780,236 COVID deaths in the USA so far

We actually have several studies. The one Kooks point to out of Israel was a tiny sampling & not peer reviewed.

800000 people in the test in Israel. Tiny.

You have nothing. You're just another hate filled redneck republican who refuses it because Biden advocates it. That's how bloody ignorant you are. You family will be proud of you when they get it knowing you refused it on political lines. Talk about dumb.
When I want the opinion of a Fascist Communist leftist I'll ask for it.

I back up my information with data .........You just quote the party line.......

Which is this.
800000 people in the test in Israel. Tiny.

Instagram is that a Scientific org........lol

It's a real study that disagrees with you and you can't stand it. I posted NIH including the dang directors blog articles and show the same dang things.

But it doesn't suit the Mein Kemp narrative now does it.
Instagram is that a Scientific org........lol

It's a real study that disagrees with you and you can't stand it. I posted NIH including the dang directors blog articles and show the same dang things.

But it doesn't suit the Mein Kemp narrative now does it.
How many far more current studies would you like - Would 5 or 6 be enough?
You dont het to shift deaths under biden over to trump

Trump had 400,000 and biden has 360,000 under much more favorable conditions
Tramp owns all who died of the over 8 million who were already afflicted with the Trump-45 virus when Biden became president since at that point it was too late for the Trumpcine to help them.
How many far more current studies would you like - Would 5 or 6 be enough?
I've produced studies from many sites that are current for my information including the CDC Way more than 5 or 6.

All we have done in this country is prolong this BS with the same outcome or even worse outcome because of the mutations. But your side loves the misery index of it right..............

The only thing we changed is the destruction of the economy in the process and more lethal variants.
YOU are the LIAR. Read these links. You have no links. All you have are lies.
They ALL prove Fauci killed millions of people with his HUBRIS. The coxucker should be shot.

NIH admits US funded gain-of-function in Wuhan — despite Fauci’s denials​

“[Fauci’s] biggest lie was not to Rand Paul and Congress about gain-of-function experimentations, per se. His lie of omission was not to tell us — the president’s task force — in January that he strongly suspected, as he did, that that virus was from a lab in Wuhan, that he had funded that lab, and that he had authorized gain-of-function experiments which can turn harmless bat viruses into human killers.

All your "links" are FAKE NEWS!

Sweden defies the odds

According to the Our World in Data project at the University of Oxford, over the course of the pandemic, Sweden has had close to 1500 fatalities per million people – while the European average stands at 1800.

The UK figure is far worse at 2100 despite three countrywide lockdowns, while Belgium and Italy’s numbers are both above 2000.


Don't you mean TRUMPCINE!!!!

Trump Calls Covid-19 Vaccine The ‘Trumpcine,’​

Kung Flu is the right nickname for it.

Brought to you by the Kung FLu lad in Wuhan China. With funding from the NIH, WHO, HHS, BILL GATES FOUNDATION...and the Department of Defense of the United States.

ECO Health Alliance is such a Great place for all these folks to play with Corona now weren't they.??

Kung Flu is the right nickname for it.

Brought to you by the Kung FLu lad in Wuhan China. With funding from the NIH, WHO, HHS, BILL GATES FOUNDATION...and the Department of Defense of the United States.

ECO Health Alliance is such a Great place for all these folks to play with Corona now weren't they.??
No, Trump-45 virus is the correct name for it since it was Tramp who financed the gain of function testing according to YOUR own link!
EcoHealth Alliance has received $6.5 million from the DTRA since 2017 to study “bat-borne zoonotic disease emergence in western Asia.”
Who was president in 2017?????
It wasn't Bill Gates!
No, Trump-45 virus is the correct name for it since it was Tramp who financed the gain of function testing according to YOUR own link!
EcoHealth Alliance has received $6.5 million from the DTRA since 2017 to study “bat-borne zoonotic disease emergence in western Asia.”
Who was president in 2017?????
It wasn't Bill Gates!
Like I said Trump lives in your head Rent Free.

So now when data comes out showing how they were doing bioweapons research there you suddenly agree. as long as you can shift blame. lmao

I don't care what political party they are with.........if they caused this via the research I want them hung.

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