8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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Did you ever dig a large hole in your life with standard tools? It's not as easy as you think.

Also construction is not my strong point but they surely would have compacted the fuck out of the ground right near the wall with compactors and gravel and shit like that, right? Might make it a little more of a pain in the ass to shovel under. These people are unreal. Apparently nobody in the world will say "Nope, not worth all that."

Democrat followers are only amplifying their marching orders. The reason Democrat politicians don't want it is because it would be difficult if not impossible to remove. It's not like policies they can change if they ever get leadership again.

If Democrats did try to remove the wall, it would be billions of dollars flushed down the drain, not to mention the cost of removing a wall like that. It would also support what we've been saying all along, and that is Democrats are for open borders. Right now they can somewhat debate that, but if they do open the borders, there is no defense to their actions after that.
I don't think it is an insurmountable problem.

No shit you fucking simpleton. It's not meant to be. Do you really think this thought will never occur to anybody?

"Nah, fuck that shit. I'm not going to climb over or tunnel under a fucking wall with my kids and our shit to get into a country that obviously doesn't want me to enter illegally."

Thank you for sharing that with us.
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
So if one person out of 10,000 can climb it, that means it doesn't work?

That orange fool said it couldn't be climbed, even by a team of professional climbers. He lied.
The section being climbed isn't like the rest of the fence, so he didn't lie. I'm not sure what the purpose of the differences is. It looks like it might be a gate or something.
Did you ever dig a large hole in your life with standard tools? It's not as easy as you think.

Also construction is not my strong point but they surely would have compacted the fuck out of the ground right near the wall with compactors and gravel and shit like that, right? Might make it a little more of a pain in the ass to shovel under. These people are unreal. Apparently nobody in the world will say "Nope, not worth all that."

Democrat followers are only amplifying their marching orders. The reason Democrat politicians don't want it is because it would be difficult if not impossible to remove. It's not like policies they can change if they ever get leadership again.

If Democrats did try to remove the wall, it would be billions of dollars flushed down the drain, not to mention the cost of removing a wall like that. It would also support what we've been saying all along, and that is Democrats are for open borders. Right now they can somewhat debate that, but if they do open the borders, there is no defense to their actions after that.
They would also incur the outrage of the voters. who would support tearing down the wall after it was built except an out-and-out open borders traitor?
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The whole point of all trade agreements all over the world, is that open, fair, trade is highly beneficial.
Trade includes skilled and unskilled labor.
Building a wall is erecting a trade barrier, which greatly hurts both economies.
Those who think that one side of a wall should have privileges the other side does not, are those who favor cheating somehow.
For example, the reason wages are so low in Mexico, is because we invaded Mexico 3 times, whenever they tried to become independent and shake off US corrupt ownership.
Sure Mexico is corrupt, but how many realize it is the US that makes it that way?
Who do you think trains and armed their military, police, black ops hit squads?
They all go through the "School for the Americas" at Ft. Bennings, GA.
End that, and you won't need to waste money on a wall any more.
Did you ever dig a large hole in your life with standard tools? It's not as easy as you think.

Also construction is not my strong point but they surely would have compacted the fuck out of the ground right near the wall with compactors and gravel and shit like that, right? Might make it a little more of a pain in the ass to shovel under. These people are unreal. Apparently nobody in the world will say "Nope, not worth all that."

Democrat followers are only amplifying their marching orders. The reason Democrat politicians don't want it is because it would be difficult if not impossible to remove. It's not like policies they can change if they ever get leadership again.

If Democrats did try to remove the wall, it would be billions of dollars flushed down the drain, not to mention the cost of removing a wall like that. It would also support what we've been saying all along, and that is Democrats are for open borders. Right now they can somewhat debate that, but if they do open the borders, there is no defense to their actions after that.
They would also incur the outrage of the voters. Why would support tearing down the wall after it was built except an out-and-out open borders traitor.

Depends on the price of scrap metal?
The wall will slowly disappear depending on what it is worth as local scrap.
Without gear? I couldn't, and I'm in pretty good shape.

Piece of cake

Throw a long rope over the top and down the other side
Reach through the slats and grab the end of the rope
Have someone pull you up the side of the wall
Climb over the top and have them lower you down the other side
The whole point of all trade agreements all over the world, is that open, fair, trade is highly beneficial.
Trade includes skilled and unskilled labor.
Building a wall is erecting a trade barrier, which greatly hurts both economies.
Those who think that one side of a wall should have privileges the other side does not, are those who favor cheating somehow.
For example, the reason wages are so low in Mexico, is because we invaded Mexico 3 times, whenever they tried to become independent and shake off US corrupt ownership.
Sure Mexico is corrupt, but how many realize it is the US that makes it that way?
Who do you think trains and armed their military, police, black ops hit squads?
They all go through the "School for the Americas" at Ft. Bennings, GA.
End that, and you won't need to waste money on a wall any more.
The wall keeps people out, not trade. We don't benefit from trade in human bodies. Protecting our borders from foreign invasion is not a "privilege." It's the fundamental right of ever sovereign nation.

The reason wages are low in Mexico is corruption and socialism. American isn't responsible for every problem in the world. America doesn't make Mexico corrupt. I fail to see how that is even possible.
It won't stop all the shithead welfare queens but it will stop a lot of them.

That is why the filthy Democrats hate the wall. The Democrats want to import poverty into the US so that they will do the job that real Americans don't want to do; vote Democrat.
Did you ever dig a large hole in your life with standard tools? It's not as easy as you think.

