Americans think attempting and failing to obstruct justice is as bad as obstructing justice
Let's put all of this in perspective. LOL!!!!!!
Didn't see the Mueller investigation....at all. LOL!!!!!

Topics that worry Americans a great deal:

54% - The availability and affordability of healthcare

53% - The economy

51% - The possibility of future terrorist attacks in the U.S.

46% - The Social Security system

46% - The size and power of the federal government

46% - The way income and wealth are distributed in the U.S.

43% - Hunger and homelessness

43% - Crime and violence

39% - Illegal immigration

38% - Drug use

37% - Unemployment

34% - The quality of the environment

28% - The availability and affordability of energy

28% - Race relations

25% - Climate change
Top 15 Issues Americans Worry About

Carry on :popcorn:
I agree that if trump issued orders to obstruct, it is bad. The fact that the only reason obstruction didnt take place is because of the insubordination of those working for him, is no excuse.

However, it's hard to speak out on it because the left will not speak out against their own when wrongdoing has occurred.

Had Hillary won, you can bet there would have been no further investigation of her clear and apparent obstruction (destroying evidence, wiping servers etc.)

It's the one thing that is noticable between the two sides. The right will criticize their own, you'll hardly ever find anyone on the left who will do the same.

That must be why we have ZERO Rumpbots who will break down and admit the obvious, that he's repeatedly lying about where his father was born.

SMH Nun so blind, pray for us.
I have no idea where his father was born. I wasnt aware that was even an issue....

The birthplace isn't. The fact that Rump has been deliberately lying about that birthplace --- in spite of the whole world already knowing it's bullshit, yet he goes right on doing it ---- speaks volumes about his mental issues. And the fact that zero of his cult followers can summon up the stones to admit he's lying through his teeth, addresses your cherrypicking in the post I quoted.
Most of Trump's lies are exaggerations or is due to his inability to answer simple questions, so he just says whatever comes into his mind.

Trump considers his lies just different version of the truth. For example at a rally in an arena, he may want to stimulate the crowd with something positive. So he says isn't this a gorgeous arena and look at this crowd, more than 40,000 true patriots. He never even considers that the arena only holds 10,000 people. That's immaterial. And this is how he approaches just about everything. He never lets facts get in the way of saying what he want to say.

We know all that, but to sum it up as "oh well that's just Rump" is irresponsible. You can't --- can not --- just walk around telling lies about known and quantifiable facts that everybody already knows are lies. The Bronx is not "a wonderful place in Germany" and it never can be, PERIOD. There is literally no planet where that works.

We can dispute, discuss and disagree opinions from one end of the earth to the other but it's impossible to function if we don't agree on the simple question of what Reality is. It's impossible as well as irresponsible to simply declare "my father was born in Germany" when not only do you know damn well he wasn't but the whole world knows damn well he wasn't. That's when you get into Orwellian "two plus two equals five" insanity.

Does it matter where his father was born or how many people are in the arena? No. Does it matter that here's an asshole who thinks he can simply change Reality on his own whim? BIGLY.

And on the greater scale does it matter that his cult followers will decline to call him out on that lie, look straight at a birth certificate clearly emblazoned with the words "STATE OF NEW YORK" across the top, and insist that it means "Germany"? Again, BIGLY.
I agree but I think it's important to understand why he does what he does because we will never get a straight story from Trump. He has, always bent the facts to fit the narrative he is telling about himself, his family, his administration, his country, and his world. For most people, getting something factually wrong in a public setting is disconcerting and embarrassing. That has no effect on Trump. Facts are simply whatever he wants them to be. And they can change, depending on his own circumstances. He tells himself a story of his life in which he is the hero and the winner, and then repeats that story over and over again. He doesn't care if facts get in the way. When the news media calls him out, he ignores it or it's just false news. The worst part is that people are beginning to ask does the truth really matter? Who cares if the president lies about the birthplace of his father, or the size of a crowd, or an extramarital affair, or what some foreign leader said, or a treaty, or an agreement.

