A 10 Year Old Rape Victim In Ohio Was Just Denied An Abortion

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So then you're in favor of banning AR 15's because they are used in about 1% of murders?

and I don;t have a "side"

This is you being a 2 dimensional thinker
Show me where the right to murder the unborn is in the constitution.

For you BS example............The 2nd is CRYSTAL CLEAR.
The 2019 law was implemented to go in affect when RvW was overturned. It was. It seems one can repeat the facts and repeat the facts but they just glance off many.
Because you have no idea how jurisprudence works. The 2012 statute was not repealed. Statutes just do not disappear. The new law would have to specifically say that the statute was repealed. I haven't seen anything to that effect. Whether this was intentional or not I don't know.
Show where in the Constitution a fetus is defined as a person.

I can show you exactly where the Constitution defines a person BORN in this country as a citizen
The Constitution doesn't define any man or woman as a person either. In all of history, no one ever imagined that we would one day be unable to identify a human being as a person.
This past Monday, a child abuse doctor in Ohio had a 10-year old rape victim in her office. She is six weeks and three days pregnant. She was obviously terrified, and instead of helping her, Ohio legislators turned on her. As soon as SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, Ohio outlawed all abortion after six weeks. The child discovered she was pregnant three days too late. There was no longer any access to an abortion clinic in the state, and there were no exceptions made for child rape. Even if there was a doctor who would take pity on this horrible situation, the doctor would be taking an extreme risk of prosecution—along with possibly the child.

She can jump on a bus and go to Virginia - where abortions are legal at all stages.

Problem solved.
Because you have no idea how jurisprudence works. The 2012 statute was not repealed. Statutes just do not disappear. The new law would have to specifically say that the statute was repealed. I haven't seen anything to that effect. Whether this was intentional or not I don't know.

The new law was written to go into affect after the overturn of RvW.
She can jump on a bus and go to Virginia - where abortions are legal at all stages.

No it isn't. Well, things are not so clear right now. Virginia was constrained by the late term abortion ban but has that now been tossed also? The article from the Columbus Dispatch clearly notes there is a lot of confusion and who want to operate under confusion?
The Constitution doesn't define any man or woman as a person either. In all of history, no one ever imagined that we would one day be unable to identify a human being as a person.
So men and women are not people according to the Constitution?

Is that your position?

So when the the word "people " is used in the Constitution what is being referred to?
Show where in the Constitution a fetus is defined as a person.

I can show you exactly where the Constitution defines a person BORN in this country as a citizen
Same ole same ole. More excuses to kill the unborn..........Wear a rubber and stop blaming others if you FUCK UP LITERALLY.

If you don't abort that will be a life..........and that life is worth protecting.

Again...............PUSH A COMPROMISE BILL and BACK YOUR SHIT UP. This is a wedge issue and the left does this for POWER. You don't give a shit about the woman. Only the rift for votes from this BS.

If not we would have a common sense compromise by now. An Amendment. Because on the keys issues on abortion over 2/3rds of the nation agree.

The tragedy is NOT that she had to go to another state to have an abortion performed, provided this isn't a black flag story.

The tragedy is a young girl has just had her entire life torn apart.
Thank you - an intelligent response other than a foaming at the mouth loon who thinks the story is about her driving an hour or so away.
Again - this shows to what degree the mind fucking that exist in America.
Same ole same ole. More excuses to kill the unborn..........Wear a rubber and stop blaming others if you FUCK UP LITERALLY.

If you don't abort that will be a life..........and that life is worth protecting.

Again...............PUSH A COMPROMISE BILL and BACK YOUR SHIT UP. This is a wedge issue and the left does this for POWER. You don't give a shit about the woman. Only the rift for votes from this BS.

If not we would have a common sense compromise by now. An Amendment. Because on the keys issues on abortion over 2/3rds of the nation agree.

RvW was designed as a compromise.
Same ole same ole. More excuses to kill the unborn..........Wear a rubber and stop blaming others if you FUCK UP LITERALLY.

If you don't abort that will be a life..........and that life is worth protecting.

Again...............PUSH A COMPROMISE BILL and BACK YOUR SHIT UP. This is a wedge issue and the left does this for POWER. You don't give a shit about the woman. Only the rift for votes from this BS.

If not we would have a common sense compromise by now. An Amendment. Because on the keys issues on abortion over 2/3rds of the nation agree.
I don't have an agenda.

In fact I have always said that fetal viability should be the line.

