7 MILLION to lose health care....

Before you start home work out warmed up your body and get ready for work out,
this work out is for abdomen place, hands and even include your spinal place, Drops are alternative to creating chest area place and hands muscular tissues....
Currently there are over 5 million private sector businesses in the U.S that employ 50 and under so the employer is not obligated to provide insurance, however 63% currently do on their full time employees. The affordable Care Act does have vague references to those currently providing benefits that somehow they become obligated to this new mandate but it does not specify yet how it will effect them.

Those 50 and under employers to be on the safe side might want to drop coverage altogether and make their employees become responsible for their healthcare costs. According to the news many of them are already which will result in the figure mentioned above.

The companies that employer over 50 are already 97% of them are covered for healthcare. United Healthcare expects 30 million that will have to obtain coverage and they can't wait for that to happen.

Did I also mention the new tax that every tax payer will have to pay in 2014, its approx $167 in added taxes for this new exchange program that is funded by us.
The affordable Care Act does have vague references to those currently providing benefits that somehow they become obligated to this new mandate but it does not specify yet how it will effect them.

as I read it, it said this was the baseline year during which the number of baseline employees is established; so it is important to fire your workers now lest you be rated as an over 50 employee business and then obligated to pay health insurance.
What sucks about Obamacare is the people whose income is above the 250% of FPL would pay higher in the exchange then their current healthplan they have with their employer so if their employer has under 50 employees and they drop coverage, this is going to piss off approx 65 million employees that are in this income group.
In 2017 large employer with over 50 employees can join the exchange which means higher cost to the employee. The transition to all individuals that will have to get their own health coverage will result in no longer will employers feel obligated to provide health benefits any longer.

Will we see a bigger paycheck as a result of it, I doubt it!
What is going to happen is healthcare insurance will eventually just pay for catastrophic health issues while you pay for everything else during your lifetime under the disguise of out of pocket costs.

Which is exactly the way it should be because that is what insurance is. Insurance isn't supposed to pay for every single sniffle and sneeze. That's one reason why it's do damn expensive, but that is not the goal of ObamaCare nor will it be the result.

Which is why I oppose the idea of forcing people to buy insurance
when that is not the same as paying for health care.

There are more sustainable and self-supporting ways to
cover health care services to be equally accessible and cost-effective, but those are not an equal option given the restrictions on opting-out that amount to unconstitutional
regulation and discrimination by federal govt on the basis of religion!

I am curious, which opting out restrictions are you referring to that are discriminatory?

FYI, this is an honest question. I had removed myself from the political field for a bit and am still a bit behind on catching up. :)
Which is exactly the way it should be because that is what insurance is. Insurance isn't supposed to pay for every single sniffle and sneeze. That's one reason why it's do damn expensive, but that is not the goal of ObamaCare nor will it be the result.

Which is why I oppose the idea of forcing people to buy insurance
when that is not the same as paying for health care.

There are more sustainable and self-supporting ways to
cover health care services to be equally accessible and cost-effective, but those are not an equal option given the restrictions on opting-out that amount to unconstitutional
regulation and discrimination by federal govt on the basis of religion!

I am curious, which opting out restrictions are you referring to that are discriminatory?

FYI, this is an honest question. I had removed myself from the political field for a bit and am still a bit behind on catching up. :)

The implementation of PPACA is turning out to be replete with exemptions and caveats for special interest groups. Far too many for me to list them for you. Under corporatism, all of us are equal, but some (depending on group or class) are more equal than others.
Which is why I oppose the idea of forcing people to buy insurance
when that is not the same as paying for health care.

There are more sustainable and self-supporting ways to
cover health care services to be equally accessible and cost-effective, but those are not an equal option given the restrictions on opting-out that amount to unconstitutional
regulation and discrimination by federal govt on the basis of religion!

I am curious, which opting out restrictions are you referring to that are discriminatory?

FYI, this is an honest question. I had removed myself from the political field for a bit and am still a bit behind on catching up. :)

The implementation of PPACA is turning out to be replete with exemptions and caveats for special interest groups. Far too many for me to list them for you. Under corporatism, all of us are equal, but some (depending on group or class) are more equal than others.

yes that is the fatal conceit. Barry thought he was so sweet and pure he could avoid being a crony capitalist facist. 70% of the money in his new age energy program went to his bundlers. Here is the facist bankruptcy record:

Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*
SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
Solyndra ($535 million)*
Beacon Power ($43 million)*
Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
SunPower ($1.2 billion)
First Solar ($1.46 billion)
Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
Amonix ($5.9 million)
Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
Abound Solar ($400 million)*
A123 Systems ($279 million)*
Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
Johnson Controls ($299 million)
Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
ECOtality ($126.2 million)
Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
Range Fuels ($80 million)*
Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*
Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*
GreenVolts ($500,000)
Vestas ($50 million)
LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($151 million)
Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
Navistar ($39 million)
Satcon ($3 million)*
Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*
Mascoma Corp. ($100 million)
*Denotes companies that have filed for bankruptcy=
This Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is way better than Single Payer Government Health Care. We still have private insurance & companies can shop for the best price allowing the free market to work. The PPACA just tells employers that no insurance & sham insurance is not an option. These companies will find the cheapest way possible to get everyone insured with the minimum PPACA requirements, otherwise they will have to pay a fine on top of the cost of health-care. This means fewer people will be on the EMTALA & Medicaid Government Dole. They pay their own way so I don't have to keep paying their bills.
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KissMy, was that a response to my question or...

If it was, it doesn't really answer what I was asking. If not, I apologize for interjecting myself needlessly.
We still have private insurance & companies can shop for the best price allowing the free market to work.

dear, what planet have you been on??? The free market was made illegal when competition between heath care companies was made illegal!!Moreover, when consumers don't shop with their own money and providers don't compete on the basis of price and quality there is no free market.

