94% of NYC Chinese Virus patients had another disease.

NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
They also get a fatter check is the patient was put on a ventilator.

Undoubtedly why they wanted 30K more vents---that would be an extra $1.1B in federal money
I makes me wonder how many people were put on ventilators that didn't need to be and died as a result.

It's kinda creepy when you think about it.
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

good thing shitforbrains isnt fatal or you would be dead-

but Fox has you on life support
NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
NYC has so many because they count "suspected cases" WITHOUT TESTING...

Since tests for people suspected of having Covid 19 have shown a 15-20% rate of positives, that means 80-85% percent of the people counted as dying of Covid 19 DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE VIRUS!!!

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

And all those dying at home from covid are not counted because they were never tested.

A woman was on the news yesterday, whose husband died at home from the alleged flu want Ted her husband tested for flu and covid, the coroner said they didn't have tests to do that, so the woman hired a private autopsy company, who ran the covid test and flu and her husband died of COVID.

I do not know where you got that misinformation from, thAt you're erroneously spreading??
Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths,

Once again you are caught in a blatant lie.

New York City adds thousands to COVID-19 death toll who never tested positive for the virus

New York City's total coronavirus death toll saw a major spike on Tuesday, after officials added more than 3,700 fatalities to the count "including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it," the New York Times reported.
Try not using your fake right wing news, where they intentionally leave out the details, but give you links to go to....

GO IN TO THOSE LINKS, to make certain you get the full story....

In one of the links it verifies PRECISELY WHAT I SAID.

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

CUOMO GAVE THE FIGURE IN HIS PRESSER AND Around 3500 from nursing homes, assisted homes or privately being assisted in private homes...

Here is what it says in the original source article....

New York City's Health Department is now attributing 3,778 more deaths to the coronavirus, officially citing them as "probable" cases.

These are deaths of people -- at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and private homes -- who never received a test, but are likely to have died of coronavirus in the last month.
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now, city health officials have been cataloging these additional people and examining their symptoms and medical histories.

"We are focused on ensuring that every New Yorker who died because of COVID-19 gets counted," New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said in a statement.

While the state is attributing 7,905 deaths in New York City to coronavirus, this tally of 3,778 more "probable" deaths pushes New York City's death toll over 10,000 and puts the
Last edited:
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

good thing shitforbrains isnt fatal or you would be dead-

but Fox has you on life support
Facts upset you?
NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
NYC has so many because they count "suspected cases" WITHOUT TESTING...

Since tests for people suspected of having Covid 19 have shown a 15-20% rate of positives, that means 80-85% percent of the people counted as dying of Covid 19 DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE VIRUS!!!

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

And all those dying at home from covid are not counted because they were never tested.

A woman was on the news yesterday, whose husband died at home from the alleged flu want Ted her husband tested for flu and covid, the coroner said they didn't have tests to do that, so the woman hired a private autopsy company, who ran the covid test and flu and her husband died of COVID.

I do not know where you got that misinformation from, thAt you're erroneously spreading??
Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths,

Once again you are caught in a blatant lie.

New York City adds thousands to COVID-19 death toll who never tested positive for the virus

New York City's total coronavirus death toll saw a major spike on Tuesday, after officials added more than 3,700 fatalities to the count "including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it," the New York Times reported.
Try not using your fake right wing news, where they intentionally leave out the details, but give you links to go to....

GO IN TO THOSE LINKS, to make certain you get the full story....

In one of the links it verifies PRECISELY WHAT I SAID.

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

Here is what it says in the original source article....

New York City's Health Department is now attributing 3,778 more deaths to the coronavirus, officially citing them as "probable" cases.

These are deaths of people -- at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and private homes -- who never received a test, but are likely to have died of coronavirus in the last month.
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now, city health officials have been cataloging these additional people and examining their symptoms and medical histories.

"We are focused on ensuring that every New Yorker who died because of COVID-19 gets counted," New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said in a statement.

While the state is attributing 7,905 deaths in New York City to coronavirus, this tally of 3,778 more "probable" deaths pushes New York City's death toll over 10,000 and puts the
You seem to have a problem with comprehension if you think "private homes" means a nursing home...

That means that they are counting people that died at home!!!

And they were never tested!!!
Last edited:
NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
NYC has so many because they count "suspected cases" WITHOUT TESTING...

Since tests for people suspected of having Covid 19 have shown a 15-20% rate of positives, that means 80-85% percent of the people counted as dying of Covid 19 DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE VIRUS!!!

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

And all those dying at home from covid are not counted because they were never tested.

