A Bloody Nose for Government Schooling???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Instead of throwing up their hand, or wringing them, about the job of government schools....some folks are taking a step in the right direction.

2. As dissatisfaction with the U.S. public school system grows, apparently so has the appeal of homeschooling..... as more parents reject public schools.

3. ....Education News states that, since 1999, the number of children who are homeschooled has increased by 75%. .... the number of children whose parents choose to educate them at home rather than a traditional academic setting is growing seven times faster than the number of children enrolling in grades K-12 every year.

4. As homeschooling has become increasingly popular, common myths that have long been associated with the practice of homeschooling have been debunked.

5. Any concerns about the quality of education children receive by their parents can be put to rest by the consistently high placement of homeschooled students on standardized assessment exams.....achievement gaps between sexes, income levels, or ethnicity—all of which have plagued public schools around the country—do not exist in homeschooling environments.

6. ...significantly higher ACT-Composite scores as high schoolers and higher grade point averages as college students. Yet surprisingly, the average expenditure for the education of a homeschooled child, per year, is $500 to $600, compared to an average expenditure of $10,000 per child, per year, for public school students.

7. ...readily recognized by recruiters from some of the best colleges in the nation. Home-educated children matriculate in colleges and attain a four-year degree at much higher rates than their counterparts from both public and private schools.

8. ... the common myth that homeschoolers “miss out” on so-called “socialization opportunities,” often thought to be a vital aspect of traditional academic settings, has proven to be without merit.

9. ...homeschoolers tend to be more socially engaged than their peers and demonstrate “healthy social, psychological, and emotional development, and success into adulthood.”

10. This increase would be in part because…[1] a large number of those individuals who were being home educated in the 1990’s may begin to homeschool their own school-age children and [2] the continued successes of home-educated students
Report: Homeschooling Growing Seven Times Faster than Public School Enrollment

"....demonstrate “healthy social, psychological, and emotional development, and success into adulthood.”

Compare those personality traits to the board members who regularly carp about homeschooling.
As we have been seeing happen with a liberal controlled schooling system run by a powerful union, we've seen the quality of education constantly deteriorate and the brain washing, paganistic, atheist immoral liberal agenda pushed. The result, a bunch of moron, self important, self indulgent, kids who feel as though they're entitled to something without earning it, but are too illiterate to read and too lazy to work. But they believe butt fucking is normal, God is bad and the government should take care of them from womb to tomb.

Seems parents are getting fed up with liberal bull shit like that and don't want their kids subjected to such filthy, worthless, sewer indoctrination, and are home schooling, as my son plans to do with his son. Thank GOD, and I'll help.
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Instead of throwing up their hand, or wringing them, about the job of government schools....some folks are taking a step in the right direction.

2. As dissatisfaction with the U.S. public school system grows, apparently so has the appeal of homeschooling..... as more parents reject public schools.

3. ....Education News states that, since 1999, the number of children who are homeschooled has increased by 75%. .... the number of children whose parents choose to educate them at home rather than a traditional academic setting is growing seven times faster than the number of children enrolling in grades K-12 every year.

4. As homeschooling has become increasingly popular, common myths that have long been associated with the practice of homeschooling have been debunked.

5. Any concerns about the quality of education children receive by their parents can be put to rest by the consistently high placement of homeschooled students on standardized assessment exams.....achievement gaps between sexes, income levels, or ethnicity—all of which have plagued public schools around the country—do not exist in homeschooling environments.

6. ...significantly higher ACT-Composite scores as high schoolers and higher grade point averages as college students. Yet surprisingly, the average expenditure for the education of a homeschooled child, per year, is $500 to $600, compared to an average expenditure of $10,000 per child, per year, for public school students.

7. ...readily recognized by recruiters from some of the best colleges in the nation. Home-educated children matriculate in colleges and attain a four-year degree at much higher rates than their counterparts from both public and private schools.

8. ... the common myth that homeschoolers “miss out” on so-called “socialization opportunities,” often thought to be a vital aspect of traditional academic settings, has proven to be without merit.

9. ...homeschoolers tend to be more socially engaged than their peers and demonstrate “healthy social, psychological, and emotional development, and success into adulthood.”

10. This increase would be in part because…[1] a large number of those individuals who were being home educated in the 1990’s may begin to homeschool their own school-age children and [2] the continued successes of home-educated students
Report: Homeschooling Growing Seven Times Faster than Public School Enrollment

"....demonstrate “healthy social, psychological, and emotional development, and success into adulthood.”

