70% of conservatives would join a Tump-led third party.

400'000 dead. China's fault.
Jobs lost. Lockdowns by Dem Governers.
Riots. BLM/Antifa with Dem cheerleading.

The amazing thing about Democrats is not only how they lie to us, but how they lie to themselves. The mystery is if they actually believe it.

When Joe says Trump is responsible for 400,000 dead because of Covid, I ask him if DumBama is responsible for the over 200,000 dead Americans from the flu during his two terms. He can't give me a coherent reply.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

Bad idea....The electoral model doesn't support it.

Better idea: Foment and sustain a hostile takeover of the current GOP...Make the wormy appeasing neocon dickweeds infesting the party form their own.
Bad idea....The electoral model doesn't support it.

Better idea: Foment and sustain a hostile takeover of the current GOP...Make the wormy appeasing neocon dickweeds infesting the party form their own.

Exactly. A new conservative party only guarantees us Democrat leadership for the rest of our lives. They will never break up into two parties. Although many think that primaries are not a necessary election, they are more important than the presidential election. Who we decide to lead the Republican party sets the direction they will go.
That's true. But my theory banks on Biden and the Marxists wearing out their welcome. As soon as all Trump's good fades away, it'll become evident that his America first policies are much better for the economy and the American worker than what the Democrats are offering. I think the ones who work have a chance of bailing on the Ds.

It's a happy thought but not reality. How many times has the Democrat party Fd their constituents, and they come back for more? It's what the reservation is all about. In spite of Americans that need jobs right now, Biden is going to usher in more illegals and handcuff our border agencies from doing anything about it. If Cuomo doesn't get prosecuted for the thousands of deaths he's responsible for, I'd be willing to bet those dopes in NY vote him right back in again.

I look at my city of Cleveland where violent crime is rising, the Mayor who hired an ex-councilwoman that served time in prison for accepting bribes, a Council who voted for a 2.1 million dollar dirt bike park because the Mayor's grandson kept getting busted for riding his in the street. They rescinded the act, but instructed police to not take action against any kid who rides theirs on the street. They are not replacing their retiring police officers, and only have one detective.

Will they ever get smart enough to say screw the Democrats, we're voting Republican from now on? Not in your life. In spite of all this and much more, they reelect the Mayor and keep their crooked Council.
So in other words, you think I'm giving Dems. too much credit for having common sense. You may be right. And I'm sorry to hear about Cleveland. I got a heart valve there. I also love their wrestling. But the stretch between downtown and the Cleveland Clinic, where we stayed for the NCAA tournament, does look like it can be a little dangerous. Love the way the Browns finished this year too. My poor brother has been a Browns fan since he named our family dog Kelly, after Leroy. Good luck out there and keep the America first faith.
That only happens in your convoluted white-hating mind of yours. Kids need to learn young about laws, penalties and respect for authority. They don't learn that by cops ignoring them and letting them get away with whatever they want.

Check your privilege, buddy.

Black kids learn at an early age that cops will bust them or kill them.

400'000 dead. China's fault.
Jobs lost. Lockdowns by Dem Governers.
Riots. BLM/Antifa with Dem cheerleading.

Trump is amazing. He was president for four years and wasn't ever responsible for anything.
Check your privilege, buddy.

Black kids learn at an early age that cops will bust them or kill them.

So what is this link supposed to prove, that the mother is just as dumb as the kids?

Do you know what white privilege is? My parents teaching me since I was able to talk that the police are the boss. When a police officer tells you to do something, you just do it. If you ever run into any trouble and a police officer is around, you always ask them for help. Police officers are what keeps our society safe from the bad guys.

That's the difference between being raised in a two-parent religious home and a one parent home where the mother has several baby daddies. It's not white privilege, it's family and proper upbringing privilege.
So in other words, you think I'm giving Dems. too much credit for having common sense. You may be right. And I'm sorry to hear about Cleveland. I got a heart valve there. I also love their wrestling. But the stretch between downtown and the Cleveland Clinic, where we stayed for the NCAA tournament, does look like it can be a little dangerous. Love the way the Browns finished this year too. My poor brother has been a Browns fan since he named our family dog Kelly, after Leroy. Good luck out there and keep the America first faith.

The Clinic area is pretty safe because the cops keep a good eye on that, and they have their own campus police as well. It's the only facility I really trust for medical care. The problem is Commie Care doesn't provide coverage for that hospital, so what DumBama told us about being able to keep your hospital was nothing but another lie. I'm having some vision problems now, and that's where I'm being treated at. You were smart to choose them for your heart valve. The Clinic draws people from all over the world who can't get serious or risky medical procedures done in their socialized healthcare countries. They have to travel thousands of miles away for care in what the WHO considers one of the worst places to get healthcare. Imagine that.

I don't know much about the Browns since the NFL is no longer welcome in my home. I didn't even see any of their games channel surfing, not even the playoffs. They can disrespect our police, our flag, and our anthem all they like. I'll never see it.
Check your privilege, buddy.

Black kids learn at an early age that cops will bust them or kill them.

So what is this link supposed to prove, that the mother is just as dumb as the kids?

Do you know what white privilege is? My parents teaching me since I was able to talk that the police are the boss. When a police officer tells you to do something, you just do it. If you ever run into any trouble and a police officer is around, you always ask them for help. Police officers are what keeps our society safe from the bad guys.

