6th grader admits to making ancient symbol in mulch at school

At lease of of those were make by pro-clinton supporters according to police who found the culprits

For your information I haven't done LSD for at least two weeks.
Ancient symbol it might be, but the modern times have added new weight onto the symbol. Is he thinking for himself? I doubt it.
The Swastika is about 12 thousands years old and it means "well being" or "good luck". Hitler only started using it in the 1930'S (?) to mean something entirely different.

To allow the swastika to symbolize the atrocities of the Nazis would be the same as to allow "Democracy" symbolize the atrocities committed by the USA and Bush Baby in Irak ....... just because the US "claims" to be the leader of Democracy.
Ancient symbol it might be, but the modern times have added new weight onto the symbol. Is he thinking for himself? I doubt it.
The Swastika is about 12 thousands years old and it means "well being" or "good luck". Hitler only started using it in the 1930'S (?) to mean something entirely different.

To allow the swastika to symbolize the atrocities of the Nazis would be the same as to allow "Democracy" symbolize the atrocities committed by the USA and Bush Baby in Irak ....... just because the US "claims" to be the leader of Democracy.

I know what it is. That's not the point. The point is that sometimes things get tainted. In the US the swastika means something different than in South Korea. So... kids have to learn what they mean in their own society.
To allow the swastika to symbolize the atrocities of the Nazis would be the same as to allow "Democracy" symbolize the atrocities committed by the USA and Bush Baby in Irak ........
I know what it is. That's not the point. The point is that sometimes things get tainted. In the US the swastika means something different than in South Korea. So... kids have to learn what they mean in their own society.
I understand what you mean, and I understand that you mean well. But I disagree completely. Your line will NEVER get to the heart of the matter. Symbols have been given MUCH TOO MUCH credibility. Look, the world (the west world in particular) is filled with symbolic Political correctness. That's why USMB (and every other forum) is filled with pseudo-knowledge/insight. These discussions are jam packed with symbolic insults and short-cut wisdom - none of it insightful in the least.

"Typical Conservative!"
These things mean nothing. Nothing at all. But 'you' are using them as symbols for something out of your imagination. Do Jews faint on the spot when they walk passed a Buddhist temple and see the swastika? Honest people express honest emotions. Black people in the US often call one another "n-i-g-g-e-r". So what? The problem is political correctness. They call each other n-i-g-g-e-r but you can't. I can't even type it out here in this message! Why not? You are so fucking politically correct in the US that you use the term "Pollack" as slander to Americans of Polish descent .Do you know what the Polish word for people from Poland is? Pollack. Same thing with the term "Jew". Americans think it's slanderous and instead say "He is Jewish" rather than "He is a Jew." Crazy! Simply crazy!

Symbols & slurs need to be run ragged rather than forbidding them. Let people use them! Let people express them! The sting will wear off quickly.
To allow the swastika to symbolize the atrocities of the Nazis would be the same as to allow "Democracy" symbolize the atrocities committed by the USA and Bush Baby in Irak ........
I know what it is. That's not the point. The point is that sometimes things get tainted. In the US the swastika means something different than in South Korea. So... kids have to learn what they mean in their own society.
I understand what you mean, and I understand that you mean well. But I disagree completely. Your line will NEVER get to the heart of the matter. Symbols have been given MUCH TOO MUCH credibility. Look, the world (the west world in particular) is filled with symbolic Political correctness. That's why USMB (and every other forum) is filled with pseudo-knowledge/insight. These discussions are jam packed with symbolic insults and short-cut wisdom - none of it insightful in the least.

"Typical Conservative!"
These things mean nothing. Nothing at all. But 'you' are using them as symbols for something out of your imagination. Do Jews faint on the spot when they walk passed a Buddhist temple and see the swastika? Honest people express honest emotions. Black people in the US often call one another "n-i-g-g-e-r". So what? The problem is political correctness. They call each other n-i-g-g-e-r but you can't. I can't even type it out here in this message! Why not? You are so fucking politically correct in the US that you use the term "Pollack" as slander to Americans of Polish descent .Do you know what the Polish word for people from Poland is? Pollack. Same thing with the term "Jew". Americans think it's slanderous and instead say "He is Jewish" rather than "He is a Jew." Crazy! Simply crazy!

Symbols & slurs need to be run ragged rather than forbidding them. Let people use them! Let people express them! The sting will wear off quickly.

Symbols have been given too much meaning, and it was the far right which gave too much meaning to the swastika, it's tainted and there's nothing you can do about it. You can talk about PC stuff all you like, but PC exists because people don't want others going around making hate all the time.
Symbols & slurs need to be run ragged rather than forbidding them. Let people use them! Let people express them! The sting will wear off quickly.
........ You can talk about PC stuff all you like, but PC exists because people don't want others going around making hate all the time.
But that's my point ..... there is no "hate" in symbols and catch phrases.I can say n-i-g-g-e-r all day long without any "hate". Buddhists can wear the swastika all day long without "hate". I don't think you understood me.
Symbols & slurs need to be run ragged rather than forbidding them. Let people use them! Let people express them! The sting will wear off quickly.
........ You can talk about PC stuff all you like, but PC exists because people don't want others going around making hate all the time.
But that's my point ..... there is no "hate" in symbols and catch phrases.I can say n-i-g-g-e-r all day long without any "hate". Buddhists can wear the swastika all day long without "hate". I don't think you understood me.

No, I probably don't, because you appear to be ignoring the reality.

