780,236 COVID deaths in the USA so far

The man they adore admitted he downplayed it and misled us; they refuse to get vaxxed; they insult people who get vaxxed; they celebrate people who refuse to get vaxxed; they spread every possible rumor that challenges the effectiveness of vaccines; they have complete meltdowns about wearing freaking masks and refuse to do so; they brag about taking the fewest precautions possible.

And THEN they point out that cases and deaths are still too high.

I don't know how you communicate with someone like that.

You can't. Those who don't believe in science cannot be reasoned with. They've got their butt hunches and disinformation and you'll pry those from their cold dead hands.
More than any war we fought in, WWI, WWII, even the Civil War. And those wars took like 4 years to kill everyone. COVID did it in just over a year.

First of all, that's not true.

  1. Covid death numbers have been greatly inflated to include people who simply tested positive at the time of death whether that was what killed them or not. Actual, immediate, direct deaths probably number closer to just 100K.
  2. Just a few months ago, the CDC was claiming 2000 deaths a day on average with some single day spikes of 3000. Simple math will tell you that if true, then 630,000 have died under Biden! Then there is always the 600,000 claimed died last year under Trump. If this was all true, then we'd have closer to 1.2 million dead from Covid, so obviously, someone has been lying to us.
  3. There has been no formal research on the number of deaths caused by the shutdowns. The "cure" may turn out to eventually be found to have been far worse than the disease itself.
  4. There has been no formal study released yet, but while this has gone on, deaths from many OTHER causes like flu, traffic accidents and other things normally associated with human activity have been way DOWN, taking from the ultimate impact of Covid.
  5. Compounding the problem, Covid-19 is the first pan virus that we tried to treat entirely with novel vaccines instead of the time-tested method used all other cases: either just natural herd immunity immunization or a combination of natural herd immunity combined with vaccines.
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why are people who are vaccinated getting wuhan virus?
Because the vaccines turned out to be no good.

Oh, well. They tried.

Trying was okay; the guilt was in claiming it was a real, effective vaccine that would save everybody and stop the pandemic, when that was never true.
I'm amazed that Fau-Chi paid the Chinese Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general, for gern warfare research (aka gain-of-function), that directly caused at least 780,000 American deaths, and no one except Rand Paul is pushing for a real investigation. If anyone even remotely linked to Trump had done that, there would be non-stop MSM craziness to hang them.

The U.S. MSM is so partisan that it is worthless. The truth was the first casualty of Covid.
Now all we have is state sponsored propaganda. What flavor of ice cream do you like Mr. president?

An accurate summary!
American sheep get shorn.
Remind us again how COVID is Trump's fault while most of the "COVID deaths" have occurred on Biden's watch, and he's only been in office 9 months.

How about instead we remind you how to do basic math.

On Jan 21st, Biden's first full day in office the total deaths in the US stood at 436285. Today they stand at, according to you, 780236. That means that 343951 took place on Biden's watch.
How about instead we remind you how to do basic math.

On Jan 21st, Biden's first full day in office the total deaths in the US stood at 436285. Today they stand at, according to you, 780236. That means that 343951 took place on Biden's watch.

And most those deaths (even under Biden) are directly attributable to the Tangerine Tornado and the idiotic anti-vax/ anti-mask sentiment he engendered.
Fake Thread Title so it won’t be removed .
Not even 40K dead attributable solely to Covid. 700k+ deceased with a myriad of issues including Covid with no stats nor proof (conveniently) that Covid was causal as in pushing decedent over the edge.
Fake Thread Title so it won’t be removed .
Not even 40K dead attributable solely to Covid. 700k+ deceased with a myriad of issues including Covid with no stats nor proof (conveniently) that Covid was causal as in pushing decedent over the edge.
but the word probable preceded the count given.
I place blame on China and China alone when speaking about where to place the blame.
Not Trump and not Biden.
How about Dr. Fou-Chi for paying for the "gain-of-function" research when smarter doctors said it was way too dangerous? China gets some blame for letting the virus escape, but Fau-Chi the "do no harm" flunky, gets more for paying to create the virus.
And most those deaths (even under Biden) are directly attributable to the Tangerine Tornado and the idiotic anti-vax/ anti-mask sentiment he engendered.

Ah, the Gospel of BlueAnon, Chapter 1, Verse 1: Let all my sorrows be laid at the feet of Donald Trump.

LOL, you're such a fucking rube.

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