As a socialist Barry corrected none of this so there will be no free market at work in health care.

A Republican supply side free market would drive down costs 80% and save millions of lives all over the world.
Which is why I oppose the idea of forcing people to buy insurance when that is not the same as paying for health care.

There are more sustainable and self-supporting ways to cover health care services to be equally accessible and cost-effective, but those are not an equal option given the restrictions on opting-out that amount to unconstitutional regulation and discrimination by federal govt on the basis of religion!

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) signed into law by Ronald Reagan forces hospitals to treat every single sniffle and sneeze everyone regardless of their ability to pay. So every since then I have been paying for everyone else's care because companies & people discovered they did not have to pay. They knew tax payers & people who pay their bills or have insurance will pick up the tab.

Before the EMTALA a doctors visit was $3. Now it is $150. This is like telling people they can shop in any store & only have to pay if they can or have insurance. Now the PPACA forces everyone to pay for their own insurance instead of a new pair of Nike shoes. It gets them out of my pocket & off the government dole.
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Now the PPACA forces everyone to pay for their own insurance instead of a new pair of Nike shoes. It gets them out of my pocket & off the government dole.

Actually dear the current plan is to put 35 million new folks on Medicaid!! Sorry!! Obama had two communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders- remember???
Now the PPACA forces everyone to pay for their own insurance instead of a new pair of Nike shoes. It gets them out of my pocket & off the government dole.

Actually dear the current plan is to put 35 million new folks on Medicaid!! Sorry!! Obama had two communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders- remember???

It takes 50 million people off of the EMTALA dole & puts half of them partly on Medicaid subsidy. They still have to pay for their coverage but the government subsidizes them. The rest will have to pay their own or their employer will pay.
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Now the PPACA forces everyone to pay for their own insurance instead of a new pair of Nike shoes. It gets them out of my pocket & off the government dole.

Actually dear the current plan is to put 35 million new folks on Medicaid!! Sorry!! Obama had two communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders- remember???

It takes 50 million people off of the EMTLA dole & puts half of them partly on Medicaid subsidy. They still have to pay for their coverage but the government subsidizes them. The rest will have to pay their own or their employer will pay.

dear Obama has openly said he for single payer. He has no interest in making the free market work as you claim!! Do you know what a free market is now???
Actually dear the current plan is to put 35 million new folks on Medicaid!! Sorry!! Obama had two communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders- remember???

It takes 50 million people off of the EMTLA dole & puts half of them partly on Medicaid subsidy. They still have to pay for their coverage but the government subsidizes them. The rest will have to pay their own or their employer will pay.

dear Obama has openly said he for single payer. He has no interest in making the free market work as you claim!! Do you know what a free market is now???

We stopped the Single Payer Obamacare plan. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is nothing like Obamacare. The Free Market more closely resembles the PPACA than the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) does.
Now the PPACA forces everyone to pay for their own insurance instead of a new pair of Nike shoes. It gets them out of my pocket & off the government dole.

Actually dear the current plan is to put 35 million new folks on Medicaid!! Sorry!! Obama had two communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders- remember???

It takes 50 million people off of the EMTALA dole & puts half of them partly on Medicaid subsidy. They still have to pay for their coverage but the government subsidizes them. The rest will have to pay their own or their employer will pay.

I agree with you that EMTALA was supremely stupid. We should definitely get rid of it. Unfortunately, PPACA just doubles down on the stupid. Surely you can see that.
Actually dear the current plan is to put 35 million new folks on Medicaid!! Sorry!! Obama had two communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders- remember???

It takes 50 million people off of the EMTALA dole & puts half of them partly on Medicaid subsidy. They still have to pay for their coverage but the government subsidizes them. The rest will have to pay their own or their employer will pay.

I agree with you that EMTALA was supremely stupid. We should definitely get rid of it. Unfortunately, PPACA just doubles down on the stupid. Surely you can see that.

The EMTALA is still supremely stupid. The PPACA can't be worse than that. Obviously ridding our country of both would be better. But neither party is for that. Republicans saddled us with EMTALA & the Prescription Drug Plan. Both have brought this country to it's knees. At least the PPACA makes the free loaders pay instead of the ones of us carrying the load.

Back in the day before big multinational corps & all this government health-care B.S., Doctors prices were reasonable. Now they charge the maximum the government or insurance will pay. Same goes for prescription drugs. We could have $5 Doctor Visits.
It takes 50 million people off of the EMTALA dole & puts half of them partly on Medicaid subsidy. They still have to pay for their coverage but the government subsidizes them. The rest will have to pay their own or their employer will pay.

I agree with you that EMTALA was supremely stupid. We should definitely get rid of it. Unfortunately, PPACA just doubles down on the stupid. Surely you can see that.

The EMTALA is still supremely stupid. The PPACA can't be worse than that. Obviously ridding our country of both would be better.

It can be, and is, worse than EMTALA. it sells us out to corporate health insurance.

But neither party is for that. Republicans saddled us with EMTALA & the Prescription Drug Plan. Both have brought this country to it's knees. At least the PPACA makes the free loaders pay instead of the ones of us carrying the load.

Nope. PPACA enslaves all of us to insurance corps.
Actually dear the current plan is to put 35 million new folks on Medicaid!! Sorry!! Obama had two communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders- remember???

It takes 50 million people off of the EMTLA dole & puts half of them partly on Medicaid subsidy. They still have to pay for their coverage but the government subsidizes them. The rest will have to pay their own or their employer will pay.

dear Obama has openly said he for single payer. He has no interest in making the free market work as you claim!! Do you know what a free market is now???


Single payer is socialist. Guess what socialist leads to communism...lol :eusa_whistle:

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