80% of tax cut benefits go to foreigners

If the economic impact from GDP is higher than GNP, the difference between the two is income generated in the United States but going to foreigners.

So if a foreign manufacturer opens a factory here and pays salary to Americans of $1 billion, but earns an income of $100 million, that's proof the tax plan was a bad idea?

Remember liberals are dumb as a post. You are talking about the party who has vowed to take the tax cut back if elected. Nothing dumber than a left wing Democrat :cuckoo:
The tax cuts were paid for by stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

And you just sit there and take it.

Well Nancy, were you concerned at all about the money Obama spent? Where are your outrage posts about the trillions that the Muslim penned and phoned away? How about our tax dollars that just waltzed out the door, hopped on a plane, got laundered in Switzerland, and was gifted to Iran? You just sat and took it right? When Obama said he had to launder the money because you can't just send it to Iran, he lied. He had already sent them un-laundered money. And you just sat there and took it.
shut up....
Just search on my name and "tax expenditures". You'll see I've been ranting about the debt since I've arrived on this forum.

Your bullshit tu quoque fallacy catastrophically fails, dipshit.

You reek of hypocrisy. I haven't seen a single one of you pseudocons say a single word about Trump's debt.

Not. One. Word.

You just sit there and take it.
According to their statements in the article. Are they claiming 80% of gdp growth goes to foreigners? Because all the gdp growth, with growth or not changes not where it will go. Seems it is a net positive then of 20% for the US.

So the author would prefer no growth over any. Makes me laugh.

Certainly was Obama's theme song and liberals still seem to want to carry that pail of water....no growth.

If the economic impact from GDP is higher than GNP, the difference between the two is income generated in the United States but going to foreigners.

So if a foreign manufacturer opens a factory here and pays salary to Americans of $1 billion, but earns an income of $100 million, that's proof the tax plan was a bad idea?

Remember liberals are dumb as a post. You are talking about the party who has vowed to take the tax cut back if elected. Nothing dumber than a left wing Democrat :cuckoo:
The tax cuts were paid for by stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

And you just sit there and take it.

^^^ and here's an example. I'm happy with my tax cut. I'm also happy the many corporations I have my retirement money invested in got a tax cut. I'm happy this tax cut has the promise of a return on the investment. I know this is over the head of drone liberals, just relax we are in charge. :itsok:
Yes, you are quite content to steal from others. You don't mind the debt.

Just like a good little liberal.

If the economic impact from GDP is higher than GNP, the difference between the two is income generated in the United States but going to foreigners.

So if a foreign manufacturer opens a factory here and pays salary to Americans of $1 billion, but earns an income of $100 million, that's proof the tax plan was a bad idea?

Remember liberals are dumb as a post. You are talking about the party who has vowed to take the tax cut back if elected. Nothing dumber than a left wing Democrat :cuckoo:
The tax cuts were paid for by stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

And you just sit there and take it.

Well Nancy, were you concerned at all about the money Obama spent? Where are your outrage posts about the trillions that the Muslim penned and phoned away? How about our tax dollars that just waltzed out the door, hopped on a plane, got laundered in Switzerland, and was gifted to Iran? You just sat and took it right? When Obama said he had to launder the money because you can't just send it to Iran, he lied. He had already sent them un-laundered money. And you just sat there and took it.
shut up....
Just search on my name and "tax expenditures". You'll see I've been ranting about the debt since I've arrived on this forum.

Your bullshit tu quoque fallacy catastrophically fails, dipshit.

You reek of hypocrisy. I haven't seen a single one of you pseudocons say a single word about Trump's debt.

Not. One. Word.

You just sit there and take it.

After Obama blew $10 trillion with nothing to show for it Trump has to take extreme measures to clean up Obama's giant mess.
I'm happy this tax cut has the promise of a return on the investment.
And there it is.

Remember how you scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you pseudocons into the far left liberal cave? Remember that?

Now look at you. Crowing over a $1.5 trillion debt as "stimulus"!

Wow! What a good Keynesian Trump has made you!

Remember how you all howled over Obama's one trillion dollar stimulus?

I guess that extra half a trillion of debt by Trump was all it took to make you a Keynesian.


If the economic impact from GDP is higher than GNP, the difference between the two is income generated in the United States but going to foreigners.

So if a foreign manufacturer opens a factory here and pays salary to Americans of $1 billion, but earns an income of $100 million, that's proof the tax plan was a bad idea?

Remember liberals are dumb as a post. You are talking about the party who has vowed to take the tax cut back if elected. Nothing dumber than a left wing Democrat :cuckoo:
The tax cuts were paid for by stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

And you just sit there and take it.

