81 Million Votes

It seems fairly clear to me chronologically.

Talk radio goes 30+ years teaching them what to think (and more importantly, HOW to think), then Fox comes along to give them a 24-hour resource for it, then the internet comes along and multiplies everything by a thousand. At that point, these people are at an absolute fever pitch of rage and paranoia, and just the right shameless pied piper comes along to open the floodgates.

The media sees what's happening, amplifies it, and the politicians have to fall in line and enable it or lose their comfy gubmit jobs, demonstrating how pitiful, shameless and craven they are.

In a nutshell - no pun intended - that's the short version.
Fixed it for you.

The Alphabet Pedo Hair Sniffing Grooming Lobby has spent 50 years telling you what to think and how to think starting from when you were a little hair sniffer yourself.

Now run along and go get your next hair sniffing fix for Pedo Peter.
Okay Q, got it.
For you to wear at the next Biden Rally which will be attended by 10 like minded individuals like you and Pedo Peter.

Most bizarre thing I've ever seen. It's gotta be intentional and there's got to be some people behind it.
And look at what their craven "leaders" are doing. It's not just the media. It's not just the courts. Now it's the DOJ and the FBI.

One of the primary characteristics of a cult is an isolated, insulated, "us against the world" mentality. Everyone else is lying and corrupt. But "we" have The Truth.

They are what Joe's kids said.

Don't you care about The Biden Family sexually abusing their children and anyone else's that is within hair sniffing distance?

I thought women should be believed. You calling Ashley Biden a liar now?

What Would Pedo Hitler Do?
View attachment 692896

Nope, that's what you said, Stumpy.
Nope, that's what you said, Stumpy.
"Daddy washed my sexually mature teenage naked body every night in the shower and taught me how to be daddy's little sex doll" is what Ashley Biden said in her diary.

She even blamed "Daddy Biden" for her drug fueled orgies and sexual addictions and her unquenchable desire to be treated like a rich little girl cum dumpster when Daddy told her she was too old to be her special little whore anymore.

Hard to replace Daddy's special touch. I always liked girls with Daddy issues, like I liked strippers who are crying during a lap dance.
It's always better.

I thought all women should be believed?

You jump off the #MeToo bandwagon all of a sudden?

How about this one then?

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And look at what their craven "leaders" are doing. It's not just the media. It's not just the courts. Now it's the DOJ and the FBI.

One of the primary characteristics of a cult is an isolated, insulated, "us against the world" mentality. Everyone else is lying and corrupt. But "we" have The Truth.




As bad as that is, I think it's worse. I think they really believe most of this stuff. Like the perpetual liar they worship, they seem to believe any insane thought that comes out of their mouth the moment they say it. They just read or hear something that someone somewhere says, add a little more madness to it, and suddenly it's The Truth.

I swear, it's like we're a fuckin' zombie movie.
Unlike you, I can simply look at statistics and see that there was definitely something amiss. Now, I can't prove anything, but don't sit here and tell me OJ didn't do it.

Now, fuck off, Orange Man Bad cultist.
But I didn't, Q.

That only happened in your mind.

I can't help that.
It was proven Russian Collusion was a lie and paid for, ordered, planned and initiated by Obama, Clinton, Biden & The DNC and was a Treasonouse COUP attempt and an insidious effort to overthrow our Democracy carried out by lackeys and moles in The FBI, CIA and DOJ and accomplices in The Media. The DemNazi party has engaged in a 6 year long siege against our Democracy.

You gonna deny that now? Deny that these people lied to The American People, burned up our tax dollars on a bonfire of lies, treason, greed for power and their vanity and lust for insurrection and treachery going on 6 straight years replacing one lie after another after another?

Zero credibility is the only credibility you have.

Not a single one of you have ever apologized for the eggregious lies you told day after day, night after night and year after year.

You people make Putin look like an innocent infant.

You told Lies that you knew were lies...and then you lied about the lies you told....and you never cared one bit about what it did to your soul and to America and to our Democracy.

F Putin. The enemy has already invaded and is sitting in The White House.
Who needs Putin or Xi as an enemy when they have a Puppet in the Bully Pulpit?
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It was proven Russian Collusion was a lie and paid for, ordered, planned and initiated by Obama, Clinton, Biden The DNC and was a Treasonouse COUP attempt and an insidious effort to overthrow our Democracy carried out by lackeys and moles in The FBI, CIA and DOJ and accomplices in The Medi.

You gonna deny that now? Deny that these people lied to The American People, burned up our tax dollars on a bonfire of lies treason, insurrection and treachery going on 6 straight years replacing one lie after another after another?

Zero credibility is the only credibility you have.

Not a single one of you have ever apologized for the eggregious lies you told day after day, night after night and year after year.

Lies that you knew were lies....and you never cared one bit about what it did to your soul and to America and to our Democracy.
Again, Q, you have mistaken me for someone else.

I can't help you.

Maybe you're just a bot.
Biden - 81 Million votes...

....and 18 months later 7 out of every 10 of them regret their vote & want Joe gone.

Again, Q, you have mistaken me for someone else.

I can't help you.

Maybe you're just a bot.
I get you two Macs mixed up. So unlike Lefty, if I have made such a mistake, I apologize. I get you mixed up with MarxistMac from Atlanta sometimes.

Did I do that?

Are you not a Leftist?

Perhaps I am mistaken

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