80% of America is out of control. NBC/WSJ Poll.

Your analysis is shit.

Try again.

If you are blaming Trump for adversity in the black community you are a fucking assclown.

Does Trump run the Minneapolis police?
Pretty sure he influences the Minneapolis police. That bitch Chauvin was a repub.

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You can't even manage to post correctly. That was 80% of Americans believe that America is out of control.
But as usual crazy believes polls unless they don't support what they want.
I tend to agree with that poll. We have people rioting and destroying things while people applaude. Just last week we had those same people pretending to be outraged that people wanted to reopen with mitigation measures in place. We had Democratic Party members trying their best to up the death count from the virus while complaining about the republicans. We had Biden hiding in his basement complaining about Trump without offering any ideas.
Trump should order blacks to Stay At Home.
No one is going to listen to any order that silly bitch gives.

Then have Granddaddy Hairy Legs summons his black minions to stay at home, or at least any of them who are not going to be in the pool playing with his very hair legs.
Not sure who that is but it really doesnt matter. Black people are going to be out and about and there isnt shit anyone can do to stop that unless they want a war.
You Little Trumpsters have a rough time with reality.
3 1/2 years of governing using chaos and incompetence reaps what it sows.
It wasn’t that long ago Trump had great numbers regarding his handling of Covid 19. But then came evidence he was in denial about the virus and told America it was like the flu and would disappear quickly. Then he finally got a clue and started his daily updates, he played politics Red verses Blue and just plain made up shit. Many economists have said he would have reacted quicker, we wouldn’t have 110,000 deaths in just four months plus the economic turndown wouldn’t be so serious.
Then there’s encouraging cops to be more physical with suspects.
Plus Trump reaction to peaceful protests.
Chaos governing style, not being president of all Americans, just being president of his base, dividing American to a canyon size gap, incompetency and a total lack of empathy has brought America where it is.
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You Little Trumpsters have a rough time with reality.
3 1/2 years of governing using chaos and incompetence reaps what it sows.
It wasn’t that long ago Trump had great numbers regarding his handling of Covid 19. But then came evidence he was in denial about the virus and told America it was like the flu and would disappear quickly. Then he finally got a clue and started his daily updates, he played politics Red verses Blue and just plain made up shit. Many economists have said he would have reacted quicker, we wouldn’t have 110,000 deaths in just four months plus the economic turndown wouldn’t be so serious.
Then there’s encouraging cops to be more physical with suspects.
Plus Trump reaction to peaceful protests.
Chaos governing style, not being president of all Americans, just being president of his base, dividing American to canyon, incompetency and a total lack of empathy has brought America where it is.
You have to love it.
Trump saved 2 million. So good job.
But thank god we had democrats doing their best to up the death count.
We had them playing partisan impeachment.
Pelosi walking downtown asking everyone to come join her.
Biden calling him xenophobic when he tried to shut down air travel.
The great mayor of New York telling everyone to celebrate Chinese New Year. Telling everyone it was safe to ride the subway while reducing the number of trains so people were packed in tighter. Refusing to shut down schools. Putting virus positive people in with old folks.
New York spending money on other things then the ventilators they were told they needed.
Governors refusing to open up the states with mitigation measures in place. The left yelling that those wanting to go to work were trying to kill grandma. Now those same ones are out rioting and looting with no mitigation in place and these same governors are happy.
Biden hiding in his basement complaining about Trump but not giving any kind of idea what he would do.

