70% of those infected with Kung Flu wore masks, followed CDC guidelines.

My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

spin, plain and simple. you should learn what spin is in a debate.

nope you're wrong.

she was tasered after she refused to leave and became combative not because she wasn't wearing a mask.

had no authority to do either. the reason she was asked to leave was for no mask. you can spin it but the fact is the fact.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

spin, plain and simple. you should learn what spin is in a debate.

nope you're wrong.

she was tasered after she refused to leave and became combative not because she wasn't wearing a mask.

had no authority to do either. the reason she was asked to leave was for no mask. you can spin it but the fact is the fact.

as was the policy of the school district she was asked to leave.

She refused to leave then got combative and THAT's why she was tasered.

So let's compare this to another similar scenario.

Let's say it is the policy of the school district to not allow smoking at football games. Some guy lights up and a cop asks him to leave the grounds to smoke. The man refuses to leave. The man then becomes combative and gets tasered. Was he tasered because he lit up a cigarette?

My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

Why were the cops there? Because she didn't have a mask on. They tried to force her to put one on, and when she refused they tazed her.

If you don't know how that is govt overreach you are a moron.

Do you think the govt has the authority to make you wear Cowboy boots?

Cops are often at public school games.

There were always cops at football games when i was in high school

and even the reporter said she was tasered for not leaving the stands after she refused to wear a mask in compliance with the school's policy she was not tasered simply for not wearing a mask

I meant why were they accosting her, Simpleton. Everyone know cops are at football games.

Got your Govt mandated Cowboy boots on yet?
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

Why were the cops there? Because she didn't have a mask on. They tried to force her to put one on, and when she refused they tazed her.

If you don't know how that is govt overreach you are a moron.

Do you think the govt has the authority to make you wear Cowboy boots?

Cops are often at public school games.

There were always cops at football games when i was in high school

and even the reporter said she was tasered for not leaving the stands after she refused to wear a mask in compliance with the school's policy she was not tasered simply for not wearing a mask

I meant why were they accosting her, Simpleton. Everyone know cops are at football games.

Got your Govt mandated Cowboy boots on yet?

No you said she got tasered for not wearing a mask

Just admit you were wrong.

This has nothing to do with whether the policy was valid or not and if you knew that cops are always at football games why did you ask why a cop was there?
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

Why were the cops there? Because she didn't have a mask on. They tried to force her to put one on, and when she refused they tazed her.

If you don't know how that is govt overreach you are a moron.

Do you think the govt has the authority to make you wear Cowboy boots?

Cops are often at public school games.

There were always cops at football games when i was in high school

and even the reporter said she was tasered for not leaving the stands after she refused to wear a mask in compliance with the school's policy she was not tasered simply for not wearing a mask

I meant why were they accosting her, Simpleton. Everyone know cops are at football games.

Got your Govt mandated Cowboy boots on yet?

No you said she got tasered for not wearing a mask

Just admit you were wrong.

This has nothing to do with whether the policy was valid or not and if you knew that cops are always at football games why did you ask why a cop was there?

They would have been nowhere near her if they weren't there to force her to put a mask on.

You really are stupid, and a waste of time.

See ya.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

Why were the cops there? Because she didn't have a mask on. They tried to force her to put one on, and when she refused they tazed her.

If you don't know how that is govt overreach you are a moron.

Do you think the govt has the authority to make you wear Cowboy boots?

Cops are often at public school games.

There were always cops at football games when i was in high school

and even the reporter said she was tasered for not leaving the stands after she refused to wear a mask in compliance with the school's policy she was not tasered simply for not wearing a mask

I meant why were they accosting her, Simpleton. Everyone know cops are at football games.

Got your Govt mandated Cowboy boots on yet?

No you said she got tasered for not wearing a mask

Just admit you were wrong.

This has nothing to do with whether the policy was valid or not and if you knew that cops are always at football games why did you ask why a cop was there?