A woman was on the news yesterday, whose husband died at home from the alleged flu want Ted her husband tested for flu and covid, the coroner said they didn't have tests to do that, so the woman hired a private autopsy company, who ran the covid test and flu and her husband died of COVID.

I do not know where you got that misinformation from, thAt you're erroneously spreading??

But that is all they are good at, they try to hit the target but fail to grasp that it is easier to hit the target with eyes open.
Wait...so if you're a few pounds overweight or have diabetes or any number of other things that WILL NOT KILL YOU

It doesn't matter if the virus kills you?


HALF the damn country has SOMETHING....

Are we just gonna shrug and let em die?
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

good thing shitforbrains isnt fatal or you would be dead-

but Fox has you on life support
You seem triggered by the facts in my OP.....................or at least that I posted these facts.

Do you have a coherent thought to offer the board?
NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
NYC has so many because they count "suspected cases" WITHOUT TESTING...

Since tests for people suspected of having Covid 19 have shown a 15-20% rate of positives, that means 80-85% percent of the people counted as dying of Covid 19 DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE VIRUS!!!

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

And all those dying at home from covid are not counted because they were never tested.

A woman was on the news yesterday, whose husband died at home from the alleged flu want Ted her husband tested for flu and covid, the coroner said they didn't have tests to do that, so the woman hired a private autopsy company, who ran the covid test and flu and her husband died of COVID.

I do not know where you got that misinformation from, thAt you're erroneously spreading??
Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths,

Once again you are caught in a blatant lie.

New York City adds thousands to COVID-19 death toll who never tested positive for the virus

New York City's total coronavirus death toll saw a major spike on Tuesday, after officials added more than 3,700 fatalities to the count "including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it," the New York Times reported.
Try not using your fake right wing news, where they intentionally leave out the details, but give you links to go to....

GO IN TO THOSE LINKS, to make certain you get the full story....

In one of the links it verifies PRECISELY WHAT I SAID.

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

CUOMO GAVE THE FIGURE IN HIS PRESSER AND Around 3500 from nursing homes, assisted homes or privately being assisted in private homes...

Here is what it says in the original source article....

New York City's Health Department is now attributing 3,778 more deaths to the coronavirus, officially citing them as "probable" cases.

These are deaths of people -- at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and private homes -- who never received a test, but are likely to have died of coronavirus in the last month.
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now, city health officials have been cataloging these additional people and examining their symptoms and medical histories.

"We are focused on ensuring that every New Yorker who died because of COVID-19 gets counted," New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said in a statement.

While the state is attributing 7,905 deaths in New York City to coronavirus, this tally of 3,778 more "probable" deaths pushes New York City's death toll over 10,000 and puts the
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now,

Thanks for confirming they are now including people who were never tested in the Chinese Virus death count.
emily, you don't seem to realize the Kung Flu is a respiratory ailment, if that. Most people who get it have zero symptoms. That said, do you think my balls for example are part of my respiratory system?

With your head up your ass so far, your nostrils are probably aligned with your balls!
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Actually that IS how the virus kills. Because the infection will seek to exploit the weak areas to target, that's the location and condition that becomes the means of organs failing so the person dies. It's like blaming the same robber for different degrees of theft, since the same thief stealing 30 in cash from a register holdup is not the same category as a 400 theft of a computer laptop in a smash and grab hit on someone's car. The circumstances can still be exploiting other conditions, such as a clerk not watching their register, or someone leaving valuables visible in a car. But the string of crimes is still blamed on the thief, not on the victims even if there were other conditions making them an easy target.

Not really. I have seen reports that about 80 percent of the deaths were because people's immune system overreacted to the infection--cytokine storm syndrome--and that the treatment for those cases involves trying to suppress the patient's immune system to get its overreaction under control.
Everyone is just coded with covid 19 now. What about the usual number of people who die from old age, heart attacks, diabetes, etc?
I have face to face “discussions” with Liberals.
They will kill everyone to try and save 1 person.
Do not try to use logic with a Liberal.
They are that psychotic.
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Correct. Most of the people who die from this have some other underlying condition. The other 5% or so are just unlucky.
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Correct. Most of the people who die from this have some other underlying condition. The other 5% or so are just unlucky.
Not unlucky.
There are plenty of people who never go to a doctor and never realize that have a chronic life threatening condition until they collapse.
Everyone is just coded with covid 19 now. What about the usual number of people who die from old age, heart attacks, diabetes, etc?
Nobody has died of anything else since the Chinese Virus hit. Weird.
85 years ago:::::::
Man goes insane and kills whole family:C.O.D>MARIJUANA
Airplane over runs runway in shithole and 8 die" Pilots child previously arrested for MJ posession. C.O.D: possible marijuana second hand exposure.

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