9 Old Testament prophecies fulfilled on that first Christmas

View attachment 168970
Did anyone notice Ding's impatience for a reply back on New Years Eve no less, and where is that same impatience with
2023-2117 years waiting for Jesus to reply? Or Ding refusing to tell us which of the 4-6 christs he calls Jesus?
Hobelim even answered that one, but accidentally used my name.
Nope. Didn't notice it. What about it?
Avoid questions and topics much?
When are you gonna answer the questions?
I thought they were quite simple, your deflection and tactics never worked before why think the outcome will suddenly change now?

Is Yeshu your top prophet (Lucifer)?
Is Yehuda your top prophet(Lucifer)?
Is Theudas your top prophet (Lucifer)?
Is Benjamin the Egyptian your top prophet(Lucifer)?
Or is it the diaper image sickly man flying from the sky?

Then answer why did diaper man flood your city?
*Jeopardy theme song playing in the background*
Jesus Alou can chime in anytime, I mean if 2 hours is a long time to answer , surely over 2117 years is way way over the limit of patience we should have.
*"Ding ding ding ding, we have a winner!"
View attachment 168972
If you want to know my beliefs, you can start here.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Do you believe that you are really God's top prophet?
So you believe they hatched a conspiracy to take down Rome?

"Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

Smiting the nations with a curse doesn't sound very warm and fuzzy, does it?

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

How many years did that take?

When Jesus was being led away to be crucified he said, "now is your time, the hour when darkness reigns."

Seeing things from the future, I figure it took about one celestial hour.
That's it? That's your basis?
No, thats not it.

The facts, including your inability to reconcile your professed beliefs with actual reality, not to mention your obstinate devotion to godless superstitions in spite of the facts that disprove them provide overwhelming evidence that the law of God remains in effect and is in full force.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

To sweet baby Jesus, his disciples, and the authors of the Gospels, you were the enemy.
Are you speaking in some kind of Gnostic code then?

Code? seriously? Jesus as the Jewish Messiah has brought the nations to the brink of destruction with the divine sword, a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine, that came out of his mouth.

How much more clear could I have made it? Take a look around. Billions of unburied corpses cover the land. Sweet baby Jesus grew up to be a ruthless son of a bitch. Thems the facts.

Without the keys to understanding the figurative language of the prophets, irrational and superstitious people could never grasp what was hidden in the fantastical stories about Jesus, his revelation, or his teaching, but instead were predictably diverted by their own archaic superstitious lore..
So I am supposed to follow your beliefs instead, right?

Why? What are your credentials?
That's it? That's your basis?
No, thats not it.

The facts, including your inability to reconcile your professed beliefs with actual reality, not to mention your obstinate devotion to godless superstitions in spite of the facts that disprove them provide overwhelming evidence that the law of God remains in effect and is in full force.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

To sweet baby Jesus, his disciples, and the authors of the Gospels, you were the enemy.
Are you speaking in some kind of Gnostic code then?

Code? seriously? Jesus as the Jewish Messiah has brought the nations to the brink of destruction with the divine sword, a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine, that came out of his mouth.

How much more clear could I have made it? Take a look around. Billions of unburied corpses cover the land. Sweet baby Jesus grew up to be a ruthless son of a bitch. Thems the facts.

Without the keys to understanding the figurative language of the prophets, irrational and superstitious people could never grasp what was hidden in the fantastical stories about Jesus, his revelation, or his teaching, but instead were predictably diverted by their own archaic superstitious lore..

leave Jesus out of it------he was an innocent victim

Jesus was no victim. He knew in advance that teaching a new revelation from God about how to correctly understand and conform to the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life, overturning more than a thousand years of tradition, would make him seem like evil incarnate, the antimoses, and would be despised, rejected, condemned and killed.

He just didn't give a shit.

He had already received the promise of the law, permanent existence, before he ever said a nutty word to anyone else. Jesus foresaw the coming doom and knew the only way to preserve the treasures of the kingdom of Heaven was to hide them in plain sight just above the head of the enemy, hence the so called great commission.
What is your theology? Stop hiding it.
View attachment 168970
Did anyone notice Ding's impatience for a reply back on New Years Eve no less, and where is that same impatience with
2023-2117 years waiting for Jesus to reply? Or Ding refusing to tell us which of the 4-6 christs he calls Jesus?
Hobelim even answered that one, but accidentally used my name.
Nope. Didn't notice it. What about it?
Avoid questions and topics much?
When are you gonna answer the questions?
I thought they were quite simple, your deflection and tactics never worked before why think the outcome will suddenly change now?

