80% of tax cut benefits go to foreigners

More from the CBO report:

In CBO’s projections, the private domestic saving rate initially rises in response to the higher after-tax rates of return on U.S. investment resulting from the tax act. In addition, because the act boosts U.S. economic output, national income rises, and total private domestic saving grows. (However, some portion of the increased private domestic saving is used to finance increased federal borrowing, reducing the amount of saving available for private investment.) Earnings subject to deemed repatriation are expected to be used primarily to reduce corporate debt and thus to contribute only slightly to financing the increase in private investment (see Box B-1 on page 109). Meanwhile, increases in the rate of return on investment in the United States in relation to the rate in other countries will attract additional inflows of foreign saving. CBO estimates, therefore, that a substantial portion of the increase in private investment will be financed through those inflows.

The CBO does not give an 80 percent figure here, but they clearly state a "substantial portion" of the tax cut benefits will be reaped by foreign investors.

They again state foreign investors will reap the most benefit here:

The act is expected to increase GNP less than it increases GDP because it shrinks U.S. net international income (see Table B-2 on page 115).

There are two reasons for that decline in net income flows to the United States. First, the increase in foreign investment in the United States that is associated with greater private investment and increased government borrowing generates a fall in net international lending, which is national saving minus domestic investment.29 In CBO’s projections, the act decreases net international lending over the next 11 years by an average of 0.4 percent of GDP (see Figure B-5). The additional income generated by the foreign investment in the United States accrues to foreign investors.
If the economic impact from GDP is higher than GNP, the difference between the two is income generated in the United States but going to foreigners.

So if a foreign manufacturer opens a factory here and pays salary to Americans of $1 billion, but earns an income of $100 million, that's proof the tax plan was a bad idea?

Remember liberals are dumb as a post. You are talking about the party who has vowed to take the tax cut back if elected. Nothing dumber than a left wing Democrat :cuckoo:
The tax cuts were paid for by stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

And you just sit there and take it.

Well Nancy, were you concerned at all about the money Obama spent? Where are your outrage posts about the trillions that the Muslim penned and phoned away? How about our tax dollars that just waltzed out the door, hopped on a plane, got laundered in Switzerland, and was gifted to Iran? You just sat and took it right? When Obama said he had to launder the money because you can't just send it to Iran, he lied. He had already sent them un-laundered money. And you just sat there and took it.
shut up....
Just search on my name and "tax expenditures". You'll see I've been ranting about the debt since I've arrived on this forum.

Your bullshit tu quoque fallacy catastrophically fails, dipshit.

You reek of hypocrisy. I haven't seen a single one of you pseudocons say a single word about Trump's debt.

Not. One. Word.

You just sit there and take it.

After Obama blew $10 trillion with nothing to show for it Trump has to take extreme measures to clean up Obama's giant mess.
Blew 10 trillion fixing George W Bush & your fucking party's mess.
"[T]ax expenditures reduce the amount of revenue that is collected for any given set of statutory tax rates— and thereby require higher rates to collect a chosen amount of revenue."

Just as I have been telling you and telling you and telling you ever since I came to this forum. Tax expenditures are government gifts. They are theft. Your deductions, exemptions and credits are not your money. They are money stolen from others by taxing them at higher rates.

I don't expect a single pseudocon to apologize and change their ways. It just isn't in their character to have that kind of integrity or intelligence.
If the economic impact from GDP is higher than GNP, the difference between the two is income generated in the United States but going to foreigners.

So if a foreign manufacturer opens a factory here and pays salary to Americans of $1 billion, but earns an income of $100 million, that's proof the tax plan was a bad idea?

Remember liberals are dumb as a post. You are talking about the party who has vowed to take the tax cut back if elected. Nothing dumber than a left wing Democrat :cuckoo:
The tax cuts were paid for by stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

And you just sit there and take it.

^^^ and here's an example. I'm happy with my tax cut. I'm also happy the many corporations I have my retirement money invested in got a tax cut. I'm happy this tax cut has the promise of a return on the investment. I know this is over the head of drone liberals, just relax we are in charge. :itsok:
Yes, you are quite content to steal from others. You don't mind the debt.

Just like a good little liberal.

Keeping my own money I earned is not stealing you communist CHINA party member.
Calling supporting YOUR country stealng tells me exactly what you are. A cheap ass, America hating POS.

So LefTards will be throwing parties and celebrating these new findings then?
They’ll be extremely happy if they find out most of the gains will end up in Mexico...homeland of their new constituency.
The "leftards" voted against it.

Your party voted for it.

Trump loved it.

So really...

LefTards vote against anything that may benefit America’s best....it’s what you do.
My party supported tax breaks for America’s best and that’s exactly what we got. Employers and the middle class getting a break totally sucks huh?
Your bottom feeding beaners can’t always be the sole beneficiary...sucks huh?