They would have been nowhere near her if they weren't there to force her to put a mask on.

You really are stupid, and a waste of time.

See ya.

they weren't forcing her to put a mask on. They asked her to and when she refused she was asked to leave per the school district's policy.

She refused to leave and became combative that is why she was tasered.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

Why were the cops there? Because she didn't have a mask on. They tried to force her to put one on, and when she refused they tazed her.

If you don't know how that is govt overreach you are a moron.

Do you think the govt has the authority to make you wear Cowboy boots?

That is such nonsense. Why did law enforcement show up? Because she didn't have a mask on?
Correct. Did they try to force a mask on her? Nonsense. They told her to put one on or leave because that is the rule there and they were correct in their actions. Where do you get your logic from--The Dollar Store?
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

spin, plain and simple. you should learn what spin is in a debate.

nope you're wrong.

she was tasered after she refused to leave and became combative not because she wasn't wearing a mask.

had no authority to do either. the reason she was asked to leave was for no mask. you can spin it but the fact is the fact.

as was the policy of the school district she was asked to leave.

She refused to leave then got combative and THAT's why she was tasered.

So let's compare this to another similar scenario.

Let's say it is the policy of the school district to not allow smoking at football games. Some guy lights up and a cop asks him to leave the grounds to smoke. The man refuses to leave. The man then becomes combative and gets tasered. Was he tasered because he lit up a cigarette?


well number 1, no smoking is an ordinance, and yes, that's exactly what he was tasered for.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

Why were the cops there? Because she didn't have a mask on. They tried to force her to put one on, and when she refused they tazed her.

If you don't know how that is govt overreach you are a moron.

Do you think the govt has the authority to make you wear Cowboy boots?

That is such nonsense. Why did law enforcement show up? Because she didn't have a mask on?
Correct. Did they try to force a mask on her? Nonsense. They told her to put one on or leave because that is the rule there and they were correct in their actions. Where do you get your logic from--The Dollar Store?

nope, that is hitlerish behavior.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

Why were the cops there? Because she didn't have a mask on. They tried to force her to put one on, and when she refused they tazed her.

If you don't know how that is govt overreach you are a moron.

Do you think the govt has the authority to make you wear Cowboy boots?

That is such nonsense. Why did law enforcement show up? Because she didn't have a mask on?
Correct. Did they try to force a mask on her? Nonsense. They told her to put one on or leave because that is the rule there and they were correct in their actions. Where do you get your logic from--The Dollar Store?

they didn't show up they were already there.

HAve you ever been to a high school football game where there wasn't a cop somewhere? I haven't
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

spin, plain and simple. you should learn what spin is in a debate.

nope you're wrong.

she was tasered after she refused to leave and became combative not because she wasn't wearing a mask.

had no authority to do either. the reason she was asked to leave was for no mask. you can spin it but the fact is the fact.

as was the policy of the school district she was asked to leave.

She refused to leave then got combative and THAT's why she was tasered.

So let's compare this to another similar scenario.

Let's say it is the policy of the school district to not allow smoking at football games. Some guy lights up and a cop asks him to leave the grounds to smoke. The man refuses to leave. The man then becomes combative and gets tasered. Was he tasered because he lit up a cigarette?


well number 1, no smoking is an ordinance, and yes, that's exactly what he was tasered for.

no he was tasered because he didn't leave when asked.

If he was tasered for smoking the cop would have tasered him the second he lit up
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

Why were the cops there? Because she didn't have a mask on. They tried to force her to put one on, and when she refused they tazed her.

If you don't know how that is govt overreach you are a moron.

Do you think the govt has the authority to make you wear Cowboy boots?

That is such nonsense. Why did law enforcement show up? Because she didn't have a mask on?
Correct. Did they try to force a mask on her? Nonsense. They told her to put one on or leave because that is the rule there and they were correct in their actions. Where do you get your logic from--The Dollar Store?

they didn't show up they were already there.

