70% of conservatives would join a Tump-led third party.

It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

No, it really wouldn't. Consigning ourselves to, at best, decades of Democrat complete control while we storm and tantrum and divide ourselves is enormously stupid. It also wouldn't accomplish any of the things the proponents think it would.

Instead of taking our toys and flouncing off in a huff, maybe we could focus the energy to create a third-party to consign us eternally to a powerless minority into taking control of the perfectly viable party already in place. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. Anyone who thinks a third party wouldn't develop the exact same problems with entrenched, power-hungry establishment bureaucrats that both the current major parties have now is delusional.
There's one problem. do you want to see long term Democrat entrenchment? Because that's what you're going to get if you split the GOP. I think retaking the GOP should be the priority.
There are Democrats who have been sleepwalking the last 4 years, believing the lies and oblivious to what's been happening under their noses--these are patriots who will dump the Democrat party in a heartbeat when the truth comes out...and it will.

Yes, well, the problem is that, right now, the truth always comes out well after the point where it can do any good. We need to get off our dead asses and fix that.
100% agree. It would be wonderful.
Trump Gabbard 2024
That sounds wonderful.... but it's Trump/Gabbard vs Dominion/Dominion. Trump can run with anyone and garner 100 million votes..... again. But who counts the votes?

Dominion needs to be burned to the ground.... literally. Anyone associated with stealing this last election should be dragged through the streets and their families charged for a burial by backhoe. Without fair elections we'll be forced to shoot our way out of this clusterfuck.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

No, it really wouldn't. Consigning ourselves to, at best, decades of Democrat complete control while we storm and tantrum and divide ourselves is enormously stupid. It also wouldn't accomplish any of the things the proponents think it would.

Instead of taking our toys and flouncing off in a huff, maybe we could focus the energy to create a third-party to consign us eternally to a powerless minority into taking control of the perfectly viable party already in place. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. Anyone who thinks a third party wouldn't develop the exact same problems with entrenched, power-hungry establishment bureaucrats that both the current major parties have now is delusional.

I'm certainly known to be delusional at times, for sure. No argument there.
But if ever there was a perfect time to do it, I've never seen a clearer window than now.
The two major parties are as divided as ever within themselves and the American people have never been more disappointed with it all than now.

Trump can pull voters from both sides-- I'm living proof, being a Jill Stein voter -turned Trump supporter.
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It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

No, it really wouldn't. Consigning ourselves to, at best, decades of Democrat complete control while we storm and tantrum and divide ourselves is enormously stupid. It also wouldn't accomplish any of the things the proponents think it would.

Instead of taking our toys and flouncing off in a huff, maybe we could focus the energy to create a third-party to consign us eternally to a powerless minority into taking control of the perfectly viable party already in place. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. Anyone who thinks a third party wouldn't develop the exact same problems with entrenched, power-hungry establishment bureaucrats that both the current major parties have now is delusional.

I'm certainly known to be delusional at times, for sure. No argument there.
But if ever there was a perfect time to do it, I've never seen a clearer window than now.
The two major parties are as divided as ever within themselves and the American people have never been more disappointed with it all than now.

Trump can pull voters from both sides-- I'm living proof, being a Jill Stein voter -turned Trump supporter.

Okay, but to what purpose? What is it you think is going to be accomplished anytime in the next 20 years by doing this which couldn't be accomplished better and faster by simply seizing control of the - as I said - perfectly viable party that's already in existence?
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

No, it really wouldn't. Consigning ourselves to, at best, decades of Democrat complete control while we storm and tantrum and divide ourselves is enormously stupid. It also wouldn't accomplish any of the things the proponents think it would.

Instead of taking our toys and flouncing off in a huff, maybe we could focus the energy to create a third-party to consign us eternally to a powerless minority into taking control of the perfectly viable party already in place. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. Anyone who thinks a third party wouldn't develop the exact same problems with entrenched, power-hungry establishment bureaucrats that both the current major parties have now is delusional.

I'm certainly known to be delusional at times, for sure. No argument there.
But if ever there was a perfect time to do it, I've never seen a clearer window than now.
The two major parties are as divided as ever within themselves and the American people have never been more disappointed with it all than now.

Trump can pull voters from both sides-- I'm living proof, being a Jill Stein voter -turned Trump supporter.

Okay, but to what purpose? What is it you think is going to be accomplished anytime in the next 20 years by doing this which couldn't be accomplished better and faster by simply seizing control of the - as I said - perfectly viable party that's already in existence?