^^^ and here's an example. I'm happy with my tax cut. I'm also happy the many corporations I have my retirement money invested in got a tax cut. I'm happy this tax cut has the promise of a return on the investment. I know this is over the head of drone liberals, just relax we are in charge. :itsok:
Yes, you are quite content to steal from others. You don't mind the debt.

Just like a good little liberal.

Keeping my own money I earned is not stealing you communist CHINA party member.
Yep. They want to stymie the US any way they can.
According to their statements in the article. Are they claiming 80% of gdp growth goes to foreigners? Because all the gdp growth, with growth or not changes not where it will go. Seems it is a net positive then of 20% for the US.

So the author would prefer no growth over any. Makes me laugh.

Certainly was Obama's theme song and liberals still seem to want to carry that pail of water....no growth.
If the economic impact from GDP is higher than GNP, the difference between the two is income generated in the United States but going to foreigners.

So if a foreign manufacturer opens a factory here and pays salary to Americans of $1 billion, but earns an income of $100 million, that's proof the tax plan was a bad idea?

Remember liberals are dumb as a post. You are talking about the party who has vowed to take the tax cut back if elected. Nothing dumber than a left wing Democrat :cuckoo:
The tax cuts were paid for by stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

And you just sit there and take it.

^^^ and here's an example. I'm happy with my tax cut. I'm also happy the many corporations I have my retirement money invested in got a tax cut. I'm happy this tax cut has the promise of a return on the investment. I know this is over the head of drone liberals, just relax we are in charge. :itsok:
Yes, you are quite content to steal from others. You don't mind the debt.

Just like a good little liberal.

Keeping my own money I earned is not stealing you communist CHINA party member.
See? You keep falling for that lie, all the while just sitting there while Trump piles on the debt which explodes your lie.

Every deduction, credit, and exemption is paid for by raising everyone else's tax rate. Someone else pays more taxes so you can pay less. You are stealing from others.

Even then, we don't raise tax rates high enough to pay for your tax deductions, exemptions, and credits. We have to borrow the rest.

And with Trump's bogus tax cut, your children will have to pay an extra $1.5 trillion in taxes.

And you don't just sit there and take it, you crow about it!

Like the good little liberal thief you are.
Trump accelerates spending, and collects less revenue.

And the pseudocons just sit there and take it.
Or maybe it is you that is falling...
Remember liberals are dumb as a post. You are talking about the party who has vowed to take the tax cut back if elected. Nothing dumber than a left wing Democrat :cuckoo:
The tax cuts were paid for by stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

And you just sit there and take it.

^^^ and here's an example. I'm happy with my tax cut. I'm also happy the many corporations I have my retirement money invested in got a tax cut. I'm happy this tax cut has the promise of a return on the investment. I know this is over the head of drone liberals, just relax we are in charge. :itsok:
Yes, you are quite content to steal from others. You don't mind the debt.

Just like a good little liberal.

Keeping my own money I earned is not stealing you communist CHINA party member.
See? You keep falling for that lie, all the while just sitting there while Trump piles on the debt which explodes your lie.

Every deduction, credit, and exemption is paid for by raising everyone else's tax rate. Someone else pays more taxes so you can pay less. You are stealing from others.

Even then, we don't raise tax rates high enough to pay for your tax deductions, exemptions, and credits. We have to borrow the rest.

And with Trump's bogus tax cut, your children will have to pay an extra $1.5 trillion in taxes.

And you don't just sit there and take it, you crow about it!

Like the good little liberal thief you are.
Let's see if BluesLegend is dumb enought to call Devin Nunes a libtard liar blah blah blah...

Here is Nunes explaining that every credit, deduction, and exemption is paid for by raising tax rates on everyone: No tax reform without border adjustment tax, Rep. Nunes says

"If people wanted to drop the corporate rate from 35 to say 33, 32, maybe 30, we could probably do it. But if you go back to several years that we looked at doing just that, the goal was to get to 25 percent, and by the time every lobbyist, every special interest group in town, representing every major corporation in this country, the tax rate was automatically all the way back above 30 by the time you put everybody's special loophole in."

Read that a hundred times if that is how much it takes for you to comprehend it.

Nunes sits on the House Ways and Means Committee. That's the committee responsible for taxation.

Nunes clearly states that every deduction, exemption, and credit is paid for by raising tax rates on everyone. That's why I call them government gifts, because they are. They are theft from someone else's pocket.
Trump and the fake Republicans lowered the corporate tax rate without eliminating all the government gifts in the tax code which made that rate so high to begin with.