HAve you ever been to a high school football game where there wasn't a cop somewhere? I haven't
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

spin, plain and simple. you should learn what spin is in a debate.

nope you're wrong.

she was tasered after she refused to leave and became combative not because she wasn't wearing a mask.

had no authority to do either. the reason she was asked to leave was for no mask. you can spin it but the fact is the fact.

as was the policy of the school district she was asked to leave.

She refused to leave then got combative and THAT's why she was tasered.

So let's compare this to another similar scenario.

Let's say it is the policy of the school district to not allow smoking at football games. Some guy lights up and a cop asks him to leave the grounds to smoke. The man refuses to leave. The man then becomes combative and gets tasered. Was he tasered because he lit up a cigarette?


well number 1, no smoking is an ordinance, and yes, that's exactly what he was tasered for.

no he was tasered because he didn't leave when asked.

If he was tasered for smoking the cop would have tasered him the second he lit up

no, he was tasered for smoking. the original act is the act they were resolving.
My experience suggests the best way to avoid catching Wuhan is to avoid indoor gatherings.
I travel all around the country as a side job and play bar music as a primary job. Almost all gigs canceled in 2020 but I’ve continued traveling on the other job. For over 30 years I’ve never gone this far into the season without having contracted at least a cold by now. Not this year. Process of elimination suggests the indoor events are the culprit.
Of course all of this should be moot by now as we should have naturally been over this already. But democrat gov’s and their lockdowns are only delaying the process.
It only stands to reason that isolation will nearly eliminate most communicable diseases. However if it becomes a matter of course, eventually everyone will lose their herd immunity and you will see mass die offs due to minor disease. Don't be naive and fall for all of this "end of the world" garbage. Go on with your life, the sky is not falling and this is just so much sensationalized crap.
You can go ahead and live your life while at least trying to minimize risk of getting COVID.

I'm not a shut in but I take precautions. I have had asthma since i was a kid and don't want to risk getting a potentially severe pulmonary infection
There is a vulnerable population, of which you are a member. You take necessary precautions, as you should. The vast majority of the population is not fatally vulnerable and will recover just as they would with a common cold or flu. Please , do keep yourself safe. Merry Christmas.
you do realize that if you follow some simple precautions as well that you could possible prevent a vulnerable person from getting sick and possibly dying right?
You sound like Fauci, the CDC/WHO/DNC You COULD get covid and POTENTIALLY die if the third blue moon of the year fall on Friday the 13th. But if you wear a mask, you COULD POTENTIALLY save some old codgers life. How about this. Come up with some actual SCIENCE and not just a bunch of moronic democrat governors and reps saying science and you will get some factual WILL, DOES verbs. For crying out loud. WA governor Jay Inslee was on the news last night saying "Because of the NEW science and because we are doing so well, we will be opening our schools." C'mon, Jay, you moron. We've been locked down with mask mandates for a month and a half now and cases are still spiking. How about that NEW science.
No I sound like a guy who has chronic asthma and who listens to Doctors he knows and trusts.

I have among my friends 2 ER docs and a retired infectious disease dr/ pathologist who know a fuck of a lot more than you do
I'll call your 4 docs and raise you 5. Take it down the road moron.
it 3 doctors you see where I used the slash mark?

and those 3 people know a fuck of a lot more than you.
You don't know fuck-all about me moron. I do know that you are a sheep that will hide in his basement because the MSM/DNC has overhyped a disease that is less deadly than the seasonal flu.

I go out every day.

I walk my dogs in the state forest, I go to the supermarket twice a week, I go to play guitar with some buddies at least twice a week.

And any virus that causes a respiratory infection can become serious for me because as I said I have chronic asthma.

So i take precautions. I get a flu shot , I'll get the COVID vaccine too.
Good, I'm glad for you. May you live long and prosper. I will continue to live a life as free of government intervention as I can. That includes refusing any and all democrat elitist mandates that they pass on the populace and refuse to follow themselves. See Piglosi, Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot, Inslee...
the government isn't forcing me to do anything.

if the owners of a store post a sign that masks are required I'll wear one.