Compare those personality traits to the board members who regularly carp about homeschooling.

So...more people are taking the responsibility of teaching their own children.....good for them.
Instead of throwing up their hand, or wringing them, about the job of government schools....some folks are taking a step in the right direction.

2. As dissatisfaction with the U.S. public school system grows, apparently so has the appeal of homeschooling..... as more parents reject public schools.

3. ....Education News states that, since 1999, the number of children who are homeschooled has increased by 75%. .... the number of children whose parents choose to educate them at home rather than a traditional academic setting is growing seven times faster than the number of children enrolling in grades K-12 every year.

4. As homeschooling has become increasingly popular, common myths that have long been associated with the practice of homeschooling have been debunked.

5. Any concerns about the quality of education children receive by their parents can be put to rest by the consistently high placement of homeschooled students on standardized assessment exams.....achievement gaps between sexes, income levels, or ethnicity—all of which have plagued public schools around the country—do not exist in homeschooling environments.

6. ...significantly higher ACT-Composite scores as high schoolers and higher grade point averages as college students. Yet surprisingly, the average expenditure for the education of a homeschooled child, per year, is $500 to $600, compared to an average expenditure of $10,000 per child, per year, for public school students.

7. ...readily recognized by recruiters from some of the best colleges in the nation. Home-educated children matriculate in colleges and attain a four-year degree at much higher rates than their counterparts from both public and private schools.

8. ... the common myth that homeschoolers “miss out” on so-called “socialization opportunities,” often thought to be a vital aspect of traditional academic settings, has proven to be without merit.

9. ...homeschoolers tend to be more socially engaged than their peers and demonstrate “healthy social, psychological, and emotional development, and success into adulthood.”

10. This increase would be in part because…[1] a large number of those individuals who were being home educated in the 1990’s may begin to homeschool their own school-age children and [2] the continued successes of home-educated students
Report: Homeschooling Growing Seven Times Faster than Public School Enrollment

"....demonstrate “healthy social, psychological, and emotional development, and success into adulthood.”

Compare those personality traits to the board members who regularly carp about homeschooling.

So...more people are taking the responsibility of teaching their own children.....good for them.
There's a whole lot more to it than that. They're doing it for a reason, and obviously that is because they don't like what they see in the public system.
Instead of throwing up their hand, or wringing them, about the job of government schools....some folks are taking a step in the right direction.

2. As dissatisfaction with the U.S. public school system grows, apparently so has the appeal of homeschooling..... as more parents reject public schools.

3. ....Education News states that, since 1999, the number of children who are homeschooled has increased by 75%. .... the number of children whose parents choose to educate them at home rather than a traditional academic setting is growing seven times faster than the number of children enrolling in grades K-12 every year.

4. As homeschooling has become increasingly popular, common myths that have long been associated with the practice of homeschooling have been debunked.

5. Any concerns about the quality of education children receive by their parents can be put to rest by the consistently high placement of homeschooled students on standardized assessment exams.....achievement gaps between sexes, income levels, or ethnicity—all of which have plagued public schools around the country—do not exist in homeschooling environments.

6. ...significantly higher ACT-Composite scores as high schoolers and higher grade point averages as college students. Yet surprisingly, the average expenditure for the education of a homeschooled child, per year, is $500 to $600, compared to an average expenditure of $10,000 per child, per year, for public school students.

7. ...readily recognized by recruiters from some of the best colleges in the nation. Home-educated children matriculate in colleges and attain a four-year degree at much higher rates than their counterparts from both public and private schools.

8. ... the common myth that homeschoolers “miss out” on so-called “socialization opportunities,” often thought to be a vital aspect of traditional academic settings, has proven to be without merit.

9. ...homeschoolers tend to be more socially engaged than their peers and demonstrate “healthy social, psychological, and emotional development, and success into adulthood.”

10. This increase would be in part because…[1] a large number of those individuals who were being home educated in the 1990’s may begin to homeschool their own school-age children and [2] the continued successes of home-educated students
Report: Homeschooling Growing Seven Times Faster than Public School Enrollment

"....demonstrate “healthy social, psychological, and emotional development, and success into adulthood.”

Compare those personality traits to the board members who regularly carp about homeschooling.

So...more people are taking the responsibility of teaching their own children.....good for them.
There's a whole lot more to it than that. They're doing it for a reason, and obviously that is because they don't like what they see in the public system.