You might have no hate, but how does someone know that? You walk up to a random black person and say "hey n-g-er" and are they going to think you have no hate? No they're not.
Symbols & slurs need to be run ragged rather than forbidding them. Let people use them! Let people express them! The sting will wear off quickly.
........ You can talk about PC stuff all you like, but PC exists because people don't want others going around making hate all the time.
But that's my point ..... there is no "hate" in symbols and catch phrases.I can say n-i-g-g-e-r all day long without any "hate". Buddhists can wear the swastika all day long without "hate". I don't think you understood me.

No, I probably don't, because you appear to be ignoring the reality.

You might have no hate, but how does someone know that? You walk up to a random black person and say "hey n-g-er" and are they going to think you have no hate? No they're not.
I don't think the depth of your understanding is adequate for this subject.
The swastika is an ancient symbol used by many cultures. The Nazis hijacked it. If they would had used a cross or crescent moon, would those symbols be banned today?
And if your uncle was a woman, he'd be your aunt. So. What.

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Swastika has many meanings. It's not just a Nazi symbol.
For example in many Asian countries you can find swastikas in temples
You can even find Buddha statues with a forehead swastika
I'm telling this just to say swastikas are not always a Nazi symbol :)
I agree it's pretty stupid. He's 12 or 13. He drew a symbol. So what?

Did he say something offensive to someone? Did he physically attack anyone? No, he just drew a symbol. Who cares?
Swastika has many meanings. It's not just a Nazi symbol.
For example in many Asian countries you can find swastikas in temples
You can even find Buddha statues with a forehead swastika
I'm telling this just to say swastikas are not always a Nazi symbol :)
It's a shame you weren't there to advise the kid.
Hitler is back in fashion
I don't consider Hitler a "fashion" but yes the Jews grip on the minds of people is slipping and quickly. With the internet now widely available ideas that the Jew has wanted hidden or suppressed are now widely available.
I went to a rather prestigious private Catholic school when in sixth grade, in the mid 1960s.

At recess, the boys in free recess would have war games out in the parking lot. Half would be the Allies and wear self-made American flag armbands. The other half would be the Axis and wear self-made Nazi armbands. We would run around and bang-bang with toy guns brought to school or something in our hands to substitute. We would kill, take prisoners, and yes, interrogate.

Now, can you imagine, in this girlish day and age (sorry ladies but it's a point), a reporter running across such a scene? It would make the front page - photos of screaming children in Nazi armbands and blue bowties - the school would be closed, the children sent to psychologists and the parents under the thumb of Child Services.

Holy shit, what nonsense that would be.

Meh --- not so sure. I went to school before that and distinctly remember doodling a swastika in first grade.
(Why? Just doodling, five years old, no meaning) The kid sitting next to me shrieked and said to me, "you can get arrested for making a Nazi sign like that!" I just looked at him with the five-year-old's equivalent of "what the fuck?"

That was the 1950s dood. Eisenhower era.
Not sure things are so different now as we like to whine and imagine that they are.

which direction, clockwise or counter clockwise? horizontal or diagonal?


a game with a few sides missing

Was it made with the intention of hate, racism or violence? or just a design

I honestly don't remember which direction --- at five years old I wasn't aware of any such distinctions or meanings. I was just trying to learn to draw. And it was something I had seen enough of to try to copy, and of course simple enough to do it (turned out I have no drawing ability). But I've always been fascinated with symbols and writing.

It was the reaction of the kid next to me that I remember vividly. He seemed to have been, I dunno, channeled into a rigid unbending thought process -- as if he thought it was his duty to control what somebody else was doing.

The point of all this was the date, and the illusion that this "PC" concept is somehow something new. It isn't.
ancient symbol lol you nazis crack me up......its not a klan hood its a spooky ghost costume
Dear PurpleOwl and theHawk
In Buddhism there is a symbol using a swastika that is flipped the other way. Do you think people can tell the difference?

Of course the average person will see it as a Nazi symbol and react accordingly.

If you know people are going to associate it with Hitler and the Jewish Holocaust, of course you take precautions.

I have family photos of me at a traditional Vietnamese Buddhist funeral service for my father who was highly respected in that community. In the picture I'm wearing traditional white on my head but it looks like a pointed white hood. And the symbol on the cloth is one of those reverse swastikas.

Can you imagine if I ran for public office and that photo leaked out? Of me wearing a white pointy hood standing next to a swastika?
I guess all these were drawn by north vietnamese buddhists as well?





No, liberals drew those. You do realize that, right?
Anyway, how does a 6-year-old kick together a symbol of that size, with near-perfect uniformity, impeccable geometric proportions on length/width/corners, and leaving not a sing leaf over around the perimeter? I smell a hoax.

Next, we will find this boy or girl out in a cornfield with a board, faking crop circles.
It was the Nazis who borrowed the symbol from Buddhism .... not the other way around.
Doesn't the cross spin in reverse?
Buddhism works by independent investigation and freedom of thought not indoctrination, even to the point where nonviolence allows oppression and bullying to overrun others by not fighting back with force.

Hitler 's Nazism was the opposite in imposing and carrying out collective dogma by political oppression and deadly force .

Going against natural laws of justice and peace is the lawless selfish spirit of antichrist. Hitler is seen historically as an antichrist figure, and now the armageddonist Zionists and Jihadist terrorists who wage religious war instead of seeking peace.

The faithful Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Bahai, Universalists, secular humanists all seek peace by establishing truth and avoiding political wars.

If you look at the common factors among peacemaking believers, they all live by Restorative Justice not political coercion. So this is the same key to the Kingdom of God or world peace that is represented by Christ Jesus and the unifying message of salvation for humanity.

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