We spent millions on Russia Russia because the left was completely sure that Trump had done something nefarious.
We had the left yelling that Trump was completely wrong in everything no matter what. And here we have another one complaining.
You Little Trumpsters have a rough time with reality.
3 1/2 years of governing using chaos and incompetence reaps what it sows.
It wasn’t that long ago Trump had great numbers regarding his handling of Covid 19. But then came evidence he was in denial about the virus and told America it was like the flu and would disappear quickly. Then he finally got a clue and started his daily updates, he played politics Red verses Blue and just plain made up shit. Many economists have said he would have reacted quicker, we wouldn’t have 110,000 deaths in just four months plus the economic turndown wouldn’t be so serious.
Then there’s encouraging cops to be more physical with suspects.
Plus Trump reaction to peaceful protests.
Chaos governing style, not being president of all Americans, just being president of his base, dividing American to canyon, incompetency and a total lack of empathy has brought America where it is.
You sure are good with the yarns, dude/dudette. Get back to us with the actual facts and not your made up shit.
1000 registered voters is not 80 percent of Americans it just cracks me up how people on both sides claim a percent of people in a poll equals all Americans.
You Little Trumpsters have a rough time with reality.
3 1/2 years of governing using chaos and incompetence reaps what it sows.
It wasn’t that long ago Trump had great numbers regarding his handling of Covid 19. But then came evidence he was in denial about the virus and told America it was like the flu and would disappear quickly. Then he finally got a clue and started his daily updates, he played politics Red verses Blue and just plain made up shit. Many economists have said he would have reacted quicker, we wouldn’t have 110,000 deaths in just four months plus the economic turndown wouldn’t be so serious.
Then there’s encouraging cops to be more physical with suspects.
You Little Trumpsters have a rough time with reality.
3 1/2 years of governing using chaos and incompetence reaps what it sows.
It wasn’t that long ago Trump had great numbers regarding his handling of Covid 19. But then came evidence he was in denial about the virus and told America it was like the flu and would disappear quickly. Then he finally got a clue and started his daily updates, he played politics Red verses Blue and just plain made up shit. Many economists have said he would have reacted quicker, we wouldn’t have 110,000 deaths in just four months plus the economic turndown wouldn’t be so serious.
Then there’s encouraging cops to be more physical with suspects.
Plus Trump reaction to peaceful protests.
Chaos governing style, not being president of all Americans, just being president of his base, dividing American to canyon, incompetency and a total lack of empathy has brought America where it is.
You have to love it.
Trump saved 2 million. So good job.
But thank god we had democrats doing their best to up the death count.
We had them playing partisan impeachment.
Pelosi walking downtown asking everyone to come join her.
Biden calling him xenophobic when he tried to shut down air travel.
The great mayor of New York telling everyone to celebrate Chinese New Year. Telling everyone it was safe to ride the subway while reducing the number of trains so people were packed in tighter. Refusing to shut down schools. Putting virus positive people in with old folks.
New York spending money on other things then the ventilators they were told they needed.
Governors refusing to open up the states with mitigation measures in place. The left yelling that those wanting to go to work were trying to kill grandma. Now those same ones are out rioting and looting with no mitigation in place and these same governors are happy.
Biden hiding in his basement complaining about Trump but not giving any kind of idea what he would do.

We spent millions on Russia Russia because the left was completely sure that Trump had done something nefarious.
We had the left yelling that Trump was completely wrong in everything no matter what. And here we have another one complaining.

Trump saved two million! That’s what Trump says with zero proof and like the typical easily manipulated Trumpster, you suck down another lie by a proven pathological liar.
Man, I am so happy I’m not you!
You Little Trumpsters have a rough time with reality.
3 1/2 years of governing using chaos and incompetence reaps what it sows.
It wasn’t that long ago Trump had great numbers regarding his handling of Covid 19. But then came evidence he was in denial about the virus and told America it was like the flu and would disappear quickly. Then he finally got a clue and started his daily updates, he played politics Red verses Blue and just plain made up shit. Many economists have said he would have reacted quicker, we wouldn’t have 110,000 deaths in just four months plus the economic turndown wouldn’t be so serious.
Then there’s encouraging cops to be more physical with suspects.
You Little Trumpsters have a rough time with reality.
3 1/2 years of governing using chaos and incompetence reaps what it sows.
It wasn’t that long ago Trump had great numbers regarding his handling of Covid 19. But then came evidence he was in denial about the virus and told America it was like the flu and would disappear quickly. Then he finally got a clue and started his daily updates, he played politics Red verses Blue and just plain made up shit. Many economists have said he would have reacted quicker, we wouldn’t have 110,000 deaths in just four months plus the economic turndown wouldn’t be so serious.
Then there’s encouraging cops to be more physical with suspects.
Plus Trump reaction to peaceful protests.
Chaos governing style, not being president of all Americans, just being president of his base, dividing American to canyon, incompetency and a total lack of empathy has brought America where it is.
You have to love it.
Trump saved 2 million. So good job.
But thank god we had democrats doing their best to up the death count.
We had them playing partisan impeachment.
Pelosi walking downtown asking everyone to come join her.
Biden calling him xenophobic when he tried to shut down air travel.
The great mayor of New York telling everyone to celebrate Chinese New Year. Telling everyone it was safe to ride the subway while reducing the number of trains so people were packed in tighter. Refusing to shut down schools. Putting virus positive people in with old folks.
New York spending money on other things then the ventilators they were told they needed.
Governors refusing to open up the states with mitigation measures in place. The left yelling that those wanting to go to work were trying to kill grandma. Now those same ones are out rioting and looting with no mitigation in place and these same governors are happy.
Biden hiding in his basement complaining about Trump but not giving any kind of idea what he would do.