In a world in which people sense that truth no longer matters, it doesn’t make any difference whether a leader is truthful or not. What matters is that he is strong and confident. What matters is that he is authoritative even in falsehoods. And if that reminds you of Russia’s Vladimir Putin or Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines or Brazil’s newly inaugurated hard-right president Jair Bolsonaro, or Donald Trump, it should.
100% of Americans think that deleting 33,000 subpoenaed emails, smashing government cellphones and laptops with hammmers, and covering up illegal Government spying on the opposition party is obstruction of Justice.
I agree that if trump issued orders to obstruct, it is bad. The fact that the only reason obstruction didnt take place is because of the insubordination of those working for him, is no excuse.

However, it's hard to speak out on it because the left will not speak out against their own when wrongdoing has occurred.

Had Hillary won, you can bet there would have been no further investigation of her clear and apparent obstruction (destroying evidence, wiping servers etc.)

It's the one thing that is noticable between the two sides. The right will criticize their own, you'll hardly ever find anyone on the left who will do the same.

That must be why we have ZERO Rumpbots who will break down and admit the obvious, that he's repeatedly lying about where his father was born.

SMH Nun so blind, pray for us.
I have no idea where his father was born. I wasnt aware that was even an issue....

The birthplace isn't. The fact that Rump has been deliberately lying about that birthplace --- in spite of the whole world already knowing it's bullshit, yet he goes right on doing it ---- speaks volumes about his mental issues. And the fact that zero of his cult followers can summon up the stones to admit he's lying through his teeth, addresses your cherrypicking in the post I quoted.
Also how was I cherry picking? You made a reply to my post in which you talk about trumpers not acknowledging trumps lies about his father's birthplace, I simply responded that I didnt know this was even an issue. I've not heard any of the talk shows I listen to even bring it up

"The talk shows you listen to"? That may be a starting point....

"Cherrypicking" applies to this:
The right will criticize their own, you'll hardly ever find anyone on the left who will do the same.

That's your post, it's still sitting right there above.

I then gave you a stunning example of the reverse.

Wanna read it? Exhibit A. And every one of that poster's idiocies thereafter. He sits there and tells the world "his father WAS born in Germany" ---- while staring straight at the man's birth certificate labeled "STATE OF NEW YORK".

Now that's extreme self-delusion. Göbbels would say, "if the Fúhrer wishes it, two plus two equals five!"

And that's insanity, both on the part of the perpetraitor and on the part of the sycophant. In NO way does it constitute "criticizing their own".

I've stated many times I listen both right wing and left wing radio. The left wing radio I listen to is very partisan and very harsh. They dont hold back, and they all really really dont like trump. If his lying about his fathers birth place was an issue, believe me, they would have brought it up.

My point still stands. Sure, not in every case, will then right bash their own, but they do. It's a trait I've not heard from any of these left wing talk shows I listen to. They just dont do it. To them, all Democrats are justified and do not ever do anything wrong, and they stand behind them no matter what.

The right wing talk show hosts will frequently take other Republicans to task for things they have done wrong.

Make no mistake, however, if the right wing talk hosts feel the Republican was in the right about something, they will defend them, but they are in general, more critical of their own.
That must be why we have ZERO Rumpbots who will break down and admit the obvious, that he's repeatedly lying about where his father was born.

SMH Nun so blind, pray for us.
I have no idea where his father was born. I wasnt aware that was even an issue....

The birthplace isn't. The fact that Rump has been deliberately lying about that birthplace --- in spite of the whole world already knowing it's bullshit, yet he goes right on doing it ---- speaks volumes about his mental issues. And the fact that zero of his cult followers can summon up the stones to admit he's lying through his teeth, addresses your cherrypicking in the post I quoted.
Also how was I cherry picking? You made a reply to my post in which you talk about trumpers not acknowledging trumps lies about his father's birthplace, I simply responded that I didnt know this was even an issue. I've not heard any of the talk shows I listen to even bring it up

"The talk shows you listen to"? That may be a starting point....

"Cherrypicking" applies to this:
The right will criticize their own, you'll hardly ever find anyone on the left who will do the same.

That's your post, it's still sitting right there above.

I then gave you a stunning example of the reverse.

