8 years of Trump and the GOP attacking Obama, his wife, his daughters, mother, brother and aunt

The Misplaced Outrage Over a Trumpian 'Julius Caesar'

In 2015, a production of Julius Caesar at Trinity Repertory Company in Providence gave a spin to the Shakespearian history play by reimagining the title character as a woman. The show was largely interpreted by critics to be referencing Hillary Clinton, especially considering that when its “Caesar” was murdered at the beginning of Act Three she was wearing a striking white pantsuit.

A 2012 production by The Acting Company cast Bjorn DuPaty as Caesar, an actor whose resemblance to President Obama was noted by many critics. Noah Millman of The American Conservative praised the show’s timely inferences:

Director Rob Melrose has set his Caesar at our precise historical moment, in Obama’s Washington, D.C. The capital is rocked by “Occupy Rome” protests. His Caesar (the suavely confident Bjorn DuPaty) is a tall, charismatic African-American politician; ... but the audience is unquestionably going to read him as an Obama stand-in nonetheless

I don't recall Republicans staging Shakespeare plays portraying the bloody assassination of Obama.

Nobody cares. I certainly don't.

Let them produce crappy garbage. So long as we all have the right to call it crappy garbage and we aren't forced to watch it, I could care less.

But not on the government dime. Cut all funding to this bullshit. Which I believe we already are doing.

Trump's Budget Plan Cuts Funding For Arts, Humanities And Public Media
Ten Good Reasons to Eliminate Funding for the National Endowment for the Arts
the repubs are so anti woman that one had a female secratary of state, one had a VP candidate that is female run with him and they are so anti woman that they spend millions of dollars buying michelle malkin and ann coulter's books

You're actually proved their disrespect for women. The glass ceiling is still in place, and the contrary examples mere tokens of people they can control
the repubs are so anti woman that one had a female secratary of state, one had a VP candidate that is female run with him and they are so anti woman that they spend millions of dollars buying michelle malkin and ann coulter's books

You're actually proved their disrespect for women. The glass ceiling is still in place, and the contrary examples mere tokens of people they can control

LOL is that what passes for an argument in your eyes
I don't recall Republicans staging Shakespeare plays portraying the bloody assassination of Obama.
You don't recall the years of hate against President Obama at all???
How odd.
Have you mentioned this to your doctor?
Do you have medical cover?

It wasn't hate..it was against his assnine policys ..
Think dump will beat 75 straight months of triple digit job gains ??? And a wall is a good policy ?
The millions of Americans who are about to lose medical cover over the Republicans will not support minority president Trump for long.
The people have always hated obamacare. That's why Gruber relied on stupidity. The 60 year old men that have to by maternity coverage will be happy this monstrosity is gone. The people whose premiums is more than their mortgages AND THEN they have to come up with up to $10,000 for a deductible will be glad to see this gone.
Where I live it is not necessary to have health insurance or medical fees. Our government pays for it all from general taxation.

Where does your government get the money to pay for it?
Revenues. Corporation tax, excise tax, value added tax, income tax, sales tax, ... you know, the usual.

So you're paying for it....I'd rather pay for my family's and leave government out of it, they tend to fuck things up
You couldn't spare a twenty, could you?
Laura bush, unlike moochelle, had enough class to keep her mouth shut when it came to politics, so she wasnt attacked. Manly moochelle brought it on herself
LOL Laura Bush was like a walking zombie Mrs Obama was all for womans issues and spoke out about them Of course repubs don't want anyone speaking up on womans issues They're anti women
the repubs are so anti woman that one had a female secratary of state, one had a VP candidate that is female run with him and they are so anti woman that they spend millions of dollars buying michelle malkin and ann coulter's books
Condo and Palin lol lol what a pair
Same old partisan bullshit the left trashing Bush was fine the right trashing Obama was bad the left trashing Trump fine. The typical it's alright when my side does it argument.
Bush started a fn war and lied to get his way,,,,, Trump is a disgrace and laughed at by the world ,,a vile slimebag you gave america I'm sure America is grateful
I love it when people like you prove my point. Now I don't even need to say anymore on this topic thank you and good day.
Indeed ,,,,the same to you Have a great weekend
I don't recall Republicans staging Shakespeare plays portraying the bloody assassination of Obama.

You missed it, they did the same thing when Obama was president.

Democrats just aren't as picky about first amendment protected speech.
Is there some on-line course you Liberals take to make sure you have the same canned responses for everything? Case in point. Democrats do something illegal, egregious, or disgusting and immediately justify it with "Republicans do the same thing".

I have no idea what the OP is ranting about, but I am amused that he is already giving up on his incompetent party and conceding Trump's second term. LoL.
President Obama handled absolute hatred with class. Even when Joe Wilson interrupted him during a joint session, he still kept his cool.

Trump can't stand it when SNL makes fun of him.
I don't recall Republicans staging Shakespeare plays portraying the bloody assassination of Obama.

You missed it, they did the same thing when Obama was president.

Democrats just aren't as picky about first amendment protected speech.
Is there some on-line course you Liberals take to make sure you have the same canned responses for everything? Case in point. Democrats do something illegal, egregious, or disgusting and immediately justify it with "Republicans do the same thing".

Actually it's called republican hypocrisy.
I don't recall Republicans staging Shakespeare plays portraying the bloody assassination of Obama.
You don't recall the years of hate against President Obama at all???
How odd.
Have you mentioned this to your doctor?
Do you have medical cover?
I remember all of it, but there were no assassination fantasies portrayed on a New York stage. You Democrats have started that, and now you've inspired a potential assassin. You should stop now before it happens again.

Yes there were. The very same production of Julius Caesar featured a tall thin black actor as Caesar until this year.
Yep, and you asswipes decide not to take the high road. Saying trump fucks his daughter, melania is a prostitute, baron is retarded..
ANOTHER instance of there not being much of a difference between political hacks.
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.
Obama is a shit stain...
Yep, and you asswipes decide not to take the high road. Saying trump fucks his daughter, melania is a prostitute, baron is retarded..
ANOTHER instance of there not being much of a difference between political hacks.
Lol and Democrats love to say "When they go low, we go high". Not seeing much high flying from you oh so superior Democrats since Trump wiped the floor with Hillary.
Tar baby
not American
on the side of terrorists
and on and on

For eight f*cking years.

And Trump is questioned about his rancid and unpopular policies and he is whining and crying? He's like a tiny handed sissy combined with a cowardly pu$$y. What you get is a whiny Trump.

The GOP was bad enough, but now their leader is such a stooge.

Eight years of attacks on the Obama family. And any criticism of the GOP or Trump is too much? What a bunch of deplorables.

I guess you forgot about the eight years you folks constantly attacked the Bushes
Nobody on the right ever used the term "tar baby" or "boy' in relation to the Obama administration. It's in invention of the radical left. Since Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama was alleged to have claimed alien status to get a better deal in Harvard tuition and while being born in the USA is a Constitutional requirement for the job the birther issue was relevant. Anybody who threatened to punch the president in the face or blow up the White House or be the "2nd actor in history to assassinate a president"would surely have had a visit from the Secret Service and an indictment and trial during the 20th century. At no other time in history did a celebrity ever display a photo shopped image holding a sitting president's bloody head.

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