72-year-old Woman Attacked by 2 Black Teens in Latest 'Knockout Game' in Church

So the op goes on a rant, calls Black people "apes" and affirmative action then brings up the issue of respect...smh.

Well then tell me this: Was two young people's action of snatching an elderly woman's purse, then cold-cocking her in the head, something you'd call "humane"?

The people who did that are not human. They are fucking animals. Apes. Chimps.

Clearly they were disadvantaged youths who can do nothing but beat up/rob/rape/murder old/young/white people because of slavery and "racism".

They should be treated leniently and given exclusive government benefits because that's worked so well for the last 50 years.
Soggy in NOLA bedowin62
I have actually lost count of how many anti-minority posts and topics have been started on this forum today.

Can you guys believe there are people who did not believe me when I claimed that every time a right winger talks about minorities on this forum, it is always in a negative light?

These retards actually believe minorities don't vote for Republicans "because gifts." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Are all minorities criminals?
Exactly my point! If you look at all the posts and topics written by right wingers which involve minorities, you'd think all minorities were muggers, terrorists, rapists, murderers, and pedophiles.

EVERY time a right winger on this forum posts about minorities, it is ALWAYS in a negative light.

And then they are completely mystified as to why minorities vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. They delude themselves that it is "because gifts"!!!

The truth is that minorities will not vote for a party which so obviously HATES them.
Soggy in NOLA bedowin62
I have actually lost count of how many right winger anti-minority posts and topics have been created on this forum today.

Can you guys believe there are people who did not believe me when I claimed that every time a right winger talks about minorities on this forum, it is always in a negative light?

These retards actually believe minorities don't vote for Republicans "because gifts." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Someone please alert me when SassyIrishLass or Theowl32 or Rotagilla start a Whites Behaving Badly topic, especially if it involves some posts telling us what they would do if they were there.

Sure. But first find an example of a group of white youngsters walking down the sisewalk, who decide to knock out a black person. Aside from that piece of shit who shot up the church in Virgina, does this happen on a regular basis?
Theowl32 say a Blacks Behaving Badly video and had to rush here and post it.

And a bunch of other right wingers chimed right in with their appreciation of just how badly blacks behave.

How is it possible these retards think minorities buy the bullshit line the GOP stands for treating everyone the same and giving them the same opportunity?
Someone please alert me when SassyIrishLass or Theowl32 or Rotagilla start a Whites Behaving Badly topic, especially if it involves some posts telling us what they would do if they were there.

this thread isn't about me or them...or white people..this thread is about negro criminals...why are you trying to cause a distraction?
Theowl32 say a Blacks Behaving Badly video and had to rush here and post it.

And a bunch of other right wingers chimed right in with their appreciation of just how badly blacks behave.

How is it possible these retards think minorities buy the bullshit line the GOP stands for treating everyone the same and giving them the same opportunity?
Someone please alert me when SassyIrishLass or Theowl32 or Rotagilla start a Whites Behaving Badly topic, especially if it involves some posts telling us what they would do if they were there.

Sure. But first find an example of a group of white youngsters walking down the sisewalk, who decide to knock out a black person. Aside from that piece of shit who shot up the church in Virgina, does this happen on a regular basis?
And here we see textbook confirmation bias. And I see what you did there. You want to carefully frame the violence of white people into someone knocking out a black person, as if there is no other kind of violence white people can commit.

The OP of this topic is textbook confirmation bias.
Soggy in NOLA bedowin62
I have actually lost count of how many anti-minority posts and topics have been started on this forum today.

Can you guys believe there are people who did not believe me when I claimed that every time a right winger talks about minorities on this forum, it is always in a negative light?

These retards actually believe minorities don't vote for Republicans "because gifts." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Are all minorities criminals?
Exactly my point! If you look at all the posts and topics written by right wingers which involve minorities, you'd think all minorities were muggers, terrorists, and pedophiles.

