70% of conservatives would join a Tump-led third party.

McConnell Said Trump Is Responsible For The Deadly Capitol Insurrection Minutes After Voting Not Guilty
You don't understand what he was saying then. He voted the way he did because it made zero sense to even have the thing. If Trump would have won the election then it would have made sense to impeach him. He's not in power anymore... Impeachment did nothing.

I agree with him, even though I pretty much detest the man.
But you do understand McConnell was the reason they waited until after trump was a civilian
I think there are certain issues that chipped away at traditional support for the GoP and Dem parties and this, for the GoP was a big one. By draconian I mean the issue of family separation, carried out to the extreme that it was by the last administration.
Negative. That's just what was reported. If you are arrested you are removed from your children. That's how it works even if you are a US citizen.

And it did cost some traditional support from among religious groups - and certainly divided them - forcing them to question their religious values in relation to their political support.
Some sure... I don't think it was significant in any meaningful way.

Those are large chunks of the religious community - huge chunks. I don't know though if that went on to create an overall loss of support for the GoP immigration policies....or if it had an effect on election support.
I'm not going to quote the originations one by one... But I don't know who they are. Nobody I know who is religious has any idea who they are. They are media bait as far as I can tell.

You can't be the party of pro-family, family values etc. and turn around and do this thing.
Again... We do that to US citizens every single day when we put them in jail or prison. Is that draconian?
I think if the Republicans want to increase their base they should tone down and play up some things.

The Dems made a mistake losing sight of their traditional base - working people and instead focusing their attention on other groups and taking certain support for granted. I think that led to some big loses to Trump.

The Republicans have over the past few decades, made social conservatism a hot a major plank. More important than fiscal conservatism. I think that they should realize that certain things have sufficient majority popular support, they should marginalize the issues.

Marriage is one. The government recognizes marriages and the law provides certain benefits to married couples. The government is not going to stop doing that (I think that is more of a libertarian view maybe?) and America by far supports same sex marriage. So let it go. Why are you fighting it or making an issue of it? It has zero effect on anyone else's marriages. Another one is abortion which, is really a relatively recent issue. It did not spring straight fro RvWade - it was some time after that. It's another case where the American voters by far support legal abortion. Let it alone. Focus instead on the thornier issues surrounding it - when and how to allow late term? What about the ethics of abortion and fetal abnormalities? A third thing is immigration. Many people support the need for immigration reform and some sort of border control. But few supported the draconian and human-rights abuses of Trump era policies. I think that turned people away, particularly religious people.

If Republicans made immigration and "all Americans together" issue, instead singling out poor people, or Mexican people, for particular demonization, maybe they would get wider support from immigrant communities who are typically dominated by all business owners, entrepreneurs, and traditional cultural backgrounds. And if you had traditional conservative fiscal values, and support for traditional institutions like the military, police, and businesses - maybe the base would increase.

If they did, the Dems would be caught left footed. But then again - there is a lot they could do as well.

So maybe we just need more parties.

Immigration is what put Donald Trump over the top. Every other candidate was talking about reform. So what does reform mean? It means giving into the Democrats and allowing even more un-needed and unwanted foreigners here. We didn't ask for reform. We wanted a candidate that supported our stance of closing and securing the border.

The United States is the most generous country in the world to people that are not our own. We allow nearly a million foreigners a year to become citizens here and take advantage of everything we created. That's on top of nearly another million green cards and Visa's we hand out a year so people can come here to make a living or take advantage of our education system. No other civilized country in the world come close to what we do for other people. When you add in our foreign aid this country soon to be 30 trillion in the hole hands out, plus the dozens of charities we support, the US is the greatest country in the world for other people. If that's not enough, too bad. We've given way more than (as the Democrats like to call it) our fair share.
LYING about Obama's citizenship is what put the moron over the top
I think there are certain issues that chipped away at traditional support for the GoP and Dem parties and this, for the GoP was a big one. By draconian I mean the issue of family separation, carried out to the extreme that it was by the last administration.
Negative. That's just what was reported. If you are arrested you are removed from your children. That's how it works even if you are a US citizen.

And it did cost some traditional support from among religious groups - and certainly divided them - forcing them to question their religious values in relation to their political support.
Some sure... I don't think it was significant in any meaningful way.

Those are large chunks of the religious community - huge chunks. I don't know though if that went on to create an overall loss of support for the GoP immigration policies....or if it had an effect on election support.
I'm not going to quote the originations one by one... But I don't know who they are. Nobody I know who is religious has any idea who they are. They are media bait as far as I can tell.

You can't be the party of pro-family, family values etc. and turn around and do this thing.
Again... We do that to US citizens every single day when we put them in jail or prison. Is that draconian?
Well, we will have to agree to disagree on that one.
But you do understand McConnell was the reason they waited until after trump was a civilian
You think Trump wasn't trying to win the election?
Sure he was I'm just saying McConnell wouldn't impeach while Trump was President Waited till after and then said you can't impeach him because he wasn't president But I do think what he said about Trump will strike home with many republicans
I'll bet most independents and quite a few Democrats would also be attracted to the America first party.

Don't you believe it. Independents perhaps, but they would never get any Democrats on board. Much like they do to the Republican party, the first thing they'd do is use every available way to silence them. Look at what happens in colleges to stop a Republican from speaking. Look at what their side-kicks at Twitter, FaceBook and Google do to keep the Republican message from people. All the major news networks and most of cable news networks are liberal.

