70% of conservatives would join a Tump-led third party.

The Gobbler , Mitch , is just a parrot of China and Big Business
As corrupt and unscrupulous as they come
I don't think so; he's wrong on this one though.


100% agree. It would be wonderful.
Trump Gabbard 2024
Bring it!
Sounds like a war cry.
What do you know about war, twisted sister.?

That sounds like a war cry to you sonny? Nothing would make me happier than to see the blob remain active in GOP politics. Bring it on.

I bet you won't be in as good shape as him at 74. You will probably end up like Biden, can't walk or talk and boot licking the Chinese.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

That confirms how dumb conservatives are. Trump ? Really?

And you think Liberals are the greatest thing since sliced bread? You communists had your asses handed to you when President Trump (get it right) and his defense team exposed the lies that the Democrat party made.

Too bad what you deny is all on film, huh?
NOPE!!! Simple Math; 70% means the Trump supporters get to pick ALL GOP CANDIDATES and POLICIES....Rinos are to be weeded out and need to choose the right path. The GOP will do just fine, unlike the Dems who are about to EXPLODE! Antifa and BLM footsoldiers want their payoff!!!lmao

You will not win on the national stage. In two Presidential elections, Trump lost by 10-11 million votes. You are backing a losing formula. I thank you.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.
There's one problem. do you want to see long term Democrat entrenchment? Because that's what you're going to get if you split the GOP. I think retaking the GOP should be the priority.
Split the party.70% of the republicans---bringing along independents and even many dems------Trump party would be stronger than the GOP party.
An organizational nightmare that would probably doom chances for a good showing in 2022.

Good showing in 2022-------the GOP alreadly has the votes to take over the house of 2022 (not that it matters with all the dem and chinese cheating) but they are doing better than just a good showing.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

There's one problem. do you want to see long term Democrat entrenchment? Because that's what you're going to get if you split the GOP. I think retaking the GOP should be the priority.

The GOP has been fragmented for some time now
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

That confirms how dumb conservatives are. Trump ? Really?

And you think Liberals are the greatest thing since sliced bread? You communists had your asses handed to you when President Trump (get it right) and his defense team exposed the lies that the Democrat party made.

You seem confused about political philosophy and you are showing yer ignorance by using word salad to describe people's political theory..
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

I agree, the best thing that could happen to the GOP would be for the Trumpers, Qnatics and racists to form their own party.

It will quickly fade into obscurity just like every other third party movement in history... But it would be totally worth it to help the GOP sort out what it actually stands for.
Good showing in 2022-------the GOP alreadly has the votes to take over the house of 2022 (not that it matters with all the dem and chinese cheating) but they are doing better than just a good showing.

Um, actually, the out of power party almost always does well in midterms, so that doesn't mean much. Biden needs to get his agenda passed in the first two years, because the back six will be just defending the gains. it was certainly the case for Obama, Bush and Clinton... even Reagan.

The GOP has got a bigger problem, that the radicals they kept under control for years were fully enabled and weaponized by Trump, and how do you get those demons back in the box is the problem.

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