8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

No, you didn't. YOu were being an asshole and you know it.

I most certainly did, when you can defend a man who constantly lies and you never criticize him what the hell else do you think you are.

1. I've criticized Trump many times, on many different issues, from his personal life to government policies.

Not since he started running for president.

:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

2. You were just being an asshole. You people can't debate, so you just yell fighting words, to shut down actual discussion.

Stop acting like a dick head Trump Humper. I can debate you all day, you are the ass clown that started with the name calling.

1. Since he was elected, your freaking moron.

:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

2. Fighting words is not a debate. It is shutting down a debate. That is the point of them. You are all about taking the discussion to the street instead of winning the war of IDEAS. Because you know that you are in the wrong.

An individual who knowingly voted for trump and continues to believe his antics; a Trump fanatic who is caught dropping the United States flag. Possibly a twitter addict that puppydogs fake news.
"You wont believe the TRUMPHUMPER I saw on the street today! He was still wearing his "I Voted" sticker yelling "We can still make America great!"

That fits you to a tee.

The reason you think that is because you are insane, and your complaints about Trump are always insane.

Although I am a Trump supporter, I agree with this guy, as to how crazy you guys are.

History in America has shown who the real racist are.
But history has NOT shown any evidence to anybody or any black that proves Trump is a racist. The 8 of 10 and the 10 of 10 have not seen any such evidence.

The evidence is overwhelming unless you have your head up your ass and refuse to look at it.
If the evidence is so overwhelming, why are you unable to post any that proves Trump is a racist? Why can't IM2 post any? Why does IM2 keep his secret postng location so secret?

It's a waste of time trying to convince a Trump Humper that Trump is a racist, so why bother.
That's right, you will NEVER be able to post even the very first piece of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. If you could, you most certainly would bother to do so. There will ALWAYS be a reason why you can NEVER post even the smallest shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. Try doing what IM2 does, and just swear that evidence has been posted in the top secret place.

The only folks who don't believe Trump is a racist are other racist Trump Humpers.
8 out of 10 believe that Trump is a racist without having a shred of evidence that proves he is. The views of these 8 out of 10 are engineered by the MSM. The other 2 of ten own their own views.

That dumbass post proves you don't have a clue of why black folks think he is a racist.
Regardless of why they "think" Trump is a racist, it is absolutely NOT because they have seen a shred of evidence that proves he is in fact a racist. No blacks or any lefty has EVER seen evidence that proves Trump is a racist.

That is your opinion, who the hell are you to tell black folks what they have or haven't seen.

He is a person that can clearly see that Trump is doing nothing racist, so the blacks that think that he is racist, are likely making that judgement based on lies told by liberals.

It's amazing how you fools think you think for yourself, but somebody is telling black folks what to think. You probably think what Bull Connor was doing wasn't racist.

This is not about saying that "someone is telling blacks what to think" but seeing that the polling shows a perception by them, as a generalization, that is not supported by actual events or policies.

This is at least the fourth time we have gone over this same point, and ever time you have chosen to just make a flat assertion and personal attack,

INSTEAD of pointing out the supposed "racist" policies and/or actions of Trump.

We both know why that is.

We get tired of your obtuse asses denying facts you get shown. So you get fighting words because you can't debate.

Says that man, that makes a vague reference to "facts" that support his position. But instead of posting them, he just makes a personal attack.

We all know why you didn't try to actually support your position, IM2.

A white lib would have pretended to find that post, clever or something. I was honest. That is because I judge you by the same standards I judge myself, or white stupid libs.

How does being treated like an adult feel to you? Strange? Different?
He is a Trumper Humper, so he only knows what the King tells him.
Trump lives rent free in your mind

Actually he lives in yours, that is why you follow him blindly.
He is a Trumper Humper, so he only knows what the King tells him.
Trump lives rent free in your mind

Actually he lives in yours, that is why you follow him blindly.
Actually no he's not. The only time I mention Trump is when you lying son's of bitches leftists lying about what he said or did.

You're a Trump Humper, as soon as, someone says something about Trump you come running to defend him no matter what he says or what he does.
The only time I mention Trump is when you lying son's of bitches leftists lying about what he said or did.

Let me tell you again Shithead, you are a Trump Humper and when someone says something about Trump you come running and crying .
I most certainly did, when you can defend a man who constantly lies and you never criticize him what the hell else do you think you are.

1. I've criticized Trump many times, on many different issues, from his personal life to government policies.

Not since he started running for president.

:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

2. You were just being an asshole. You people can't debate, so you just yell fighting words, to shut down actual discussion.

Stop acting like a dick head Trump Humper. I can debate you all day, you are the ass clown that started with the name calling.

1. Since he was elected, your freaking moron.

:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

2. Fighting words is not a debate. It is shutting down a debate. That is the point of them. You are all about taking the discussion to the street instead of winning the war of IDEAS. Because you know that you are in the wrong.

An individual who knowingly voted for trump and continues to believe his antics; a Trump fanatic who is caught dropping the United States flag. Possibly a twitter addict that puppydogs fake news.
"You wont believe the TRUMPHUMPER I saw on the street today! He was still wearing his "I Voted" sticker yelling "We can still make America great!"

That fits you to a tee.

The reason you think that is because you are insane, and your complaints about Trump are always insane.

Although I am a Trump supporter, I agree with this guy, as to how crazy you guys are.

A Trump Humper to the end, MAWA.
History in America has shown who the real racist are.
But history has NOT shown any evidence to anybody or any black that proves Trump is a racist. The 8 of 10 and the 10 of 10 have not seen any such evidence.

The evidence is overwhelming unless you have your head up your ass and refuse to look at it.
If the evidence is so overwhelming, why are you unable to post any that proves Trump is a racist? Why can't IM2 post any? Why does IM2 keep his secret postng location so secret?

It's a waste of time trying to convince a Trump Humper that Trump is a racist, so why bother.
That's right, you will NEVER be able to post even the very first piece of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. If you could, you most certainly would bother to do so. There will ALWAYS be a reason why you can NEVER post even the smallest shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. Try doing what IM2 does, and just swear that evidence has been posted in the top secret place.

IM2 says you've been shown the evidence here at USMB. You are the one repeating imaginary garbage about how there is no proof of trumps racism.
1. I've criticized Trump many times, on many different issues, from his personal life to government policies.

Not since he started running for president.

:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

2. You were just being an asshole. You people can't debate, so you just yell fighting words, to shut down actual discussion.

Stop acting like a dick head Trump Humper. I can debate you all day, you are the ass clown that started with the name calling.

1. Since he was elected, your freaking moron.

:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

2. Fighting words is not a debate. It is shutting down a debate. That is the point of them. You are all about taking the discussion to the street instead of winning the war of IDEAS. Because you know that you are in the wrong.

An individual who knowingly voted for trump and continues to believe his antics; a Trump fanatic who is caught dropping the United States flag. Possibly a twitter addict that puppydogs fake news.
"You wont believe the TRUMPHUMPER I saw on the street today! He was still wearing his "I Voted" sticker yelling "We can still make America great!"

That fits you to a tee.

The reason you think that is because you are insane, and your complaints about Trump are always insane.

Although I am a Trump supporter, I agree with this guy, as to how crazy you guys are.

A Trump Humper to the end, MAWA.

trump humps him with no Vaseline and he loves it.
you've been shown the evidence

1. I've criticized Trump many times, on many different issues, from his personal life to government policies.

Not since he started running for president.

:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

2. You were just being an asshole. You people can't debate, so you just yell fighting words, to shut down actual discussion.

Stop acting like a dick head Trump Humper. I can debate you all day, you are the ass clown that started with the name calling.

1. Since he was elected, your freaking moron.

:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

2. Fighting words is not a debate. It is shutting down a debate. That is the point of them. You are all about taking the discussion to the street instead of winning the war of IDEAS. Because you know that you are in the wrong.

An individual who knowingly voted for trump and continues to believe his antics; a Trump fanatic who is caught dropping the United States flag. Possibly a twitter addict that puppydogs fake news.
"You wont believe the TRUMPHUMPER I saw on the street today! He was still wearing his "I Voted" sticker yelling "We can still make America great!"

That fits you to a tee.

The reason you think that is because you are insane, and your complaints about Trump are always insane.

Although I am a Trump supporter, I agree with this guy, as to how crazy you guys are.

A Trump Humper to the end, MAWA.

A supporter of policies that serve my interests and the interests of America as a whole. That you find that worthy of personal insults, is just you being a cock sucking faggot.
:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

Stop acting like a dick head Trump Humper. I can debate you all day, you are the ass clown that started with the name calling.

1. Since he was elected, your freaking moron.

:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

2. Fighting words is not a debate. It is shutting down a debate. That is the point of them. You are all about taking the discussion to the street instead of winning the war of IDEAS. Because you know that you are in the wrong.

