80% of tax cut benefits go to foreigners

^^^ and here's an example. I'm happy with my tax cut. I'm also happy the many corporations I have my retirement money invested in got a tax cut. I'm happy this tax cut has the promise of a return on the investment. I know this is over the head of drone liberals, just relax we are in charge. :itsok:
Yes, you are quite content to steal from others. You don't mind the debt.

Just like a good little liberal.

Keeping my own money I earned is not stealing you communist CHINA party member.
Calling supporting YOUR country stealng tells me exactly what you are. A cheap ass, America hating POS.

I have to work overtime to pay the bills of fat lazy Dem's who don't want to work a job? Do you want me to re-post the video Nancy Pelosi's daughter filmed outside a NY welfare office? :itsok:
Hey, you were just gloating about receiving your own government gifts, hypocrite.

Keeping MY money I earned is not a gift from the government you moron. Lost g5000's brain, if found PM him.
Knowing how hard it is for tards to read anything longer than a Trump tweet, I went to the trouble to find them a video in which the CBO Director admits 80 percent of income growth will go to foreign investors by 2028.

And they refuse to acknowledge their sad attempts at pretending to be critical thinkers just blew up in their faces. :lol:
Doesn't your own sleaze ever give you pause for thought? Do you ever disgust yourself?

I guess there's no way to answer.
I cannot do anything about your total lack of integrity.

You asked, and were given. In spades. Then you got mad because your request was answered.

You thought you were being so clever! :lol:
Again, do you ever disgust yourself, if not by your sleaze, then your stupidity?
It never disgusts me to bitch slap a tard by giving them what they asked for.
Do you practice any kind of hygiene? An occasional shower or even a bath? Brush your remaining teeth, use toilet paper? Use protection for butt sex? Your visage impels me to ask.

Here is the CBO report: https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/115th-congress-2017-2018/reports/53651-outlook.pdf

Projections of federal revenues depend on aggregate income—the total amount of income in the economy— and on the way it is distributed among various categories, such as labor income, domestic corporate profits, proprietors’ income, and interest and dividend income. CBO therefore projects income in those categories over the next 11 years, estimating each category’s share of GDP. The categories that affect revenues most strongly are labor income (especially wage and salary payments) and domestic corporate profits. Increases in U.S. borrowing from abroad imply that a greater share of domestically generated income will flow to foreign investors.


Domestic Income Earned by Foreign Investors
Over the next 11 years, U.S. national income (the income that accrues to U.S. residents as measured by GNP) is projected to grow at a slightly slower pace than income from U.S. domestic production (as measured by GDP). GNP is a better measure of the income available to U.S. residents because it includes net international income flows—the income that U.S. residents earn from working and investing abroad minus the income that nonresidents earn from working and investing in the United States. From 2018 to 2028, net international income is projected to fall from 0.9 percent of GDP to roughly 0.4 percent. As a result, in CBO’s projections, GNP grows about 0.1 percentage point less per year than GDP grows over the 2018–2028 period.

Net international income is expected to fall over the next 11 years for two reasons. First, under current law, in CBO’s projections, the amount of net borrowing from foreigners to finance domestic investment increases, as do federal budget deficits. For all but one of the past 35 years, the United States has been a net borrower on world capital markets and thus its net international lending (national saving minus domestic investment) has been negative, on average.10 In CBO’s forecast, net international lending declines from –2.5 percent of GDP in the 2015–2017 period to an average of –3.5 percent from 2018 to 2028. The second reason is that U.S. borrowing from abroad becomes more expensive as interest rates rise in the United States.

Increases in U.S. borrowing from abroad imply that a greater share of domestically generated income will flow to foreign investors.


I knew it would be a weak fucking claim, but that was weaker than I thought it would be.

If the economic impact from GDP is higher than GNP, the difference between the two is income generated in the United States but going to foreigners.

So if a foreign manufacturer opens a factory here and pays salary to Americans of $1 billion, but earns an income of $100 million, that's proof the tax plan was a bad idea?
So your idea of making America great is for foreign companies to profit from using us as their labor source.

