70% Of Calfornia's Doctors are anti obamacare?

Now why are Doctors in California liberal Mecca going to boycott obamacare? After all a doctor should know that obamacare is a good thing, right?

70% Of Calfornia's Doctors Expected To Boycott Obamacare | Zero Hedge

Oh by the way who will take their place to cover all those millions using obamacare coverage?

the vast majority of doctors, not in California only, are not accepting medicaid at all - because of the reimbursement rates.

If obamacare plans reimbursement rates are going to be at medicaid level ( and that is what it is supposed to be) - then they would be shunned the same way.

there is also the idiocy of EMR which is equal ( and for some - bigger) reason to stay away from any government-connected medical plan ever ( including medicare)
So Kalifornia is going to lose 70% of it's doctors. Check. Seeing them all give up their Mercedes and McMansions will be quite the sight. I certainly will be looking for that thread.

stop LYING.

California is not going to lose 70% of doctors, PATIENTS on obamacare plans are going to lose 70% of doctors.

Doctors will be perfectly fine with the patients left or cash service, their Mercedes will get an upgrade, because providing services for medicaid patients is not bringing money for any doctor.
So Kalifornia is going to lose 70% of it's doctors. Check. Seeing them all give up their Mercedes and McMansions will be quite the sight. I certainly will be looking for that thread.

Aside from some doctors taking early retirement, doctors won't be closing their doors. They will still practice medicine, they just won't accept obamacare coverage. If they do, they will limit those patients to a low percentage of the patients they will see.

And eventually those patients will dry up. Especially once the penalties for not taking them start. And don't think they won't.
So Kalifornia is going to lose 70% of it's doctors. Check. Seeing them all give up their Mercedes and McMansions will be quite the sight. I certainly will be looking for that thread.

Great stuff for the apologists.

A perfect example of how the Obamacare apologists simply don't understand what's happening, but aren't letting that stop them from making simplistic judgments based on pretty much nothing.

So, for these folks: Read the first few paragraphs of the piece. They're talking about the explosion of Medicaid patients created by this horrific law. Did you know that doctors are paid on what are called "reimbursements" and that Medicaid reimbursements are literally a fraction of what the doctors make via private pay or via insurance?

So do you not expect a doctor to protect their practice, even though, as we have all been told, "they didn't build that"? Of course they will. So what we're going to see - and anyone who has the first tiny understanding of this can tell you - is more and more providers just not accepting these plans, laying some people off, and going to more private-pay and supplemental insurance-pay work. It's that simple.

AND - IT'S - ALREADY - HAPPENING, just as those of us who know just a touch about business economics and health care economics have been predicting. Will this 70% figure, and I don't know where it comes from, last? I doubt it. But you will definitely see many providers choosing not to fuck themselves by taking these plans leave the market at precisely the time the market is exploding.

Does anyone care to guess what happens then? Even if Rachel hasn't covered this stuff?

This was as predictable as the sun coming up tomorrow, but I'm sure the apologists will continue to spin, divert, deflect and outright lie for the ACA.


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Doctor's offices are about to get more crowded as millions of Americans get coverage under Obamacare. While that's good news for the uninsured, the influx of new patients will put an enormous burden on doctors who are already stretched pretty thin.

Nearly 40 percent of the country's physicians experience at least one symptom of burnout during their workday, which research shows makes them more likely to make mistakes. These exhausted doctors are set to get even busier as the Affordable Care Act extends medical coverage to a slew of new patients, according to Dike Drummond, a life and career strategist for physicians.

"What it exposes in my mind is just how medically underserved the United States is," Drummond said on HuffPost Live. "We've got 40 million people, and the only reason they don't utilize right now is they don't have any insurance. As soon as they get insurance, we're going to see just how much of a doctor shortage we have."

Obamacare Will Expose Doctor Shortage In The U.S., Put More Pressure On Exhausted Physicians (VIDEO)
Doctor's offices are about to get more crowded as millions of Americans get coverage under Obamacare. While that's good news for the uninsured, the influx of new patients will put an enormous burden on doctors who are already stretched pretty thin.

Nearly 40 percent of the country's physicians experience at least one symptom of burnout during their workday, which research shows makes them more likely to make mistakes. These exhausted doctors are set to get even busier as the Affordable Care Act extends medical coverage to a slew of new patients, according to Dike Drummond, a life and career strategist for physicians.

"What it exposes in my mind is just how medically underserved the United States is," Drummond said on HuffPost Live. "We've got 40 million people, and the only reason they don't utilize right now is they don't have any insurance. As soon as they get insurance, we're going to see just how much of a doctor shortage we have."

Obamacare Will Expose Doctor Shortage In The U.S., Put More Pressure On Exhausted Physicians (VIDEO)

In communist soviet union the government picked the type of job you did. Maybe this is what the government here will do.

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