94% of NYC Chinese Virus patients had another disease.

Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Stupid questions from stupid people:

Why is New York infested with disease riddled people:

1. Largest number of travellers arriving from out of country in the world.

2. No testing at either airport for people arriving from world hot spots. Not in January when the disease started spreading outside China, and not today when it is spreading throughout the earth. The USA still does not have cheap, quick, reliable testing.

3. NYC is one of the most densely populated cities on earth and this is a disease which spreads early and spreads often. Social distancing is the only thing that halts the spread.

4. Because housing is so expensive, low wage workers, with no employer health care, working in the food and public service industries, share living quarters with others.

5. Personal space on mass transit during rush hour is non existent.

6. Few people can afford health insurance, and even fewer can afford a trip to emergency, so they're much sicker and they've been contagious for much longer before they go to emergency and get a $1000 bill for co-pays even if they do have insurance.

And that's just off the top of my head, without even googling. Why would a highly contagious disease which kills people with underlying conditions spread in a large metropolitan area first? Geez, Louise.
1. Then why did Cuomo, De Blimpo, and the rest of you clown call Trump Xenophobic for trying to control that influx from around the world, Dumbass?

2. Testing is the responsibility of the States..............that would be Cuomo.

3. Why did Cuomo wait until 2 weeks ago to close parks, and why are the Subways still running when it has been proven they are a cesspool of death?

4. Glad you admit the Dimsocialist run state of NY has made housing unaffordable.

5. See #3

6. See #4. And wasn't the goal of Obamacare to make health insurance "affordable" to working folks?

You just posted a six point major fail you lunatic. :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:
NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
NYC has so many because they count "suspected cases" WITHOUT TESTING...

Since tests for people suspected of having Covid 19 have shown a 15-20% rate of positives, that means 80-85% percent of the people counted as dying of Covid 19 DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE VIRUS!!!

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

And all those dying at home from covid are not counted because they were never tested.

A woman was on the news yesterday, whose husband died at home from the alleged flu want Ted her husband tested for flu and covid, the coroner said they didn't have tests to do that, so the woman hired a private autopsy company, who ran the covid test and flu and her husband died of COVID.

I do not know where you got that misinformation from, thAt you're erroneously spreading??
Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths,

Once again you are caught in a blatant lie.

New York City adds thousands to COVID-19 death toll who never tested positive for the virus

New York City's total coronavirus death toll saw a major spike on Tuesday, after officials added more than 3,700 fatalities to the count "including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it," the New York Times reported.
Try not using your fake right wing news, where they intentionally leave out the details, but give you links to go to....

GO IN TO THOSE LINKS, to make certain you get the full story....

In one of the links it verifies PRECISELY WHAT I SAID.

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

CUOMO GAVE THE FIGURE IN HIS PRESSER AND Around 3500 from nursing homes, assisted homes or privately being assisted in private homes...

Here is what it says in the original source article....

New York City's Health Department is now attributing 3,778 more deaths to the coronavirus, officially citing them as "probable" cases.

These are deaths of people -- at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and private homes -- who never received a test, but are likely to have died of coronavirus in the last month.
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now, city health officials have been cataloging these additional people and examining their symptoms and medical histories.

"We are focused on ensuring that every New Yorker who died because of COVID-19 gets counted," New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said in a statement.

While the state is attributing 7,905 deaths in New York City to coronavirus, this tally of 3,778 more "probable" deaths pushes New York City's death toll over 10,000 and puts the
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now,

Thanks for confirming they are now including people who were never tested in the Chinese Virus death count.
Yes, as I said, with the exception of Cuomo adding nursing home deaths of covid to his count.

The CDC was not and still is not, counting ALL OF THE MASSIVE DEATHS taking place in nursing and assisted living homes.

The CDC only counts the patients or people given a COVID test, and positive....

Cuomo' s department of health is doing the RIGHT THING by gathering this information, determining who and how many, truly died from this disease....

Scientists need to know as well, and others who special in the spread of disease, so to better prepare us, for the next evil virus....

Cuomo said yesterday, his health dept is also going to review any of the pneumonia and flu like deaths in January and February at their homes, and see if any of them died of COVID....

It's important to know...

They will likely find that their first COVID death, was much sooner, just like California found earlier this week.
Cuomo said yesterday, his health dept is also going to review any of the pneumonia and flu like deaths in January and February at their homes, and see if any of them died of COVID....

