92 Year Old Palestinian Woman: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like Hebron in 1929!

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Retract what claim. All the "wars" were due to Arab aggression due to the inability to accept the existence of a Jewish state. Period end of story. You forgot in that in 1967, the Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian armies mobilized along Israel's narrow and seemingly indefensible borders in preparation for a massive invasion to eliminate the State of Israel. The battle cry heard throughout the Arab world was then, as it continues to be: "Slaughter the Jews" and "Throw the Jews into the Sea!"

Funniest part is their soldiers were kissing Israeli soldier's boots in the Sinai as their leaders were claiming "victory" on their national radio and TV. Ha ha ha.

PS. Stay on topic and stop trolling so much. Would you like me to repeat the title, here it is: 92 Year Old Palestinian Woman: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like Hebron in 1929!

Title should be Memri Propaganda Video
I thought you knew some who understands and speaks Arabic. Ask him what was said.

she has the BEST of both worlds-----she speaks arabic AND farsi---
just like roudy
If there is an "alternative translation" to what the old woman is saying, I'd like to hear it. Sounds more like Sherri agrees with this old woman who is calling for the genocide of all Jews.
Roudy -

Saigooon gets embarrassed and feels the need to tell everyone he's "traveled" to give his ignorance and stupidity some legitimacy

Israel started wars in 1956, 1967 and 1982.

Islamist BS.

Off topic.


Your humilation and inadequacy really could not be much more transparent, could it?

Explain in what way Israel did NOT start wars in 1956, 1967 and 1982, or retract your claim.
Retract what claim. All the "wars" were due to Arab aggression due to the inability to accept the existence of a Jewish state. Period end of story. You forgot in that in 1967, the Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian armies mobilized along Israel's narrow and seemingly indefensible borders in preparation for a massive invasion to eliminate the State of Israel. The battle cry heard throughout the Arab world was then, as it continues to be: "Slaughter the Jews" and "Throw the Jews into the Sea!"

Funniest part is their soldiers were kissing Israeli soldier's boots in the Sinai as their leaders were claiming "victory" on their national radio and TV. Ha ha ha.

PS. Stay on topic and stop trolling so much. Would you like me to repeat the title, here it is: 92 Year Old Palestinian Woman: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like Hebron in 1929!

Retract your claim that Israel does not start wars, when in the past 60 years it has started three.

I actually think Israel was justified in doing so in 1967, but it is a case of being honest and admitting the kind of historical facts you wish to deny.

In 1956 Egypt had shown no hostile intention toward Israel at all, had it?

And in 1982, a single Israeli had been killed by terrorists in the year before Israel invaded Lebanon in operation "Peace for Galilee".

Again - YOU raised this topic.
Roudy -

Israel started wars in 1956, 1967 and 1982.

Your humilation and inadequacy really could not be much more transparent, could it?

Explain in what way Israel did NOT start wars in 1956, 1967 and 1982, or retract your claim.
Retract what claim. All the "wars" were due to Arab aggression due to the inability to accept the existence of a Jewish state. Period end of story. You forgot in that in 1967, the Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian armies mobilized along Israel's narrow and seemingly indefensible borders in preparation for a massive invasion to eliminate the State of Israel. The battle cry heard throughout the Arab world was then, as it continues to be: "Slaughter the Jews" and "Throw the Jews into the Sea!"

Funniest part is their soldiers were kissing Israeli soldier's boots in the Sinai as their leaders were claiming "victory" on their national radio and TV. Ha ha ha.

PS. Stay on topic and stop trolling so much. Would you like me to repeat the title, here it is: 92 Year Old Palestinian Woman: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like Hebron in 1929!

Retract your claim that Israel does not start wars, when in the past 60 years it has started three.

I actually think Israel was justified in doing so in 1967, but it is a case of being honest and admitting the kind of historical facts you wish to deny.

In 1956 Egypt had shown no hostile intention toward Israel at all, had it?

And in 1982, a single Israeli had been killed by terrorists in the year before Israel invaded Lebanon in operation "Peace for Galilee".

Again - YOU raised this topic.
When enemy armies have amassed at a nation's border, and their leaders are talking about the total annihilation and genocide of the people, then it doesn't really matter "who goes first". Acts of war and aggression can be performed in various ways. You seriously can't be this stupid and arrogant.

More off topic diversions and distraction. You guys want to talk about anything other than this sick woman who proudly boasted about the Hebron massacre.
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When enemy armies have amassed at a nation's border,

What enemy armies had amassed on Israel's borders in 1956 and 1982?

Here is some background on 1956:

The attack followed the President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser's decision of 26 July 1956 to nationalize the Suez Canal, after the withdrawal of an offer by Britain and the United States to fund the building of the Aswan Dam, which was in response to Egypt's new ties with the Soviet Union and recognizing the People's Republic of China during the height of tensions between China and Taiwan.[16] The aims of the attack were primarily to regain Western control of the canal and to remove Nasser from power,[citation needed] and the crisis highlighted the danger that Arab nationalism posed to Western access to Middle East oil.


What threat to Israel's borders is implicit within that?

As I have explained three times now, I do think Israel was right to launch a pre-emptive strike in 1967 given the obvious threat, but I am still waiting for you to admit that Israel did actually strike first.

btw, You are probably better to keep speeches about your own brilliance to threads where you are right. I do appreciate that this means you may never get to deliver those speeches, but still.

P.s - Please stop sending me personal messages. I do not open them, do not read them.
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When enemy armies have amassed at a nation's border,

What enemy armies had amassed on Israel's borders in 1956 and 1982?

