8 years of Trump and the GOP attacking Obama, his wife, his daughters, mother, brother and aunt

Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.
The liberal hate against Trump triggered a Sanders supporter to shoot up a baseball field. Luckily he was a horrible shot.
Minority president Donald Trump is very thin-skinned. It looks like his supporters have a need to come to his defense besides those he pays to do so.
Thin skinned? If you disagreed with obama, you were labeled a racist.

You were labeled a racist, if you said racist things. Try and keep up.
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.
The liberal hate against Trump triggered a Sanders supporter to shoot up a baseball field. Luckily he was a horrible shot.
Minority president Donald Trump is very thin-skinned. It looks like his supporters have a need to come to his defense besides those he pays to do so.
Thin skinned? If you disagreed with obama, you were labeled a racist.

You were labeled a racist, if you said racist things. Try and keep up.
Nope no matter what, if you disagreed with him you were a racist. That's why the liberal race card isn't effective anymore.
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.
The liberal hate against Trump triggered a Sanders supporter to shoot up a baseball field. Luckily he was a horrible shot.
Minority president Donald Trump is very thin-skinned. It looks like his supporters have a need to come to his defense besides those he pays to do so.
Thin skinned? If you disagreed with obama, you were labeled a racist.

You were labeled a racist, if you said racist things. Try and keep up.
Nope no matter what, if you disagreed with him you were a racist. That's why the liberal race card isn't effective anymore.

Nope, as usual you're wrong. I'm sure you're accustomed to the feeling by now.
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.

I seem to recall you loons attacking Bush and his family, no?

Or was that OK with you? Ya goddamn hack

Bush, yes. Family, no. He started two unnecessary wars, if you recall. Or did you think we won them?
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.

I seem to recall you loons attacking Bush and his family, no?

Or was that OK with you? Ya goddamn hack

Bush, yes. Family, no. He started two unnecessary wars, if you recall. Or did you think we won them?

OH BS, you asshats went after his daughters. We had Iraq won until your Mocha Disaster bungled it away.
I don't recall Republicans staging Shakespeare plays portraying the bloody assassination of Obama.
You don't recall the years of hate against President Obama at all???
How odd.
Have you mentioned this to your doctor?
Do you have medical cover?

It was and still is vile. But Obama being a grown up, unlike his predecessor, kept his mouth shut and focused on his job. Trump is facing criminal charges from Mika Brzezinski for blackmail involving Trump and Kushner. Joe and Mika have the phone and text records to prove it. Uh-oh!
Same old partisan bullshit the left trashing Bush was fine the right trashing Obama was bad the left trashing Trump fine. The typical it's alright when my side does it argument.
Bush started a fn war and lied to get his way,,,,, Trump is a disgrace and laughed at by the world ,,a vile slimebag you gave america I'm sure America is grateful
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.

I seem to recall you loons attacking Bush and his family, no?

Or was that OK with you? Ya goddamn hack

Bush, yes. Family, no. He started two unnecessary wars, if you recall. Or did you think we won them?

OH BS, you asshats went after his daughters. We had Iraq won until your Mocha Disaster bungled it away.

You don't have any recall at all. Look up the SOFA treaty signed by George W. in 2008 agreeing to withdraw all troops from Iraq by December 31, 2011. Obama merely complied with the treaty, asshat.
U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.

I seem to recall you loons attacking Bush and his family, no?

Or was that OK with you? Ya goddamn hack

Bush, yes. Family, no. He started two unnecessary wars, if you recall. Or did you think we won them?

OH BS, you asshats went after his daughters. We had Iraq won until your Mocha Disaster bungled it away.

