80% of Americans are Sick to Death With the Fraudulent Duopoly That Controls Our Politics


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

We need more Political DIVERSITY

yet they keep voting them in while they make it harder to get voted out..
Why should we exchange two groups battling it out for five or six groups battling it out?
To make them compete more for middle class voters.

Right now we don't have two parties competing with each other. We have two parties that fronts for about 200 wealthy families that sponsor candidates in BOTH parties to represent their interests while the middle class gets fucked.

The people that megacontribute to Hitlary are pretty much the same people that megacontribute to Jebba the Bush.

It isn't really like this cartoon, though that is the sales pitch to middle class.

Why should we exchange two groups battling it out for five or six groups battling it out?
To make them compete more for middle class voters.

Right now we don't have two parties competing with each other. We have two parties that fronts for about 200 wealthy families that sponsor candidates in BOTH parties to represent their interests while the middle class gets fucked.

The people that megacontribute to Hitlary are pretty much the same people that megacontribute to Jebba the Bush.

It isn't really like this cartoon, though that is the sales pitch to middle class.

Like Wall street?
Isnt the bitchs husband a supporter of them? :lol:
80% of this country who I label the American Stupid, time after time after time vote in GOP-igs to free them from socialism, taxes, illegals, minorities, etc.....and that 80% always end up with what they deserve, absolutely nothing but career politicians who do nothing to earn the money they all whine about in paying taxes.

The voters of this country refuse to pay attention to patterns that the GOP repeats election after election after election.....so its only fair they get what they vote for...which is nothing!!
Both parties use fear tactics but the GOP have been masters of the game since Nixon. "The niggas and wetbacks are coming! Vote for me!"
Billy_K8 said:
Why should we exchange two groups battling it out for five or six groups battling it out?
To make them compete more for middle class voters.

Right now we don't have two parties competing with each other. We have two parties that fronts for about 200 wealthy families that sponsor candidates in BOTH parties to represent their interests while the middle class gets fucked.

The people that megacontribute to Hitlary are pretty much the same people that megacontribute to Jebba the Bush.

It isn't really like this cartoon, though that is the sales pitch to middle class.

Start selling good beef instead and you might see an improvement.
Both parties use fear tactics but the GOP have been masters of the game since Nixon. "The niggas and wetbacks are coming! Vote for me!"

Both parties do not use fear tactics, its only the GOP that can manipulate white people into believing shit like that because Democrats have brains.
Yes, but one must also take into account the pattern the Democrats have been repeating since the 1960's, when most of their current leaders were ill-educated university students.

The only difference now is that the masks are off, and they are openly Communist.

Find "The Movement Toward A New America", 1970, compiled by Richard Goodman. It makes my point.
Both parties use fear tactics but the GOP have been masters of the game since Nixon. "The niggas and wetbacks are coming! Vote for me!"

Both parties do not use fear tactics, its only the GOP that can manipulate white people into believing shit like that because Democrats have brains.

Democrats voted in the current administration, and then repeated the offense four years later! That's way beyond stupid. In my own personal survey, I never encountered anyone who "admits" voting for him the second time. So, how did that happen? Goes to show how voting is pointless. Years ago women and blacks weren't allowed to vote, now anyone can, even illegals. Most of all, it's the voting of imbeciles that should be excluded. That will never happen. And I no longer believe in Santa nor Tinkerbell.
Both parties use fear tactics but the GOP have been masters of the game since Nixon. "The niggas and wetbacks are coming! Vote for me!"

Both parties do not use fear tactics, its only the GOP that can manipulate white people into believing shit like that because Democrats have brains.
Think about it. Dems use fear tactics too. They say vote for them because the other guy is a racist, misogynist, bigot etc.
It's the economy, stupid.
That first lobster-looking graph coincides with economic prosperity.
The most consistent satisfied period coincides with the Reagan era, free flowing oil and the residual of that. The most dramatic change for the worse coincides with left wing oil suppression and the impact that has had on the economy.
80% of Americans are Sick to Death With the Fraudulent Duopoly That Controls Our Politics

But they'll keep on voting for it anyway
Not all of us are that dumb. Some of us would like to de-legitimize the system. Some election year, if no one voted, and they simultaneously didn't pay taxes, the establishment would be forced to change.

Those who control the bureaucracy, as it stand, have no incentive to change the system. Some talk of violent revolution. I believe the solution is far more easy.


80% of Americans are Sick to Death With the Fraudulent Duopoly That Controls Our Politics

But they'll keep on voting for it anyway
Not all of us are that dumb. Some of us would like to de-legitimize the system. Some election year, if no one voted, and they simultaneously didn't pay taxes, the establishment would be forced to change.

Those who control the bureaucracy, as it stand, have no incentive to change the system. Some talk of violent revolution. I believe the solution is far more easy.

While I agree with the outcome of said scenario if it ever happened, I think a more plausible approach is to exhaust all options in the current system and educate voters.
The elections are rigged.

By the corporate oligarchy of 200 wealthy families who have given the majority of campaign donations so far this year.

Notice how Nancy Pelosi is so much on the side of the RINOs that she would break with her own party and let some of her members vote for Ryan, in order to keep government by the corporations in existence. That is where both of them make their wealth.

"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi signaled Saturday there could be “an openness” among at least some House Democrats to voting for a Republican speaker on the floor — and she suggested the GOP turmoil could help put Democrats back in charge come 2017.

“I think in our caucus there is interest and support. There’s an openness to a bipartisan approach to this,” Pelosi said in an interview at the Texas Tribune Festival.

"Pelosi stopped short of endorsing by name any particular Republican for speaker.

“Do you want him to be totally destroyed in his caucus if I mentioned who I thought would be good?” Pelosi said when asked by the Texas Tribune’s Abby Livingston about the prospects of her casting a vote for a Republican speaker. “That would be the end of him.”

"Pelosi also indicated that her caucus would have thwarted a bid by House conservatives to oust Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, should they have brought up a motion to “vacate the chair.”

Nancy Pelosi: Democrats Open to Helping Elect Speaker

I am sick to death of these lying whores saying that they represent any of us other than their big contributors and their own greed.

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