70% of those infected with Kung Flu wore masks, followed CDC guidelines.

My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
you have zero evidence to make that statement. none, nada, zip.

BTW, the missing evidence is what I want to see. please provide it. help us out.
Masks may be more effective as a “source control” because they can prevent larger expelled droplets from evaporating into smaller droplets that can travel farther.

can you read your own fking post? two big fking words in that title. " may be" do you know what those two words mean? hahahahahahahahahahaha you fail on your own post. The mere fact you use that as your guidance is my evidence you don't know shit. Everyday, every demofk post, they fail with their own words. just once would it hurt for a demofk to be honest, it would be nice. They can't scrape up any evidence yet scream from the cliff.
"may be" is used in the context of how masks reduce the virus exhaled by infected people. There is no question as to whether masks reduce an infected wearer from spreading the virus, the only question is precisely how its achieved.
If you read more than just the one sentence i coped, then you'd know that.
what do you mean there is no question? the fk there is, that fact is you can't prove it. I aske for your evidence and you use a phrse like 'may be' then you don't even know what the phrase means. it means there isn't any evidence. none nada zip. and yet here you are promoting 'may be' I'm still laughing you tried to justify that phrase as fact.
at the web-site I already provided:

But health experts say the evidence is clear that masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that the more people wearing masks, the better.

see the section
What evidence do we have that wearing a mask is effective in preventing COVID-19?
dude, seriously?

But the strongest evidence in favor of masks come from studies of real-world scenarios. “The most important thing are the epidemiologic data,” said Rutherford. Because it would be unethical to assign people to not wear a mask during a pandemic, the epidemiological evidence has come from so-called “experiments of nature.”

Drop my mthr fking mic. I'm laughing.
you know what the evidence of nature is? when women exposed their babies to mumps and chicken pops. Community herding. it's worked for centuries. now some twat comes along and says experiment of nature is masks? LOL.
Like Jay Inslee says "the NEW science" It reminds me of Dubya when he said "they have yellow cake" They even spoke it in the same patronizing, condescending tone.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid
i'm living in 1937 germany, 1919 russia , not the America i grew up in

My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
But the onus should be on the vulnerable person.

it's really not that onerous to wear a mask in a store.

it's a minor inconvenience at best
How's the view of that lemming in front of you?
you do know that whole lemming over the cliff thing is a myth don't you?
Not in your case. Answer the question, how's that view.

The question is irrelevant because lemmings do not run off cliffs.
Democrats do.
good thing I'm not a democrat then
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
you have zero evidence to make that statement. none, nada, zip.

BTW, the missing evidence is what I want to see. please provide it. help us out.
Masks may be more effective as a “source control” because they can prevent larger expelled droplets from evaporating into smaller droplets that can travel farther.

can you read your own fking post? two big fking words in that title. " may be" do you know what those two words mean? hahahahahahahahahahaha you fail on your own post. The mere fact you use that as your guidance is my evidence you don't know shit. Everyday, every demofk post, they fail with their own words. just once would it hurt for a demofk to be honest, it would be nice. They can't scrape up any evidence yet scream from the cliff.
"may be" is used in the context of how masks reduce the virus exhaled by infected people. There is no question as to whether masks reduce an infected wearer from spreading the virus, the only question is precisely how its achieved.
If you read more than just the one sentence i coped, then you'd know that.
what do you mean there is no question? the fk there is, that fact is you can't prove it. I aske for your evidence and you use a phrse like 'may be' then you don't even know what the phrase means. it means there isn't any evidence. none nada zip. and yet here you are promoting 'may be' I'm still laughing you tried to justify that phrase as fact.
at the web-site I already provided:

But health experts say the evidence is clear that masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that the more people wearing masks, the better.

see the section
What evidence do we have that wearing a mask is effective in preventing COVID-19?
dude, seriously?

But the strongest evidence in favor of masks come from studies of real-world scenarios. “The most important thing are the epidemiologic data,” said Rutherford. Because it would be unethical to assign people to not wear a mask during a pandemic, the epidemiological evidence has come from so-called “experiments of nature.”

Drop my mthr fking mic. I'm laughing.
you know what the evidence of nature is? when women exposed their babies to mumps and chicken pops. Community herding. it's worked for centuries. now some twat comes along and says experiment of nature is masks? LOL.
That dude talks a lot, but I see no data or statistics.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

Why were the cops there? Because she didn't have a mask on. They tried to force her to put one on, and when she refused they tazed her.

If you don't know how that is govt overreach you are a moron.

Do you think the govt has the authority to make you wear Cowboy boots?
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

I'd be suing that fkwad.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

Why were the cops there? Because she didn't have a mask on. They tried to force her to put one on, and when she refused they tazed her.

If you don't know how that is govt overreach you are a moron.

Do you think the govt has the authority to make you wear Cowboy boots?

Cops are often at public school games.

There were always cops at football games when i was in high school

and even the reporter said she was tasered for not leaving the stands after she refused to wear a mask in compliance with the school's policy she was not tasered simply for not wearing a mask
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

spin, plain and simple. you should learn what spin is in a debate.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

spin, plain and simple. you should learn what spin is in a debate.

nope you're wrong.

she was tasered after she refused to leave and became combative not because she wasn't wearing a mask.

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