A 10 Year Old Rape Victim In Ohio Was Just Denied An Abortion

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I asked this earlier and no reply. Abut like with most things I ask. Let's argue this story is 100% made up. Do you think something like this will never, ever happen? That it doesn't happen? That it's not discussed before passing laws?
Well here you go simpleton.... it took me about 6 seconds to find out the truth - something you and Daily Kos don't want to talk about while you are rampaging on. This is all Daily Kos had to do

Lucky them. A ten year old pregnant rape victim within a week!

Yeah. Even though this was printed in another publication and "verified" by a doctor it all seems a little too pat to me. The 10 year old just happened to be six weeks and three days pg?

less than 1% of abortions are performed past the 24 week mark but you all use that as the reason to ban all abortions

Oh no I don't use that reason to ban abortions. Abortion ends a human life. That's wrong. That's my reason.
Well here you go simpleton.... it took me about 6 seconds to find out the truth - something you and Daily Kos don't want to talk about while you are rampaging on. This is all Daily Kos had to do

Your link is from 2012.

The Ohio Policy Evaluation Network, a group of researchers working with The Ohio State University, the University of Cincinnati and Case Western Reserve University, said in a fact-sheet that it expects Ohio to ask for immediate implementation of the six-week abortion ban enacted in 2019.

Ohio abortion bans on the way following death of Roe - Ohio Capital Journal

Two real horrors. Not one.

Two horrors and the health crisis that came before it.

We have 10 years olds not only THROUGH puberty, but so solidly through that they are able to ovulate and apparently implant and sustain a 10 week pg (provided this is true information).

Most girls have anovulatory cycles their first few months. So this girl might have started menstruating at 9 years old.

Usually, that comes though obesity. This is not a judgment on the way girls look. It's a full on health crisis, made exponentially worse by the school closures, and the MOST impact, of course, in low income areas.

We would do well to look at ALL of these factors, not just "oh hey, little kids getting pg, what to do!"

And also, I will not type out what to do about people who rape 10 year olds
I asked this earlier and no reply. Abut like with most things I ask. Let's argue this story is 100% made up. Do you think something like this will never, ever happen? That it doesn't happen? That it's not discussed before passing laws?
Normally a judge can approve an abortion for a minor. That was the prevailing law pre Roe and apparently the law in Ohio right now.
Two horrors and the health crisis that came before it.

We have 10 years olds not only THROUGH puberty, but so solidly through that they are able to ovulate and apparently implant and sustain a 10 week pg (provided this is true information).

Most girls have anovulatory cycles their first few months. So this girl might have started menstruating at 9 years old.

Usually, that comes though obesity. This is not a judgment on the way girls look. It's a full on health crisis, made exponentially worse by the school closures, and the MOST impact, of course, in low income areas.

We would do well to look at ALL of these factors, not just "oh hey, little kids getting pg, what to do!"

And also, I will not type out what to do about people who rape 10 year olds
Although exceedingly rare, 5 year old girls have been known to get pregnant.
Your link is from 2012.

The Ohio Policy Evaluation Network, a group of researchers working with The Ohio State University, the University of Cincinnati and Case Western Reserve University, said in a fact-sheet that it expects Ohio to ask for immediate implementation of the six-week abortion ban enacted in 2019.

Ohio abortion bans on the way following death of Roe - Ohio Capital Journal

For what.... the law is still in effect.
They haven't instituted the 6 week ban yet.
Let me break this down

1) A 10 YO child is brought in to a child abuse center pregnant from a rape.
2) The Doctor at the center calls a colleague in Indiana to set up an abortion, even though there is no interview of the Doctor saying it, it is assumed the Doctor was unsure of the law so told the parents to go to Indiana and set it up for them.
3) The abortion was performed.

Highlighting a little sumthin' sumthin'....... 10 years old, and was raped.

Wow.. forgive me for thinking this is the real horror here. Not that her parents had to take a short drive to get an abortion.
Jesus Christ. STFU
Obviously that 10 year old is just another irresponsible female who should have to take responsibility for her actions and carry that pregnancy to term
less than 1% of abortions are performed past the 24 week mark but you all use that as the reason to ban all abortions
And yet most of the country agrees to end that 1% unless for the health of the mother.

So since its so low why don't you ban it. Doesn't happen much anyway right?

Your side doubles down. Illinois removed the partial abortion ban there for WHAT REASON? They will now allow it to be legal there. But it NEVER HAPPENS HUH?
Not what you think they are. (Assuming you think the "refusal" is a horror.... dumb)
The first horror is one that will scar this girl for life, and require serious counseling.
She was raped. She is either in the 4th or 5th grade FFS. She is mind fucked for life.
Two. She got pregnant, and needs an abortion. THAT is the 2nd horror. And that ends it.
The fact her parent(s) had to drive one hour away and get it done is not horrific. A minor inconvenience.
For the Daily Kos to make the whole article about that is mind numbingly stupid.

The tragedy is NOT that she had to go to another state to have an abortion performed, provided this isn't a black flag story.

The tragedy is a young girl has just had her entire life torn apart.
And yet most of the country agrees to end that 1% unless for the health of the mother.

So since its so low why don't you ban it. Doesn't happen much anyway right?

Your side doubles down. Illinois removed the partial abortion ban there for WHAT REASON? They will now allow it to be legal there. But it NEVER HAPPENS HUH?
So then you're in favor of banning AR 15's because they are used in about 1% of murders?

and I don;t have a "side"

This is you being a 2 dimensional thinker
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