$7.00 a day


Gold Member
Nov 1, 2008
A couple of months ago, one of our television stations started a campaign called "Why the Fork?" They were complaining that the poor only live on $7.00 a day for food. They asked everyone to try this for a week to see how hard it is, well I did the math and we live on less than $7.00 a day for food for each person in our family. We're not "poor". Maybe they're getting too much money? Or maybe, the elite don't have any idea what it's like to truly be middle class and actually have to plan and cook your meals.
Bear in mind, in nations where Progressive ideology rules, that $7/day puts you in the top 2% of all subjects
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They asked everyone to try this for a week to see how hard it is, well I did the math and we live on less than $7.00 a day for food for each person in our family.
What do you eat, just rice and beans?
Only the middle class cook at their homes?

Funny - I have shrimp and T-Bones on the "Barbie" at the moment. Excuse me while I grab another Corona - and I can assure you - I ain't rich, nor on foodstamps!!

I think your math is pretty good Againsheila.

Sans calculator I'd say that even allows for going out to eat at a halfway decent restaurant from time to time. I eat a lot of pasta, eggs, frozen veggies, rice and a little more than my share of meats and imagine I could swing that.

Of course if you count alcohol that blows my average completely. :lol:
A couple of months ago, one of our television stations started a campaign called "Why the Fork?" They were complaining that the poor only live on $7.00 a day for food. They asked everyone to try this for a week to see how hard it is, well I did the math and we live on less than $7.00 a day for food for each person in our family. We're not "poor". Maybe they're getting too much money? Or maybe, the elite don't have any idea what it's like to truly be middle class and actually have to plan and cook your meals.

We are at home most of the time, so we spend less than that. Since I'm poor, I should apply for Food Stamps.
I grow a lot of my own veg, and certainly my own herbs. Can I live well on $7 a day, yea... even in the UK it's perfectly doable..... Shop sensibly, don't buy what you don't need, shop at the right time, get bargains, use a freezer. Simple.
They asked everyone to try this for a week to see how hard it is, well I did the math and we live on less than $7.00 a day for food for each person in our family.
What do you eat, just rice and beans?

No, we buy chicken, roasts, fresh vegetables, we have salad almost every night and this time of year we get lettuce from our garden. When bread is over $2.00 a loaf, I make my own for pennies. I save our left overs and make garbage soup once a week which is a favorite of many in this house. I cook up hams with bones, then boil the bones and make bean soup. I put in onions, celery and carrots....it's good. A spiral sliced ham, bought on sale can feed us for 3 meals and still provide sandwich meat. (one of those meals being the soup)

Breakfast is usually toast or oatmeal or cream of wheat, we hardly ever buy those big boxes of cereal as they are so expensive and so sugary. I don't buy instant oatmeal, I use regular and if I want instant, I run it through the blender and put it in little sandwich bags.

We get apples at Costco, oranges at Winco and I save coupons and shop sales.

Chicken is a staple and I can cook it whole..I never fry it anymore. I bake it. When I feel like it, I boil up the bones and make broth which I can use in other meals, or to make chicken soup. I almost never buy cans of soup except for mushroom soup which we use is many casseroles. I also buy tomato soup on occasion when I want something that reminds me of my childhood.

Hamburger, I make meatloaf, spaghetti, spanish rice, etc.

I make my own bisquick. It's easy and it saves a bunch of money. I do use Krustes pancake mix because I can't make pancakes from scratch that taste that good.

We also buy some quick meals, like frozen pizza and chicken tenders and we still make it with less than $7.00 a day per person. And my husband can't seem to live without pop but we still have food bills under $7.00 a day.
They asked everyone to try this for a week to see how hard it is, well I did the math and we live on less than $7.00 a day for food for each person in our family.
What do you eat, just rice and beans?

No, we buy chicken, roasts, fresh vegetables, we have salad almost every night and this time of year we get lettuce from our garden. When bread is over $2.00 a loaf, I make my own for pennies. I save our left overs and make garbage soup once a week which is a favorite of many in this house. I cook up hams with bones, then boil the bones and make bean soup. I put in onions, celery and carrots....it's good. A spiral sliced ham, bought on sale can feed us for 3 meals and still provide sandwich meat. (one of those meals being the soup)

Breakfast is usually toast or oatmeal or cream of wheat, we hardly ever buy those big boxes of cereal as they are so expensive and so sugary. I don't buy instant oatmeal, I use regular and if I want instant, I run it through the blender and put it in little sandwich bags.