Like I said getting your panties in a twist over a temporary inconvenience is beyond stupid

she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.

Weakest spin ever. :iyfyus.jpg:

because there was no spin.

The guard didn't say put a mask on and then taser her for not complying.

He tasered her for being combative and not vacating the premises

You can repeat it as many times as you want, it's still pathetic spin.

No spin at all that was a knuckle-ball

spin, plain and simple. you should learn what spin is in a debate.

nope you're wrong.

she was tasered after she refused to leave and became combative not because she wasn't wearing a mask.

had no authority to do either. the reason she was asked to leave was for no mask. you can spin it but the fact is the fact.

as was the policy of the school district she was asked to leave.

She refused to leave then got combative and THAT's why she was tasered.

So let's compare this to another similar scenario.

Let's say it is the policy of the school district to not allow smoking at football games. Some guy lights up and a cop asks him to leave the grounds to smoke. The man refuses to leave. The man then becomes combative and gets tasered. Was he tasered because he lit up a cigarette?


well number 1, no smoking is an ordinance, and yes, that's exactly what he was tasered for.

She was the only person not wearing a mask............and the only person tazed.

But there is no connection. :cuckoo:
she was not tasered for not wearing a masked she was tasered for being combative when she was asked to leave the premises.
I think your post is disingenuous, to say the least. I don't know what's worse: Siccing the cops on this woman sitting surrounded by no one in the outdoors? And breathing on no one?
Or your insistence she wasn't thrown out for not bowing down to a fascistic mask policy, stupidly enforced completely capriciously, and without reason in this case?
I wonder why people working with viruses in a lab where there are no coughing or sneezing people wear hermeticaly-sealed suits?


Duh, in case of a leak / escape of a virus or other pathogen
I wonder why people working with viruses in a lab where there are no coughing or sneezing people wear hermeticaly-sealed suits?


Duh, in case of a leak / escape of a virus or other pathogen
Why not just wear a mask?
Because I am a free man, with a functioning immune system, and I have a fundamental right to make my own medical decisions, including if I wish to wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face for year.

I laugh at all the sheep who constantly touch and adjust their masks, and then go on to touch other things at the grocery store.

Countless Dem mayors and governors have been caught violating their own draconian measures. Lori Lightfoot needed a haircut. Nancy Pelosi needed to get her hair done. Newsom needed to have a $15k dinner with others. Rhode Island governor, Gina Raimondo, needed to do some wine tasting. Dr. Brix needed to sell one of her vacation properties. Fauci had no excuse, he thought he was off camera after throwing in the first pitch like a girl. The list goes on.

Remember when the US Surgeon General and all the media was telling us not to wear masks, as they are useless?

Two weeks to flatten the curve, they told us.

It's not about Science; it's about compliance.

Viruses will be viruses. Sheep will be sheep. Me, I have happiness to pursue, and it includes breathing, smiling, and otherwise expressing myself without obstruction.
I wonder why people working with viruses in a lab where there are no coughing or sneezing people wear hermeticaly-sealed suits?


Duh, in case of a leak / escape of a virus or other pathogen
Why not just wear a mask?
Because I am a free man, with a functioning immune system, and I have a fundamental right to make my own medical decisions, including if I wish to wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face for year.

I laugh at all the sheep who constantly touch and adjust their masks, and then go on to touch other things at the grocery store.

Countless Dem mayors and governors have been caught violating their own draconian measures. Lori Lightfoot needed a haircut. Nancy Pelosi needed to get her hair done. Newsom needed to have a $15k dinner with others. Rhode Island governor, Gina Raimondo, needed to do some wine tasting. Dr. Brix needed to sell one of her vacation properties. Fauci had no excuse, he thought he was off camera after throwing in the first pitch like a girl. The list goes on.

