9% Congress - worn out from repealing ACA 40 times - takes another 1 month vacation

Republicans have filibustered every one of Obama's budgets since 2009.

Obama and Congress have been forced to live under Bush's 2009 budget.

The 9% Congress deserves their 8 vacations this year to rest from that effort.


No they haven't.

Now I know why you call yourself driveby.
Republicans have filibustered every one of Obama's budgets since 2009.

Obama and Congress have been forced to live under Bush's 2009 budget.

The 9% Congress deserves their 8 vacations this year to rest from that effort.


Even DEMOCRATS didn't vote for his Budgets dumbass.

Obama's budgets never got past Republican Senate filibuster or the Republican House.

Government spending has been dictated by Bush's 2009 budget.

WASHINGTON — A combination of early presidential maneuvering and internal policy debate is feeding yet another iteration of that media perennial: the great Republican crackup. This time it’s tea party insurgents versus get-along establishment fogies fighting principally over two things: (a) national security and (b) Obamacare.

Gov. Chris Christie recently challenged Sen. Rand Paul over his opposition to the National Security Agency metadata program. Paul has also tangled with Sen. John McCain and other internationalists over drone warfare, democracy promotion and, more generally, intervention abroad.

.... The other battle is about defunding Obamacare. Led by Sens. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, the GOP insurgents are threatening to shut down the government on Oct. 1 if the stopgap funding bill contains money for Obamacare.

This is nuts

Krauthammer: Lee?s plan to defund Obamacare is nuts | The Salt Lake Tribune
Just more RW idiocy- that will ruin the economy for ANOTHER year, and lose them the House.
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