The selling of Americans.

So your idea of making America great is for foreign companies to profit from using us as their labor source.

Yes, I prefer Americans working to produce in America versus unemployed Americans and foreigners working
to sell to Americans instead. Durr.

If the economic impact from GDP is higher than GNP, the difference between the two is income generated in the United States but going to foreigners.

So if a foreign manufacturer opens a factory here and pays salary to Americans of $1 billion, but earns an income of $100 million, that's proof the tax plan was a bad idea?

Remember liberals are dumb as a post. You are talking about the party who has vowed to take the tax cut back if elected. Nothing dumber than a left wing Democrat :cuckoo:
Lets review;

Cklinton balanced the budgert

Bush's tax cuts led us to the worsrt recession in 80 years.

Obama cut the deficit by over half.

Trump just soared it to over a trillion. How? TAX CUTS for wealthy people & corporations.

You people are just plain dumber than shit.

Cklinton balanced the budgert

Yeah, Internet Bubbles are cool.
Of course he had nothing to do with it.
And Gingrich clamped down on Bubba's spending.
He'd have run up a deficit without Newt keeping him in check.

Bush's tax cuts led us to the worsrt recession in 80 years.

Tax cuts don't cause recessions, moron.

Obama cut the deficit by over half.

He added $9.3 trillion to the debt. How much more would he have added if the
Republican House hadn't limited his spending increases?

If the economic impact from GDP is higher than GNP, the difference between the two is income generated in the United States but going to foreigners.

So if a foreign manufacturer opens a factory here and pays salary to Americans of $1 billion, but earns an income of $100 million, that's proof the tax plan was a bad idea?

Remember liberals are dumb as a post. You are talking about the party who has vowed to take the tax cut back if elected. Nothing dumber than a left wing Democrat :cuckoo:
Lets review;

Cklinton balanced the budgert

Bush's tax cuts led us to the worsrt recession in 80 years.

Obama cut the deficit by over half.

Trump just soared it to over a trillion. How? TAX CUTS for wealthy people & corporations.

You people are just plain dumber than shit.

Cklinton balanced the budgert

Yeah, Internet Bubbles are cool.
Of course he had nothing to do with it.
And Gingrich clamped down on Bubba's spending.
He'd have run up a deficit without Newt keeping him in check.

Bush's tax cuts led us to the worsrt recession in 80 years.

Tax cuts don't cause recessions, moron.

Obama cut the deficit by over half.

He added $9.3 trillion to the debt. How much more would he have added if the
Republican House hadn't limited his spending increases?

It won't matter liberals will go right on claiming Clinton balanced the budget until the sun becomes a red giant in 5 billion years.
More from the CBO report:

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows. (However, some portion of the increased private domestic saving is used to finance increased federal borrowing, reducing the amount of saving available for private investment.) Earnings subject to deemed repatriation are expected to be used primarily to reduce corporate debt and thus to contribute only slightly to financing the increase in private investment (see Box B-1 on page 109). Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

The CBO does not give an 80 percent figure here, but they clearly state a "substantial portion" of the tax cut benefits will be reaped by foreign investors.

They again state foreign investors will reap the most benefit here:

The act is expected to increase GNP less than it increases GDP because it shrinks U.S. net international income (see Table B-2 on page 115).

There are two reasons for that decline in net income flows to the United States. First, the increase in foreign investment in the United States that is associated with greater private investment and increased government borrowing generates a fall in net international lending, which is national saving minus domestic investment.29 In CBO’s projections, the act decreases net international lending over the next 11 years by an average of 0.4 percent of GDP (see Figure B-5). The additional income generated by the foreign investment in the United States accrues to foreign investors.

Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

Higher rate of return because Trump is encouraging business, instead of trying to stifle it, like Obama.