So, is Cuomo digging people up and testing them........or just assuming they died of the Chinese Virus like he is for all the other untested dead people?
I don't know? With the woman in Calif who collapsed and died in her kitchen three weeks earlier than what we thought was our first COVID death in the USA, the coroner said her death was a heart attack on the death certificate,the morgue/ coroner had blood samples of her taken before she was buried.... And that's how they confirmed it.
Cuomo will guess so he can pad the number of deaths on his watch so he can whine and cry about the rest of America bailing him out from his mismanagemen.

Cuomo isn't in charge of the CDC or testing. Trump is.

In a "national emergency" is it the obligation of the federal government to take charge.

Anyone who has covid19 and dies as a result, would still be alive if not for the virus, so yes, those deaths should be attributed to Covid19, and not just the underlying condition. AIDS doesn't kill anyone. It destroys the immune system so patients die of heart failure, or pneumonia, but in reality, it was the AIDS which killed them.

Same with Covid19. It attacks the heart, the lungs, the kidneys. Those with stronger organs recover, those with weaker or damaged organs, can be vulnerable to pneumonia or hearth failure, which, absent the covid19, would not have happened.

Trumpists are trying to downplay the amount of blood on Donnie's hands. 50,000 and counting. 750,000 still sick. 37% of Closed cases in the USA result in death. You could be looking at an additional 275,000 people dying before the end of May. I thought this number would come down last week, but it's not going down. It was 37% when there was no testing at all, and it's still at 37% of closed cases. The world rate is 20%, but does include numbers from China.
Glad to see you admit you support claiming people died of the Chinese Virus even thought they never tested positive for it. Why do you deny science?
NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
NYC has so many because they count "suspected cases" WITHOUT TESTING...

Since tests for people suspected of having Covid 19 have shown a 15-20% rate of positives, that means 80-85% percent of the people counted as dying of Covid 19 DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE VIRUS!!!

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

And all those dying at home from covid are not counted because they were never tested.

A woman was on the news yesterday, whose husband died at home from the alleged flu want Ted her husband tested for flu and covid, the coroner said they didn't have tests to do that, so the woman hired a private autopsy company, who ran the covid test and flu and her husband died of COVID.

I do not know where you got that misinformation from, thAt you're erroneously spreading??
Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths,

Once again you are caught in a blatant lie.

New York City adds thousands to COVID-19 death toll who never tested positive for the virus

New York City's total coronavirus death toll saw a major spike on Tuesday, after officials added more than 3,700 fatalities to the count "including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it," the New York Times reported.
Try not using your fake right wing news, where they intentionally leave out the details, but give you links to go to....

GO IN TO THOSE LINKS, to make certain you get the full story....

In one of the links it verifies PRECISELY WHAT I SAID.

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

CUOMO GAVE THE FIGURE IN HIS PRESSER AND Around 3500 from nursing homes, assisted homes or privately being assisted in private homes...

Here is what it says in the original source article....

New York City's Health Department is now attributing 3,778 more deaths to the coronavirus, officially citing them as "probable" cases.

These are deaths of people -- at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and private homes -- who never received a test, but are likely to have died of coronavirus in the last month.
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now, city health officials have been cataloging these additional people and examining their symptoms and medical histories.

"We are focused on ensuring that every New Yorker who died because of COVID-19 gets counted," New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said in a statement.

While the state is attributing 7,905 deaths in New York City to coronavirus, this tally of 3,778 more "probable" deaths pushes New York City's death toll over 10,000 and puts the
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now,

Thanks for confirming they are now including people who were never tested in the Chinese Virus death count.
Yes, as I said, with the exception of Cuomo adding nursing home deaths of covid to his count.

The CDC was not and still is not, counting ALL OF THE MASSIVE DEATHS taking place in nursing and assisted living homes.

The CDC only counts the patients or people given a COVID test, and positive....

Cuomo' s department of health is doing the RIGHT THING by gathering this information, determining who and how many, truly died from this disease....

Scientists need to know as well, and others who special in the spread of disease, so to better prepare us, for the next evil virus....

Cuomo said yesterday, his health dept is also going to review any of the pneumonia and flu like deaths in January and February at their homes, and see if any of them died of COVID....

It's important to know...

They will likely find that their first COVID death, was much sooner, just like California found earlier this week.
Cuomo said yesterday, his health dept is also going to review any of the pneumonia and flu like deaths in January and February at their homes, and see if any of them died of COVID....