Is Yeshu your top prophet (Lucifer)?
Is Yehuda your top prophet(Lucifer)?
Is Theudas your top prophet (Lucifer)?
Is Benjamin the Egyptian your top prophet(Lucifer)?
Or is it the diaper image sickly man flying from the sky?

Then answer why did diaper man flood your city?
*Jeopardy theme song playing in the background*
Jesus Alou can chime in anytime, I mean if 2 hours is a long time to answer , surely over 2117 years is way way over the limit of patience we should have.
*"Ding ding ding ding, we have a winner!"
View attachment 168972
If you want to know my beliefs, you can start here.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Do you believe that you are really God's top prophet?
That is not an answer to any of those questions....
Do you have OCD or short term memory loss or something that we should know about? I answered your question each time you asked it for the last series of times you asked the same question every couple months. *shaking my head"
Your routine is stale, but proves Christianity needs tactical attack to deflect and displace and hide from it's iniquities just like Scientology.
Last edited:
View attachment 168970
Did anyone notice Ding's impatience for a reply back on New Years Eve no less, and where is that same impatience with
2023-2117 years waiting for Jesus to reply? Or Ding refusing to tell us which of the 4-6 christs he calls Jesus?
Hobelim even answered that one, but accidentally used my name.
Nope. Didn't notice it. What about it?
Avoid questions and topics much?
When are you gonna answer the questions?
I thought they were quite simple, your deflection and tactics never worked before why think the outcome will suddenly change now?

Is Yeshu your top prophet (Lucifer)?
Is Yehuda your top prophet(Lucifer)?
Is Theudas your top prophet (Lucifer)?
Is Benjamin the Egyptian your top prophet(Lucifer)?
Or is it the diaper image sickly man flying from the sky?

Then answer why did diaper man flood your city?
*Jeopardy theme song playing in the background*
Jesus Alou can chime in anytime, I mean if 2 hours is a long time to answer , surely over 2117 years is way way over the limit of patience we should have.
*"Ding ding ding ding, we have a winner!"
View attachment 168972
If you want to know my beliefs, you can start here.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Do you believe that you are really God's top prophet?
That is not an answer to any of those questions....
Do you have OCD or short term memory loss or something that we should know about? I answered your question each time you asked it for the last series of times you asked the same question every couple months. *shaking my head"
Your routine is stale, but proves Christianity needs tactical attack to deflect and displace and hide from it's iniquities just like Scientology.

Then they must be false questions.
Jesus could have been gay. Deal with it.

Could have been. I heard from HaShev that Jesus was getting some from the woman by the well..

Maybe Jesus was a freak?
There were several Jesuses in the area preaching around that time. The real one only banged a woman once. And once means that he didn't like it.

Jesus could have been a grandfather before he ever said a word in public. When he was accused of being a nutjob they said, "We know that this man is a sinner. He keeps company with prostitutes..etc.". what ever do you suppose that means?

the women who followed him around must have liked something.
Never heard of fag hags? Then look it up.

I see.

Are you having "tendencies"?

If you are gay, thats you. You have the potential for greatness or the potential to be an asshole just like straight people. Who knew?

love yourself for who you are. If by some miracle you discover that you are becoming a dick, do yourself a favor and strive to become a better person.