LOL! I don't even need to read the link to know that it's utter, complete, laughable nonsense. The only people affected by the Trump tax cuts on personal income taxes are American taxpayers and the few permanent residents (green card holders) who pay American taxes--and anyone can look at the new tax tables and confirm that the middle class by far got the biggest rate reductions in the Trump tax cuts.

And the only companies affected by the Trump tax cut reduction in the corporate income tax rate and the special repatriation tax rate are American-owned companies that pay taxes in the U.S., since the tax reform bill also made it impossible for American companies to shield foreign earnings by parking them overseas. The bill gives those American companies a choice: pay the 21% corporate income tax rate and keep your money overseas or bring your parked money back to the U.S. and pay the special repatriation tax rate of 13.5%. That's why so many American companies that have been parking money overseas are starting to bring that money back to the U.S.
More from the CBO report:

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows. (However, some portion of the increased private domestic saving is used to finance increased federal borrowing, reducing the amount of saving available for private investment.) Earnings subject to deemed repatriation are expected to be used primarily to reduce corporate debt and thus to contribute only slightly to financing the increase in private investment (see Box B-1 on page 109). Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

The CBO does not give an 80 percent figure here, but they clearly state a "substantial portion" of the tax cut benefits will be reaped by foreign investors.

They again state foreign investors will reap the most benefit here:

The act is expected to increase GNP less than it increases GDP because it shrinks U.S. net international income (see Table B-2 on page 115).

There are two reasons for that decline in net income flows to the United States. First, the increase in foreign investment in the United States that is associated with greater private investment and increased government borrowing generates a fall in net international lending, which is national saving minus domestic investment.29 In CBO’s projections, the act decreases net international lending over the next 11 years by an average of 0.4 percent of GDP (see Figure B-5). The additional income generated by the foreign investment in the United States accrues to foreign investors.

Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

Higher rate of return because Trump is encouraging business, instead of trying to stifle it, like Obama.
No, higher rate of return because of Trump's deficit spending, idiot. The higher Trump drives our debt, the higher the interest rate on our debt, the more profit for the foreigners who loan us the money.
Yes, you are quite content to steal from others. You don't mind the debt.

Just like a good little liberal.

Keeping my own money I earned is not stealing you communist CHINA party member.
Calling supporting YOUR country stealng tells me exactly what you are. A cheap ass, America hating POS.

I have to work overtime to pay the bills of fat lazy Dem's who don't want to work a job? Do you want me to re-post the video Nancy Pelosi's daughter filmed outside a NY welfare office? :itsok:
Hey, you were just gloating about receiving your own government gifts, hypocrite.

Keeping MY money I earned is not a gift from the government you moron. Lost g5000's brain, if found PM him.

"[T]ax expenditures reduce the amount of revenue that is collected for any given set of statutory tax rates— and thereby require higher rates to collect a chosen amount of revenue."

Let me know which words are too hard for you to understand, libtard thief. I'm here to help.


Here is the CBO report: https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/115th-congress-2017-2018/reports/53651-outlook.pdf

Projections of federal revenues depend on aggregate income—the total amount of income in the economy— and on the way it is distributed among various categories, such as labor income, domestic corporate profits, proprietors’ income, and interest and dividend income. CBO therefore projects income in those categories over the next 11 years, estimating each category’s share of GDP. The categories that affect revenues most strongly are labor income (especially wage and salary payments) and domestic corporate profits. Increases in U.S. borrowing from abroad imply that a greater share of domestically generated income will flow to foreign investors.


Domestic Income Earned by Foreign Investors
Over the next 11 years, U.S. national income (the income that accrues to U.S. residents as measured by GNP) is projected to grow at a slightly slower pace than income from U.S. domestic production (as measured by GDP). GNP is a better measure of the income available to U.S. residents because it includes net international income flows—the income that U.S. residents earn from working and investing abroad minus the income that nonresidents earn from working and investing in the United States. From 2018 to 2028, net international income is projected to fall from 0.9 percent of GDP to roughly 0.4 percent. As a result, in CBO’s projections, GNP grows about 0.1 percentage point less per year than GDP grows over the 2018–2028 period.