So, is Cuomo digging people up and testing them........or just assuming they died of the Chinese Virus like he is for all the other untested dead people?
I don't know? With the woman in Calif who collapsed and died in her kitchen three weeks earlier than what we thought was our first COVID death in the USA, the coroner said her death was a heart attack on the death certificate,the morgue/ coroner had blood samples of her taken before she was buried.... And that's how they confirmed it.
Cuomo will guess so he can pad the number of deaths on his watch so he can whine and cry about the rest of America bailing him out from his mismanagemen.

Cuomo isn't in charge of the CDC or testing. Trump is.

In a "national emergency" is it the obligation of the federal government to take charge.

Anyone who has covid19 and dies as a result, would still be alive if not for the virus, so yes, those deaths should be attributed to Covid19, and not just the underlying condition. AIDS doesn't kill anyone. It destroys the immune system so patients die of heart failure, or pneumonia, but in reality, it was the AIDS which killed them.

Same with Covid19. It attacks the heart, the lungs, the kidneys. Those with stronger organs recover, those with weaker or damaged organs, can be vulnerable to pneumonia or hearth failure, which, absent the covid19, would not have happened.

Trumpists are trying to downplay the amount of blood on Donnie's hands. 50,000 and counting. 750,000 still sick. 37% of Closed cases in the USA result in death. You could be looking at an additional 275,000 people dying before the end of May. I thought this number would come down last week, but it's not going down. It was 37% when there was no testing at all, and it's still at 37% of closed cases. The world rate is 20%, but does include numbers from China.

The projection was well over a million deaths in the US, so Donald Two Term Trump has personally saved close to a million and a half people so far.

Bullshit. The projection was over a million deaths if the President did nothing. If he just let the thing run amok. Dr. Faucci said if you did everything right, and nothing went wrong, you could have as few as 60,000 deaths. You'll hit that number before the end of the month.

What I keep looking at is that 37% death rate among closed cases and more than 750,000 active cases. I kept waiting day, by day, over the past few weeks, for it to come down. I started to come down, and made it to 35, but then went back up to 37% again yesterday.
Bullshit. The projection was over a million deaths if the President did nothing.

Actually, the projection was 2.2 MILLION.

And he did. So Trump saved over 2 million lives.

Thanks for pointing that out.
NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
NYC has so many because they count "suspected cases" WITHOUT TESTING...

Since tests for people suspected of having Covid 19 have shown a 15-20% rate of positives, that means 80-85% percent of the people counted as dying of Covid 19 DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE VIRUS!!!

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

And all those dying at home from covid are not counted because they were never tested.

A woman was on the news yesterday, whose husband died at home from the alleged flu want Ted her husband tested for flu and covid, the coroner said they didn't have tests to do that, so the woman hired a private autopsy company, who ran the covid test and flu and her husband died of COVID.

I do not know where you got that misinformation from, thAt you're erroneously spreading??
Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths,

Once again you are caught in a blatant lie.

New York City adds thousands to COVID-19 death toll who never tested positive for the virus

New York City's total coronavirus death toll saw a major spike on Tuesday, after officials added more than 3,700 fatalities to the count "including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it," the New York Times reported.
Try not using your fake right wing news, where they intentionally leave out the details, but give you links to go to....

GO IN TO THOSE LINKS, to make certain you get the full story....

In one of the links it verifies PRECISELY WHAT I SAID.

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

CUOMO GAVE THE FIGURE IN HIS PRESSER AND Around 3500 from nursing homes, assisted homes or privately being assisted in private homes...

Here is what it says in the original source article....

New York City's Health Department is now attributing 3,778 more deaths to the coronavirus, officially citing them as "probable" cases.

These are deaths of people -- at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and private homes -- who never received a test, but are likely to have died of coronavirus in the last month.
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now, city health officials have been cataloging these additional people and examining their symptoms and medical histories.

"We are focused on ensuring that every New Yorker who died because of COVID-19 gets counted," New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said in a statement.

While the state is attributing 7,905 deaths in New York City to coronavirus, this tally of 3,778 more "probable" deaths pushes New York City's death toll over 10,000 and puts the
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now,

Thanks for confirming they are now including people who were never tested in the Chinese Virus death count.
Yes, as I said, with the exception of Cuomo adding nursing home deaths of covid to his count.