Also construction is not my strong point but they surely would have compacted the fuck out of the ground right near the wall with compactors and gravel and shit like that, right? Might make it a little more of a pain in the ass to shovel under. These people are unreal. Apparently nobody in the world will say "Nope, not worth all that."

Democrat followers are only amplifying their marching orders. The reason Democrat politicians don't want it is because it would be difficult if not impossible to remove. It's not like policies they can change if they ever get leadership again.

If Democrats did try to remove the wall, it would be billions of dollars flushed down the drain, not to mention the cost of removing a wall like that. It would also support what we've been saying all along, and that is Democrats are for open borders. Right now they can somewhat debate that, but if they do open the borders, there is no defense to their actions after that.
They would also incur the outrage of the voters. Why would support tearing down the wall after it was built except an out-and-out open borders traitor.

Depends on the price of scrap metal?
The wall will slowly disappear depending on what it is worth as local scrap.
It will disappear only if no one is guarding it. All the arguments by the open borders crowd depend on the government being stupid and irresponsible.
It won't stop all the shithead welfare queens but it will stop a lot of them.

That is why the filthy Democrats hate the wall. The Democrats want to import poverty into the US so that they will do the job that real Americans don't want to do; vote Democrat.
Did you ever dig a large hole in your life with standard tools? It's not as easy as you think.

Also construction is not my strong point but they surely would have compacted the fuck out of the ground right near the wall with compactors and gravel and shit like that, right? Might make it a little more of a pain in the ass to shovel under. These people are unreal. Apparently nobody in the world will say "Nope, not worth all that."

Democrat followers are only amplifying their marching orders. The reason Democrat politicians don't want it is because it would be difficult if not impossible to remove. It's not like policies they can change if they ever get leadership again.

If Democrats did try to remove the wall, it would be billions of dollars flushed down the drain, not to mention the cost of removing a wall like that. It would also support what we've been saying all along, and that is Democrats are for open borders. Right now they can somewhat debate that, but if they do open the borders, there is no defense to their actions after that.
They would also incur the outrage of the voters. Why would support tearing down the wall after it was built except an out-and-out open borders traitor.

Depends on the price of scrap metal?
The wall will slowly disappear depending on what it is worth as local scrap.

It won't be worth anything. The slats are going to be filled with high quality concrete.
The whole point of all trade agreements all over the world, is that open, fair, trade is highly beneficial.
Trade includes skilled and unskilled labor.
Building a wall is erecting a trade barrier, which greatly hurts both economies.
Those who think that one side of a wall should have privileges the other side does not, are those who favor cheating somehow.
For example, the reason wages are so low in Mexico, is because we invaded Mexico 3 times, whenever they tried to become independent and shake off US corrupt ownership.
Sure Mexico is corrupt, but how many realize it is the US that makes it that way?
Who do you think trains and armed their military, police, black ops hit squads?
They all go through the "School for the Americas" at Ft. Bennings, GA.
End that, and you won't need to waste money on a wall any more.

Speaking of corruption, if our legislators made being here illegally a minimum of five years in prison, there would be no need for a wall. It would solve our Visa problem, our border problem, our problem with employers hiring illegals. Plus everybody hiding in those sanctuary cites would get the hell out of Dodge.
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
So if one person out of 10,000 can climb it, that means it doesn't work?

That orange fool said it couldn't be climbed, even by a team of professional climbers. He lied.

So what you are saying is we shouldn't build a wall because Trump lied about who could get over?

Trump said he would do it at no cost to the taxpayers
He lied

Why reward deception?
Did you ever dig a large hole in your life with standard tools? It's not as easy as you think.

Also construction is not my strong point but they surely would have compacted the fuck out of the ground right near the wall with compactors and gravel and shit like that, right? Might make it a little more of a pain in the ass to shovel under. These people are unreal. Apparently nobody in the world will say "Nope, not worth all that."

Democrat followers are only amplifying their marching orders. The reason Democrat politicians don't want it is because it would be difficult if not impossible to remove. It's not like policies they can change if they ever get leadership again.

If Democrats did try to remove the wall, it would be billions of dollars flushed down the drain, not to mention the cost of removing a wall like that. It would also support what we've been saying all along, and that is Democrats are for open borders. Right now they can somewhat debate that, but if they do open the borders, there is no defense to their actions after that.
They would also incur the outrage of the voters. Why would support tearing down the wall after it was built except an out-and-out open borders traitor.

Depends on the price of scrap metal?
The wall will slowly disappear depending on what it is worth as local scrap.
As I said previously, that could happen only if no one is guarding it.
Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
So if one person out of 10,000 can climb it, that means it doesn't work?

That orange fool said it couldn't be climbed, even by a team of professional climbers. He lied.

So what you are saying is we shouldn't build a wall because Trump lied about who could get over?

Trump said he would do it at no cost to the taxpayers
He lied

Why reward deception?

We are rewarding ourselves, not deception. We had nearly 70,000 overdose deaths last year, murdered Americans, people coming here and keeping our wages down, plus a resurrection of diseases we wiped out years ago.

I think it's worth any amount of money to bring these problems under control, especially since we spend more on food stamps in two months than the one-time cost of the entire wall. Plus it's an investment that will quickly pay for itself with less children needing our social services, not needing more border patrol, and people going to our emergency rooms for medical care.

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