Net international income is expected to fall over the next 11 years for two reasons. First, under current law, in CBO’s projections, the amount of net borrowing from foreigners to finance domestic investment increases, as do federal budget deficits. For all but one of the past 35 years, the United States has been a net borrower on world capital markets and thus its net international lending (national saving minus domestic investment) has been negative, on average.10 In CBO’s forecast, net international lending declines from –2.5 percent of GDP in the 2015–2017 period to an average of –3.5 percent from 2018 to 2028. The second reason is that U.S. borrowing from abroad becomes more expensive as interest rates rise in the United States.

Increases in U.S. borrowing from abroad imply that a greater share of domestically generated income will flow to foreign investors.


I knew it would be a weak fucking claim, but that was weaker than I thought it would be.
You didn't look at the video in post 82, did you. Even though I tagged your name on it.

You are the one being weak.
That is fake news but I am happy to be in the 20% of Americans that are getting tax cut. Mine will be a round $2K and I like it.

God bless Trump! Piss on these stupid Moon Bat that didn't want a reduction in tax rates and higher standard deductions.
More from the CBO report:

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows. (However, some portion of the increased private domestic saving is used to finance increased federal borrowing, reducing the amount of saving available for private investment.) Earnings subject to deemed repatriation are expected to be used primarily to reduce corporate debt and thus to contribute only slightly to financing the increase in private investment (see Box B-1 on page 109). Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

The CBO does not give an 80 percent figure here, but they clearly state a "substantial portion" of the tax cut benefits will be reaped by foreign investors.

They again state foreign investors will reap the most benefit here:

The act is expected to increase GNP less than it increases GDP because it shrinks U.S. net international income (see Table B-2 on page 115).

There are two reasons for that decline in net income flows to the United States. First, the increase in foreign investment in the United States that is associated with greater private investment and increased government borrowing generates a fall in net international lending, which is national saving minus domestic investment.29 In CBO’s projections, the act decreases net international lending over the next 11 years by an average of 0.4 percent of GDP (see Figure B-5). The additional income generated by the foreign investment in the United States accrues to foreign investors.

Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

Higher rate of return because Trump is encouraging business, instead of trying to stifle it, like Obama.
No, higher rate of return because of Trump's deficit spending, idiot. The higher Trump drives our debt, the higher the interest rate on our debt, the more profit for the foreigners who loan us the money.

No, moron......

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows.
More from the CBO report:

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows. (However, some portion of the increased private domestic saving is used to finance increased federal borrowing, reducing the amount of saving available for private investment.) Earnings subject to deemed repatriation are expected to be used primarily to reduce corporate debt and thus to contribute only slightly to financing the increase in private investment (see Box B-1 on page 109). Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

The CBO does not give an 80 percent figure here, but they clearly state a "substantial portion" of the tax cut benefits will be reaped by foreign investors.

They again state foreign investors will reap the most benefit here:

The act is expected to increase GNP less than it increases GDP because it shrinks U.S. net international income (see Table B-2 on page 115).

There are two reasons for that decline in net income flows to the United States. First, the increase in foreign investment in the United States that is associated with greater private investment and increased government borrowing generates a fall in net international lending, which is national saving minus domestic investment.29 In CBO’s projections, the act decreases net international lending over the next 11 years by an average of 0.4 percent of GDP (see Figure B-5). The additional income generated by the foreign investment in the United States accrues to foreign investors.

Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

Higher rate of return because Trump is encouraging business, instead of trying to stifle it, like Obama.
No, higher rate of return because of Trump's deficit spending, idiot. The higher Trump drives our debt, the higher the interest rate on our debt, the more profit for the foreigners who loan us the money.

No, moron......

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows.
Watch the video I provided for you.

Also, you stopped your quote right before this: "However, some portion of the increased private domestic saving is used to finance increased federal borrowing, reducing the amount of saving available for private investment".
Trump is increasing our debt and the cucks just sit there and take it.