The CDC was not and still is not, counting ALL OF THE MASSIVE DEATHS taking place in nursing and assisted living homes.

The CDC only counts the patients or people given a COVID test, and positive....

Cuomo' s department of health is doing the RIGHT THING by gathering this information, determining who and how many, truly died from this disease....

Scientists need to know as well, and others who special in the spread of disease, so to better prepare us, for the next evil virus....

Cuomo said yesterday, his health dept is also going to review any of the pneumonia and flu like deaths in January and February at their homes, and see if any of them died of COVID....

It's important to know...

They will likely find that their first COVID death, was much sooner, just like California found earlier this week.
Cuomo said yesterday, his health dept is also going to review any of the pneumonia and flu like deaths in January and February at their homes, and see if any of them died of COVID....

So, is Cuomo digging people up and testing them........or just assuming they died of the Chinese Virus like he is for all the other untested dead people?
I don't know? With the woman in Calif who collapsed and died in her kitchen three weeks earlier than what we thought was our first COVID death in the USA, the coroner said her death was a heart attack on the death certificate,the morgue/ coroner had blood samples of her taken before she was buried.... And that's how they confirmed it.
Cuomo will guess so he can pad the number of deaths on his watch so he can whine and cry about the rest of America bailing him out from his mismanagemen.

Cuomo isn't in charge of the CDC or testing. Trump is.

In a "national emergency" is it the obligation of the federal government to take charge.

Anyone who has covid19 and dies as a result, would still be alive if not for the virus, so yes, those deaths should be attributed to Covid19, and not just the underlying condition. AIDS doesn't kill anyone. It destroys the immune system so patients die of heart failure, or pneumonia, but in reality, it was the AIDS which killed them.

Same with Covid19. It attacks the heart, the lungs, the kidneys. Those with stronger organs recover, those with weaker or damaged organs, can be vulnerable to pneumonia or hearth failure, which, absent the covid19, would not have happened.

Trumpists are trying to downplay the amount of blood on Donnie's hands. 50,000 and counting. 750,000 still sick. 37% of Closed cases in the USA result in death. You could be looking at an additional 275,000 people dying before the end of May. I thought this number would come down last week, but it's not going down. It was 37% when there was no testing at all, and it's still at 37% of closed cases. The world rate is 20%, but does include numbers from China.

The projection was well over a million deaths in the US, so Donald Two Term Trump has personally saved close to a million and a half people so far.

Bullshit. The projection was over a million deaths if the President did nothing. If he just let the thing run amok. Dr. Faucci said if you did everything right, and nothing went wrong, you could have as few as 60,000 deaths. You'll hit that number before the end of the month.

What I keep looking at is that 37% death rate among closed cases and more than 750,000 active cases. I kept waiting day, by day, over the past few weeks, for it to come down. I started to come down, and made it to 35, but then went back up to 37% again yesterday.

At least you admit that the President doing something saved us from the 1.5M death toll. Since it is 50K, Trump doing something saved 1.495M lives BY. YOUR. OWN. ADMISSION. We may have to amend the constitution to give him a third term but until then Bye Bye Joe The Rapist.


The US death rate is half that of the major countries with Govt Run Healthcare, Moron.
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Please rush to the White House. You have discovered and proven with your own words that Covid-19 infection causes the victim to exhibit bad grammar.

Is there also a correlation between viral infection and bad grammar with the wearing of red hats?
emily, you don't seem to realize the Kung Flu is a respiratory ailment, if that. Most people who get it have zero symptoms. That said, do you think my balls for example are part of my respiratory system?

When I was 17 my father told me thats where my brains were.
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Please rush to the White House. You have discovered and proven with your own words that Covid-19 infection causes the victim to exhibit bad grammar.

Is there also a correlation between viral infection and bad grammar with the wearing of red hats?
Would you care to attempt to post a coherent thought?
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Please rush to the White House. You have discovered and proven with your own words that Covid-19 infection causes the victim to exhibit bad grammar.

Is there also a correlation between viral infection and bad grammar with the wearing of red hats?
Would you care to attempt to post a coherent thought?

Would you care to train your tiny mind to cohere thoughts?
emily, you don't seem to realize the Kung Flu is a respiratory ailment, if that. Most people who get it have zero symptoms. That said, do you think my balls for example are part of my respiratory system?

