68% of FOX viewers blame left wing for January 6th...trying to make trump look bad

Why did Pelosi set up a kangaroo committee full of Trump hating Democrats and two RINOs?
After Pelosi rightfully denied Banks and Jordan a spot, pussy McCarthy pulled the remaining (R) candidates.
But are you sticking with no guns at J6 insurrection attempt, just at BLM riots?
Once again, I never claimed that there weren't any guns present on January 6th. There were also guns at antifa/blm riots. Anything else?
Have the Capitol Police, Pelosi, Mayor Bowser been questioned about the woefully understaffed security Jim? How about Ray Epps? How about the "bi-partisan panel" of 9 rabid Trump haters?
Maybe they figured it was all Trump supporters, all of them innocent little angels. Certainly not the type of crowd that would drag around a gallows, and threaten to hang the VP
Here’s your answer post #41
Here’s your answer post #41
Is there a establsihed rule in the House that the Speaker gets to pick everybody who is on a committee? I believe Pelosi violated long established precedent. At any rate I personally have no interest in watching a biased committee conduct an witch hunt.


The fault originally lies with Pelosi, who created the Jan. 6 select committee. House rules and practice dictate that the minority be allowed to choose members of the committee. But when House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) submitted five choices, Pelosi broke a long precedent by vetoing two of them. Pelosi did not try to hide or talk around the fact that she had taken unprecedented action. "The unprecedented nature of Jan. 6 demands this unprecedented decision," she said at the time. The move was so momentous Politico reported it "sent shock waves through the House."
trump knew there were weapons and he did not care...the POS...
More hearsay evidence from the White House aide.

Why would Trump offer 20,000 National Guards to Congress if he wanted the protestors to use weapons in an insurrection?

Those aren't questions. Your underlying assertion is false.

This is common among the TDS afflicted. If it's any consolation, you aren't alone.

There is a mountain of video that is not included in the democrat's star chamber.

The breach was organized by the FBI, and Trump supporters were directed onto the Capitol grounds, and then inside the building using standard crowd control techniques. That's why the people like Ray Epps will never be asked to testify, and the fake pipe bomb hoax just died under the weight of it's own contradictions.

There is video of the operatives removing the signs and barriers on the approach while Trump was still giving his speech. So that when the crowd marched to the Capitol, they did not know they were entering a restricted area. They just went where they were told.

This is part and parcel of how the FBI operates today. We saw it in the Whitmer fake kidnapping hoax, and we saw it when they infiltrated the Trump campaign in 2016. We've seen it over and over at Trump's rallies. Lefties and FBI goons dressed up like brown shirts- you guys eat that shit up. All those identically dressed "militants", with matching outfits and crew cuts, lol. It's really pretty comical if you ask me.

Read the timeline from the DCNG memo. They were prepared to stop any breach, but were not allowed to help for over 3 hours, by which time it way too late to actually prevent anything...

None of this matters anymore- no one is ever held accountable. Another election is around the corner, and we'll see who comes out in November.

The breach was organized by the FBI, and Trump supporters were directed onto the Capitol grounds, and then inside the building using standard crowd control techniques.

Utter bullshit. The first ones to break into the Capitol were Proud Boys, who went to D.C. planning on breaking in.

And Epps did testify. You don't know what you're talking about.

The breach was organized by the FBI, and Trump supporters were directed onto the Capitol grounds, and then inside the building using standard crowd control techniques.

Utter bullshit. The first ones to break into the Capitol were Proud Boys, who went to D.C. planning on breaking in.
And Epps did testify. You don't know what you're talking about.
No, he was interviewed by the J6 cmte. and that was it. The DOJ said they were "preparing a statement", but it was never released.

Epps directed the initial breach, it's on video. He led the group that relocated the barriers, and it was his guy on top of the media tower with the megaphone. He was one of the most active participants there, both before and during.

Regular Trump supporters were charged with just being there, based on geofencing phone pings. Epps was on the FBI's "most wanted" list at first, and he was quickly identified. Then he mysteriously disappeared from the wanted list without explanation, and the DOJ pretended they didn't know he existed.

I will leave you the last word cuz I know how liberals are. Like I said- none of this means anything. There is no rule of law at the Federal level. It's just secret police bullshit. Democrats are the genuine fascists in the US.

This is just incredible!
It sure is, because the truth be known, 100% of all voters would throw out the Democrat bums who've been lyin' since Hillary Rodham got her grubs around the neck of the Constitution she is destroying one cut at a time. And the rest of the country who isn't under her wicked spell objects to the lies, lies on lies, and stinking lies that come vomiting out of her mouth whenever she speaks.

No, he was interviewed by the J6 cmte. and that was it. The DOJ said they were "preparing a statement", but it was never released.

Epps directed the initial breach, it's on video. He led the group that relocated the barriers, and it was his guy on top of the media tower with the megaphone. He was one of the most active participants there, both before and during.

Regular Trump supporters were charged with just being there, based on geofencing phone pings. Epps was on the FBI's "most wanted" list at first, and he was quickly identified. Then he mysteriously disappeared from the wanted list without explanation, and the DOJ pretended they didn't know he existed.

I will leave you the last word cuz I know how liberals are. Like I said- none of this means anything. There is no rule of law at the Federal level. It's just secret police bullshit. Democrats are the genuine fascists in the US.
outta the park, para bellum.

No, he was interviewed by the J6 cmte. and that was it. The DOJ said they were "preparing a statement", but it was never released.

Epps directed the initial breach, it's on video. He led the group that relocated the barriers, and it was his guy on top of the media tower with the megaphone. He was one of the most active participants there, both before and during.

Regular Trump supporters were charged with just being there, based on geofencing phone pings. Epps was on the FBI's "most wanted" list at first, and he was quickly identified. Then he mysteriously disappeared from the wanted list without explanation, and the DOJ pretended they didn't know he existed.

I will leave you the last word cuz I know how liberals are. Like I said- none of this means anything. There is no rule of law at the Federal level. It's just secret police bullshit. Democrats are the genuine fascists in the US.

Tarrio wasn't at the Capitol on Sedition Day. And Tarrio didn't want Proud Boys to storm the Capitol. But they did so anyway. I showed you video of them being the first to break in. Those were among the ones charged with seditious conspiracy; because it was planned.

And Epps didn't direct anyone to "relocate barriers."

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