8 years of Trump and the GOP attacking Obama, his wife, his daughters, mother, brother and aunt

Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.
Does anyone miss Obama? As for me, I find it a bit harder to take a shit in the morning. Somehow Obabble was a real stool softener....
Where have you been? We have also been attacking them for the last 8 yrs.. And for the most part rightly so.
You've all heard the old cliche, "If you want to know what Democrats are up to, look at what they accuse Republicans of." It's the purest Freudian projection I've ever seen in my life.
This one is better. If you want to know if Republicans are traitors, follow the money and find out what they are trying to hide.
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.
Does anyone miss Obama? As for me, I find it a bit harder to take a shit in the morning. Somehow Obabble was a real stool softener....
I really miss him. We knew he had the best interests of the nation first. He family wasn't profiting off the country. Republicans couldn't find anything on him and Russia, the friend of Trump and the GOP, hated him.
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.
Does anyone miss Obama? As for me, I find it a bit harder to take a shit in the morning. Somehow Obabble was a real stool softener....
I really miss him. We knew he had the best interests of the nation first. He family wasn't profiting off the country. Republicans couldn't find anything on him and Russia, the friend of Trump and the GOP, hated him.

He didn't have any of the best interests of this country. Its going to take awhile to clean up the stain that he left.
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.
Does anyone miss Obama? As for me, I find it a bit harder to take a shit in the morning. Somehow Obabble was a real stool softener....
I really miss him. We knew he had the best interests of the nation first. He family wasn't profiting off the country. Republicans couldn't find anything on him and Russia, the friend of Trump and the GOP, hated him.

He didn't have any of the best interests of this country. Its going to take awhile to clean up the stain that he left.
Yea, a working economy, healthcare, international respect. Republicans see that as a stain.

Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.

Don't you mean eight years of you playing the race card every time someone criticized an Obama policy?
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.

Don't you mean eight years of you playing the race card every time someone criticized an Obama policy?
Even the most moronic of your kind understand the difference between criticism and slander.
So pointing out that the Affordable Care Act was written in such a fashion that it HAD to fail...is now considered "slander"?
Let me guess...in your eyes "slander" is when a conservative questions the liberal agenda and "criticism" is when a liberal attacks a conservative?
Let me guess...in your eyes "slander" is when a conservative questions the liberal agenda and "criticism" is when a liberal attacks a conservative?
You got it oldstyle ,,you finally got it Now explain if you will Trump saying we need to raise wages out of 1 side of his mouth and not raise on the other side?
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.
The liberal hate against Trump triggered a Sanders supporter to shoot up a baseball field. Luckily he was a horrible shot.
Minority president Donald Trump is very thin-skinned. It looks like his supporters have a need to come to his defense besides those he pays to do so.
Thin skinned? If you disagreed with obama, you were labeled a racist.

You were labeled a racist, if you said racist things. Try and keep up.
not with Obama.....if you said you disagreed with him you were called a racist.....it happened not only to me but plenty of other posters here.....just for saying you did not agree with something he wanted to do.....and one of the biggest perpetrators of that is in this thread...
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.
The liberal hate against Trump triggered a Sanders supporter to shoot up a baseball field. Luckily he was a horrible shot.
Minority president Donald Trump is very thin-skinned. It looks like his supporters have a need to come to his defense besides those he pays to do so.
Thin skinned? If you disagreed with obama, you were labeled a racist.

You were labeled a racist, if you said racist things. Try and keep up.

And if you disagreed with libs, people were labeled a racist...and once in a while we still see that crap regarding illegals.
Let me guess...in your eyes "slander" is when a conservative questions the liberal agenda and "criticism" is when a liberal attacks a conservative?
You got it oldstyle ,,you finally got it Now explain if you will Trump saying we need to raise wages out of 1 side of his mouth and not raise on the other side?

What Trump grasps (and so many of you liberals don't!) is that you can't force a pay raise. It's something that happens best naturally because of free markets. Yes, we need more people working and we need more people working in jobs that pay more money. What we don't need is for idiots that don't understand basic economics demanding 15 an hour "living wages"!
You are all missing the point. Never again will a president enjoy the support of a broad majority of the American people. The president will, from now on, be despised and the enemy of whatever political persuasion opposing his party. It's been that was since Clinton. The country has divided in all but name. We are, in fact, enemies of one another. As obama was the enemy of republicans and Trump is the enemy of democrats. It is a low level, simmering, civil war, until it boils over.
The millions of Americans who are about to lose medical cover over the Republicans will not support minority president Trump for long.
The people have always hated obamacare. That's why Gruber relied on stupidity. The 60 year old men that have to by maternity coverage will be happy this monstrosity is gone. The people whose premiums is more than their mortgages AND THEN they have to come up with up to $10,000 for a deductible will be glad to see this gone.
Where I live it is not necessary to have health insurance or medical fees. Our government pays for it all from general taxation.

Where does your government get the money to pay for it?
Revenues. Corporation tax, excise tax, value added tax, income tax, sales tax, ... you know, the usual.

And those Corporate taxes, excise taxes, value added taxes, income taxes, sales taxes are how much higher then ours in the states?
Who attacked his daughters, brother, and aunt?

With all due respect, Avatar...I've never seen the level of attacks leveled against Trump, his wife and his children that I have from the far left since last summer when he won the nomination! It's been brutal and it's been non stop. These aren't attacks against Trump's politics...these are attacks against them personally. The First Lady has been labeled a "porn actress" because she was a model and posed for sexy photo shoots like every other super model! Liberals called for boycotts against the fashion line of Ivanka Trump simply because of who her father is! I've seen people make comments that Baron Trump appeared to be autistic. And that's not even going into the Kathy Griffin's of the world who openly call for physical attacks on Trump!

Seriously...you people are out of control right now. It's gone WAY beyond political debate.

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