As I have explained three times now, I do think Israel was right to launch a pre-emptive strike in 1967 given the obvious threat, but I am still waiting for you to admit that Israel did actually strike first.

btw, You are probably better to keep speeches about your own brilliance to threads where you are right. I do appreciate that this means you may never get to deliver those speeches, but still.

P.s - Please stop sending me personal messages. I do not open them, do not read them.
Striking first doesn't mean "you started the war", Gomer. Nor does it mean that the war hadn't already started before the strike.
Roudy -

For the third time now - what armies were "amassed" at Israel's borders in 1956 and 1982?
I was referring to 1967. Start a different thread and we'll start an extended discussion about whether Arab / Muslim actions constituted acts of war where Israel was justified in taking necessary action.

For the 100th time, you off-topic flaming ignorant troll, the topic of this thread is: 92 Year Old Palestinian Woman: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like Hebron in 1929! which I have yet to see a single post from you related to this subject.
Roudy -

For the third time now - what armies were "amassed" at Israel's borders in 1956 and 1982?
I was referring to 1967. Start a different thread and we'll start an extended discussion about whether Arab / Muslim actions constituted acts of war where Israel was justified in taking necessary action.

For the 100th time, you off-topic flaming ignorant troll, the topic of this thread is: 92 Year Old Palestinian Woman: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like Hebron in 1929! which I have yet to see a single post from you related to this subject.

there is really not much to discuss about a propaganda video, do we just keep saying it is a propaganda video over and over and over and over again.DO we discuss the value of propaganda videos or the ethics of propaganda videos?
Roudy -

For the third time now - what armies were "amassed" at Israel's borders in 1956 and 1982?
I was referring to 1967. Start a different thread and we'll start an extended discussion about whether Arab / Muslim actions constituted acts of war where Israel was justified in taking necessary action.

For the 100th time, you off-topic flaming ignorant troll, the topic of this thread is: 92 Year Old Palestinian Woman: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like Hebron in 1929! which I have yet to see a single post from you related to this subject.

there is really not much to discuss about a propaganda video, do we just keep saying it is a propaganda video over and over and over and over again.DO we discuss the value of propaganda videos or the ethics of propaganda videos?
What you call a propaganda video is simply a recording of a Palestinian woman. It is the truth. You have nothing but lies and false accusations.
I don't know what's funnier, Sherri accusing someone else of posting propaganda or Saigon claiming Israel started all its wars.
This forum is GREAT
Saigon----I am too young to remember 1956 ---but I
do recall 1982---that war was a response to cross
border terrorism. The US entered world war II
without MASSED ARMIES at the border----why do
you belabor a worthless point?
What's even funnier, is that Saigon is telling us that Israel attacked first, therefore they are automatically the ones who started the war !
What's even funnier, is that Saigon is telling us that Israel attacked first, therefore they are automatically the ones who started the war !
So far Saigooon hasn't addressed the topic of this thread with a single post. He jumped right in like a troll and started flaming with his off topic BS "did they call themselves Palestinians?" and Islamic lies like "Israel started all the wars".
Yeah Sher. I'm the big bad Zionist.

I hide beneath little kids' beds, and in my free time I eat Palestinian babies like snacks.


Proud baby killers!
Who the Palestinians? It certainly ain't the Israelis. They don't target kids, like Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Isa is a palestinian----he speaks arabic----and he is a great hero in that
he knows how to win whole cities by rape and pillage-----he is very
generious----and gives sex slaves to all his friends----best of all---he speaks
to sherri
What's even funnier, is that Saigon is telling us that Israel attacked first, therefore they are automatically the ones who started the war !


I am not saying that the attack may not have been justified, but if you invade another country, as Israel did in 1956 and 1982, then yes, you started the war. Why is that funny?

Saigon claiming Israel started all its wars.

Where did I say that? What is the post #?

Please try and post honestly. Really. Otherwise you are no better than Roudy.
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So far Saigooon hasn't addressed the topic of this thread with a single post. He jumped right in like a troll and started flaming with his off topic BS "did they call themselves Palestinians?" and Islamic lies like "Israel started all the wars".

Do you ever post honestly?

I have 3 comments on the first 2 pages which respond directly to the OP and subsequent comments.

YOU raised the issue of Israel starting wars, and then ran away from it when you realised you had made a mistake.

Fully 12 of your comments on this thread contain nothing but abuse. YOU started the abuse and flaming on this thread, as you always do. No one else does it. Check posts #86, #89, #105 and #106 - you attacking other posters in appalling foul-mouthed rants that most posters politely ignore.

Of course everyone can see ou are just embarassed, but even so - why not post with a little dignity?
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Saigon----I am too young to remember 1956 ---but I
do recall 1982---that war was a response to cross
border terrorism. The US entered world war II
without MASSED ARMIES at the border----why do
you belabor a worthless point?

Cross-border terrorism in which one single person had been killed in 12 months.
What's even funnier, is that Saigon is telling us that Israel attacked first, therefore they are automatically the ones who started the war !


I am not saying that the attack may not have been justified, but if you invade another country, as Israel did in 1956 and 1982, then yes, you started the war. Why is that funny?

Saigon claiming Israel started all its wars.

Where did I say that? What is the post #?

Please try and post honestly. Really. Otherwise you are no better than Roudy.
Pay attention off topic internet troll Saigooon. You have yet to provide a single post in this thread relevant to the topic of this thread: 92 Year Old Palestinian Woman: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like Hebron in 1929!

What makes you think people have to respond when you make up shit about them?

Quote of the week: Saigoon: "What Pol Pot did in Cambodia does not qualify as genocide" :lmao:
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