A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

Justice prevails

The white Georgia man who, along with his son, is charged with murdering unarmed black jogger Ahmaud Arbery had a past connection to the victim — he investigated him when he worked for the district attorney’s office, according to a new report.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him
Thats old news

it was reported several days ago
And? Got a problem with it?
I think its meaningless
Well yea, if your intentions are to not to give it any thought. Which is a convenient strategy.
I have thought about it

and the conclusion is that its meaningless
Well naturally. You would because it is convenient. That's how you operate. Anything that isn't convenient, is a topic of no importance.
Justice prevails

The white Georgia man who, along with his son, is charged with murdering unarmed black jogger Ahmaud Arbery had a past connection to the victim — he investigated him when he worked for the district attorney’s office, according to a new report.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him
Thats old news

it was reported several days ago
And? Got a problem with it?
I think its meaningless
Well yea, if your intentions are to not to give it any thought. Which is a convenient strategy.
I have thought about it

and the conclusion is that its meaningless
Well naturally. You would because it is convenient. That's how you operate. Anything that isn't convenient, is a topic of no importance.
I doubt seriously if the father can remember any or more than a few of the hundreds or thousands of suspects he has investigated
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?
You just can't help making a fool of yourself can you? First off, you didn't link anything. It's blocked. Secondly, let's pretend the jogger was carrying a hammer. So? Shots were fired before Arbery ever got to the men. And the way he got to the men was unavoidable. This was already explained before, and it shows that on video. They parked in a way that boxed Avery in. And what are they doing with pistols and a shotgun pointed at Avery? Why didn't they call 911? Why was a man getting out of his truck with a loaded shotgun? In Georgia, it's illegal to be in a truck with a loaded shotgun. How do I know? I lived there most of my life, so I know. Those two men were illegally transporting loaded weapons in a vehicle. Nothing they did was justified.
Justice prevails

The white Georgia man who, along with his son, is charged with murdering unarmed black jogger Ahmaud Arbery had a past connection to the victim — he investigated him when he worked for the district attorney’s office, according to a new report.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him
Thats old news

it was reported several days ago
And? Got a problem with it?
I think its meaningless
Well yea, if your intentions are to not to give it any thought. Which is a convenient strategy.
I have thought about it

and the conclusion is that its meaningless
Well naturally. You would because it is convenient. That's how you operate. Anything that isn't convenient, is a topic of no importance.
I doubt seriously if the father can remember any or more than a few of the hundreds or thousands of suspects he has investigated
The father is not in law enforcement. What are those two doing breaking the law with loaded guns in a vehicle? That is illegal in Georgia? Why didn't they call 911? The father and the son did everything you could possibly do that was wrong.

Any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun may have or carry on his or her person a long gun without a valid weapons’ carry license, provided that if the long gun is loaded, it shall only be carried in an open and fully exposed manner.

Illegal Use of Weapons
Various laws in Georgia also address the illegal use of weapons. For instance, if you have a gun (including a stun gun or Taser) or a knife (with a blade that’s at least three inches long) while committing or trying to commit certain crimes, you can be charged with a separate felony in addition to the underlying crime. The punishment is stiffer if you were previously convicted of certain other crimes, including any felony involving the use or possession of a gun.

It’s a misdemeanor in Georgia to:

  • point a loaded or unloaded gun at someone intentionally and without a legal justification
  • fire a gun on someone else’s property (without permission) or within 50 yards of a public road or highway
They broke several violations in the commission of handling their firearms. Hopefully they will be charged for those crimes as well.
Last edited:
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism It is our number one threat in this country. You cannot handle he truth.
I'm arguing the threat, not the numbers. The numbers are totally irrelevant. The two arguments have no relationship to one another.
LOL what threat 10 cases out of THOUSANDS? a couple people murdered compared to a total of 10000. A refusal to label Muslims in this country that do mass shootings as terrorists while claiming every white guy with a weapon is one? There are FEW cases FEW. It is an effort by gun grabbing feds to fabricate a claim to disarm us. They don't cite numbers they don't cite murders they just say it is a problem. You can not cite any numbers that is why you told me to look it up, they are NOT THERE. I agree more Americans get murdered in this Country in a year then Terrorists over seas kill, That's cause hardly ANY Americans over seas get killed by terrorists. I provided the PICTURES of the people the FBI say committed terrorist attacks in this Country, hardly any of them are white.
Ha, if you have a counter argument to my documented argument, then present one. Otherwise, you have no argument. Domestic terrorism by whites is the single largest threat this country faces. Period! End of story. Factually proven. Now, blow smoke out your ass? Go for it. It means nothing without facts.
You haven't proven anything. You have no facts just opinion and shitty opinion at that. No numbers no stats no crime report. I asked you for them and you can not provide them because they don't exist.
Because numbers do not represent any kind of comparable argument. In the context of domestic terrorism, versus Black on Black crime, the two are not related. I posted links that address the largest threat to the US. Numbers are not a necessary requirement to solidify that kind of proof. That is what you and Harmonica fail to understand. Has nothing to do with anything really. You two are dodging and darting away from my argument, to continue with your own. Your argument has no meaning for me, because it isn't relative to anything. And the sad part about your argument is, you worry more about the numbers, and fail to understand how those numbers got there to begin with. Both of you are lost to the world in your own argument, you all do not understand.
where's the list?
List? What list? You are so lost in this argument, you no longer can make sense.
.......you are afraid to answer the question....you obviously are babbling because you know I am right
one more time--you said white terrorism is a bigger threat--please give me a list of domestic white terror attacks

