70% of conservatives would join a Tump-led third party.

It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

If the GOP ran establishment hacks Romney or Bush it would be 95%.

Romney got 47.2% of the vote. That was better than Trump in 2016 (46.1%) or 2020 (46.9%), The only reason Trump "won" in 2016 was that too many people pissed away their votes on third parties or stayed home.

Now, I don't think the hard core Trumpers are 70% of the GOP. But let's say they are. That means they'd come into the election with 32% of the national vote.

Or breaking it down by state, if everything else stayed the same, they'd lose all the states Biden won, plus FL, TX, NC, OH, IA, and pretty much any state the Republicans didn't win by 60%+.

Realistically... The Republican Party is going to go through a hell of a Hangover, waking up with a splitting headache and a MAGA tattoo on their asses. As Trump becomes mired in his own messes, the GOP is going to have to figure out what it actually stands for.

One only need look at the Reform Party... it actually started out with some good ideas. But by 2000, it was pure lunatic fringe with no real ideological base.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

70% like huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, failed tariffs, economy that couldn't hit 3% growth, inbreds taking over the capital? Wow I really hoped we had less dumb people.
I'll bet most independents and quite a few Democrats would also be attracted to the America first party.
Independents are sane and don't like huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, failed tariffs, economy that couldn't hit 3% growth, inbreds taking over the capital...
I'll bet most independents and quite a few Democrats would also be attracted to the America first party.
Independents are sane and don't like huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, failed tariffs, economy that couldn't hit 3% growth, inbreds taking over the capital...
So. Which pandemics do they like ? Inbreds mothers love them too !(literally)
I'll bet most independents and quite a few Democrats would also be attracted to the America first party.
Independents are sane and don't like huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, failed tariffs, economy that couldn't hit 3% growth, inbreds taking over the capital...
So. Which pandemics do they like ? Inbreds mothers love them too !(literally)
Oh you are blaming the pandemic? You realize most of what I said was true before the pandemic right? Let me give his pre pandemic record. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, Mexico not paying for wall, no greatest healthcare, failed tariffs, economy that couldn't hit 3% growth... Any way you look at it, trump policy was a giant failure.
The "middle"? You mean like the seven RINOs who stabbed conservatives in the back? No thank you.
It's likely I hate Mitch more than you do. Mitch isn't the middle I'm talking about.

I'm talking about the things the DNC ***USED*** to stand for.

No foreign wars. Stay the fuck out of other countries business. For Decades the GOP was the war party. Now it's both. Lets get one that's not.

Affordable medicine/health care. Nobody would have ever guessed a DNC president would have done what he did with Insulin. I can't believe Biden did to to be honest. And by that I don't mean the executive order that changed an executive order.

I mean when Trump said he would do a thing, they dropped prices because they believed him. The executive order he signed wasn't even in effect yet. Biden is in office. Nothing has truly changed from a political view, other than Biden in in office. They don't believe Biden will do anything ... Obviously.

People getting married. Only man and woman? Fuck off... It's Churches that marry people anyway, shut the fuck up about it. The government shouldn't be saying anything about marriage, only offering rights to people who choose to enter a contract. The Government shouldn't be recognizing marriages, only unions of parties.

Those would be a hell of a start. Take a lot of the base from the Dems... Of course... If the Dems did it first................ Just saying. I personally don't care who does it so long as they actually do it FOR the people and not FOR THE PROFIT.
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It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

I thought you guys didn't believe in polls.
And who the fuck is this clown?
Who cares who he is.
Keep pumping out the misinformation and lies, asshat.
It would be a wonderful thing to see an uprising third party in the United States with Donald Trump or whoever.

There's one problem. do you want to see long term Democrat entrenchment? Because that's what you're going to get if you split the GOP. I think retaking the GOP should be the priority.

I think the GQP has lost its way and caved to the QAnon and the crazy shit.
But for the 2/3rds rule, Trump would have been convicted yesterday.
The vote by the Senate was the most bipartisan impeachment vote ever.

GQP is eating their own and I hope somebody stops this shit.
This country needs a two party system.

If true, then they are conservatives with whom I do not wish to be associated.
You like the 2-faced, back-stabbing RINO types like Mitt ?
Mormon pedophiles maybe.

The problem is that the two-faced backstabbing RINOs are the Trump Republicans. Trump has turned on all of his supporters the moment they dare utter a single word of criticism, for deny his lies. Dumb Donald insists on loyalty from all of his minions, but shows none in return.

To be a loyal Republican these days means that you have to disregard your oath of office and parrot the lies, misinformation and propaganda spewed by Donald Trump.

Noticed that the people the Republican party are censuring are at the honest Republicans who voted to uphold their oath of office. Republicans are censuring the dissenting voices within the party. The ones who are demanding constitutional government.

The Republican Party is now the party of sedition, insurrection and authoritarianism. What it is not is the party of law and order, or a party which believes in or upholds the Constitution.
The problem is that the two-faced backstabbing RINOs are the Trump Republicans. Trump has turned on all of his supporters the moment they dare utter a single word of criticism, for deny his lies. Dumb Donald insists on loyalty from all of his minions, but shows none in return.

To be a loyal Republican these days means that you have to disregard your oath of office and Parrot the lies and miss information and propaganda spewed by Donald Trump.

Noticed that the people the Republican party are centring are at the honest Republicans who voted to uphold their oath of office. Republicans are centring the dissenting voices within the party. The ones who are demanding constitutional government.

The Republican Party is now the party of sedition, insurrection and authoritarianism. What it is not is the party of law and order or a party which believes in or upholds the Constitution.
No offence intended.... But I don't think someone who supports Biden as someone who should be listened to about who or what the apposing party is or should be. If anyone did listen to you... Well...

Lets just say that the people who say what they do about the democratic party in much the same way you just did... They should be listened to as well.

Let me be clear... You are both fuck'n idiots for doing this.

Edit: Argue a position without political parties involved. Maybe we'll get a government we deserve then.
The problem is that the two-faced backstabbing RINOs are the Trump Republicans. Trump has turned on all of his supporters the moment they dare utter a single word of criticism, for deny his lies. Dumb Donald insists on loyalty from all of his minions, but shows none in return.

To be a loyal Republican these days means that you have to disregard your oath of office and parrot the lies, misinformation and propaganda spewed by Donald Trump.

Noticed that the people the Republican party are censuring are at the honest Republicans who voted to uphold their oath of office. Republicans are censuring the dissenting voices within the party. The ones who are demanding constitutional government.

The Republican Party is now the party of sedition, insurrection and authoritarianism. What it is not is the party of law and order, or a party which believes in or upholds the Constitution.
And Democrats make them look good.
That says a lot.

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