Dear Snouter to answer your question seriously,
no, I have not seen reports of this virus infecting or targeting the reproductive organs.

But there ARE REPORTS of infections affecting the
brain, the nerves, the heart,
causing other organ failures including kidney failure
and filling various places with blood clots, not only affecting the lungs
but causing heart attacks and strokes.

So it is not LIMITED to just "respiratory illness".
The virus can infect the lower respiratory tract to enter the lungs,
but it can also move up into the brain where it has caused
neurological issues, ranging from mild confusion, to
loss of smell and taste, and even fatal strokes without warning
"because there were no symptoms" in some of these cases.

I don't know what you are responding to specifically, but I am answering as if you
are objecting to the assertion that the virus causes OTHER complications
besides "just respiratory" -- yes it does in some cases.

NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
They also get a fatter check is the patient was put on a ventilator.

^ that is TERRIBLE Muhammed, because those are only saving a FEW patients who had no other recourse,
but a far higher number are dying and cannot recover. Even if they survive, the damage to lungs and other bodily functions
can leave them dependent on assistance for life.

I understand the medical teams are trying everything else
to keep patients OFF ventilators. Here is one solution I hope proves more effective in saving more lives
and preventing intubation: Texas 'mom and pop' business flooded with orders for helmet-style ventilation device
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Please rush to the White House. You have discovered and proven with your own words that Covid-19 infection causes the victim to exhibit bad grammar.

Is there also a correlation between viral infection and bad grammar with the wearing of red hats?
Would you care to attempt to post a coherent thought?

Would you care to train your tiny mind to cohere thoughts?
cohere thoughts?

Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Stupid questions from stupid people:

Why is New York infested with disease riddled people:

1. Largest number of travellers arriving from out of country in the world.

2. No testing at either airport for people arriving from world hot spots. Not in January when the disease started spreading outside China, and not today when it is spreading throughout the earth. The USA still does not have cheap, quick, reliable testing.

3. NYC is one of the most densely populated cities on earth and this is a disease which spreads early and spreads often. Social distancing is the only thing that halts the spread.

4. Because housing is so expensive, low wage workers, with no employer health care, working in the food and public service industries, share living quarters with others.

5. Personal space on mass transit during rush hour is non existent.

6. Few people can afford health insurance, and even fewer can afford a trip to emergency, so they're much sicker and they've been contagious for much longer before they go to emergency and get a $1000 bill for co-pays even if they do have insurance.

And that's just off the top of my head, without even googling. Why would a highly contagious disease which kills people with underlying conditions spread in a large metropolitan area first? Geez, Louise.
1. Then why did Cuomo, De Blimpo, and the rest of you clown call Trump Xenophobic for trying to control that influx from around the world, Dumbass?

2. Testing is the responsibility of the States..............that would be Cuomo.

3. Why did Cuomo wait until 2 weeks ago to close parks, and why are the Subways still running when it has been proven they are a cesspool of death?

4. Glad you admit the Dimsocialist run state of NY has made housing unaffordable.

5. See #3

6. See #4. And wasn't the goal of Obamacare to make health insurance "affordable" to working folks?

You just posted a six point major fail you lunatic. :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:

1. No..

2. Setting up and approving the testing is the responsibility of the CDC and the federal government. Conducting the tests is the responsibiity of the States. Take a civics course stupid.

3. I guess you don't want the doctors or nurses to get to work.

4. The government doesn't set housing prices jackass. The market does.

I answered your question. Just because you don't like the answers proves what a waste of time it is dealing with trolls. You're cheering the deaths of Americans and the economy. It's what you 1000 post a month assholes do.
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Please rush to the White House. You have discovered and proven with your own words that Covid-19 infection causes the victim to exhibit bad grammar.

Is there also a correlation between viral infection and bad grammar with the wearing of red hats?
Would you care to attempt to post a coherent thought?

Would you care to train your tiny mind to cohere thoughts?
cohere thoughts?


Ignrance is your finest quality.
1. Then why did Cuomo, De Blimpo, and the rest of you clown call Trump Xenophobic for trying to control that influx from around the world, Dumbass?
They did not say that...and Trump did not do that. He "shut down" travel ONLY by Chinese nationals...allowing it for 40,000 others from that area without quarantine on return and he didn't do anything about travel from Europe for SIX WEEKS ...likely ensuring that the East Coast got SLAMMED by the virus
2. Testing is the responsibility of the States..............that would be Cuomo.
Wrong. It needs to be a NATIONAL program
3. Why did Cuomo wait until 2 weeks ago to close parks, and why are the Subways still running when it has been proven they are a cesspool of death?
The subways are being religiously disinfected on a regular basis...and oh yea...there isn't an alternative in a city that depends on mass transit
Bullshit. The projection was over a million deaths if the President did nothing.