We get apples at Costco, oranges at Winco and I save coupons and shop sales.

Chicken is a staple and I can cook it whole..I never fry it anymore. I bake it. When I feel like it, I boil up the bones and make broth which I can use in other meals, or to make chicken soup. I almost never buy cans of soup except for mushroom soup which we use is many casseroles. I also buy tomato soup on occasion when I want something that reminds me of my childhood.

Hamburger, I make meatloaf, spaghetti, spanish rice, etc.

I make my own bisquick. It's easy and it saves a bunch of money. I do use Krustes pancake mix because I can't make pancakes from scratch that taste that good.

We also buy some quick meals, like frozen pizza and chicken tenders and we still make it with less than $7.00 a day per person. And my husband can't seem to live without pop but we still have food bills under $7.00 a day.

Sounds tasty!
i think the difference could be ...most of us have a pantry with spices.....we have the cooking methods..that allow us to cook a tough piece of meat etc...plus you have the diversity of places to shop....i shop at several chains for deals and then farmers markets....ect....but the ghetto only has one high priced store and there are no farmers markets...etc...
You mean $7 per day - per person?
Hmm...well there is 4 of us..so $28x7 days = $196 per week.
yeah...that would not be hard at all.
Depending on what we buy, we spend anywhere from $60 - $100 a week at the butcher.
And then about another $60-$90 for produce and other stuff.
Hell - we eat pretty good for LESS than $196 a week!

P.S. - now we do grow several of our own spices...basil, rosemary, thyme, cilantro and parsley.
We also grow some tomatoes and peppers in the summer.
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A couple of months ago, one of our television stations started a campaign called "Why the Fork?" They were complaining that the poor only live on $7.00 a day for food. They asked everyone to try this for a week to see how hard it is, well I did the math and we live on less than $7.00 a day for food for each person in our family. We're not "poor". Maybe they're getting too much money? Or maybe, the elite don't have any idea what it's like to truly be middle class and actually have to plan and cook your meals.

That is some pointless crap girlfren. $7 a day for food "too much money"?

Sheila...Sorry to see that your brain disease is advancing. Must be tough will all of your other troubles.

Good luck.

…we still make it with less than $7.00 a day per person.

How many people in your home? If 4 you’re living on $28 a day. Did the local television station indicate if the amount was per person or per household? And if the latter did it indicate the number of persons in the household? Perhaps a poor family of four is living off of $7.00 per day, a very different story.

Without knowing his information your thread is pointless.

Or is your point some rightist nonsense that poverty in America is a myth, and that the poor have only themselves to blame.
just eat boiled potatoes , bean burritos. I can eat for less than 7 bucks a day.
i think the difference could be ...most of us have a pantry with spices.....we have the cooking methods..that allow us to cook a tough piece of meat etc...plus you have the diversity of places to shop....i shop at several chains for deals and then farmers markets....ect....but the ghetto only has one high priced store and there are no farmers markets...etc...

You know, the first apartment I lived in, the halls were so dirty I called the Health Department. They said they couldn't do anything unless I saw a number of rats. I was so sick of it, I went into the hall and vacuumed it myself. A few minutes later, someone replaced a burnt out lightbulb. By the time we were done, we'd gotten the landlord to provide plants and paint, we put in a garden and painted the common room and everyone knew each other and we all felt safer. It only takes one person to change things.

I do not believe people in the ghetto can't plant gardens or have a farmer's market. If you live in a ghetto with only one high priced store, take a bus and get a shopping cart. Go once a week, or once every two weeks and you save on bus fare.

People way out in the country, yeah, I can understand them not having access to more than one store, but not the ones in the ghetto. And those in the country have land they can plant. I will admit, it's not easy to garden, but they can have chickens and such themselves. They can trade the eggs with neighbors for fresh fruits and vegetables, they can can. My neighbor cans every year. I don't, though this year, I'm considering picking black berries and putting up jam like my mom used to do. My neighbor isn't poor either and they live on less than $7 a day per person.
A couple of months ago, one of our television stations started a campaign called "Why the Fork?" They were complaining that the poor only live on $7.00 a day for food. They asked everyone to try this for a week to see how hard it is, well I did the math and we live on less than $7.00 a day for food for each person in our family. We're not "poor". Maybe they're getting too much money? Or maybe, the elite don't have any idea what it's like to truly be middle class and actually have to plan and cook your meals.

Another lie from the left, told to be able to continue to pay off there base with food stamps and AFDC.

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