A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Who gives a shit? I'm not asking for your respect.

You sure do. I'm not suggesting otherwise. I'm just here laughing in your face because your disagreement is worth fuck all. Transwomen will continue to be celebrated by the mainstream and you clowns on the fringe can feel as salty as you want about it it won't change a damn thing. 😁

Popular opinions direct social and political change.
Your attitude explains why so many people lack respect for you. You have to respect the opinions of others before you get respect for your opinions. You can disagree with others but still respect their opinions.

The liberal media celebrates a lot of things that most people don’t. For example the liberal media may celebrate a male athlete who is in transition to female when he/she sets new records in a sport. Most people, not just those on the fringe, do not believe such celebration is deserved. Many feel at the most trans athletes should compete in their own class. I feel any record set by a trans athlete should have an asterisk beside it identifying it as won by a trans athlete.

Plus the majority of Americans agree with Florida‘s legislation that bans teaching young children about sexual orientation and gender identity.

The transgender fad is the flavor of the month and the pawns are doing their job of supporting it. Whatever their masters choose for the next flavor of the month you can be assured they will dutifully support it.
If they can even think of another flavor, that right there is just it, once every flavor that can be thought of has had its moment in the spotlight, then what? Will "the game" finally be over then?

God bless you always!!!

Illness implies something wrong. Who are you to tell people there's something wrong with them? Why is your version of morality the correct one?

It's delusional to try and force people to have a problem with men wearing dresses or men identifying as women if we don't have one. You have the problem.
Who am I to tell people's something is wrong with them? Someone with some common sense and a moral backbone---LYING Is wrong and encouraging a delusional person's delusions is wrong.
Biden won because the mainstream was turned off by how deplorable Trump was and your next candidate if not Trump is going to be even worse. You clowns have painted yourselves in a corner. Smarmy white racists like Romney and McCain weren't winning so you elected an carnival barker to excite your ignorant base. Problem is is that you've fed them too much red meat and they aren't going to settle for anything less than the last crazy conspiracy. Your culture and party are in a death spiral of ignorance and bigotry and its going to be a blast to watch it crash and burn.
The Democrats are going to get their asses creamed in the Midterm Elections because Sleepy Joe is doing exactly what Obama warned us he would do when he said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” The results may even be worse than Obama’s first Midterm Election. At the rate things are going with skyrocketing inflation and crime the Democratic Party may shrink from a Big Tent to a Little Teepee.


Who am I to tell people's something is wrong with them? Someone with some common sense and a moral backbone---LYING Is wrong and encouraging a delusional person's delusions is wrong.
Who's lying Soy Boy? People are born with gender dysphoria and that's fine. You are the one who wants them to pretend as if they weren't just to make yourself feel better.
The transgender fad is the flavor of the month and the pawns are doing their job of supporting it. Whatever their masters choose for the next flavor of the month you can be assured they will dutifully support it.
They are whores who will embrace anything if they think it will keep the free shit coming.
Or even more fucked up, what does he see when he looks in the mirror?
It is just one sick, deranged fuck that can look in the mirror at that and see a woman.

Eventually, we will put them all in mental institutions where they will stay until they're cured or dead.
Who's lying Soy Boy? People are born with gender dysphoria and that's fine. You are the one who wants them to pretend as if they weren't just to make yourself feel better.
NO, their bodies are just fine----its their BRAIN that isn't aligning with their bodies or YOUR BODY. It's a mental issue not a physical one. Just like the idiots who claim to be dogs---their body isn't the problem, their brain is. In both cases, I will refuse to call a guy in a dress a woman, and guy crawling on the ground a dog. Sorry-----TRUTH before CRAZIES.
Gender Identity which you refer to ALWAYS equals mental disorder.

When nature doesn't create a mental mistake aka disorder....the body and the mind are usually either both female or both male. Although we tell who is male or female by their body---there is also brain chemistry that also reflects male or female.
Just watch this abomination revert to its twisted, pathetic ghetto version of alpha male when it gets pissed..........

What are we supposed to be doing? You think simply because your clan is spewing propaganda that makes you a majority?
They keep fucking with the language. They actually believe that LOUD means "majority".

The particular sick fuck you are addressing believes that using the word "cuck" a hundred times a day and lying about having a hot honey at home makes him an actual REAL man. :auiqs.jpg:

Aren't they just ridiculous?
You show no respect for me and I will return the favor.

I have every right to lead my life the way I chose as you also do. I also have every right to disagree with your lifestyle just as you do mine.

Just don’t stick your butt in my face and tell me how superior you are. My opinion matters just as much as yours. Not more but not less.
It's useless to expect that troll to communicate in anything but monosyllabic grunts, which is why I quit trying.
Who's lying Soy Boy? People are born with gender dysphoria and that's fine. You are the one who wants them to pretend as if they weren't just to make yourself feel better.

The problem is many of the so called dysphoria cases we see now aren't classical ones, but so called "late rapid onset", which wasn't seen until recently. These are also the cases most likely to result in people deciding they really aren't the wrong gender.

What has happened is people with fetishes and maybe other mental issues have latched on to the transgender concept. If a person is an adult, I have no issue with it beyond not being forced to call a guy a girl. The issue is the largest new segment of transgenders are minor girls, and anything chemical or surgical done to them before they hit majority is simply child abuse.
The problem is many of the so called dysphoria cases we see now aren't classical ones, but so called "late rapid onset", which wasn't seen until recently. These are also the cases most likely to result in people deciding they really aren't the wrong gender.

What has happened is people with fetishes and maybe other mental issues have latched on to the transgender concept. If a person is an adult, I have no issue with it beyond not being forced to call a guy a girl. The issue is the largest new segment of transgenders are minor girls, and anything chemical or surgical done to them before they hit majority is simply child abuse.
Well said. Leave the kids alone and don't expect others to believe in your delusion.

I used to have a friend who was a drag queen in Seattle's drag "royalty". No problem. I used to lend him my clothing for drag gigs. But he never demanded that I see him as anything but a man playing dressup.
NO, their bodies are just fine----its their BRAIN that isn't aligning with their bodies or YOUR BODY. It's a mental issue not a physical one.
Im not sure if you know this but the brain is a part of the body and the body is a fairly complex organism that isn't as binary as you'd obviously prefer it to be. Along with people who have gender dysphoria there are people born intersexed who have biological sexual traits that don't conform to strict definitions of male or female. These physical and mental "issues", as you call them, have various forms of treatment in order to help the people who have them lead more comfortable and happier lives. One of those treatments may be physical gender reassignment so their bodies are more in line with how they feel mentally, in other cases maybe treatment involves therapy and accepting the incongruity and learning to live they lives in a way that makes them happy. Either way that is between them and their doctors. What certainly doesn't help is stigmatizing them or treating them like their is something wrong with them rather than just something different.
Just like the idiots who claim to be dogs---their body isn't the problem, their brain is. In both cases, I will refuse to call a guy in a dress a woman, and guy crawling on the ground a dog. Sorry-----TRUTH before CRAZIES.
So clearly you don't come from a place of empathy and wanting to help people but to be a dick. If that's the case why pretend otherwise? Are you ashamed of who you really are? 😄
Another company on my pay no mind list I guess.

It's a shame that someone like USA today would say a man is a woman. I don't care what they want to be. But this is about actually ignoring facts and biology and truth. It's an outright lie that is changing reality itself to claim a man is a woman. It's like saying "dogs aren't mamals they are actually reptiles".

I don't know what happened to this country where now people's personal fantasies have to be accepted as reality by society.
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