The problem is, and Angelo and others who want the "third party" this: Divide the GOP and you all but guarantee permanent Democrat entrenchment. Much to the delight of the leftist lunatics. The name of the game SHOULD be to reclaim the Republican Party, get rid of the mealymouthed RINO liberals that have done nothing but undermine the last two Republican Presidents, and stay on point with bread and butter issues that affect Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer.
The problem is, and Angelo and others who want the "third party" this: Divide the GOP and you all but guarantee permanent Democrat entrenchment. Much to the delight of the leftist lunatics. The name of the game SHOULD be to reclaim the Republican Party, get rid of the mealymouthed RINO liberals that have done nothing but undermine the last two Republican Presidents, and stay on point with bread and butter issues that affect Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer.
Democrats have been claiming the exact same thing for decades.....Ralph Nader
will testify vehemently to this fact.
The problem is, and Angelo and others who want the "third party" this: Divide the GOP and you all but guarantee permanent Democrat entrenchment. Much to the delight of the leftist lunatics. The name of the game SHOULD be to reclaim the Republican Party, get rid of the mealymouthed RINO liberals that have done nothing but undermine the last two Republican Presidents, and stay on point with bread and butter issues that affect Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer.
Democrats have been claiming the exact same thing for decades.....Ralph Nader
will testify vehemently to this fact.
Nader was a fucking nobody. Trump attained the Presidency. that's one hell of a bully pulpit.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

Any "conservative" who would follow Trump is not a conservative. They are simply retarded.

Trump is about as conservative as the tassels on a stripper's tits.
They don't have to. There are all kinds of studies on this subject.

Studies by racists... Ho-hum.

How is it white privilege to keep a family together?

Because white people have advantages to keep a family together, dummy. Check your privilege.
Massive bullshit. White women at a good percentage are the most laziest individuals in the world. They do not know how to take care of home. They do not cook or cook well. They do not clean or clean well. They live off of protections from the western world. But that is slowly collapsing.
The problem is, and Angelo and others who want the "third party" this: Divide the GOP and you all but guarantee permanent Democrat entrenchment. Much to the delight of the leftist lunatics. The name of the game SHOULD be to reclaim the Republican Party, get rid of the mealymouthed RINO liberals that have done nothing but undermine the last two Republican Presidents, and stay on point with bread and butter issues that affect Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer.
Democrats have been claiming the exact same thing for decades.....Ralph Nader
will testify vehemently to this fact.

Even Democrats are capable of being right about something. It isn't LIKELY, but it can happen.
Any "conservative" who would follow Trump is not a conservative. They are simply retarded.

Trump is about as conservative as the tassels on a stripper's tits.

Then perhaps you can tell us what President led more conservatively than President Trump. Just because one doesn't claim conservatism doesn't mean they are not.
Even Democrats are capable of being right about something. It isn't LIKELY, but it can happen.
A little ambiguous isn't it ?
What's the point ?

The point is that no third party, no matter who heads it up, is going to draw enough people right off the bat to beat Democrats in elections. All it's going to do is split the Republican side of the vote. And since we have a winner-takes-all system rather than a Parliamentary system, that guarantees that Democrats win every election until such time as the new party can build enough support to beat them, if it ever can. It's basically trying to change horses mid-stream, and accomplishing nothing but dumping yourself into the water.
Any "conservative" who would follow Trump is not a conservative. They are simply retarded.

Trump is about as conservative as the tassels on a stripper's tits.

Then perhaps you can tell us what President led more conservatively than President Trump. Just because one doesn't claim conservatism doesn't mean they are not.
Doubling the federal deficit in his first two years, with a Republican Congress, is your idea of a conservative.

A tariff war is your idea of a conservative.

A thoroughly morally bankrupt individual is your idea of a conservative.

Very interesting.
The point is that no third party, no matter who heads it up, is going to draw enough people right off the bat to beat Democrats in elections. All it's going to do is split the Republican side of the vote. And since we have a winner-takes-all system rather than a Parliamentary system, that guarantees that Democrats win every election until such time as the new party can build enough support to beat them, if it ever can. It's basically trying to change horses mid-stream, and accomplishing nothing but dumping yourself into the water.

Exactly. The only way for it to work is if each side divided up into two parties, and we had four running instead of the usual two. On the right we can divide up between the RINO's and the Trump party. On the left, they can divide between the establishment and socialists. I would love to see election results under that system.

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