Easily Googled. But here's an explanation for you. Right from the FBI. You think it's people of color organizing these attacks?
25 Years After Oklahoma City, Domestic Terrorism Is on the Rise
Harmonica has one focus; Black crime. And he has no interest in understanding why. His numbers speak for an argument he has, that essentially means nothing.
I've asked you 5 times
game over --you don't want to list the domestic white terror attacks because you know it's NOT a big threat
end of story
No, "wanting" has nothing to do with it. Your nonsensical question does. List of domestic terrorist attacks? What for? What relevance does it represent? Do you think that by presenting a list, that somehow lowers the threat? Lol! You are asking stupid questions, and making stupid requests. Why? Again, anything to divert the attention away from your own worthless argument, that also has no meaning, unless you yourself are able to engage the all mighty "WHY." "WHY" the black crime? You can't address it, because you have no interest in engaging those facts either.
YOU said white terrorism is a bigger threat..I knew you were wrong
His statements indicate the FBI is just as concerned about racially-motivated violent extremists, including white supremacists, as it is about the threat posed by homegrown violent extremists inspired by foreign terrorist organizations. Wray said both pose a grave threat because the perpetrators are often "lone actors," self-radicalized online, who often look to attack "soft targets" such as public gatherings, retail locations or houses of worship.

"They choose easily accessible weapons — a car, a knife, a gun, maybe an IED they can build crudely off the internet — and they choose soft targets," Wray said. "That threat is what we assess is the biggest threat to the homeland right now."

3000 to 10 and you say 10 is bigger than 3000......?????????????!!!!!
blacks murder a hundred TIMES more people
..you are like the idiots waiting for the 2nd coming of christ--it will never happen
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism It is our number one threat in this country. You cannot handle he truth.
I'm arguing the threat, not the numbers. The numbers are totally irrelevant. The two arguments have no relationship to one another.
LOL what threat 10 cases out of THOUSANDS? a couple people murdered compared to a total of 10000. A refusal to label Muslims in this country that do mass shootings as terrorists while claiming every white guy with a weapon is one? There are FEW cases FEW. It is an effort by gun grabbing feds to fabricate a claim to disarm us. They don't cite numbers they don't cite murders they just say it is a problem. You can not cite any numbers that is why you told me to look it up, they are NOT THERE. I agree more Americans get murdered in this Country in a year then Terrorists over seas kill, That's cause hardly ANY Americans over seas get killed by terrorists. I provided the PICTURES of the people the FBI say committed terrorist attacks in this Country, hardly any of them are white.
Ha, if you have a counter argument to my documented argument, then present one. Otherwise, you have no argument. Domestic terrorism by whites is the single largest threat this country faces. Period! End of story. Factually proven. Now, blow smoke out your ass? Go for it. It means nothing without facts.
You haven't proven anything. You have no facts just opinion and shitty opinion at that. No numbers no stats no crime report. I asked you for them and you can not provide them because they don't exist.
Because numbers do not represent any kind of comparable argument. In the context of domestic terrorism, versus Black on Black crime, the two are not related. I posted links that address the largest threat to the US. Numbers are not a necessary requirement to solidify that kind of proof. That is what you and Harmonica fail to understand. Has nothing to do with anything really. You two are dodging and darting away from my argument, to continue with your own. Your argument has no meaning for me, because it isn't relative to anything. And the sad part about your argument is, you worry more about the numbers, and fail to understand how those numbers got there to begin with. Both of you are lost to the world in your own argument, you all do not understand.
where's the list?
List? What list? You are so lost in this argument, you no longer can make sense.
.......you are afraid to answer the question....you obviously are babbling because you know I am right
one more time--you said white terrorism is a bigger threat--please give me a list of domestic white terror attacks