Wanna read it? Exhibit A. And every one of that poster's idiocies thereafter. He sits there and tells the world "his father WAS born in Germany" ---- while staring straight at the man's birth certificate labeled "STATE OF NEW YORK".

Now that's extreme self-delusion. Göbbels would say, "if the Fúhrer wishes it, two plus two equals five!"

And that's insanity, both on the part of the perpetraitor and on the part of the sycophant. In NO way does it constitute "criticizing their own".

I've stated many times I listen both right wing and left wing radio. The left wing radio I listen to is very partisan and very harsh. They dont hold back, and they all really really dont like trump. If his lying about his fathers birth place was an issue, believe me, they would have brought it up.

My point still stands. Sure, not in every case, will then right bash their own, but they do. It's a trait I've not heard from any of these left wing talk shows I listen to. They just dont do it. To them, all Democrats are justified and do not ever do anything wrong, and they stand behind them no matter what.

The right wing talk show hosts will frequently take other Republicans to task for things they have done wrong.

Make no mistake, however, if the right wing talk hosts feel the Republican was in the right about something, they will defend them, but they are in general, more critical of their own.

How convenient that you can't back any of this up.

Rump's issue is not that he lies about where his father was born. It's that he has no relationship with REALITY. I don't really give a rat's ass if the purported "left wing radio" you claim to listen to failed to bring it up, it's there and it cannot be denied it's there. And it's repeated over and over.

Again quoting Göbbels: "If the Führer wishes it, two and two make five!". Or in this case if the Furrier wishes it, "the Bronx" is "a very wonderful place in Germany". How the fuck can any organization, let alone a country, function with a head who's completely divorced from reality?

I mean this is really REALLY basic stuff. Generally people with this degree of dementia are watched by nurses.
You can't obstruct justice, or "attempt" to obstruct justice, if there has been no crime. Anger at a witch hunt, hoping that unjust prosecutions end well, wanting to fire an unethical and dishonest special counsel--these things do not constitute "attempting" to obstruct justice.
I have no idea where his father was born. I wasnt aware that was even an issue....

The birthplace isn't. The fact that Rump has been deliberately lying about that birthplace --- in spite of the whole world already knowing it's bullshit, yet he goes right on doing it ---- speaks volumes about his mental issues. And the fact that zero of his cult followers can summon up the stones to admit he's lying through his teeth, addresses your cherrypicking in the post I quoted.
Also how was I cherry picking? You made a reply to my post in which you talk about trumpers not acknowledging trumps lies about his father's birthplace, I simply responded that I didnt know this was even an issue. I've not heard any of the talk shows I listen to even bring it up

"The talk shows you listen to"? That may be a starting point....

"Cherrypicking" applies to this:
The right will criticize their own, you'll hardly ever find anyone on the left who will do the same.

That's your post, it's still sitting right there above.

I then gave you a stunning example of the reverse.

Wanna read it? Exhibit A. And every one of that poster's idiocies thereafter. He sits there and tells the world "his father WAS born in Germany" ---- while staring straight at the man's birth certificate labeled "STATE OF NEW YORK".

Now that's extreme self-delusion. Göbbels would say, "if the Fúhrer wishes it, two plus two equals five!"

And that's insanity, both on the part of the perpetraitor and on the part of the sycophant. In NO way does it constitute "criticizing their own".

I've stated many times I listen both right wing and left wing radio. The left wing radio I listen to is very partisan and very harsh. They dont hold back, and they all really really dont like trump. If his lying about his fathers birth place was an issue, believe me, they would have brought it up.

My point still stands. Sure, not in every case, will then right bash their own, but they do. It's a trait I've not heard from any of these left wing talk shows I listen to. They just dont do it. To them, all Democrats are justified and do not ever do anything wrong, and they stand behind them no matter what.

The right wing talk show hosts will frequently take other Republicans to task for things they have done wrong.

Make no mistake, however, if the right wing talk hosts feel the Republican was in the right about something, they will defend them, but they are in general, more critical of their own.

How convenient that you can't back any of this up.

Rump's issue is not that he lies about where his father was born. It's that he has no relationship with REALITY. I don't really give a rat's ass if the purported "left wing radio" you claim to listen to failed to bring it up, it's there and it cannot be denied it's there. And it's repeated over and over.