But tell me do you interpret the Constitution to mean that all female ova that are fertilized within the borders of the US are to be deemed US citizens regardless of the legal immigration status of the parents?
This past Monday, a child abuse doctor in Ohio had a 10-year old rape victim in her office. She is six weeks and three days pregnant. She was obviously terrified, and instead of helping her, Ohio legislators turned on her. As soon as SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, Ohio outlawed all abortion after six weeks. The child discovered she was pregnant three days too late. There was no longer any access to an abortion clinic in the state, and there were no exceptions made for child rape. Even if there was a doctor who would take pity on this horrible situation, the doctor would be taking an extreme risk of prosecution—along with possibly the child.

Where is this story in the mainstream media? I can’t seem to find it, there is a story from 2019 that talks of a 10 year old in Ohio and it was all supposition. Then there is a girl in Brazil.

I call BS on the Daily Kos.
Apparently she was able to travel to Indiana to get, but that option may soon be cut off. If she were in the Deep South, surrounded by anti-choice states, and poor, she would no options but to endure a forced pregnancy. Many children who become pregnant don’t even realize what is happening to their bodies and of course a lot of these states also want to severely restrict sex education. A ten year old child should never be forced to bear a child!
Here is the same story from two years ago.

Seems pretty fishy to me. A story like this would be all over the media and it isn’t, why? I think it is fake.
Where is this story in the mainstream media? I can’t seem to find it,

Since it has been posted in this thread 5-6 times, I guess you just don't care enough to look. The Kos story even links to the mainstream story they quote.
And of course the source is a known fake news outlet.

And of course the source is a known fake news outlet.

Having been born and raised in Columbus Ohio, I'm well aware of the political bent of the Dispatch

Not 'fake', but bent so far to the Left it's hard to read.

and, how did they ascertain the girl was 6 months and 3 days?

Why not 5 months and 28 days?

When were they able to get that sure?
I don't have an agenda.

In fact I have always said that fetal viability should be the line.

But tell me do you interpret the Constitution to mean that all female ova that are fertilized within the borders of the US are to be deemed US citizens regardless of the legal immigration status of the parents?
More BS. For one the 14th was for the slaves and I believe it will get overturned in the near future also. It has been abused to create a legal loop hole. I've read it but it's sole intent was for the slaves after the civil war.

I disagree with fetal viability. But willing to compromise. Around 15 weeks. Why doesn't your side PUSH A REASONABLE LAW to do this? Hell why doesn't the right do it as well?

It is clear that most don't want 3rd trimester abortions in this country. Most of the world also agrees.

It is clear that most don't object to 1st trimester abortions.

It is clear that most would allow exceptions for rape and incest. and the life of the mother.

I DARE SAY WELL OVER 2/RDS would agree there. 3/5ths........not sure.

This could be ENDED PERMANENTLY........but politicians don't want it to end............they WANT THE WEDGE......Had leftist shitholes not pushed to extremes on abortion but they KEPT PUSHING...........now here we are............as they BLATENTLY ALLOWED ABORTIONS DURING BIRTH............and the HARVESTING of baby parts for medical research by PP.

This day was forced to try and stop the Barbarism of the left. There is time to prevent this push from going further. Do a COMPROMISE or STFU.
RvW was designed as a compromise.
Which is why it should have been coded into law, and never was.
Even liberal Supreme Court judges stated in the past that RvW past decision was unlawful until it was written into law.
Which the Democrats had no interest in doing, they gained too much from having it in limbo.
Then they pushed and pushed and pushed the abortion restrictions to the point of madness. It reached it's boiling point when a Virginia lawmaker suggested even legalizing post term abortion.

This photo is from YESTERDAY.
This is soon to be my 2nd grandchild... look closely and you can see yesterdays date.
You can also see 21 weeks, 5 days.


16 states - this child can be legally murdered.
There is no compromise on that. None.
The fact that you can end the life of a fetus this developed is fucking barbaric.
Which is why it should have been coded into law, and never was.
Even liberal Supreme Court judges stated in the past that RvW past decision was unlawful until it was written into law.
Which the Democrats had no interest in doing, they gained too much from having it in limbo.
Then they pushed and pushed and pushed the abortion restrictions to the point of madness. It reached it's boiling point when a Virginia lawmaker suggested even legalizing post term abortion.

This photo is from YESTERDAY.
This is soon to be my 2nd grandchild... look closely and you can see yesterdays date.
You can also see 21 weeks, 5 days.

View attachment 665103

16 states - this child can be legally murdered.
There is no compromise on that. None.
The fact that you can end the life of a fetus this developed is fucking barbaric.
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