7 Years In - Still No ObamaCare Replacement - Another Broken Promise


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The naked emperor has deleted from his web site the promise he made about repealing ObamaCare on day one of his apprenticeship.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"
Here is the promise the morbidly obese lightweight tried to erase from the memories of the goldfish:

On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.
Its ok now because they can imagine that Hillary would've been worse so that's how they justify not having any plan after being told they had a plan.

“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

Trump lied to your fat faces. Bigly. Anyone doubt me?

You see how he had to keep saying "make no mistake"? That's how you can tell the apprentice is lying.

Tell a Big Lie and keep repeating it until the proles bleev you.
The naked emperor has deleted from his web site the promise he made about repealing ObamaCare on day one of his apprenticeship.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"

Trump own political party in the Senate has tabled the Repeal of the ACA and it replacement because of the fact they do not have the votes and know it is suicidal to do this in a upcoming election year.

As for the House Bill it was DOA the moment it passed which it should have been because it was a damn joke and yes the Republicans have had since 2011 to come up with something they knew would pass the House and Senate and had nothing because they most likely did not believe they would gain The House, Senate and Oval Office all at one time...
The naked emperor has deleted from his web site the promise he made about repealing ObamaCare on day one of his apprenticeship.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"

They've had 8 years to come up with a plan. 8 years. This is the problem with people that wish it were 1843 again.
The naked emperor has deleted from his web site the promise he made about repealing ObamaCare on day one of his apprenticeship.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"

Trump own political party in the Senate has tabled the Repeal of the ACA and it replacement because of the fact they do not have the votes and know it is suicidal to do this in a upcoming election year.
They have tabled the repeal and replacement because THEY DON'T HAVE ONE.

All they have is this giant piece of sabotage the House passed.

To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?
Since I came to this forum in 2011, I have asked the tards countless times, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT?!?"

Just like that.

They STILL have not caught on they were massively hoaxed by their own party. They STILL have not caught on they were suckered out of their votes.
The naked emperor has deleted from his web site the promise he made about repealing ObamaCare on day one of his apprenticeship.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"

Trump own political party in the Senate has tabled the Repeal of the ACA and it replacement because of the fact they do not have the votes and know it is suicidal to do this in a upcoming election year.
They have tabled the repeal and replacement because THEY DON'T HAVE ONE.

All they have is this giant piece of sabotage the House passed.

To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"

At the same end that Democrats passed a bill with no GOP support!

They can not get anything done because they lack the votes and going into a mid-term election and gutting the ACA would be suicidal for them ( the GOP ) just like the passing of the ACA cost the Democrats the House and two elections later the Senate.

They never had any real Bill and should have dusted off the Nixion\Kennedy plan and ran with it and then moved on because repealing the ACA will never happen!
The naked emperor has deleted from his web site the promise he made about repealing ObamaCare on day one of his apprenticeship.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"
Well, you know....all powerful DEMS.
The ironic problem for the GOP is that they are victims of their own rightwing propaganda machine. The Right so demonized Obamacare that they made it sound easy that the Republicans could just waltz right in, throw it out and pass something wonderful in its place.

I keep hearing the pseudocons gloating about the Republicans having the greatest number of seats in the House and Senate EVAH!

More than Obama had when the Dems passed ObamaCare.

And yet the pseudcons parrot the lie they have been fed that the Republicans "don't have the votes" to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

See what I mean about STILL not catching on they have been massively hoaxed? :lol:

The Republicans have the votes. The real problem is THEY DON'T HAVE A REPLACEMENT.

Wake up and smell the Trump, fools.
Trump has been in charge for 7 years. Golly that little devil gets around.
The naked emperor has deleted from his web site the promise he made about repealing ObamaCare on day one of his apprenticeship.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"
For eight years and through the campaign, they said they had a better way and laughed at anyone who asked about it.

Turns out they DIDN'T have a better way, and they knew it all along.

That would be an example of LYING.
The ironic problem for the GOP is that they are victims of their own rightwing propaganda machine. The Right so demonized Obamacare that they made it sound easy that the Republicans could just waltz right in, throw it out and pass something wonderful in its place.


Then those voters lack the political IQ to know that is not how it works and the reality is the GOP will need the Democratic Politician to help or they will get nothing done if they plan to fix the ACA. In the end both sides need to work together but in today political climate you and I could get more done without wanting to kill each other!
The naked emperor has deleted from his web site the promise he made about repealing ObamaCare on day one of his apprenticeship.

Trump and the GOP have not only failed to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare, which they have had SEVEN YEARS to write, they haven't even passed a bill which would repeal ObamaCare.

That bill they made all the hoopla about which passed the House, the one Trump said, "This is a repeal"...wasn't.

It is not a full repeal of ObamaCare. And if you doubt this fact, I will show you the evidence which has been right in front of your face all this time.

The rubes never even read it for themselves. They just took the fake President's word for it.

What the House passed was sabotage. It was a giant monkey wrench aimed at breaking ObamaCare more than it already is.

So ask yourselves, "To what ends would these hacks do such a harmful thing to America?"

Their replacement is a Big Nothing... Trump is on his way to Ohio to sabotage Obamacare so they can slide the lies through, the Senate voters are not going to jeopardize their jobs... Fu=king crooks

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Getting ready to leave for Cincinnati, in the GREAT STATE of OHIO, to meet with ObamaCare victims and talk Healthcare & also Infrastructure
Trump has been in charge for 7 years. Golly that little devil gets around.
You have been whining about ObamaCare for SEVEN YEARS. And it never once occurred to you to ask your party what they had in the way of a replacement.

You are fed lines to parrot so you don't stop long enough to catch onto the hoax.

Look at you go! :lol:
The only thing republicans know is tax cuts.

And I think we all know who tax cuts benefit most.

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