And that is how they saddled your children with another $1.5 trillion of debt with a single stroke.

They stole $1.5 trillion from your kids.

And those of you who are happy about that, are complicit in that crime.


Remember... I quote the Editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas...a hardened, "professional" "journalist"???

"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

So why else would these people report something like this?

Looking at the CBO report...
  • First, it reduces the pretax return required to induce businesses to invest. That reduces the user cost of capital and should therefore increase investment.
  • Second, it makes debt financing less advantageous in relation to equity financing—because businesses may deduct the interest on debt from their taxable income, and the value of that deduction becomes smaller when tax rates are lower.
  • Third, the reduction in corporate income taxes increases U.S. and foreign investors’ incentives to invest and to locate activities in the United States rather than abroad.4
  • Fourth, it reduces the incentive to shift income from the United States to lower-tax countries.
It also imposes a onetime tax on previously untaxed foreign profits.
And it adds measures to discourage profit shifting, a practice in which multinational corporations lower their tax liabilities by shifting reported taxable income from affiliates in countries with higher corporate tax rates to affiliates in countries with lower ones.

The 2017 tax act mandates “deemed repatriation” for those accumulated foreign earnings, which means that MNCs will pay U.S. taxes on the earnings even if they are not distributed to the United States. The act thus eliminates the tax disincentive to distribute those earnings. As a result, MNCs are expected to end up deploying the earnings in their domestic operations more often. MNCs left large amounts of earnings in their foreign subsidiaries—a total of $2.6 trillion as of 2015, according to the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation.

The tax act also addresses the treatment of undistributed foreign earnings that accumulated before the taxation of foreign income was changed (see Box B-1).
It imposes a tax on those undistributed foreign earnings, with separate rates for cash assets (15.5 percent) and noncash assets (8 percent). Corporations must pay the tax regardless of whether they actually repatriate the earnings to the United States—a requirement often called “deemed repatriation”—and have the option of spreading the payment of the tax over eight years. The tax should have only a limited effect on the decisions that corporations make, because it applies only to their existing stock of foreign earnings.

BluesLegend will continue to claim tax expenditures mean he gets to keep more of his own money, when in fact it is other people's money he is stealing.

I've proven him wrong many times, just like I have right now, and he still deliberately parrots that lie.

Tax expenditures are theft from the pockets of other taxpayers.

Or maybe it is you that is falling...
The tax cuts were paid for by stealing $1.5 trillion from your kids.

And you just sit there and take it.

^^^ and here's an example. I'm happy with my tax cut. I'm also happy the many corporations I have my retirement money invested in got a tax cut. I'm happy this tax cut has the promise of a return on the investment. I know this is over the head of drone liberals, just relax we are in charge. :itsok:
Yes, you are quite content to steal from others. You don't mind the debt.

Just like a good little liberal.

Keeping my own money I earned is not stealing you communist CHINA party member.
See? You keep falling for that lie, all the while just sitting there while Trump piles on the debt which explodes your lie.

Every deduction, credit, and exemption is paid for by raising everyone else's tax rate. Someone else pays more taxes so you can pay less. You are stealing from others.

Even then, we don't raise tax rates high enough to pay for your tax deductions, exemptions, and credits. We have to borrow the rest.

And with Trump's bogus tax cut, your children will have to pay an extra $1.5 trillion in taxes.

And you don't just sit there and take it, you crow about it!

Like the good little liberal thief you are.

Lets score your post, wrong, wrong, lie, wrong, wrong, troll. Yes that about covers it. :eusa_hand:
New York Democrat Trump is making the pseudocons into far left liberals, exactly as I predicted.

We see they have become Keynesian in this topic. We see they no longer believe in Family Values™ when they rush to defend Trump's infidelities. We see them attack law enforcement and our intelligence agencies at the mobster-in-chief's bidding. And we see them drop to their knees and fellate a KGB thug.

Trump is bringing back trillion dollar deficits and will probably shatter Obama's debt record, and the new liberals just sit there and take it.

Actually reading the report, everything looks pretty darn good, until they throw in when the tax cuts are set to expire and how many businesses and individuals traditionally react just before such occurrence, which is in 10 years-

In CBO’s analysis, the tax act boosts investment, on net, and therefore increases potential output. The main factors that tend to increase investment are changes in the user cost of capital, incentives for some businesses to locate production in the United States, and other increases in economic activity. Those factors are partially offset by increased federal borrowing, which tends to decrease investment.


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