EVERY time a right winger on this forum posts about minorities, it is ALWAYS in a negative light.

And then they are completely mystified as to why minorities vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. They delude themselves that it is "because gifts"!!!

The truth is that minorities will not vote for a party which so obviously HATES them.

Not so. If you asked me, I'd tell you that someone like the Charleston Shooter who was white, should have been drawn and quartered. But this is an isolated occurrence. Black on white crime happens with a much higher incidence and more than often, you people on the left dismiss it.
Someone please alert me when SassyIrishLass or Theowl32 or Rotagilla start a Whites Behaving Badly topic, especially if it involves some posts telling us what they would do if they were there.

this thread isn't about me or them...or white people..this thread is about negro criminals...

Yes, I know, bigot.


Fucking obamamerica folks.

Very sad that teenagers think that is acceptable today. Which one was President Obama?

Obama was being represented by both of them. If they weren't felons, I'd have to say they both admired and/or voted for him.

After all, neither one of them were fine upstanding Republicans, no wwere they?

So...again....which one is President Obama?
Soggy in NOLA bedowin62
I have actually lost count of how many anti-minority posts and topics have been started on this forum today.

Can you guys believe there are people who did not believe me when I claimed that every time a right winger talks about minorities on this forum, it is always in a negative light?

These retards actually believe minorities don't vote for Republicans "because gifts." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Are all minorities criminals?
Exactly my point! If you look at all the posts and topics written by right wingers which involve minorities, you'd think all minorities were muggers, terrorists, and pedophiles.

EVERY time a right winger on this forum posts about minorities, it is ALWAYS in a negative light.

And then they are completely mystified as to why minorities vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. They delude themselves that it is "because gifts"!!!

The truth is that minorities will not vote for a party which so obviously HATES them.

Not so. If you asked me, I'd tell you that someone like the Charleston Shooter who was white, should have been drawn and quartered. But this is an isolated occurrence. Black on white crime happens with a much higher incidence and more than often, you people on the left dismiss it.
I'm not on the left. I am old school conservative Republican who is disgusted with the stench of the bigots who have been allowed to hijack the party and destroy the Republican brand.

Thank you for proving once again the consent by silence which is also infecting the GOP. You assume anyone who tries to root out the rot from the GOP must be a liberal. You attack them and smear them as a liberal, which means if you are not an out and out bigot, you are an enabler of bigots.
Theowl32 say a Blacks Behaving Badly video and had to rush here and post it.

And a bunch of other right wingers chimed right in with their appreciation of just how badly blacks behave.

How is it possible these retards think minorities buy the bullshit line the GOP stands for treating everyone the same and giving them the same opportunity?




They are worrying me.

Seriously, you're bullshitting me, right? You're more worried about Americans who are using their constitutional right to protect their own lives and the lives of their loved ones, more than the street thugs, muggers, drug dealers, and pimps who really don't give a fuck about you, who you are, or what you stand for?

Come on now, really?

Another stupid useless white guilt liberal elitist who lives in a nice gated community guarded by armed guards.

They are such useless, brainless, dickless pawns for their disgraceful democrats. They are that fucking dumb and blind that they cannot see what is happening.

Treat them like the bags of shit they are.

Bingo. There are some of we Republicans who are no longer going to be "Mr. Nice Guy".

Fuck that. If the left wants to play, I can play right back to them. Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" works both ways.
You sound like a Manly man. Are you a Manly man?

Ask your mommy, son.
:lol: That was clever. So, would that make you a clever Manly Man?
Soggy in NOLA bedowin62
I have actually lost count of how many anti-minority posts and topics have been started on this forum today.

Can you guys believe there are people who did not believe me when I claimed that every time a right winger talks about minorities on this forum, it is always in a negative light?

These retards actually believe minorities don't vote for Republicans "because gifts." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Are all minorities criminals?
Exactly my point! If you look at all the posts and topics written by right wingers which involve minorities, you'd think all minorities were muggers, terrorists, rapists, murderers, and pedophiles.

