7 MILLION to lose health care....

It takes 50 million people off of the EMTLA dole & puts half of them partly on Medicaid subsidy. They still have to pay for their coverage but the government subsidizes them. The rest will have to pay their own or their employer will pay.

dear Obama has openly said he for single payer. He has no interest in making the free market work as you claim!! Do you know what a free market is now???


Single payer is socialist. Guess what socialist leads to communism...lol :eusa_whistle:

EMTALA is communist!
They can make them become responsible in paying some of the costs for people on Medicaid but collecting it is another story.
What is going to happen is healthcare insurance will eventually just pay for catastrophic health issues while you pay for everything else during your lifetime under the disguise of out of pocket costs.

Which is exactly the way it should be because that is what insurance is. Insurance isn't supposed to pay for every single sniffle and sneeze. That's one reason why it's do damn expensive, but that is not the goal of ObamaCare nor will it be the result.

dear Obama has openly said he for single payer. He has no interest in making the free market work as you claim!! Do you know what a free market is now???

We stopped the Single Payer Obamacare plan. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is nothing like Obamacare. The Free Market more closely resembles the PPACA than the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) does.

The sheer number of completely opposite opinions that get bandied about is fascinating. It's single-payer, it's not single payer; it'll destroy insurance companies, the insurers wrote it to enrich themselves; it'll encourage catastrophic coverage, it'll forbid catastrophic coverage!

Whatever your greatest fear is, it's that!
The Free Market more closely resembles the PPACA than the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) does.

dear, the free market features people shopping with their own money and providers competing on the basis of price and quality. The ACA features next to nothing that would be called free market.

Do you try to make liberalism look especially dumb???
The Free Market more closely resembles the PPACA than the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) does.

dear, the free market features people shopping with their own money and providers competing on the basis of price and quality. The ACA features next to nothing that would be called free market.

Do you try to make liberalism look especially dumb???

We have have freely chosen private HSA high deductible insurance for $112 a month. It has a $2,500 max out of pocket deductible with 100% coverage after that. The $2,500 deductible has us price shopping & negotiating every time. It is way better than communist "Single Payer". I checked the Federal Insurance Pool prices & they were triple what we pay & had co-pays that don't max out of pocket.
This is what Reagan signing the EMTALA & Medicaid got us.

Conversation between an ER doc and his patient.
Me (after reading triage sheet and rolling my eyes): Hi, I’m Dr.____. I’m the doctor in charge of the EMERGENCY Department tonight. I see that you came by AMBULANCE. What was so bad that you had to call 9-1-1 at 3 AM to be rushed to the EMERGENCY ROOM by AMBULANCE? What is your MEDICAL EMERGENCY? What is your LIFE OR LIMB THREATENING problem??

Patient (clueless to the sarcasm): Oh, I think I’m pregnant again.

Me (thinking that this clueless girl still don’t get it): You must be in a lot of pain or bleeding severely to come in by ambulance, huh?

Patient: No. I just didn’t have a ride.

Me: So you’re not having any pain or vaginal bleeding?

Patient: No, no pain. No bleeding.

Me: Did you take a home pregnancy test?

Patient: I didn’t have one.

Me: You know they sell them at Walmart. They’re open 24 hrs.

Patient: Well I couldn’t go to Walmart in the middle of the night.

Me: So you took an ambulance?

Patient: Yeah, but my insurance will pay for it.

Me: Insurance? It says here that you’ve got Medicaid.

Patient: Yeah, that’s my insurance.

Me: No, dear. Medicaid is not insurance.

Patient (quickly interupting me): Yes it is! That’s my insurance!

Me: No, dear. Medicaid is not insurance. Medicaid is a government hand out! It’s only called insurance if you’re paying for it.

Patient: Well, what ever! Medicaid will pay for it.

Me: Good grief! You didn’t have to take a $400 ambulance to the hospital for a simple pregnancy test.

Patient: But I didn’t have a ride.

Me: You could have taken a cab. Surely you got $20 bucks for a cab. And those pregnancy tests are under $20 bucks at Walmart ya know. $400 bucks ambulance ride versus $20 bucks…You could have save us tax payers a lot of money, ya know.

Patient: My insurance will pay for the ambulance.

Me: Good grief! How many times do I have to tell you that Medicaid is not insurance? And it won’t pay for nonemergent problems.

A quick 5 seconds physical exam. Push on the belly, no pain. Scribbled the discharge instructions and handed to patient to sign:

Go to local pharmacy and buy a home pregnancy test. Follow up with your medicaid assigned gynecologist if positive. If having pain or vaginally bleeding, return to ER.

Patient: So you’re not gonna run a test to see if I’m pregnant?

Me: No, a possible pregnancy is not a medical EMERGENCY.

Patient: But my insurance will pay for it.

Me: Not if I don’t order it. And even if I did order it, Medicaid…Oh never mind, just go to Walmart or any drug store and get yourself a home pregnancy test, alright. They’re the same urine pregnancy test that we use in the hospital anyway, and it’s much cheaper, too.

