780,236 COVID deaths in the USA so far

No matter how many times you repeat that LIE it will always be a LIE and you will always be a LIAR.

Why are you so soft, and why can't you do simple math Ed? Do you know how to use a search engine?

375000 in 2020.

780236 today.

Grab a calculator and subtract 375000 from 780236. What did you get?
Link to definite message?
I've already posted this link once before.
Yeah I know some Canadians, they're easily manipulated and change positions on a dime.
Canadians are more responsive to the greater good and wellbeing of the people. That's at least in part due to our reluctance to pretend that our freedoms are being stolen from us.

You'll find America listed at 58th., alongside of a picture of Trump to make the point.
What Rand Paul lie?

Link please. Put up the confirmed origin of Covid, or stop lying.
How's that we can't fix the ecomoney until we fix the COVID thing working out so far?

The Democrats opened the economy when they were safety "voted" into office while COVID cases were twice what they were one year earlier, how does that work, I thought it was Trump who cared more about the ecomoney than people?

Remind us again how COVID is Trump's fault while most of the "COVID deaths" have occurred on Biden's watch, and he's only been in office 9 months.

How about those experimental COVID shots, how are those doing? Why are people being hospitalized following these great shots?

Neat how our government is mandating everyone take their magic shots. I still remember when vaccines had a purpose and were effective. Now they're a game, a tag you carry in your pocket, just in case you need it.

When are you scheduled for your next magic shot? One is never enough, perhaps 2-3 a year sounds about right.

Joe Biden has NO PLAN to deal with Covid. It's running wild among vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, and he's standing there like an idiot licking an ice cream cone.
That 'warp speed' snake juice has a lot more deaths in its future with all those "breaktrough" and "SARS-2" cases spreading by and hitting the vaxxed. If those don't get them the DNA damage will.

Our house is gonna be proactive against 'spike proteins' with "Bleach", "Horse medicine" and now we have added "Borax bathing" to the mix for any of those chemtrails that may have graphene in them being sprayed about or any commercial food that we may have graphene in it that we 'accidentally' ingest.
I've already posted this link once before.

Canadians are more responsive to the greater good and wellbeing of the people. That's at least in part due to our reluctance to pretend that our freedoms are being stolen from us.

You'll find America listed at 58th., alongside of a picture of Trump to make the point.

ILMAO........That's not the same thing. Trump said do not vaccinate children and he's 100% correct.

Why are you so soft, and why can't you do simple math Ed? Do you know how to use a search engine?

375000 in 2020.

780236 today.

Grab a calculator and subtract 375000 from 780236. What did you get?
Already did the math for you in another thread, Tramp over 600,000 dead plus the anti-vaxers and poison Trumpcines dead. Biden less than 100,000.

there were 429,874 dead the day Tramp left office and 8,832,292 active cases with a 2% death rate which adds 176,646 more deaths to Tramp's total giving him a grand total of 606,520 deaths under his watch plus the anti-vaxers who have died under his influence since and those poisoned by his rushed Trumpcines. There are presently 780,236 dead.
The studies demonstrably prove it to be true.
The strange Trump syndrome has caused his supporters to deny clear and evident facts! Simply stating the facts as you're doing is the only effective response to the nonsense. None of them have the slightest interest in a rational debate.
Eventually some of them might squak themselves out of their own accord.
And, you cannot demonstrate THIS to be true.

You can come pretty damn close with science my friend. FACT: Donnie's dithering and denial cost between 250,000 and 500,000 lives.

And of course he did NOTHING in his final two months in office. Too busy trying to steal the election and remain in power. He f'd up the response by setting a HORRIBLE example. There is ZERO question about it.

Blame it on Biden? No. The blame is on the 20% of adult Americans who got their COVID and vaccine disinformation from Trump and Facebook. We'd be beyond this were it not for those factors.

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