An individual who knowingly voted for trump and continues to believe his antics; a Trump fanatic who is caught dropping the United States flag. Possibly a twitter addict that puppydogs fake news.
"You wont believe the TRUMPHUMPER I saw on the street today! He was still wearing his "I Voted" sticker yelling "We can still make America great!"

That fits you to a tee.

The reason you think that is because you are insane, and your complaints about Trump are always insane.

Although I am a Trump supporter, I agree with this guy, as to how crazy you guys are.

A Trump Humper to the end, MAWA.

trump humps him with no Vaseline and he loves it.

Trump is at least trying to represent my interest, while people like you and Hillary or Biden, are obviously deeply hostile to me and mine.

So, your need to pretend that that does not make sense to you, is just you being a cock sucking faggot.
But history has NOT shown any evidence to anybody or any black that proves Trump is a racist. The 8 of 10 and the 10 of 10 have not seen any such evidence.

The evidence is overwhelming unless you have your head up your ass and refuse to look at it.
If the evidence is so overwhelming, why are you unable to post any that proves Trump is a racist? Why can't IM2 post any? Why does IM2 keep his secret postng location so secret?

It's a waste of time trying to convince a Trump Humper that Trump is a racist, so why bother.
That's right, you will NEVER be able to post even the very first piece of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. If you could, you most certainly would bother to do so. There will ALWAYS be a reason why you can NEVER post even the smallest shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. Try doing what IM2 does, and just swear that evidence has been posted in the top secret place.

The only folks who don't believe Trump is a racist are other racist Trump Humpers.
It is ok to "believe" that Trump is a racist, faith is a very common thing to have. To be clear though, having faith that Trump is a racist is absolutely NOT the same thing as seeing actual evidence that proves Trump is a racist. There is nobody who "believes" Trump is a racist who has seen actual evidence that proves he is.
But history has NOT shown any evidence to anybody or any black that proves Trump is a racist. The 8 of 10 and the 10 of 10 have not seen any such evidence.

The evidence is overwhelming unless you have your head up your ass and refuse to look at it.
If the evidence is so overwhelming, why are you unable to post any that proves Trump is a racist? Why can't IM2 post any? Why does IM2 keep his secret postng location so secret?

It's a waste of time trying to convince a Trump Humper that Trump is a racist, so why bother.
That's right, you will NEVER be able to post even the very first piece of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. If you could, you most certainly would bother to do so. There will ALWAYS be a reason why you can NEVER post even the smallest shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. Try doing what IM2 does, and just swear that evidence has been posted in the top secret place.

IM2 says you've been shown the evidence here at USMB. You are the one repeating imaginary garbage about how there is no proof of trumps racism.
You will NEVER be able to defend the notion that you posted the evidence in your top secret location, and you will ALWAYS have a reason why you cannot post it here for the world to see. Go on now, post something besides the evidence you claim to have posted.
you've been shown the evidence

You guys have been shown plenty of evidence.

And just to run up the score, the rest of the world leaders and medical professionals call this virus COVID19 or the Coronaviruus. trump calls it the Chinese virus. Another example of his racism.
The evidence is overwhelming unless you have your head up your ass and refuse to look at it.
If the evidence is so overwhelming, why are you unable to post any that proves Trump is a racist? Why can't IM2 post any? Why does IM2 keep his secret postng location so secret?

It's a waste of time trying to convince a Trump Humper that Trump is a racist, so why bother.
That's right, you will NEVER be able to post even the very first piece of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. If you could, you most certainly would bother to do so. There will ALWAYS be a reason why you can NEVER post even the smallest shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. Try doing what IM2 does, and just swear that evidence has been posted in the top secret place.

The only folks who don't believe Trump is a racist are other racist Trump Humpers.
It is ok to "believe" that Trump is a racist, faith is a very common thing to have. To be clear though, having faith that Trump is a racist is absolutely NOT the same thing as seeing actual evidence that proves Trump is a racist. There is nobody who "believes" Trump is a racist who has seen actual evidence that proves he is.

Keep on telling that lie to yourself.
The evidence is overwhelming unless you have your head up your ass and refuse to look at it.
If the evidence is so overwhelming, why are you unable to post any that proves Trump is a racist? Why can't IM2 post any? Why does IM2 keep his secret postng location so secret?