Patient (indignantly): So how am I gonna get home now? I got 4 kids at home.

Me: Well, you should have thought about that before you took an ambulance. Surely you didn’t think that we would admit you to the hospital for a possible pregnancy, did you? Your kids are not at home by themselves are they?

Patient: You’re a mean doctor!

Me: No I’m not! If I was, I wouldn’t have ask about your kids. They’re not home alone by themselves are they?

Patient: No, they’re with a friend of mine.

Me: Alright. I’ll see if the charge nurse can help you with a cab voucher home. There’s also a cop here from your part of town. Maybe he can let you hitch a ride home in a while.
....thanks to ObamaCare and "what's in the bill".

Cameron Harris: CBO Estimates 7 Million to Lose Healthcare -- Just Like We Argued

Fast forward to Tuesday, February 5, 2013. The Congressional Budget Office released further estimates, again detailing the number of people who will be pushed out of their employer-based insurance coverage as reported by The Washington Times. Remember, their previous estimate was 3 million Americans. The new numbers? Upwards of 7 million Americans will lose their employer-offered coverage.

CBO said that changes in tax policy have made it less attractive to pay for insurance, and employers are instead choosing to pay a penalty to the government. Too bad if you liked your healthcare plan, you now have to purchase a plan from the federal government. The cheapest government family plan comes in at around 20 grand a year. And remember, the Act mandates that you must be covered by some form of insurance.

The Congressional Budget Office is just now telling us what I and numerous conservative voices have been saying since the details of the Affordable Care Act were released. Now, 7 million Americans will be forced to enter into government-sponsored healthcare exchanges after being promised multiple times that they would be able to keep whatever job-based insurance that they already had.

Nancy Pelosi’s infamous statement that we must “pass [Obamacare] to see what’s in it] is coming to fruition as more and more information is being released that is directly contradictory to what Obama, Pelosi, the media, and even a non-partisan Congressional Budget Office told us throughout debate over the law and after its passing.

It's not a bug, it's a feature.

The Left wants to destroy private insurance in order to create a crisis to push nationalized health care onto the entire country.
The Free Market more closely resembles the PPACA than the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) does.

dear, the free market features people shopping with their own money and providers competing on the basis of price and quality. The ACA features next to nothing that would be called free market.

Do you try to make liberalism look especially dumb???

We have have freely chosen private HSA high deductible insurance for $112 a month. It has a $2,500 max out of pocket deductible with 100% coverage after that. The $2,500 deductible has us price shopping & negotiating every time. It is way better than communist "Single Payer". I checked the Federal Insurance Pool prices & they were triple what we pay & had co-pays that don't max out of pocket.

Why do you have to price shop when all you have to do is get a copy of your insurance's fee schedule of what codes they will pay and how much. Price shopping only matters if you are going out of network.
What is going to happen is healthcare insurance will eventually just pay for catastrophic health issues while you pay for everything else during your lifetime under the disguise of out of pocket costs.

Which is exactly the way it should be because that is what insurance is. Insurance isn't supposed to pay for every single sniffle and sneeze. That's one reason why it's do damn expensive, but that is not the goal of ObamaCare nor will it be the result.

dear Obama has openly said he for single payer. He has no interest in making the free market work as you claim!! Do you know what a free market is now???

We stopped the Single Payer Obamacare plan. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is nothing like Obamacare. The Free Market more closely resembles the PPACA than the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) does.

The sheer number of completely opposite opinions that get bandied about is fascinating. It's single-payer, it's not single payer; it'll destroy insurance companies, the insurers wrote it to enrich themselves; it'll encourage catastrophic coverage, it'll forbid catastrophic coverage!

Whatever your greatest fear is, it's that!

The truth is that the plan is a rehashed republican plan that will do nothing about cost, be a boondoggle for health insurers and cover a bunch more people. It will be better for some, worse for others and not matter to most.

The question I have for those against any government health care is this.

How do you fix a problem you do not control?

The entire system is broken from one end to the other. I agree, Obama-care won't solve much, if any, of it. So what is the solution? We have hospitals raping us thanks to insane cost. We have doctors with 3-4 secretaries to handle the paperwork loads from 12 insurers and 3 government programs, which means insane cost to patients. Every level of the system is broke. And everything I have heard proposed is a band aid.

The rest of the civilized world has solved the problem to one degree or another. And before someone starts in about socialism, I don't give a rats ass what labels you put on it.

A tax or a premium, I couldn't care less. All I care about is how much it cost me. If it can be fixed with a private system great. Nobody in the world has been able to do that so far as I know but if you can show me an example I will be the first to get in line. If it can't, then stop with all the pathetic scare tactics and lets make it happen.
How do you fix a problem you do not control?

you let capitalism control it , of course!!

1) people shop with their own money

2) providers compete on the basis of price and quality

these are things a child would know, but not a liberal.

IF children can't vote why can liberals??

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