A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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The day will come, when you will stand before Him to give account for what you have done with your life. You'll have the chance to say that to His face.

That should be amusing to see.
I'd rather laugh in your face today then to believe like some sad Soy Boy that one day, far into the future, you too might get to laugh at my expense if and only if your imaginary friend turns out to be real. 😆
I'd rather laugh in your face today then to believe like some sad Soy Boy that one day, far into the future, you too might get to laugh at my expense if and only if your imaginary friend turns out to be real. 😆

The sad thing is the only reward you get for being right is oblivion.
Continued existence is a "reward"?

Atheists are some of the biggest douchebags on the planet, and this comes from someone who is a lapsed Catholic at best, and an Agnostic at worst.
There is no objective reason to believe in continued existence after biological death. The "reward" in this instance is the comfort you get from believing in the fantasy of an afterlife. It's a lot like gender dysphoria that way except that those with gender dysphoria are only looking for better ways to live their lives while religious assclowns are always trying to tell others how to better live theirs.
When did a girl first beat you up? Was it after Mosque?

It's your culture getting their asses kicked by the LGTBQ community. Let some negative word about them come out your mouth in public and watch how quickly you get canceled and ridiculed and shamed by the mainstream.
There's nothing unscientific about it either. Its just your little hurt feelings why it bothers you so much. 😄

You're the ones throwing a fit because people are respectful of this woman.

I'm not throwing a fit at all.

I'm just observing and noting the scientific fact that Mr. Levine is a man.

The best thing I can say from Levine is that he isn't really fooling anyone. No matter how drunk they are, anyone who sees him in a bar would have no doubts about his homo sex preference.
I'm not throwing a fit at all.

I'm just observing and noting the scientific fact that Mr. Levine is a man.
No, you're being a transparent little bitch. No one disputes that biologically Ms Levine is male, that you feel the need to state that only betrays how much it bothers you that society at large is more concerned with how she views herself psychologically. It's okay. Feel salty about it little bitch. I enjoy that. 😄
The best thing I can say from Levine is that he isn't really fooling anyone. No matter how drunk they are, anyone who sees him in a bar would have no doubts about his homo sex preference.
And you leave no doubt that you're a deplorable mutant by polite societies new standards. 😄

We have. It's called birth right citizenship and demographic replacement.

The Teddy Kennedy Plan.

Of course it's not just whites you are engaging in genocide against.

Blacks were 13% of the population in the 2010 census. In 2020 they are 12%

The plan to import the least educated and least intelligent from the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America isn't just displacing whites.
There is no objective reason to believe in continued existence after biological death. The "reward" in this instance is the comfort you get from believing in the fantasy of an afterlife. It's a lot like gender dysphoria that way except that those with gender dysphoria are only looking for better ways to live their lives while religious assclowns are always trying to tell others how to better live theirs.

Keep telling yourself that to make you able to get to the next day.

And "CALL ME MA'AM" guy isn't trying people how to live their lives?

Also, the irony of a militant atheist being butthurt about people preaching.
No, you're being a transparent little bitch. No one disputes that biologically Ms Levine is male, that you feel the need to state that only betrays how much it bothers you that society at large is more concerned with how she views herself psychologically. It's okay. Feel salty about it little bitch. I enjoy that. 😄

And you leave no doubt that you're a deplorable mutant by polite societies new standards. 😄

You don't know how Mr. Levine feels about himself psychologically either.

He could be delusional and think he's actually a broad.

But my guess is that its more likely he dresses in his get-up because he finds it attracts other homos as is it just such an obvious slap in the face to polite societal standards where men are men and broads are damned glad of it. Remember the guiding light of organized gaydom is freaking out normative folks and pushing the envelope.
"America can’t be woke enough for the radical leftists unless there’s a constant flow of transgendered supremacy showing biological males are better than females at being women. Leftist rag USA Today reiterated this by announcing one of their “Women” of the Year is actually a dude."

This week, USA TODAY unveiled its “Women of the Year” list, which, predictably, was dominated by woke public figures such as Simone Biles, Melinda French Gates, and Vice President Kamala Harris. But, in true “woke” fashion, one name that made the list was not a biological woman.

Dr. Rachel Levine, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health, made the cut for USA TODAY’s “Women of the Year.” Levine, a four-star admiral, was born a biological male, Richard Levine, and transitioned to live as a female. Previously, Levine was secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

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Ugh....It of the year.
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