81 Million Votes

Biden was there to visit the US semiconductor production, via the chips & science act. He wasnt there to rally. No need to.

Doesn't seem to be going so well.

TSMC, Samsung, and Intel have all delayed plans to ramp up US chip production....


This is just the other day. Can’t even get 3 dozen people to see him.
View attachment 692394

Half of those who voted for Biden in 2020 were primarily motivated to vote against Trump. Now knowing this, and knowing how awful Trump is why go for take two of the one person Biden has a chance against?

I’d say the Democrats infiltrated the Republicans, but that isn’t what happened. The lunatics got control of the asylum.
Conspiracy theorist crybabies are still whining.
They just can't believe that the entire country doesn't adore him like they do, that people across the political spectrum don't see him as the brilliant, uniting, dignified statesman like they do.

This is deeply personal for them. Somehow. I'm still working on figuring that one out.
No. Popular people win elections. entertainers draw crowds.
America is a celebrity-driven society (how embarassing), and that's playing a role in this.

America also loves its movie and teevee anti-heroes. Some folks love to love the bad guy.

This is essentially one, long, running, fucked up reality show and he's the star.
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STILL no proof that Beijing Biden did not cheat.

Lefties will NEVER produce evidence that Beijing Biden did not cheat. Possession of stolen goods is not evidence that the goods were not stolen. Beijing Biden doesn't even have enough support to fill a high school gym.
Scream, cry, stomp your magaturd feet. I will NEVER give any fucks whether you believe you were cheated or not. :rolleyes:

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