It's a waste of time trying to convince a Trump Humper that Trump is a racist, so why bother.
That's right, you will NEVER be able to post even the very first piece of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. If you could, you most certainly would bother to do so. There will ALWAYS be a reason why you can NEVER post even the smallest shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. Try doing what IM2 does, and just swear that evidence has been posted in the top secret place.

IM2 says you've been shown the evidence here at USMB. You are the one repeating imaginary garbage about how there is no proof of trumps racism.
You will NEVER be able to defend the notion that you posted the evidence in your top secret location, and you will ALWAYS have a reason why you cannot post it here for the world to see. Go on now, post something besides the evidence you claim to have posted.

I have posted plenty of examples of trumps racism. So just keep repeating that lie hoping that the Goebbells principle will happen.
If the evidence is so overwhelming, why are you unable to post any that proves Trump is a racist? Why can't IM2 post any? Why does IM2 keep his secret postng location so secret?

It's a waste of time trying to convince a Trump Humper that Trump is a racist, so why bother.
That's right, you will NEVER be able to post even the very first piece of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. If you could, you most certainly would bother to do so. There will ALWAYS be a reason why you can NEVER post even the smallest shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. Try doing what IM2 does, and just swear that evidence has been posted in the top secret place.

IM2 says you've been shown the evidence here at USMB. You are the one repeating imaginary garbage about how there is no proof of trumps racism.
You will NEVER be able to defend the notion that you posted the evidence in your top secret location, and you will ALWAYS have a reason why you cannot post it here for the world to see. Go on now, post something besides the evidence you claim to have posted.

I have posted plenty of examples of trumps racism. So just keep repeating that lie hoping that the Goebbells principle will happen.
You will NEVER be able to defend the notion that you posted the evidence in your top secret location, and you will ALWAYS have a reason why you cannot post it here for the world to see. Go on now, post something besides the evidence you claim to have posted.
Trump lives rent free in your mind

Actually he lives in yours, that is why you follow him blindly.
Trump lives rent free in your mind

Actually he lives in yours, that is why you follow him blindly.
Actually no he's not. The only time I mention Trump is when you lying son's of bitches leftists lying about what he said or did.

You're a Trump Humper, as soon as, someone says something about Trump you come running to defend him no matter what he says or what he does.
The only time I mention Trump is when you lying son's of bitches leftists lying about what he said or did.

Let me tell you again Shithead, you are a Trump Humper and when someone says something about Trump you come running and crying .
this coming from a person who supports people who can't decide what gender they are and what bathroom to use. You leftist are so mentally fucked up you don't realize trump lives rent-free in your mind
:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

Stop acting like a dick head Trump Humper. I can debate you all day, you are the ass clown that started with the name calling.

1. Since he was elected, your freaking moron.

:bsflag:No matter what he says or does, you run on here and try to defend it.

2. Fighting words is not a debate. It is shutting down a debate. That is the point of them. You are all about taking the discussion to the street instead of winning the war of IDEAS. Because you know that you are in the wrong.

An individual who knowingly voted for trump and continues to believe his antics; a Trump fanatic who is caught dropping the United States flag. Possibly a twitter addict that puppydogs fake news.
"You wont believe the TRUMPHUMPER I saw on the street today! He was still wearing his "I Voted" sticker yelling "We can still make America great!"

That fits you to a tee.

The reason you think that is because you are insane, and your complaints about Trump are always insane.

Although I am a Trump supporter, I agree with this guy, as to how crazy you guys are.

A Trump Humper to the end, MAWA.

trump humps him with no Vaseline and he loves it.

Since Trump never leaves your mind are you now saying Correll never leaves your mind also? lol
If the evidence is so overwhelming, why are you unable to post any that proves Trump is a racist? Why can't IM2 post any? Why does IM2 keep his secret postng location so secret?

It's a waste of time trying to convince a Trump Humper that Trump is a racist, so why bother.
That's right, you will NEVER be able to post even the very first piece of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. If you could, you most certainly would bother to do so. There will ALWAYS be a reason why you can NEVER post even the smallest shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. Try doing what IM2 does, and just swear that evidence has been posted in the top secret place.

IM2 says you've been shown the evidence here at USMB. You are the one repeating imaginary garbage about how there is no proof of trumps racism.
You will NEVER be able to defend the notion that you posted the evidence in your top secret location, and you will ALWAYS have a reason why you cannot post it here for the world to see. Go on now, post something besides the evidence you claim to have posted.

I have posted plenty of examples of trumps racism. So just keep repeating that lie hoping that the Goebbells principle will happen.
post them

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