81 Million Votes

Yes, because Trump is the head of a cult and Biden isn't.
what is the drug Trump is asking his supporters to take?

Ain't no vaccine like creepy joe. So I'd say you're incorrect.
what is the drug Trump is asking his supporters to take?

Ain't no vaccine like creepy joe. So I'd say you're incorrect.

Where is it written cultists are told to take a drug?
This is such a weak argument and it’s absolutely pathetic that this is the best you guys can come up with.
Lodda deceased voters too
Should be easy Peasy to prove a dead voter, voted. There is a paper trail! And the handful caught voting for their dead wives, dead fathers, dead mothers in 2020 were REPUBLICANS doing the cheating.

It's so easy to prove this kind of voter fraud, yet NO ONE on Trump's side has found the proof, the evidence that would be at their fingertips, if it happened.

Sure, dead voters could be left on the voter rolls, but showing that the dead voter voted, is what is needed to show fraud.... and the list of who voted in 2020 is available to compare with registered voters that are dead, and you claim are still on the voter rolls.
It's a lie. Well, I've come to the realization that you can't expect people who perpetually dismiss the lies of a perpetual liar that they worship, are not liars themselves. :(
As bad as that is, I think it's worse. I think they really believe most of this stuff. Like the perpetual liar they worship, they seem to believe any insane thought that comes out of their mouth the moment they say it. They just read or hear something that someone somewhere says, add a little more madness to it, and suddenly it's The Truth.

I swear, it's like we're a fuckin' zombie movie.
As bad as that is, I think it's worse. I think they really believe most of this stuff. Like the perpetual liar they worship, they seem to believe any insane thought that comes out of their mouth the moment they say it. They just read or hear something that someone somewhere says, add a little more madness to it, and suddenly it's The Truth.

I swear, it's like we're a fuckin' zombie movie.

Your daily reminder that you really are an insufferable, sanctimonious ass.
As bad as that is, I think it's worse. I think they really believe most of this stuff. Like the perpetual liar they worship, they seem to believe any insane thought that comes out of their mouth the moment they say it. They just read or hear something that someone somewhere says, add a little more madness to it, and suddenly it's The Truth.

I swear, it's like we're a fuckin' zombie movie.

Most bizarre thing I've ever seen. It's gotta be intentional and there's got to be some people behind it.
Most bizarre thing I've ever seen. It's gotta be intentional and there's got to be some people behind it.
It seems fairly clear to me chronologically.

Talk radio goes 30+ years teaching them what to think (and more importantly, HOW to think), then Fox comes along to give them a 24-hour resource for it, then the internet comes along and multiplies everything by a thousand. At that point, these people are at an absolute fever pitch of rage, misinformation and paranoia, and just the right shameless pied piper comes along to open the floodgates.

The media sees what's happening, amplifies it, and the politicians have to fall in line and enable it or lose their comfy gubmit jobs, demonstrating how pitiful, shameless and craven they are.

In a nutshell - no pun intended - that's the short version.

Ironically, we've got your sick perversions in writing.
They are what Joe's kids said.

Don't you care about The Biden Family sexually abusing their children and anyone else's that is within hair sniffing distance?

I thought women should be believed. You calling Ashley Biden a liar now?

What Would Pedo Hitler Do?

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