Unfortunately, it is a baby step in the right direction.

Our universities are in the hands of the enemy, and they fit neatly into the corrupt system that spells doom for the real America.

Codevilla writes this:

"Much less does membership in the ruling class depend on high academic achievement. To see something closer to an academic meritocracy consider France, where elected officials have little power, a vast bureaucracy explicitly controls details from how babies are raised to how to make cheese, and people get into and advance in that bureaucracy strictly by competitive exams. Hence for good or ill, France's ruling class are bright people -- certifiably.

Not ours.

But didn't ours go to Harvard and Princeton and Stanford? Didn't most of them get good grades? Yes. But while getting into the Ecole Nationale d'Administration or the Ecole Polytechnique or the dozens of other entry points to France's ruling class requires outperforming others in blindly graded exams, and graduating from such places requires passing exams that many fail, getting into America's "top schools" is less a matter of passing exams than of showing up with acceptable grades and an attractive social profile.

American secondary schools are generous with their As. Since the 1970s, it has been virtually impossible to flunk out of American colleges. And it is an open secret that "the best" colleges require the least work and give out the highest grade point averages.

No, our ruling class recruits and renews itself not through meritocracy but rather by taking into itself people whose most prominent feature is their commitment to fit in. The most successful neither write books and papers that stand up to criticism nor release their academic records. Thus does our ruling class stunt itself through negative selection.

But the more it has dumbed itself down, the more it has defined itself by the presumption of intellectual superiority."
By Angelo M. Codevilla from the July 2010 - August 2010 issue
The American Spectator : America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution
Are any of you people teachers or experts in the field, or do you just listen to right wing inspiration tapes? I've seen three generations of kids go through public schools in California and I think the teachers are pretty good. I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near a foul mouthed pig like 007 and I'm sure there are no teachers as low life as he/she is.
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I've seen three generations of kids go through public schools in California and I think the teachers are pretty good.

Imagine if you had choice in affordable education. You wouldn't have to settle for 'pretty good'. You could demand better for your education dollar...or choose another school. Can't do that with the government monopoly on affordable education.

Further, your experience does not change the DEPLORABLE results produced by government run schools. Obscene drop out rates, teaching to standardized tests, kids graduating that can barely read or do simple math...big picture, the results suck, which is pretty much guaranteed when consumers have no choice and bureaucrats decide everything, from what's in the text books to how many tater tots get served at lunch.

End the government monopoly on affordable education!
Are any of you people teachers or experts in the field, or do you just listen to right wing inspiration tapes? I've seen three generations of kids go through public schools in California and I think the teachers are pretty good. I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near a foul mouthed pig like 007 and I'm sure there are no teachers as low life as he/she is.
Oh here we go... another little pinko fag from kullyfornia... talking out his ass... you want to hear SWEARING? Just listen to kids sometime. The filth that comes out of their mouths is worse than what you hear from me, and you know it, and I know, we all know it. They learn it at SCHOOL listening to other kids. So don't give me any of your jerked off, retarded, two faced, libtard hypocrite bull shit, dumbass.

But just let me clear something up here for YOU and all the rest of the little TOLERANT leftists here... the way I express myself HERE is NOT the way I express myself else where in real life, in public. I do it HERE because I HATE LIBERALS, I hate YOU, so what you get from me is what I get from you and the rest of your ILK here, which is much of the SAME. I'm going to just let the rottenest filth I know come out because I think all you liberals are GARBAGE, INSANE, ANTI AMERICAN, HATEFUL, BIGOTED, HYPOCRITICAL, TWO FACED, DOUBLE STANDARD, COMMIE, PUSSY PIECES OF SHIT, so that's the way I'm going to treat you.

Now go fuck yourself asshole. Kullyfornia is a fucking DISASTER, it's BILLIONS in debt, has the some of the most FUCKED UP PEOPLE ON THE PLANET, and is nothing but a HOMO INFESTED, COMMIE, IMMORAL, ANYTHING GOES CESS POOL, AND I WOULDN'T LET MY KID NEAR THAT, you filthy fucking shit stain.
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If home schooling with these

who will need the schools? The problem is what to load on them. But since our educators would not create a National Recommended Reading List decades ago what kind of information will be distributed about what to load onto tablets?