Actually, the projection was 2.2 MILLION.
2.2 million IS "over a million" moron...and Trump DID nothing. The state were left to their own devices
Kinda makes you wonder how many actually died from the Chinese Virus. Also makes you wonder why NYC is infested with disease riddled people.

Please rush to the White House. You have discovered and proven with your own words that Covid-19 infection causes the victim to exhibit bad grammar.

Is there also a correlation between viral infection and bad grammar with the wearing of red hats?
Would you care to attempt to post a coherent thought?

Would you care to train your tiny mind to cohere thoughts?
cohere thoughts?


Ignrance is your finest quality.
classic! :iyfyus.jpg:
NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
NYC has so many because they count "suspected cases" WITHOUT TESTING...

Since tests for people suspected of having Covid 19 have shown a 15-20% rate of positives, that means 80-85% percent of the people counted as dying of Covid 19 DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE VIRUS!!!

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

And all those dying at home from covid are not counted because they were never tested.

A woman was on the news yesterday, whose husband died at home from the alleged flu want Ted her husband tested for flu and covid, the coroner said they didn't have tests to do that, so the woman hired a private autopsy company, who ran the covid test and flu and her husband died of COVID.

I do not know where you got that misinformation from, thAt you're erroneously spreading??
Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths,

Once again you are caught in a blatant lie.

New York City adds thousands to COVID-19 death toll who never tested positive for the virus

New York City's total coronavirus death toll saw a major spike on Tuesday, after officials added more than 3,700 fatalities to the count "including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it," the New York Times reported.
Try not using your fake right wing news, where they intentionally leave out the details, but give you links to go to....

GO IN TO THOSE LINKS, to make certain you get the full story....

In one of the links it verifies PRECISELY WHAT I SAID.

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

CUOMO GAVE THE FIGURE IN HIS PRESSER AND Around 3500 from nursing homes, assisted homes or privately being assisted in private homes...

Here is what it says in the original source article....

New York City's Health Department is now attributing 3,778 more deaths to the coronavirus, officially citing them as "probable" cases.

These are deaths of people -- at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and private homes -- who never received a test, but are likely to have died of coronavirus in the last month.
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now, city health officials have been cataloging these additional people and examining their symptoms and medical histories.

"We are focused on ensuring that every New Yorker who died because of COVID-19 gets counted," New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said in a statement.

While the state is attributing 7,905 deaths in New York City to coronavirus, this tally of 3,778 more "probable" deaths pushes New York City's death toll over 10,000 and puts the
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now,

Thanks for confirming they are now including people who were never tested in the Chinese Virus death count.
Yes, as I said, with the exception of Cuomo adding nursing home deaths of covid to his count.

The CDC was not and still is not, counting ALL OF THE MASSIVE DEATHS taking place in nursing and assisted living homes.

The CDC only counts the patients or people given a COVID test, and positive....

Cuomo' s department of health is doing the RIGHT THING by gathering this information, determining who and how many, truly died from this disease....

Scientists need to know as well, and others who special in the spread of disease, so to better prepare us, for the next evil virus....

Cuomo said yesterday, his health dept is also going to review any of the pneumonia and flu like deaths in January and February at their homes, and see if any of them died of COVID....

It's important to know...

They will likely find that their first COVID death, was much sooner, just like California found earlier this week.
Cuomo said yesterday, his health dept is also going to review any of the pneumonia and flu like deaths in January and February at their homes, and see if any of them died of COVID....

So, is Cuomo digging people up and testing them........or just assuming they died of the Chinese Virus like he is for all the other untested dead people?
I don't know? With the woman in Calif who collapsed and died in her kitchen three weeks earlier than what we thought was our first COVID death in the USA, the coroner said her death was a heart attack on the death certificate,the morgue/ coroner had blood samples of her taken before she was buried.... And that's how they confirmed it.
Cuomo will guess so he can pad the number of deaths on his watch so he can whine and cry about the rest of America bailing him out from his mismanagemen.