You don't have any recall at all. Look up the SOFA treaty signed by George W. in 2008 agreeing to withdraw all troops from Iraq by December 31, 2011. Obama merely complied with the treaty, asshat.
U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia
You're asking them to remember 2008??? LOL these nitwits can't remember last week
Laura bush, unlike moochelle, had enough class to keep her mouth shut when it came to politics, so she wasnt attacked. Manly moochelle brought it on herself
LOL Laura Bush was like a walking zombie Mrs Obama was all for womans issues and spoke out about them Of course repubs don't want anyone speaking up on womans issues They're anti women
Laura bush, unlike moochelle, had enough class to keep her mouth shut when it came to politics, so she wasnt attacked. Manly moochelle brought it on herself
LOL Laura Bush was like a walking zombie Mrs Obama was all for womans issues and spoke out about them Of course repubs don't want anyone speaking up on womans issues They're anti women
the repubs are so anti woman that one had a female secratary of state, one had a VP candidate that is female run with him and they are so anti woman that they spend millions of dollars buying michelle malkin and ann coulter's books
Same old partisan bullshit the left trashing Bush was fine the right trashing Obama was bad the left trashing Trump fine. The typical it's alright when my side does it argument.
Bush started a fn war and lied to get his way,,,,, Trump is a disgrace and laughed at by the world ,,a vile slimebag you gave america I'm sure America is grateful
I love it when people like you prove my point. Now I don't even need to say anymore on this topic thank you and good day.
LOL Laura Bush was like a walking zombie Mrs Obama was all for womans issues and spoke out about them Of course repubs don't want anyone speaking up on womans issues They're anti women

Repulicans aren't anti-women. They only want to control every aspect of womens lives from womb to tomb. Take away their freedom to chose.
LOL Laura Bush was like a walking zombie Mrs Obama was all for womans issues and spoke out about them Of course repubs don't want anyone speaking up on womans issues They're anti women

Repulicans aren't anti-women. They only want to control every aspect of womens lives from womb to tomb. Take away their freedom to chose.
yet its not the repubs who have been waging a war on a woman's right to choose her own means of self defense since 1934. I also dont recall a lot of repubs supporting taking in millions of refugees that come from a culture and reigon where the prevading view of women's rights is, shall we say, less evolved han here in the US.
You are all missing the point. Never again will a president enjoy the support of a broad majority of the American people. The president will, from now on, be despised and the enemy of whatever political persuasion opposing his party. It's been that was since Clinton. The country has divided in all but name. We are, in fact, enemies of one another. As obama was the enemy of republicans and Trump is the enemy of democrats. It is a low level, simmering, civil war, until it boils over.
The millions of Americans who are about to lose medical cover over the Republicans will not support minority president Trump for long.
The people have always hated obamacare. That's why Gruber relied on stupidity. The 60 year old men that have to by maternity coverage will be happy this monstrosity is gone. The people whose premiums is more than their mortgages AND THEN they have to come up with up to $10,000 for a deductible will be glad to see this gone.
Where I live it is not necessary to have health insurance or medical fees. Our government pays for it all from general taxation.

Where does your government get the money to pay for it?
Revenues. Corporation tax, excise tax, value added tax, income tax, sales tax, ... you know, the usual.
You are all missing the point. Never again will a president enjoy the support of a broad majority of the American people. The president will, from now on, be despised and the enemy of whatever political persuasion opposing his party. It's been that was since Clinton. The country has divided in all but name. We are, in fact, enemies of one another. As obama was the enemy of republicans and Trump is the enemy of democrats. It is a low level, simmering, civil war, until it boils over.
The millions of Americans who are about to lose medical cover over the Republicans will not support minority president Trump for long.
The people have always hated obamacare. That's why Gruber relied on stupidity. The 60 year old men that have to by maternity coverage will be happy this monstrosity is gone. The people whose premiums is more than their mortgages AND THEN they have to come up with up to $10,000 for a deductible will be glad to see this gone.
Where I live it is not necessary to have health insurance or medical fees. Our government pays for it all from general taxation.

Where does your government get the money to pay for it?
Revenues. Corporation tax, excise tax, value added tax, income tax, sales tax, ... you know, the usual.

So you're paying for it....I'd rather pay for my family's and leave government out of it, they tend to fuck things up

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