EVERY time a right winger on this forum posts about minorities, it is ALWAYS in a negative light.

And then they are completely mystified as to why minorities vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. They delude themselves that it is "because gifts"!!!

The truth is that minorities will not vote for a party which so obviously HATES them.

This is funny. So it's not the fault of the minorities bringing negativity to their own race, it's the white man that complains about it who is at fault.

If minorities do not want to be viewed in a negative light, then they should stop engaging in negative activities.

The logic you're using could be applied to police as well. You rarely hear of the good things police do, but almost always the bad things they do.
Soggy in NOLA bedowin62
I have actually lost count of how many anti-minority posts and topics have been started on this forum today.

Can you guys believe there are people who did not believe me when I claimed that every time a right winger talks about minorities on this forum, it is always in a negative light?

These retards actually believe minorities don't vote for Republicans "because gifts." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Are all minorities criminals?
Exactly my point! If you look at all the posts and topics written by right wingers which involve minorities, you'd think all minorities were muggers, terrorists, and pedophiles.

EVERY time a right winger on this forum posts about minorities, it is ALWAYS in a negative light.

And then they are completely mystified as to why minorities vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. They delude themselves that it is "because gifts"!!!

The truth is that minorities will not vote for a party which so obviously HATES them.

Not so. If you asked me, I'd tell you that someone like the Charleston Shooter who was white, should have been drawn and quartered. But this is an isolated occurrence. Black on white crime happens with a much higher incidence and more than often, you people on the left dismiss it.
I'm not on the left. I am old school conservative Republican who is disgusted with the stench of the bigots who have been allowed to hijack the party and destroy the Republican brand.

Thank you for proving once again the consent by silence which is also infecting the GOP. You assume anyone who tries to root out the rot from the GOP must be a liberal. You attack them and smear them as a liberal, which means if you are not an out and out bigot, you are an enabler of bigots.

Soggy in NOLA bedowin62
I have actually lost count of how many anti-minority posts and topics have been started on this forum today.

Can you guys believe there are people who did not believe me when I claimed that every time a right winger talks about minorities on this forum, it is always in a negative light?

These retards actually believe minorities don't vote for Republicans "because gifts." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Are all minorities criminals?
Exactly my point! If you look at all the posts and topics written by right wingers which involve minorities, you'd think all minorities were muggers, terrorists, and pedophiles.

EVERY time a right winger on this forum posts about minorities, it is ALWAYS in a negative light.

And then they are completely mystified as to why minorities vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. They delude themselves that it is "because gifts"!!!

The truth is that minorities will not vote for a party which so obviously HATES them.

Not so. If you asked me, I'd tell you that someone like the Charleston Shooter who was white, should have been drawn and quartered. But this is an isolated occurrence. Black on white crime happens with a much higher incidence and more than often, you people on the left dismiss it.
I'm not on the left. I am old school conservative Republican who is disgusted with the stench of the bigots who have been allowed to hijack the party and destroy the Republican brand.

Thank you for proving once again the consent by silence which is also infecting the GOP. You assume anyone who tries to root out the rot from the GOP must be a liberal. You attack them and smear them as a liberal, which means if you are not an out and out bigot, you are an enabler of bigots.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha. You've just proved his point, he's one of a few rational conservatives and he's alienated from the Republican Party.
I guarantee you, if you assholes spent as much time looking for Whites Behaving Badly, you would have no trouble finding it.

But your bigoted confirmation bias has you entirely focused on Blacks Behaving Badly and rushing here to show it to us.

Even though I repeatedly state that when a right winger is talking about any minority, it is ALWAYS in a negative light, you STILL cannot stop yourselves from doing it.

You are the reason minorities vote Democratic. You make it very clear, along with your silently consenting enablers, just how much the Right hates them.

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