Cuomo isn't in charge of the CDC or testing. Trump is.

In a "national emergency" is it the obligation of the federal government to take charge.

Anyone who has covid19 and dies as a result, would still be alive if not for the virus, so yes, those deaths should be attributed to Covid19, and not just the underlying condition. AIDS doesn't kill anyone. It destroys the immune system so patients die of heart failure, or pneumonia, but in reality, it was the AIDS which killed them.

Same with Covid19. It attacks the heart, the lungs, the kidneys. Those with stronger organs recover, those with weaker or damaged organs, can be vulnerable to pneumonia or hearth failure, which, absent the covid19, would not have happened.

Trumpists are trying to downplay the amount of blood on Donnie's hands. 50,000 and counting. 750,000 still sick. 37% of Closed cases in the USA result in death. You could be looking at an additional 275,000 people dying before the end of May. I thought this number would come down last week, but it's not going down. It was 37% when there was no testing at all, and it's still at 37% of closed cases. The world rate is 20%, but does include numbers from China.

The projection was well over a million deaths in the US, so Donald Two Term Trump has personally saved close to a million and a half people so far.

Bullshit. The projection was over a million deaths if the President did nothing. If he just let the thing run amok. Dr. Faucci said if you did everything right, and nothing went wrong, you could have as few as 60,000 deaths. You'll hit that number before the end of the month.

What I keep looking at is that 37% death rate among closed cases and more than 750,000 active cases. I kept waiting day, by day, over the past few weeks, for it to come down. I started to come down, and made it to 35, but then went back up to 37% again yesterday.

At least you admit that the President doing something saved us from the 1.5M death toll. Since it is 50K, Trump doing something saved 1.495M lives BY. YOUR. OWN. ADMISSION. We may have to amend the constitution to give him a third term but until then Bye Bye Joe The Rapist.


Damn, what a drama queen. Putting your lies and hysterics in bold doesn’t make them true.

No, neither does endlessly repeating your Trumpian fairy tales of how there are literally millions of masks on their way to hospitals. Except hospitals all over American are begging for masks - still. Is Pence sending them by slow dog sled? Nurse in hot spot cities are still begging for masks.

Or Trump has saved millions of lives. He has done nothing of the kind. The USA wouldn't have the first world's highest rate of infection and death if Trump had done a good job.

Look at Germany, South Korea, New Zealand. Those countries did a good job. Trump is right up there with Spain, Italy, and Iran. Worst in the world.

Trump is pissing on you and telling you it's raining, and you're buying it.
I notice you didnt mention China in your leftist rant. Very telling.
NYC has so many because they get a fatter check if the patient had coronavirus instead of the flu.
NYC has so many because they count "suspected cases" WITHOUT TESTING...

Since tests for people suspected of having Covid 19 have shown a 15-20% rate of positives, that means 80-85% percent of the people counted as dying of Covid 19 DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE VIRUS!!!

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

And all those dying at home from covid are not counted because they were never tested.

A woman was on the news yesterday, whose husband died at home from the alleged flu want Ted her husband tested for flu and covid, the coroner said they didn't have tests to do that, so the woman hired a private autopsy company, who ran the covid test and flu and her husband died of COVID.

I do not know where you got that misinformation from, thAt you're erroneously spreading??
Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths,

Once again you are caught in a blatant lie.

New York City adds thousands to COVID-19 death toll who never tested positive for the virus

New York City's total coronavirus death toll saw a major spike on Tuesday, after officials added more than 3,700 fatalities to the count "including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it," the New York Times reported.
Try not using your fake right wing news, where they intentionally leave out the details, but give you links to go to....

GO IN TO THOSE LINKS, to make certain you get the full story....

In one of the links it verifies PRECISELY WHAT I SAID.

Only tested covid cases are counted as covid deaths, with the exception of nursing home deaths from it, which were not in the covid count until Cuomo added them, is my understanding.

CUOMO GAVE THE FIGURE IN HIS PRESSER AND Around 3500 from nursing homes, assisted homes or privately being assisted in private homes...

Here is what it says in the original source article....

New York City's Health Department is now attributing 3,778 more deaths to the coronavirus, officially citing them as "probable" cases.

These are deaths of people -- at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and private homes -- who never received a test, but are likely to have died of coronavirus in the last month.
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now, city health officials have been cataloging these additional people and examining their symptoms and medical histories.

