70% of conservatives would join a Tump-led third party.

And SHEL btw Trump pulled out all the stops trying to get re elected knowing what awaited him in the courts if he lost
And SHEL btw Trump pulled out all the stops trying to get re elected knowing what awaited him in the courts if he lost
Right... So it would have made sense to try to impeach if he won... Now there is something for him to lose. Doing it while he no longer is in office is just a waste of time and money. You can't throw him out of office, he's not in office.

We need to stop supporting/paying people in congress doing shit that doesn't matter.
That's true. But my theory banks on Biden and the Marxists wearing out their welcome. As soon as all Trump's good fades away, it'll become evident that his America first policies are much better for the economy and the American worker than what the Democrats are offering. I think the ones who work have a chance of bailing on the Ds.

It's a happy thought but not reality. How many times has the Democrat party Fd their constituents, and they come back for more? It's what the reservation is all about. In spite of Americans that need jobs right now, Biden is going to usher in more illegals and handcuff our border agencies from doing anything about it. If Cuomo doesn't get prosecuted for the thousands of deaths he's responsible for, I'd be willing to bet those dopes in NY vote him right back in again.

I look at my city of Cleveland where violent crime is rising, the Mayor who hired an ex-councilwoman that served time in prison for accepting bribes, a Council who voted for a 2.1 million dollar dirt bike park because the Mayor's grandson kept getting busted for riding his in the street. They rescinded the act, but instructed police to not take action against any kid who rides theirs on the street. They are not replacing their retiring police officers, and only have one detective.

Will they ever get smart enough to say screw the Democrats, we're voting Republican from now on? Not in your life. In spite of all this and much more, they reelect the Mayor and keep their crooked Council.
And consider this. In the next election, Dems won't be able to keep observers out using the China virus as a pretext.
The voting machines will be srcutinised.
And mail in ballots will be restricted given that the Wuflu will have been diminished by then.
Also, after 4 years of the Biden regime, people will be screaming out for sanity.

Of course they know it. That's why they had to develop this second phony impeachment. They are scared to death of Trump coming back and showing how a country is supposed to be ran.
Of course they know it. That's why they had to develop this second phony impeachment. They are scared to death of Trump coming back and showing how a country is supposed to be ran.

400,000 Dead
65,000,000 jobs lost
Riots in the streets...

We are scared to death of Trump ever running the country again, given the dystopian nightmare we are all living now.

Now in six months, the economy will bounce back and the country will be largely immunized...

So you can go back to whining about men in dresses or some other phony social outrage.
I look at my city of Cleveland where violent crime is rising, the Mayor who hired an ex-councilwoman that served time in prison for accepting bribes, a Council who voted for a 2.1 million dollar dirt bike park because the Mayor's grandson kept getting busted for riding his in the street. They rescinded the act, but instructed police to not take action against any kid who rides theirs on the street. They are not replacing their retiring police officers, and only have one detective.

Honestly, if your cops are busting kids for riding bikes (when they aren't shooting kids playing with toys) maybe they need to fire them all and start over again.
Honestly, if your cops are busting kids for riding bikes (when they aren't shooting kids playing with toys) maybe they need to fire them all and start over again.

Yes, they should be busting them. That's what they are there for, to enforce the law.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

There's one problem. do you want to see long term Democrat entrenchment? Because that's what you're going to get if you split the GOP. I think retaking the GOP should be the priority.

GOP needs to get it's head out of it's ass and try to get more of the middle then.

The GOP, like the Donkey Tent, has never cared about anyone.
Of course they know it. That's why they had to develop this second phony impeachment. They are scared to death of Trump coming back and showing how a country is supposed to be ran.

400,000 Dead
65,000,000 jobs lost
Riots in the streets...

We are scared to death of Trump ever running the country again, given the dystopian nightmare we are all living now.

Now in six months, the economy will bounce back and the country will be largely immunized...

So you can go back to whining about men in dresses or some other phony social outrage.
We need to vote the same type of people Progs do. With the same attitudes. Loud and obnoxious and never ending. And if the media and entertainers start, call them out and mess with them like they mess with Non Progs. Get the dirt on them. The Republican Party has been to civil with the Progressive Socialist Party and it has cost them.
And consider this. In the next election, Dems won't be able to keep observers out using the China virus as a pretext.
The voting machines will be srcutinised.
And mail in ballots will be restricted given that the Wuflu will have been diminished by then.
Also, after 4 years of the Biden regime, people will be screaming out for sanity.

Of course they know it. That's why they had to develop this second phony impeachment. They are scared to death of Trump coming back and showing how a country is supposed to be ran.
Alex, is that you?
Correct, thanks to President Trump. However if Biden actually didn't lie and implement his policies, the economy is going right down the toilet.

Trump is the one who crashed the economy.
Biden will be the guy who brings it back.

This is about the THIRD time this has happened in the last 30 years, Republicans fuck up the economy, a Democrat has to fix it. AGAIN.

Yes, they should be busting them. That's what they are there for, to enforce the law.

They should be out busting murderers and rapists and theives, not kids playing with toys.

Let me guess, when you were a kid, you cheered for THIS guy.

Trump is the one who crashed the economy.
Biden will be the guy who brings it back.

This is about the THIRD time this has happened in the last 30 years, Republicans fuck up the economy, a Democrat has to fix it. AGAIN.

Right, Trump is the guy who not only crashed this economy, but the economies worldwide. You people don't need to legalize drugs, you already act like you're on them 24/7.

They should be out busting murderers and rapists and theives, not kids playing with toys.

Let me guess, when you were a kid, you cheered for THIS guy.

Murders, rapes and thefts don't happen all day and night long. Yes, the cops should be busting kids that are breaking the law. When they don't, they end up growing up to think they can break the law all the time, and eventually end up dead or in prison. But what should I expect from a leftist? It's just the way you people think.
Right, Trump is the guy who not only crashed this economy, but the economies worldwide.

The rest of the world didn't have the level of economic devastation we had.

Murders, rapes and thefts don't happen all day and night long. Yes, the cops should be busting kids that are breaking the law. When they don't, they end up growing up to think they can break the law all the time, and eventually end up dead or in prison. But what should I expect from a leftist? It's just the way you people think.

Actually, it's the opposite.

If you bust kids for bullshit laws, while letting white kids get away with breaking the same laws, they are going to have no respect for any laws and see police as the enemy.
The rest of the world didn't have the level of economic devastation we had.

The United States had the least GDP damage out of all the G7 countries outside of China, and that's if you trust their reporting, and keeping in mind how many commie cities and states made it difficult for businesses to operate.

Actually, it's the opposite.

If you bust kids for bullshit laws, while letting white kids get away with breaking the same laws, they are going to have no respect for any laws and see police as the enemy.

That only happens in your convoluted white-hating mind of yours. Kids need to learn young about laws, penalties and respect for authority. They don't learn that by cops ignoring them and letting them get away with whatever they want.
Of course they know it. That's why they had to develop this second phony impeachment. They are scared to death of Trump coming back and showing how a country is supposed to be ran.

400,000 Dead
65,000,000 jobs lost
Riots in the streets...

We are scared to death of Trump ever running the country again, given the dystopian nightmare we are all living now.

Now in six months, the economy will bounce back and the country will be largely immunized...

So you can go back to whining about men in dresses or some other phony social outrage.
400'000 dead. China's fault.
Jobs lost. Lockdowns by Dem Governers.
Riots. BLM/Antifa with Dem cheerleading.

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