They need to keep the Republicans quiet so they don't lose any sheep from the herd. They would do the exact same with a third party.
I'll bet most independents and quite a few Democrats would also be attracted to the America first party.

Don't you believe it. Independents perhaps, but they would never get any Democrats on board. Much like they do to the Republican party, the first thing they'd do is use every available way to silence them. Look at what happens in colleges to stop a Republican from speaking. Look at what their side-kicks at Twitter, FaceBook and Google do to keep the Republican message from people. All the major news networks and most of cable news networks are liberal.

They need to keep the Republicans quiet so they don't lose any sheep from the herd. They would do the exact same with a third party.
but if you disagree with libs, they go after your family or job
LYING about Obama's citizenship is what put the moron over the top

It had nothing to do with it. DumBama wasn't running, and most conservatives could care less about his citizenship. You have a small group of birthers that nobody really pays attention to, because it was irrelevant to his presidency. Even if he was born in Kenya, he's still an American citizen because his mother was an American citizen.
LYING about Obama's citizenship is what put the moron over the top

It had nothing to do with it. DumBama wasn't running, and most conservatives could care less about his citizenship. You have a small group of birthers that nobody really pays attention to, because it was irrelevant to his presidency. Even if he was born in Kenya, he's still an American citizen because his mother was an American citizen.
So all those times Trump questioned it he was lying?
I'll bet most independents and quite a few Democrats would also be attracted to the America first party.

Don't you believe it. Independents perhaps, but they would never get any Democrats on board. Much like they do to the Republican party, the first thing they'd do is use every available way to silence them. Look at what happens in colleges to stop a Republican from speaking. Look at what their side-kicks at Twitter, FaceBook and Google do to keep the Republican message from people. All the major news networks and most of cable news networks are liberal.

They need to keep the Republicans quiet so they don't lose any sheep from the herd. They would do the exact same with a third party.
but if you disagree with libs, they go after your family or job
Yeah and then we invade state capitals threatening to kill hang kidnap ?
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

That confirms how dumb conservatives are. Trump ? Really?

Yeah, kind of agree.

The thing about Trump that excites conservatives is he's THE ONLY president who's not been 100% against the American people and the Constitution (completely) in Deed for a long time.

While he is not the perfect Constitutional Conservative by any stretch, he was certainly more so than any other President in modern history...including Reagan.
Conservative Right Wingers have not really had representation for decades. Maybe 5 or more. What they've had is Establishment Globalists who claim to be Right wing but really are not. They are hungry for someone (anyone) who champions the Conservative cause to any significant degree.

I still believe Conservatives could de better.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

There's one problem. do you want to see long term Democrat entrenchment? Because that's what you're going to get if you split the GOP. I think retaking the GOP should be the priority.

Split the party.70% of the republicans---bringing along independents and even many dems------Trump party would be stronger than the GOP party.

And consider this. In the next election, Dems won't be able to keep observers out using the China virus as a pretext.
The voting machines will be srcutinised.
And mail in ballots will be restricted given that the Wuflu will have been diminished by then.
Also, after 4 years of the Biden regime, people will be screaming out for sanity.
What the disbelievers forget is the number of once-upon-a-time Democrats whose family members are being deprived of their life-sustaining insulin. The number of unemployed whose jobs have been destroyed by Executive Order. The number of people who will have no way to get to work or even drive to see their grandchildren when the only vehicles available are priced-for-the-elite "electrics".

Even a certain number of RINOs fall into those categories.

But none of that will matter much when the only way you'll get to vote again is to walk to Beijing.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

That confirms how dumb conservatives are. Trump ? Really?

You elect a racist, draft dodging corrupt to core old rich white man and call us dumb.

A rich old white man ........who seemed to have the best interests of America at his core. Although he was FAR from the ideal

This infuriated the "HATE AMERICA" crowd, I know
But you do understand McConnell was the reason they waited until after trump was a civilian
You think Trump wasn't trying to win the election?
Sure he was I'm just saying McConnell wouldn't impeach while Trump was President Waited till after and then said you can't impeach him because he wasn't president But I do think what he said about Trump will strike home with many republicans
Fair enough.
There is no such thing as "conservatism" anymore, if there ever was, so this would be hilarious. The people who insist on wearing this label are all over the map: big government when it suits them, small government when it suits them, "liberty" for them, but not for everybody, "conserving" customs of mistreating other people to revive a caste system, vices, not values, democracy when it suits them, dictatorship when it suits them. It would be interesting to watch them try to define themselves and what they stand for. The party's platform would be a laugh riot.
I'll bet most independents and quite a few Democrats would also be attracted to the America first party.

Don't you believe it. Independents perhaps, but they would never get any Democrats on board. Much like they do to the Republican party, the first thing they'd do is use every available way to silence them. Look at what happens in colleges to stop a Republican from speaking. Look at what their side-kicks at Twitter, FaceBook and Google do to keep the Republican message from people. All the major news networks and most of cable news networks are liberal.

They need to keep the Republicans quiet so they don't lose any sheep from the herd. They would do the exact same with a third party.
That's true. But my theory banks on Biden and the Marxists wearing out their welcome. As soon as all Trump's good fades away, it'll become evident that his America first policies are much better for the economy and the American worker than what the Democrats are offering. I think the ones who work have a chance of bailing on the Ds.

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