Kinda interesting how, when you click on the link, the headline becomes "TRUMP TAX PLAN: 80 PERCENT OF ECONOMIC GAINS WILL END UP GOING TO FOREIGNERS IN 2028, DEMOCRATIC SENATOR SAYS".
Watch the video in post 52. The CBO Director acknowledges 80 percent of the gains in income will go to foreigners by 2028.

You see, the Democratic Senator could do the math.
More from the CBO report:

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows. (However, some portion of the increased private domestic saving is used to finance increased federal borrowing, reducing the amount of saving available for private investment.) Earnings subject to deemed repatriation are expected to be used primarily to reduce corporate debt and thus to contribute only slightly to financing the increase in private investment (see Box B-1 on page 109). Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

The CBO does not give an 80 percent figure here, but they clearly state a "substantial portion" of the tax cut benefits will be reaped by foreign investors.

They again state foreign investors will reap the most benefit here:

The act is expected to increase GNP less than it increases GDP because it shrinks U.S. net international income (see Table B-2 on page 115).

There are two reasons for that decline in net income flows to the United States. First, the increase in foreign investment in the United States that is associated with greater private investment and increased government borrowing generates a fall in net international lending, which is national saving minus domestic investment.29 In CBO’s projections, the act decreases net international lending over the next 11 years by an average of 0.4 percent of GDP (see Figure B-5). The additional income generated by the foreign investment in the United States accrues to foreign investors.

Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

Higher rate of return because Trump is encouraging business, instead of trying to stifle it, like Obama.
No, higher rate of return because of Trump's deficit spending, idiot. The higher Trump drives our debt, the higher the interest rate on our debt, the more profit for the foreigners who loan us the money.

No, moron......

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows.
Watch the video I provided for you.

Also, you stopped your quote right before this: "However, some portion of the increased private domestic saving is used to finance increased federal borrowing, reducing the amount of saving available for private investment".

And some portion is being invested with a rate of return higher than the rate paid on federal debt.
Trump's fake tax break stole $1.5 trillion from our kids, most of which will go to foreigners, some of whom are our enemies, from whom we will borrow money.
More from the CBO report:

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows. (However, some portion of the increased private domestic saving is used to finance increased federal borrowing, reducing the amount of saving available for private investment.) Earnings subject to deemed repatriation are expected to be used primarily to reduce corporate debt and thus to contribute only slightly to financing the increase in private investment (see Box B-1 on page 109). Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

The CBO does not give an 80 percent figure here, but they clearly state a "substantial portion" of the tax cut benefits will be reaped by foreign investors.

They again state foreign investors will reap the most benefit here:

The act is expected to increase GNP less than it increases GDP because it shrinks U.S. net international income (see Table B-2 on page 115).

There are two reasons for that decline in net income flows to the United States. First, the increase in foreign investment in the United States that is associated with greater private investment and increased government borrowing generates a fall in net international lending, which is national saving minus domestic investment.29 In CBO’s projections, the act decreases net international lending over the next 11 years by an average of 0.4 percent of GDP (see Figure B-5). The additional income generated by the foreign investment in the United States accrues to foreign investors.

Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

Higher rate of return because Trump is encouraging business, instead of trying to stifle it, like Obama.
No, higher rate of return because of Trump's deficit spending, idiot. The higher Trump drives our debt, the higher the interest rate on our debt, the more profit for the foreigners who loan us the money.

No, moron......

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows.
Watch the video I provided for you.

Also, you stopped your quote right before this: "However, some portion of the increased private domestic saving is used to finance increased federal borrowing, reducing the amount of saving available for private investment".

And some portion is being invested with a rate of return higher than the rate paid on federal debt.
Some portion. A very tiny portion.

80 percent to foreigners. Some to domestic investors who will also finance federal borrowing.

That does not leave much for private investment.

The vast majority is a circle jerk. Trump borrowing money to pay for the tax break so that investors can reap profits off lending to Trump.

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