8000 People Arrived asking for protection.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
We had 8000 Asians from Nam arrive and most of them fitted in OK some went to school some worked to get into the fishing biz, they all speak English pretty well. They made the effort. This bunch we have one the door step have been Liberalized and expect to be taken care of. Free medical, welfare, housing, food, all the basic needs. They are poor because their Nation want it that way. Yet they have been told America will educate your children, feed you, give you medical treatment for any ailments you have, housing will be paid for. The lies go on until they buy into it. Lies have put them into this problem by the Liberal Foundations and this is where the problem needs to be looked into. The Foundations who are nothing but Political and are undercover Super PAKS and are operating outside the law. The name of the people behind them need to be exposed. Much like the scandal years ago of the Panama papers who named so many org, and people avoiding taxes. You can look it on Wikipedia.
1.6 MILLION Vietnamese refugees were resettled here in the USA after the Vietnam War, not 8000???
1.6 MILLION Vietnamese refugees were resettled here in the USA after the Vietnam War, not 8000???
Actually, 125,000, in 1975, that were considered the boat people refugees. Yes, today that number has grown to 1.3 million over 43 years.
We had 8000 Asians from Nam arrive and most of them fitted in OK some went to school some worked to get into the fishing biz, they all speak English pretty well. They made the effort. This bunch we have one the door step have been Liberalized and expect to be taken care of. Free medical, welfare, housing, food, all the basic needs. They are poor because their Nation want it that way. Yet they have been told America will educate your children, feed you, give you medical treatment for any ailments you have, housing will be paid for. The lies go on until they buy into it. Lies have put them into this problem by the Liberal Foundations and this is where the problem needs to be looked into. The Foundations who are nothing but Political and are undercover Super PAKS and are operating outside the law. The name of the people behind them need to be exposed. Much like the scandal years ago of the Panama papers who named so many org, and people avoiding taxes. You can look it on Wikipedia.
They, the Vietnamese boat people, were truly in fear for their lives. I had one work for me back then. He was amazing, only 17 years old, sent off by his parents along with his younger brother and sister, and was raising them, as well as going to school. Hardest worker I’ve ever seen, along with a voracious appetite to learn. And no contact with his parents. He didn’t know if they survived or not.

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