Again quoting Göbbels: "If the Führer wishes it, two and two make five!". Or in this case if the Furrier wishes it, "the Bronx" is "a very wonderful place in Germany". How the fuck can any organization, let alone a country, function with a head who's completely divorced from reality?

I mean this is really REALLY basic stuff. Generally people with this degree of dementia are watched by nurses.
Maybe we should lobby to pass an upper age range for POTUS?

I have no idea where his father was born. I wasnt aware that was even an issue....

The birthplace isn't. The fact that Rump has been deliberately lying about that birthplace --- in spite of the whole world already knowing it's bullshit, yet he goes right on doing it ---- speaks volumes about his mental issues. And the fact that zero of his cult followers can summon up the stones to admit he's lying through his teeth, addresses your cherrypicking in the post I quoted.
Also how was I cherry picking? You made a reply to my post in which you talk about trumpers not acknowledging trumps lies about his father's birthplace, I simply responded that I didnt know this was even an issue. I've not heard any of the talk shows I listen to even bring it up

"The talk shows you listen to"? That may be a starting point....

"Cherrypicking" applies to this:
The right will criticize their own, you'll hardly ever find anyone on the left who will do the same.

That's your post, it's still sitting right there above.

I then gave you a stunning example of the reverse.

Wanna read it? Exhibit A. And every one of that poster's idiocies thereafter. He sits there and tells the world "his father WAS born in Germany" ---- while staring straight at the man's birth certificate labeled "STATE OF NEW YORK".

Now that's extreme self-delusion. Göbbels would say, "if the Fúhrer wishes it, two plus two equals five!"

And that's insanity, both on the part of the perpetraitor and on the part of the sycophant. In NO way does it constitute "criticizing their own".

I've stated many times I listen both right wing and left wing radio. The left wing radio I listen to is very partisan and very harsh. They dont hold back, and they all really really dont like trump. If his lying about his fathers birth place was an issue, believe me, they would have brought it up.

My point still stands. Sure, not in every case, will then right bash their own, but they do. It's a trait I've not heard from any of these left wing talk shows I listen to. They just dont do it. To them, all Democrats are justified and do not ever do anything wrong, and they stand behind them no matter what.

The right wing talk show hosts will frequently take other Republicans to task for things they have done wrong.

Make no mistake, however, if the right wing talk hosts feel the Republican was in the right about something, they will defend them, but they are in general, more critical of their own.

How convenient that you can't back any of this up.

Rump's issue is not that he lies about where his father was born. It's that he has no relationship with REALITY. I don't really give a rat's ass if the purported "left wing radio" you claim to listen to failed to bring it up, it's there and it cannot be denied it's there. And it's repeated over and over.

Again quoting Göbbels: "If the Führer wishes it, two and two make five!". Or in this case if the Furrier wishes it, "the Bronx" is "a very wonderful place in Germany". How the fuck can any organization, let alone a country, function with a head who's completely divorced from reality?

I mean this is really REALLY basic stuff. Generally people with this degree of dementia are watched by nurses.

Limbaugh blasts GOP establishment: You created Trump

Hannity to Republicans in Congress: Get back to work

Hannity slams GOP's 'see what sticks' health care strategy

It may not be riveting stuff, but yeah, the right holds their own to task when they feel their party isnt holding up to what they said they would do.
Young people are the most progressive generation in history. If young people voted at the same percentage as older people, they could transform this country.
This latest survey (post the redacted Mueller report,) is a bit of "bad news" for Trump.....not only in his attempts to obstruct justice, but ALSO of his incompetence in such attempts.

As a reminder to the simple math challenged, Trump sycophants, 64% is almost 2 out of 3 voters.

Bad news for Trump: 64% of Americans think attempting and failing to obstruct justice is as bad as obstructing justice

Only degenerate lowlife pieces of shits respond to polls. Degenerate lowlife pieces of shits aren’t real keen on Trump.
Do good productive people respond to political polls?
This latest survey (post the redacted Mueller report,) is a bit of "bad news" for Trump.....not only in his attempts to obstruct justice, but ALSO of his incompetence in such attempts.