You don't have to turn Jesus queer to justify your sexual preferences. I suspect that he wouldn't give a shit. If what consenting adults do in bed was important to God he would have said so the first time around.
It says so in the bible that gay sex is a sin. And I'm not gay myself but can recognize the signs in others.
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
In 1. "The Messiah would be the "Seed of the woman"". Well, I always thought that Jesus could be gay, but this looks like proof. Thanks for clearing that up.
So was the seed of the serpent gay to?
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
In 1. "The Messiah would be the "Seed of the woman"". Well, I always thought that Jesus could be gay, but this looks like proof. Thanks for clearing that up.
So was the seed of the serpent gay to?
That whole story is gay: god wanted Adam not to bang the woman and stay in homo heaven with him, and then booted him when he did the woman. Totally gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay.
I would like to point out Michael that Ding is well named as according to American Webster online dictionary it means to dwell on something with tiresome rendition.. That is Dings conversation with anyone over and over...Kinda like Ned Ryerson...It reminds me of a smile you are on candid camera episode I saw many years ago where they were filming a guy eating his meal... First he would eat a fry then he would take a bite of chicken and then a bite of his bread followed by a sip of soda and then repeat the exact process over and over never deviating it was quite humorous but sad at the same time....
I would like to point out Michael that Ding is well named as according to American Webster online dictionary it means to dwell on something with tiresome rendition.. That is Dings conversation with anyone over and over...Kinda like Ned Ryerson...It reminds me of a smile you are on candid camera episode I saw many years ago where they were filming a guy eating his meal... First he would eat a fry then he would take a bite of chicken and then a bite of his bread followed by a sip of soda and then repeat the exact process over and over never deviating it was quite humorous but sad at the same time....
I'm not the guy that is delusion and thinks he is a prophet of God, bro.
I would like to point out Michael that Ding is well named as according to American Webster online dictionary it means to dwell on something with tiresome rendition.. That is Dings conversation with anyone over and over...Kinda like Ned Ryerson...It reminds me of a smile you are on candid camera episode I saw many years ago where they were filming a guy eating his meal... First he would eat a fry then he would take a bite of chicken and then a bite of his bread followed by a sip of soda and then repeat the exact process over and over never deviating it was quite humorous but sad at the same time....
I'm not the guy that is delusion and thinks he is a prophet of God, bro.
You are just being silly...Prophets are a dime a dozen there were many of them some that you consider were Prophets were not Prophets like Daniel..If you would just read up on the Jewish concept instead of the mistaken concepts of Christianity it would make more sense to you....Prophets didn’t even have to be men or Jewish and some Prophets were sent to prophesies to gentiles like for example Jonah...If you would just think of a man like Donald Trump who has been annointed to be King over the people of the United States you would understand the concept better as The role of Moschiach can be likened to the head of a large corporation or business who makes the ultimate decisions regarding policy in that corporation.... All are mere men with all their frailties.. Donald Trump until he was elected president of the United States was considered delusional too by the people who didn’t want him and yet when he became president he became the Moschiach( for want of a better description) of the American people.... Michael has the same chance as Trump to grow into the role by you saying he is delusional you are saying all leaders of every corporation business or country are delusional as well... Showing that you understandings are tainted and silly and you don’t believe in the process of bettering oneself and others...
I would like to point out Michael that Ding is well named as according to American Webster online dictionary it means to dwell on something with tiresome rendition.. That is Dings conversation with anyone over and over...Kinda like Ned Ryerson...It reminds me of a smile you are on candid camera episode I saw many years ago where they were filming a guy eating his meal... First he would eat a fry then he would take a bite of chicken and then a bite of his bread followed by a sip of soda and then repeat the exact process over and over never deviating it was quite humorous but sad at the same time....
I'm not the guy that is delusion and thinks he is a prophet of God, bro.
You are just being silly...Prophets are a dime a dozen there were many of them some that you consider were Prophets were not Prophets like Daniel..If you would just read up on the Jewish concept instead of the mistaken concepts of Christianity it would make more sense to you....Prophets didn’t even have to be men or Jewish and some Prophets were sent to prophesies to gentiles like for example Jonah...If you would just think of a man like Donald Trump who has been annointed to be King over the people of the United States you would understand the concept better as The role of Moschiach can be likened to the head of a large corporation or business who makes the ultimate decisions regarding policy in that corporation.... All are mere men with all their frailties.. Donald Trump until he was elected president of the United States was considered delusional too by the people who didn’t want him and yet when he became president he became the Moschiach( for want of a better description) of the American people.... Michael has the same chance as Trump to grow into the role by you saying he is delusional you are saying all leaders of every corporation business or country are delusional as well... Showing that you understandings are tainted and silly and you don’t believe in the process of bettering oneself and others...
He said he was the archangel. He said he was God's top prophet.
And...... What is your point An Angel is just a mere man with a message...He has been at the head or forefront with a Message that he has not deviated from...It May be antagonistic to you and Christianity but it is no different then Trump attacking the media and individuals that do not share his vision... Every day he tweets and antagonises different people with his messages but he gets his points across and is the Arch angel or head messenger of his group..Trump is the Arch Angel of the United States whether you like it or not and his message resonates throughout the world... Michael can have the same or greater effect from a platform like a rebuilt temple as Trump has from Washington... Putin has from Moscow.. The pope has from Rome etc etc..The part of being a prophet is pretty straightforward as well...If Michael does indeed rise to a position where his message is heard loud and clear and affects change for the better then he indeed can become Gds top prophet and messenger... Look at Trump he was Over 70 before he was elected it is never too late to become all that one could become or achieve...
Arguing with Ding is a waste of time.....
1) he is not willing to discuss the topic being discussed
2) he's trolling for post numbers for sake of seeing his name on a list of top posters.
Have no clue what people get out of that.
3) he only keeps validating what's been said
like in not understanding simple words & Judaic concepts and thus using his own Christian precepts which he admittingly calls delusional, thus admitting Christianity's delusions while proving my clarification's importance.
4) he is incapable of being intellectually honest.
5)His God floods citys, while my description is of that nature that brings man to help each other during such tradgedies, that Essence of stability and wholeness.
6)his own words on Jesus (using even standard) "I'm not the guy that is delusion and thinks he is a prophet of God"

Nope Ding is just the guy who believes in a story of a delusional guy named Jesus made by those who used to burn skin off people's bodies if they didn't follow the idol of the "delusional character" and pay them 15% of their earnings.