Hey stupid, the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) are the ones stating these facts, not Newsweek. Newsweek --- a legitimate news organization, unlike the bullshit sites you consider to be legitimate news organizations such as breitbart, gateway pundit, infowars, etc... --- is simply reporting what the CBO is stating.

Where is a link to the actual CBO report?
I didn't see it in the Newsweek article.
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ewhaaaaaaaaa I am too stupid to look up shit on the internet."

So LefTards will be throwing parties and celebrating these new findings then?
They’ll be extremely happy if they find out most of the gains will end up in Mexico...homeland of their new constituency.
The "leftards" voted against it.

Your party voted for it.

Trump loved it.

So really...

LefTards vote against anything that may benefit America’s best....it’s what you do.
My party supported tax breaks for America’s best and that’s exactly what we got. Employers and the middle class getting a break totally sucks huh?
Your bottom feeding beaners can’t always be the sole beneficiary...sucks huh?
The fake tax breaks came at the expense of stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

You are a far left Keynesian liberal thief.
The CBO crunches numbers.
So, is this the same CBO that told us Obamacare was affordable even though they were handed the bill with no figures and a note, "to be filled in later"?
The same one that said the tax cuts would lead to increased deficits. You seen the debt lately?

So LefTards will be throwing parties and celebrating these new findings then?
They’ll be extremely happy if they find out most of the gains will end up in Mexico...homeland of their new constituency.
The "leftards" voted against it.

Your party voted for it.

Trump loved it.

So really...

LefTards vote against anything that may benefit America’s best....it’s what you do.
My party supported tax breaks for America’s best and that’s exactly what we got. Employers and the middle class getting a break totally sucks huh?
Your bottom feeding beaners can’t always be the sole beneficiary...sucks huh?
Look asshole, you said Democrats would be happy about this report. Why? They were against it. Why would they be cheering?
Trump & your party voted for it. Tax breaks not for Americans but for rich p[eople & foreigners.

Who is celebrating? FOREIGNERS you stupid shit.

So LefTards will be throwing parties and celebrating these new findings then?
They’ll be extremely happy if they find out most of the gains will end up in Mexico...homeland of their new constituency.
The "leftards" voted against it.

Your party voted for it.

Trump loved it.

So really...

LefTards vote against anything that may benefit America’s best....it’s what you do.
My party supported tax breaks for America’s best and that’s exactly what we got. Employers and the middle class getting a break totally sucks huh?
Your bottom feeding beaners can’t always be the sole beneficiary...sucks huh?
Look asshole, you said Democrats would be happy about this report. Why? They were against it. Why would they be cheering?
Trump & your party voted for it. Tax breaks not for Americans but for rich p[eople & foreigners.

Who is celebrating? FOREIGNERS you stupid shit.
It's terrible when Joe Sixpack has a job and gets to keep his own money. Still waiting for the 80% link. Remember, no fake news or dingbats.
So you are waiting for Rush to report on it?
I'm waiting for a link. You know, not one from Newsweek or dingbats.
I provided the link. I even tagged your name on it.
You're a real sleaze, aren't you?
How's that for twisted logic from Obama holdovers? Trump's tax cuts seem to be a success but now the story is that the tax cut "benefits" somehow will end up going to foreigners in ten years. What kind of crap are they feeding to angry lefties these days? In the mean time a good percentage of California's revenue goes to illegal foreigners and lefties don't seem to care.
How's that for twisted logic from Obama holdovers? Trump's tax cuts seem to be a success but now the story is that the tax cut "benefits" somehow will end up going to foreigners in ten years. What kind of crap are they feeding to angry lefties these days? In the mean time a good percentage of California's revenue goes to illegal foreigners and lefties don't seem to care.
Is success increased deficits?
So you are waiting for Rush to report on it?
I'm waiting for a link. You know, not one from Newsweek or dingbats.
I provided the link. I even tagged your name on it.
You're a real sleaze, aren't you?
For giving you what you asked for? :lol:

So LefTards will be throwing parties and celebrating these new findings then?
They’ll be extremely happy if they find out most of the gains will end up in Mexico...homeland of their new constituency.
The "leftards" voted against it.

Your party voted for it.

Trump loved it.

So really...

LefTards vote against anything that may benefit America’s best....it’s what you do.
My party supported tax breaks for America’s best and that’s exactly what we got. Employers and the middle class getting a break totally sucks huh?
Your bottom feeding beaners can’t always be the sole beneficiary...sucks huh?
The fake tax breaks came at the expense of stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

You are a far left Keynesian liberal thief.

Money out to good people now and money in from good people later....MAYBE.
This is simple shit for third graders.
The economic stimulation potential as a result of the tax breaks may turn that $1.5t over a decade into a moot issue.
Would you be whining like a little bitch if your illegal wetbacks got a piece of it and could add a few pit bulls to the backyard?

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