"We are focused on ensuring that every New Yorker who died because of COVID-19 gets counted," New York Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said in a statement.

While the state is attributing 7,905 deaths in New York City to coronavirus, this tally of 3,778 more "probable" deaths pushes New York City's death toll over 10,000 and puts the
While these deaths have not been included in publicly announced counts until now,

Thanks for confirming they are now including people who were never tested in the Chinese Virus death count.
Yes, as I said, with the exception of Cuomo adding nursing home deaths of covid to his count.

The CDC was not and still is not, counting ALL OF THE MASSIVE DEATHS taking place in nursing and assisted living homes.

The CDC only counts the patients or people given a COVID test, and positive....

Cuomo' s department of health is doing the RIGHT THING by gathering this information, determining who and how many, truly died from this disease....

Scientists need to know as well, and others who special in the spread of disease, so to better prepare us, for the next evil virus....

Cuomo said yesterday, his health dept is also going to review any of the pneumonia and flu like deaths in January and February at their homes, and see if any of them died of COVID....

It's important to know...

They will likely find that their first COVID death, was much sooner, just like California found earlier this week.
Cuomo said yesterday, his health dept is also going to review any of the pneumonia and flu like deaths in January and February at their homes, and see if any of them died of COVID....

So, is Cuomo digging people up and testing them........or just assuming they died of the Chinese Virus like he is for all the other untested dead people?
I don't know? With the woman in Calif who collapsed and died in her kitchen three weeks earlier than what we thought was our first COVID death in the USA, the coroner said her death was a heart attack on the death certificate,the morgue/ coroner had blood samples of her taken before she was buried.... And that's how they confirmed it.
Cuomo will guess so he can pad the number of deaths on his watch so he can whine and cry about the rest of America bailing him out from his mismanagemen.

Cuomo isn't in charge of the CDC or testing. Trump is.

In a "national emergency" is it the obligation of the federal government to take charge.

Anyone who has covid19 and dies as a result, would still be alive if not for the virus, so yes, those deaths should be attributed to Covid19, and not just the underlying condition. AIDS doesn't kill anyone. It destroys the immune system so patients die of heart failure, or pneumonia, but in reality, it was the AIDS which killed them.

Same with Covid19. It attacks the heart, the lungs, the kidneys. Those with stronger organs recover, those with weaker or damaged organs, can be vulnerable to pneumonia or hearth failure, which, absent the covid19, would not have happened.

Trumpists are trying to downplay the amount of blood on Donnie's hands. 50,000 and counting. 750,000 still sick. 37% of Closed cases in the USA result in death. You could be looking at an additional 275,000 people dying before the end of May. I thought this number would come down last week, but it's not going down. It was 37% when there was no testing at all, and it's still at 37% of closed cases. The world rate is 20%, but does include numbers from China.

The projection was well over a million deaths in the US, so Donald Two Term Trump has personally saved close to a million and a half people so far.

Bullshit. The projection was over a million deaths if the President did nothing. If he just let the thing run amok. Dr. Faucci said if you did everything right, and nothing went wrong, you could have as few as 60,000 deaths. You'll hit that number before the end of the month.

What I keep looking at is that 37% death rate among closed cases and more than 750,000 active cases. I kept waiting day, by day, over the past few weeks, for it to come down. I started to come down, and made it to 35, but then went back up to 37% again yesterday.

At least you admit that the President doing something saved us from the 1.5M death toll. Since it is 50K, Trump doing something saved 1.495M lives BY. YOUR. OWN. ADMISSION. We may have to amend the constitution to give him a third term but until then Bye Bye Joe The Rapist.


Damn, what a drama queen. Putting your lies and hysterics in bold doesn’t make them true.

No, neither does endlessly repeating your Trumpian fairy tales of how there are literally millions of masks on their way to hospitals. Except hospitals all over American are begging for masks - still. Is Pence sending them by slow dog sled? Nurse in hot spot cities are still begging for masks.

Or Trump has saved millions of lives. He has done nothing of the kind. The USA wouldn't have the first world's highest rate of infection and death if Trump had done a good job.

Look at Germany, South Korea, New Zealand. Those countries did a good job. Trump is right up there with Spain, Italy, and Iran. Worst in the world.

Trump is pissing on you and telling you it's raining, and you're buying it.
I notice you didnt mention China in your leftist rant. Very telling.
You don’t bite the hand that feeds you your talking points.

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