That's the difference between being raised in a two-parent religious home and a one parent home where the mother has several baby daddies. It's not white privilege, it's family and proper upbringing privilege.
What % of cops do you think are racist scum willing to kill unarmed blacks?
So in other words, you think I'm giving Dems. too much credit for having common sense. You may be right. And I'm sorry to hear about Cleveland. I got a heart valve there. I also love their wrestling. But the stretch between downtown and the Cleveland Clinic, where we stayed for the NCAA tournament, does look like it can be a little dangerous. Love the way the Browns finished this year too. My poor brother has been a Browns fan since he named our family dog Kelly, after Leroy. Good luck out there and keep the America first faith.

The Clinic area is pretty safe because the cops keep a good eye on that, and they have their own campus police as well. It's the only facility I really trust for medical care. The problem is Commie Care doesn't provide coverage for that hospital, so what DumBama told us about being able to keep your hospital was nothing but another lie. I'm having some vision problems now, and that's where I'm being treated at. You were smart to choose them for your heart valve. The Clinic draws people from all over the world who can't get serious or risky medical procedures done in their socialized healthcare countries. They have to travel thousands of miles away for care in what the WHO considers one of the worst places to get healthcare. Imagine that.

I don't know much about the Browns since the NFL is no longer welcome in my home. I didn't even see any of their games channel surfing, not even the playoffs. They can disrespect our police, our flag, and our anthem all they like. I'll never see it.
Yeah, I agree with your boycott and I don't watch it either except when I visit my mother and it's on there. I'd like to see those assholes try that kneeling bullshit at a rodeo.
What % of cops do you think are racist scum willing to kill unarmed blacks?

About the same as those who kill unarmed whites, which is in the 50/50 range. The problem is that the media plays you like a cheap CD. They don't report unarmed whites being killed by police because we whites would just shrug our shoulders and say "the asshole must have deserved it." Report that an unarmed black gets killed, they are able to start protests and riots which is good for their business. The media knows that it will lead to more blacks getting hurt, getting killed, going to prison, but sheep only know how to follow, not lead.

The media knows that blacks have little knowledge of our laws. So they create this narrative that it's illegal to shoot an unarmed person, but cops get away with it because they are white. When I see those big dumb jocks disrespecting our flag, I see a bunch of uneducated anti-America morons.

There are no laws on the book that the only time police or a citizen can use deadly force is if they are confronted with deadly force. I, as a licensed armed citizen have the legal authority to use deadly force against anybody that can bring me (or others) serious bodily harm or death. I can legally use deadly force to stop somebody from breaking into my car while I occupy it.
So what is this link supposed to prove, that the mother is just as dumb as the kids?

Do you know what white privilege is? My parents teaching me since I was able to talk that the police are the boss. When a police officer tells you to do something, you just do it. If you ever run into any trouble and a police officer is around, you always ask them for help. Police officers are what keeps our society safe from the bad guys.

That's the difference between being raised in a two-parent religious home and a one parent home where the mother has several baby daddies. It's not white privilege, it's family and proper upbringing privilege.

NO man, that's knowing cops will treat white kids different than black kids, because they know if they shoot a white kid playing with a toy or jaywalking, they are really going to get into a shitload of trouble.

Oh, yeah, and you keep repeating the myths of "baby daddies", which simply isn't true. Most black families are intact, they just aren't married. I know, I know, you and Mormon Bob think that relationships can only happen within marriage.
What % of cops do you think are racist scum willing to kill unarmed blacks?

I would guess less than 1%. The problem isn't so much how many bad apples there are, but the willingness of the system to protect them.

The unions that make it nearly impossible to fire them for minor offenses.
The police departments that investigate themselves and start off with the premise "this was a good shoot", which they would never do with a civilians, no matter what Ray's wank fantasies are.
The politicians who refuse to enact meaningful reforms.
The prosecutors who act like defense attorneys when these incidents are brought to grand juries.

The analogy I use is the Catholic Church. Probably a very small percentage of Catholic Priests were indeed pedophiles. But it was the institution's willingness to cover it up and protect them that was the problem.
NO man, that's knowing cops will treat white kids different than black kids, because they know if they shoot a white kid playing with a toy or jaywalking, they are really going to get into a shitload of trouble.

Oh, yeah, and you keep repeating the myths of "baby daddies", which simply isn't true. Most black families are intact, they just aren't married. I know, I know, you and Mormon Bob think that relationships can only happen within marriage.

No, most black families are broken. A single woman trying to raise a family and can't handle the job alone. Trust me, I live with a lot of blacks. I hear what happens on the police scanner. Mothers can't discipline their kids once they near the teen years, especially boys. They try to use our police as surrogate fathers. They finally had a to make a law that more than three calls to a residence in a years time, they start billing the property owner for each additional call. Why was it not like this when this was a predominately white community?

Baby daddies is not a term invented by white people. In fact black women use it all the time.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

There is no douthy Trump has been the greatest president in my life but still the third party would be made up of x-Republicans fed up watching their enabler party belly crawl as cowardly and lazy slugs coming out only at re-election begging for cash showing your support for his ' if it's broken don't fix it' promise.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

There is no douthy Trump has been the greatest president in my life but still the third party would be made up of x-Republicans fed up watching their enabler party belly crawl as cowardly and lazy slugs coming out only at re-election begging for cash showing your support for his ' if it's broken don't fix it' promise.

Democrats and Republicans in Washington DC never agree on anything. Except increasing their own salaries, going to war and opposing the creation of a third party.

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