There Will Be School Tomorrow (1956) by V. E. Thiessen


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I am now convinced, home schooling is the answer to our educational problems. I pulled my eight kids out of school and waited for them to be home schooled and after a time of nothing, no one came to check or anything, I pronounced them home schooled. The problem was finding a home schooled diploma, stores just don't seem to have them, so one of my new graduates is going into the business of producing, not only home schooled diplomas but home schooled transcripts. Might go into the beanie thing too.
No f*ckin' way. Homeschooling must be banned!

Communist Goal #17 is in jeopardy!:
Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
Are posters even aware of the new commie school takeover, Common Core?
No f*ckin' way. Homeschooling must be banned!

Communist Goal #17 is in jeopardy!:
Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.


You guys won again!

1. The indoctrination by ‘educators’ was intensified via the National History Standards. The document, supposed to examine what was most important for students to learn about America did not mention Daniel Webster, Robert E. Lee, Thomas Edison, or Albert Einstein.

a. “The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.”
From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

b. Issues of race, ethnicity and gender were emphasized nearly three times as much as political liberty and democracy.

c. In fact, the term “Left” refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism, and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. The Left-wing ‘trinity’ is race, gender, class.
Prager, "Still The Best Hope."
But since our educators would not create a National Recommended Reading List decades ago what kind of information will be distributed about what to load onto tablets?

Does any idea or topic EVER slip into that pea brain of yours, or is this one thought on this one topic just endlessly replaying over and over due to limited capacity? Have you EVER posted on ANY thread where you did not repeat this one obsession of yours? EVER?
There may be some interesting consequences if this trend toward home schooling continues to gain momentum.
Are any of you people teachers or experts in the field, or do you just listen to right wing inspiration tapes? I've seen three generations of kids go through public schools in California and I think the teachers are pretty good. I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near a foul mouthed pig like 007 and I'm sure there are no teachers as low life as he/she is.

"Are any of you people teachers or experts in the field,...."

What makes you think that teachers are experts in the field???
Haven't you seen the results of testing???

Ooops....did I suggest that you think???? My bad.

Education ceased when the Liberal educrats took charge.
Are any of you people teachers or experts in the field, or do you just listen to right wing inspiration tapes? I've seen three generations of kids go through public schools in California and I think the teachers are pretty good. I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near a foul mouthed pig like 007 and I'm sure there are no teachers as low life as he/she is.

"Are any of you people teachers or experts in the field,...."

What makes you think that teachers are experts in the field???
Haven't you seen the results of testing???

Ooops....did I suggest that you think???? My bad.

Education ceased when the Liberal educrats took charge.

Can we assume that the conservative educrats were in charge before the date you are about to give us? So when did the liberal educrats take charge?
Are any of you people teachers or experts in the field, or do you just listen to right wing inspiration tapes? I've seen three generations of kids go through public schools in California and I think the teachers are pretty good. I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near a foul mouthed pig like 007 and I'm sure there are no teachers as low life as he/she is.

"Are any of you people teachers or experts in the field,...."

What makes you think that teachers are experts in the field???
Haven't you seen the results of testing???

Ooops....did I suggest that you think???? My bad.

Education ceased when the Liberal educrats took charge.

Can we assume that the conservative educrats were in charge before the date you are about to give us? So when did the liberal educrats take charge?

You know how I love to help you out.

Let's posit that it was prior to this event:

“In 1972, the massive union [The National Education Association (NEA)] formed a political action committee…released ‘Needed: A Cabinet Department of Education’ in 1975, but its most significant step was to endorse a presidential candidate- Jimmy Carter- for the first time in the history of the organization.”
D.T. Stallngs, “A Brief History of the Department of Education: 1979-2002,” p. 3.

If the union was strong enough for Carter to bend to their wishes in 1979, they must have been building same for some time prior.

Don't miss the point: politics in, education out.
But since our educators would not create a National Recommended Reading List decades ago what kind of information will be distributed about what to load onto tablets?
Does any idea or topic EVER slip into that pea brain of yours, or is this one thought on this one topic just endlessly replaying over and over due to limited capacity? Have you EVER posted on ANY thread where you did not repeat this one obsession of yours? EVER?

How id deciding what apps to load onto tablets any different from a recommended reading list?

Here is one:


It is so curious to see so many people bitching about education but so little "specific" information to contribute.

How about this? I just discovered it yesterday. Home schoolers might want it.

The Montessori Method, by Maria Montessori
The Project Gutenberg eBook of The, by The Author.

1912 to 2012 on Project Gutenberg.

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