We spent millions on Russia Russia because the left was completely sure that Trump had done something nefarious.
We had the left yelling that Trump was completely wrong in everything no matter what. And here we have another one complaining.

Trump saved two million! That’s what Trump says with zero proof and like the typical easily manipulated Trumpster, you suck down another lie by a proven pathological liar.
Man, I am so happy I’m not you!
Man I bet you wish you had a clue but then again the cult of dementia really never does. Try this one from a left leaning news source. White House Takes New Line After Dire Report on Death Toll. And that still did not help the democrats who were trying so hard to increase the death count. I did not even include those that had the virus and died from things like gunshot or car crash. Maybe they can do better if we have another pandemic.
Trump should order blacks to Stay At Home.
No one is going to listen to any order that silly bitch gives.

Then have Granddaddy Hairy Legs summons his black minions to stay at home, or at least any of them who are not going to be in the pool playing with his very hair legs.
Not sure who that is but it really doesnt matter. Black people are going to be out and about and there isnt shit anyone can do to stop that unless they want a war.
Black people have always been out and about.
I don't know about America...but my front lawn is totally out of control! Somebody ought to cut it....
You Little Trumpsters have a rough time with reality.
3 1/2 years of governing using chaos and incompetence reaps what it sows.
It wasn’t that long ago Trump had great numbers regarding his handling of Covid 19. But then came evidence he was in denial about the virus and told America it was like the flu and would disappear quickly. Then he finally got a clue and started his daily updates, he played politics Red verses Blue and just plain made up shit. Many economists have said he would have reacted quicker, we wouldn’t have 110,000 deaths in just four months plus the economic turndown wouldn’t be so serious.
Then there’s encouraging cops to be more physical with suspects.
You Little Trumpsters have a rough time with reality.
3 1/2 years of governing using chaos and incompetence reaps what it sows.
It wasn’t that long ago Trump had great numbers regarding his handling of Covid 19. But then came evidence he was in denial about the virus and told America it was like the flu and would disappear quickly. Then he finally got a clue and started his daily updates, he played politics Red verses Blue and just plain made up shit. Many economists have said he would have reacted quicker, we wouldn’t have 110,000 deaths in just four months plus the economic turndown wouldn’t be so serious.
Then there’s encouraging cops to be more physical with suspects.
Plus Trump reaction to peaceful protests.
Chaos governing style, not being president of all Americans, just being president of his base, dividing American to canyon, incompetency and a total lack of empathy has brought America where it is.
You have to love it.
Trump saved 2 million. So good job.
But thank god we had democrats doing their best to up the death count.
We had them playing partisan impeachment.
Pelosi walking downtown asking everyone to come join her.
Biden calling him xenophobic when he tried to shut down air travel.
The great mayor of New York telling everyone to celebrate Chinese New Year. Telling everyone it was safe to ride the subway while reducing the number of trains so people were packed in tighter. Refusing to shut down schools. Putting virus positive people in with old folks.
New York spending money on other things then the ventilators they were told they needed.
Governors refusing to open up the states with mitigation measures in place. The left yelling that those wanting to go to work were trying to kill grandma. Now those same ones are out rioting and looting with no mitigation in place and these same governors are happy.
Biden hiding in his basement complaining about Trump but not giving any kind of idea what he would do.

We spent millions on Russia Russia because the left was completely sure that Trump had done something nefarious.
We had the left yelling that Trump was completely wrong in everything no matter what. And here we have another one complaining.

Trump saved two million! That’s what Trump says with zero proof and like the typical easily manipulated Trumpster, you suck down another lie by a proven pathological liar.
Man, I am so happy I’m not you!

The reality is the Democrats have put all their hope in Joe Biden. A guy that wasn't even a force in his prime but is now expected to win at 25% of what he once was. It is a tough reality to face no doubt.

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