So the backlash by the dings of this world are those angry that Jesus isn't giving them their money's worth.

7) Ding said about Jesus (using his own logic)
"He said he was the archangel. He said he was God's top prophet."
which brings us to
8) you claimed people busted on Jesus and Christians yet you validated that
busting on him & his claims=epic fail you checkmated yourself again.

9)he's not very good at this.

10) he should be funny at least if he's not good-but he's not funny.
Nothing is funny about wasting your life on a borrowed mythology of a sky god.
That's why he has no love or humor or humanity in him.

That's why he broke his resolution already.
Arguing with Ding is a waste of time.....
1) he is not willing to discuss the topic being discussed
2) he's trolling for post numbers for sake of seeing his name on a list of top posters.
Have no clue what people get out of that.
3) he only keeps validating what's been said
like in not understanding simple words & Judaic concepts and thus using his own Christian precepts which he admittingly calls delusional, thus admitting Christianity's delusions while proving my clarification's importance.
4) he is incapable of being intellectually honest.
5)His God floods citys, while my description is of that nature that brings man to help each other during such tradgedies, that Essence of stability and wholeness.
6)his own words on Jesus (using even standard) "I'm not the guy that is delusion and thinks he is a prophet of God"

Nope Ding is just the guy who believes in a story of a delusional guy named Jesus made by those who used to burn skin off people's bodies if they didn't follow the idol of the "delusional character" and pay them 15% of their earnings.

So the backlash by the dings of this world are those angry that Jesus isn't giving them their money's worth.

7) Ding said about Jesus (using his own logic)
"He said he was the archangel. He said he was God's top prophet."
which brings us to
8) you claimed people busted on Jesus and Christians yet you validated that
busting on him & his claims=epic fail you checkmated yourself again.

9)he's not very good at this.

10) he should be funny at least if he's not good-but he's not funny.
Nothing is funny about wasting your life on a borrowed mythology of a sky god.
That's why he has no love or humor or humanity in him.

That's why he broke his resolution already.
That's because I'm not arguing with you.

I want you to tell everyone who you are. You are God's top prophet. Isn't that what you told me before?
Arguing with Ding is a waste of time.....
1) he is not willing to discuss the topic being discussed
2) he's trolling for post numbers for sake of seeing his name on a list of top posters.
Have no clue what people get out of that.
3) he only keeps validating what's been said
like in not understanding simple words & Judaic concepts and thus using his own Christian precepts which he admittingly calls delusional, thus admitting Christianity's delusions while proving my clarification's importance.
4) he is incapable of being intellectually honest.
5)His God floods citys, while my description is of that nature that brings man to help each other during such tradgedies, that Essence of stability and wholeness.
6)his own words on Jesus (using even standard) "I'm not the guy that is delusion and thinks he is a prophet of God"

Nope Ding is just the guy who believes in a story of a delusional guy named Jesus made by those who used to burn skin off people's bodies if they didn't follow the idol of the "delusional character" and pay them 15% of their earnings.

So the backlash by the dings of this world are those angry that Jesus isn't giving them their money's worth.

7) Ding said about Jesus (using his own logic)
"He said he was the archangel. He said he was God's top prophet."
which brings us to
8) you claimed people busted on Jesus and Christians yet you validated that
busting on him & his claims=epic fail you checkmated yourself again.

9)he's not very good at this.

10) he should be funny at least if he's not good-but he's not funny.
Nothing is funny about wasting your life on a borrowed mythology of a sky god.
That's why he has no love or humor or humanity in him.

That's why he broke his resolution already.
That's because I'm not arguing with you.

I want you to tell everyone who you are. You are God's top prophet. Isn't that what you told me before?
Thank you for admitting being a forum troll who asked the questions before thus had no reason to repeat except to break forum rules and intended to harass people.
You should get your own sitcom- a show about nothing....1000 posts not one about anything in particular towards the discussions.

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