As a reminder to the simple math challenged, Trump sycophants, 64% is almost 2 out of 3 voters.

Bad news for Trump: 64% of Americans think attempting and failing to obstruct justice is as bad as obstructing justice
This is like asking people if it’s still wrong to try trip someone unsuccessfully. No shit Sherlock. Too bad this doesn’t apply to trump. The first question is, is how does one have intent to obstruct a crime they didn’t commit? Further how do you prove and prosecute this? It’s an oxymoron.
Only degenerate lowlife pieces of shits respond to polls. Degenerate lowlife pieces of shits aren’t real keen on Trump.

Since the laxatives don;t seem to work for you.......perhaps an enema???

This latest survey (post the redacted Mueller report,) is a bit of "bad news" for Trump.....not only in his attempts to obstruct justice, but ALSO of his incompetence in such attempts.

As a reminder to the simple math challenged, Trump sycophants, 64% is almost 2 out of 3 voters.

Bad news for Trump: 64% of Americans think attempting and failing to obstruct justice is as bad as obstructing justice
only as much as attempted murder is as bad as murder

or attempted robbery is as bad as robbery,,,

^ What progressive hunter said ^

Also nat4900 you bring to mind my prolife friends
who believe that aborting an unborn child is as bad as murder.
And ATTEMPTING to abort and FAILING should also be banned as illegal,
the same as murder or attempted murder.

In those cases, when "someone else" equates them as the same,
opponents argue "that's YOUR belief" and believe
"those people can be under that laws, but can't impose it on others"

So in this case, with attempted but failed obstruction of justice,
I'd ask the same of you and the other "64%" of polled voters:
Would YOU agree to have THIS STANDARD applied to YOU:
that if YOU were SUSPECTED of "attempted but failed obstruction"
would YOU agree to confess and accept charges and sentencing
that applies to CONVICTION OF OBSTRUCTION? Or would you FIGHT it
as Trump is?

Would you react as he is? or would you AGREE to accept charges
just for SUSPECTED ATTEMPT? nat4900
This latest survey (post the redacted Mueller report,) is a bit of "bad news" for Trump.....not only in his attempts to obstruct justice, but ALSO of his incompetence in such attempts.

As a reminder to the simple math challenged, Trump sycophants, 64% is almost 2 out of 3 voters.

Bad news for Trump: 64% of Americans think attempting and failing to obstruct justice is as bad as obstructing justice

Once again you prove yourself a fucking LIAR, nothing in the story says voters were polled, it only mentions Americans. So shove your 2 out of 3 voters propaganda.

This latest survey (post the redacted Mueller report,) is a bit of "bad news" for Trump.....not only in his attempts to obstruct justice, but ALSO of his incompetence in such attempts.

As a reminder to the simple math challenged, Trump sycophants, 64% is almost 2 out of 3 voters.

Bad news for Trump: 64% of Americans think attempting and failing to obstruct justice is as bad as obstructing justice
only as much as attempted murder is as bad as murder

or attempted robbery is as bad as robbery,,,

^ What progressive hunter said ^

Also nat4900 you bring to mind my prolife friends
who believe that aborting an unborn child is as bad as murder.
And ATTEMPTING to abort and FAILING should also be banned as illegal,
the same as murder or attempted murder.

In those cases, when "someone else" equates them as the same,
opponents argue "that's YOUR belief" and believe
"those people can be under that laws, but can't impose it on others"

So in this case, with attempted but failed obstruction of justice,
I'd ask the same of you and the other "64%" of polled voters:
Would YOU agree to have THIS STANDARD applied to YOU:
that if YOU were SUSPECTED of "attempted but failed obstruction"
would YOU agree to confess and accept charges and sentencing
that applies to CONVICTION OF OBSTRUCTION? Or would you FIGHT it
as Trump is?

Would you react as he is? or would you AGREE to accept charges
just for SUSPECTED ATTEMPT? @nat4000

abortion isnt as bad as murder ,,,it is murder,,,,

the rest of your comment is incoherent babble,,,

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