Easily Googled. But here's an explanation for you. Right from the FBI. You think it's people of color organizing these attacks?
25 Years After Oklahoma City, Domestic Terrorism Is on the Rise
Harmonica has one focus; Black crime. And he has no interest in understanding why. His numbers speak for an argument he has, that essentially means nothing.
I've asked you 5 times
game over --you don't want to list the domestic white terror attacks because you know it's NOT a big threat
end of story
No, "wanting" has nothing to do with it. Your nonsensical question does. List of domestic terrorist attacks? What for? What relevance does it represent? Do you think that by presenting a list, that somehow lowers the threat? Lol! You are asking stupid questions, and making stupid requests. Why? Again, anything to divert the attention away from your own worthless argument, that also has no meaning, unless you yourself are able to engage the all mighty "WHY." "WHY" the black crime? You can't address it, because you have no interest in engaging those facts either.
YOU said white terrorism is a bigger threat..I knew you were wrong
His statements indicate the FBI is just as concerned about racially-motivated violent extremists, including white supremacists, as it is about the threat posed by homegrown violent extremists inspired by foreign terrorist organizations. Wray said both pose a grave threat because the perpetrators are often "lone actors," self-radicalized online, who often look to attack "soft targets" such as public gatherings, retail locations or houses of worship.

"They choose easily accessible weapons — a car, a knife, a gun, maybe an IED they can build crudely off the internet — and they choose soft targets," Wray said. "That threat is what we assess is the biggest threat to the homeland right now."

3000 to 10 and you say 10 is bigger than 3000......?????????????!!!!!
blacks murder a hundred TIMES more people
..you are like the idiots waiting for the 2nd coming of christ--it will never happen
Numbers! Lol! They have no meaning, unless you have racist tendencies. Which is abundantly obvious. The numbers game is a convenient argument to hide your racism, which again, is not even my argument. That is your own fetish to hide from the argument you lost from the very beginning. And that argument is about domestic terrorism being our biggest threat. And it comes mostly from whites. Your unintelligent distractions have not served you well.
25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical
25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?
You just can't help making a fool of yourself can you? First off, you didn't link anything. It's blocked. Secondly, let's pretend the jogger was carrying a hammer. So? Shots were fired before Arbery ever got to the men. And the way he got to the men was unavoidable. This was already explained before, and it shows that on video. They parked in a way that boxed Avery in. And what are they doing with pistols and a shotgun pointed at Avery? Why didn't they call 911? Why was a man getting out of his truck with a loaded shotgun? In Georgia, it's illegal to be in a truck with a loaded shotgun. How do I know? I lived there most of my life, so I know. Those two men were illegally transporting loaded weapons in a vehicle. Nothing they did was justified.
There were no shot fired before , he was on the phone with the police, the deadly shot was because of a jolt and pull from AA. He had a hammer, they brought guns because of this. They asked him to stop he fought them
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?
You just can't help making a fool of yourself can you? First off, you didn't link anything. It's blocked. Secondly, let's pretend the jogger was carrying a hammer. So? Shots were fired before Arbery ever got to the men. And the way he got to the men was unavoidable. This was already explained before, and it shows that on video. They parked in a way that boxed Avery in. And what are they doing with pistols and a shotgun pointed at Avery? Why didn't they call 911? Why was a man getting out of his truck with a loaded shotgun? In Georgia, it's illegal to be in a truck with a loaded shotgun. How do I know? I lived there most of my life, so I know. Those two men were illegally transporting loaded weapons in a vehicle. Nothing they did was justified.
There were no shot fired before , he was on the phone with the police, the deadly shot was because of a jolt and pull from AA. He had a hammer, they brought guns because of this. They asked him to stop he fought them

And this is once again the best white on black violence story the lying media has been able to find all year for their election manipulation purposes.

The enemy of the people are comically incompetent and wrong.

Meanwhile, blacks murdering whites all over the place in cold blood not getting reported. But MUST defend the black criminal who tried to grapple gun knowing what he did, on the face of a citizen arrest.
How long before the citizen police are acquitted and promoted to heroes for attempting to combat burglary... while the blacks burn down their own communities in riots?

They should learn to vote republican, then this fiasco would not be repeated over and over again, and black families would have fathers, instead of a shit welfare deal.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
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White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.

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