Remember when the US Surgeon General and all the media was telling us not to wear masks, as they are useless?

Two weeks to flatten the curve, they told us.

It's not about Science; it's about compliance.

Viruses will be viruses. Sheep will be sheep. Me, I have happiness to pursue, and it includes breathing, smiling, and otherwise expressing myself without obstruction.

You and others who mock science and the scientists are The Problem.
I wonder why people working with viruses in a lab where there are no coughing or sneezing people wear hermeticaly-sealed suits?


Duh, in case of a leak / escape of a virus or other pathogen
Why not just wear a mask?
Because I am a free man, with a functioning immune system, and I have a fundamental right to make my own medical decisions, including if I wish to wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face for year.

I laugh at all the sheep who constantly touch and adjust their masks, and then go on to touch other things at the grocery store.

Countless Dem mayors and governors have been caught violating their own draconian measures. Lori Lightfoot needed a haircut. Nancy Pelosi needed to get her hair done. Newsom needed to have a $15k dinner with others. Rhode Island governor, Gina Raimondo, needed to do some wine tasting. Dr. Brix needed to sell one of her vacation properties. Fauci had no excuse, he thought he was off camera after throwing in the first pitch like a girl. The list goes on.

Remember when the US Surgeon General and all the media was telling us not to wear masks, as they are useless?

Two weeks to flatten the curve, they told us.

It's not about Science; it's about compliance.

Viruses will be viruses. Sheep will be sheep. Me, I have happiness to pursue, and it includes breathing, smiling, and otherwise expressing myself without obstruction.

You and others who mock science and the scientists are The Problem.
The democrats think that all they have to say is, "The science says you COULD contract covid" Trouble is science NEVER says COULD. Science say WILL. Science is FACT not CONJECTURE. Moron democrats just don't get it.
I wonder why people working with viruses in a lab where there are no coughing or sneezing people wear hermeticaly-sealed suits?


Duh, in case of a leak / escape of a virus or other pathogen
Why not just wear a mask?
Because I am a free man, with a functioning immune system, and I have a fundamental right to make my own medical decisions, including if I wish to wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face for year.

I laugh at all the sheep who constantly touch and adjust their masks, and then go on to touch other things at the grocery store.

Countless Dem mayors and governors have been caught violating their own draconian measures. Lori Lightfoot needed a haircut. Nancy Pelosi needed to get her hair done. Newsom needed to have a $15k dinner with others. Rhode Island governor, Gina Raimondo, needed to do some wine tasting. Dr. Brix needed to sell one of her vacation properties. Fauci had no excuse, he thought he was off camera after throwing in the first pitch like a girl. The list goes on.

Remember when the US Surgeon General and all the media was telling us not to wear masks, as they are useless?

Two weeks to flatten the curve, they told us.

It's not about Science; it's about compliance.

Viruses will be viruses. Sheep will be sheep. Me, I have happiness to pursue, and it includes breathing, smiling, and otherwise expressing myself without obstruction.

You and others who mock science and the scientists are The Problem.
You are entitled to your opinion, but I suggest worrying about yourself, and not the behavior of others.

If you are vulnerable or afraid, you are welcome to wear a mask or stay home for as long as you wish.

We have stolen some of the best times of our youth. We have destroyed our economy and shuttered American businesses. We have put millions out of work, closed gyms and recreation facilities. Illiteracy has tripled in a year in some city school districts.

A mom & pop shop who sells jewelry and flowers has to close. Meanwhile, across the street, a WalMart can sell jewelry and flowers. China is delighted, as they can still flood America with good to sell at WalMart and Amazon.

All jobs are essential. Freedom to practice religion as one wishes is essential for some people. Free to assemble is a fundamental right guaranteed by the highest law in the land.

Christmas is cancelled. Be sure to wear your face diaper in between bites.


PS: I had COVID (got very sick and then recovered like any other bad flu), I am a scientist, and I refuse to comply with tyranny.

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