780,236 COVID deaths in the USA so far

And you wouldn't know science, truth or statistical probability if it smacked you upside. :)
Let’s us know when you actually have some of that to share.
Right now it’s “Boo”, do as I say or you will be “fired” from a free life
How's that we can't fix the ecomoney until we fix the COVID thing working out so far?

The Democrats opened the economy when they were safety "voted" into office while COVID cases were twice what they were one year earlier, how does that work, I thought it was Trump who cared more about the ecomoney than people?

Remind us again how COVID is Trump's fault while most of the "COVID deaths" have occurred on Biden's watch, and he's only been in office 9 months.

How about those experimental COVID shots, how are those doing? Why are people being hospitalized following these great shots?

Neat how our government is mandating everyone take their magic shots. I still remember when vaccines had a purpose and were effective. Now they're a game, a tag you carry in your pocket, just in case you need it.

When are you scheduled for your next magic shot? One is never enough, perhaps 2-3 a year sounds about right.
You were all warned about the seriousness of the disease but refused to listen. Some people wouldn't get jabbed because they don't like government sponsored research. Some thought God would protect them. Can you believe that stupidity?
Some refused a long party lines when Joe was appointed. How ignorant and stupid is that?

These deaths will continue until 80% are double dosed. That's proven overseas without doubt.
But don't let that stop you dying how you choose. Its your freedom at stake here. Die how you like but don't use the public health system in the me meantime.
You were all warned about the seriousness of the disease but refused to listen. Some people wouldn't get jabbed because they don't like government sponsored research. Some thought God would protect them. Can you believe that stupidity?
Some refused a long party lines when Joe was appointed. How ignorant and stupid is that?

These deaths will continue until 80% are double dosed. That's proven overseas without doubt.
But don't let that stop you dying how you choose. Its your freedom at stake here. Die how you like but don't use the public health system in the me meantime.
explain why vaccinated people are getting wuhan and dying? please enlighten us.
Yes. >The 99.6% survival rate for everyone under the age of 65 is a real monster.
Please stop repeating LIES. F'n DUMMIES

A vast majority of Texans who have died of covid-19 since the beginning of the year were unvaccinated, according to a grim new Texas health department report released Monday.​
The report from the Texas Department of State Health Services examined data from Jan. 15 to Oct. 1 and found that unvaccinated people were much more likely to get infected and die of the coronavirus than those who got their shots.​
Of the nearly 29,000 covid-linked fatalities in Texas during that period, more than 85 percent were of unvaccinated individuals. Nearly 7 percent of the deaths were among partially vaccinated people, while nearly 8 percent were fully vaccinated.​
The figures highlight just how much more at risk the unvaccinated population has been this year: In all age groups, the state’s unvaccinated were 40 times more likely to die than fully vaccinated people. The study also found that the unvaccinated in all age groups were 45 times more likely to have a coronavirus infection than fully vaccinated people.​
It also looked closely at data from September and underlined the impact of the highly contagious delta variant, which fueled a surge in Texas, as it did in much of the country.​

explain why vaccinated people are getting wuhan and dying? please enlighten us.
Approximately 6% of vaccinated can still contract the disease but virtually none have died from it without other illnesses.
The other 94% get virtually no more symptoms than a runny nose etc. They don't die. It has never been claimed any vaccine has 100% success so your argument us a poor one. But if you chose to not gave it to protect yourself and your family, and one of them die, Don't say you weren't warned. The Republican party or God will be nowhere to help you.

Torture your brain and research the number who catch it and die without vaccinations. There's you answer right there. Don't try to be clever. You don't have the smarts.
You were all warned about the seriousness of the disease but refused to listen. Some people wouldn't get jabbed because they don't like government sponsored research. Some thought God would protect them. Can you believe that stupidity?
Some refused a long party lines when Joe was appointed. How ignorant and stupid is that?

These deaths will continue until 80% are double dosed. That's proven overseas without doubt.
But don't let that stop you dying how you choose. Its your freedom at stake here. Die how you like but don't use the public health system in the me meantime.
We were warned, we listened, It isn’t.
Thats a conclusion we are FREE to make
Approximately 6% of vaccinated can still contract the disease but virtually none have died from it without other illnesses.
The other 94% get virtually no more symptoms than a runny nose etc. They don't die. It has never been claimed any vaccine has 100% success so your argument us a poor one. But if you chose to not gave it to protect yourself and your family, and one of them die, Don't say you weren't warned. The Republican party or God will be nowhere to help you.

Torture your brain and research the number who catch it and die without vaccinations. There's you answer right there. Don't try to be clever. You don't have the smarts.

We won't be able to convince them to vax.
Because? They are STOOPID
More than any war we fought in, WWI, WWII, even the Civil War.

And those wars took like 4 years to kill everyone. COVID did it in just over a year.
Yes, but it killed off mostly the already dying. Wars kill off --mostly young healthy males.
How about Dr. Fou-Chi for paying for the "gain-of-function" research when smarter doctors said it was way too dangerous? China gets some blame for letting the virus escape, but Fau-Chi the "do no harm" flunky, gets more for paying to create the virus.

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