a blow to our Constitution

COULDN'T care less, Captain Hyperbole.

That’s silly. Kav has been thoroughly vetted. The author of the article is a fool and likely a hardcore D. The Senate votes on SC nominees. If they chose to appoint him or not, how is that authoritarian?

BTW there was no checks and balances on Big Ears, but I don’t recall you complaining about it. At least with Trump, the MSM is on his ass rather than blowing him everyday, as they did with BO.
"Those of us who see President Donald Trump as an authoritarian threat to America’s constitutional democracy"
ChrisEdelson The very first sentence of this opinion pieces shouts the ignorance of the writer and certifies the worthlessness of this poor opinion piece.
The United States is and has been since its' founding a constitutional republic. The man does not know of what he speaks.
I read to the point they started talking about Trump killing the rule of law. Which I found funny after three weeks of you left wing assholes saying a guy is guilty until proven innocent. The rule of law was saved today. Take your bullshit and get the fuck out of here.
This post needs more thanks, and winners. You sick fucking Leftists are finished. And will be eradicated.
We all know it's a last desperate grab by white males to keep that patriarchal control.
Actually the court has been held by the left for over 50 years, what we all witnessed [and are continuing to witness] is enormous hysteria in our capitol/capital because the left sees kavanaugh as a threat to that power...the right is ascending to power with kavanaugh, it is the left that is losing it. So much in fact it feels compelled to retain that power "by any means necessary" which is what we all saw with kavanaugh.
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I read to the point they started talking about Trump killing the rule of law. Which I found funny after three weeks of you left wing assholes saying a guy is guilty until proven innocent. The rule of law was saved today. Take your bullshit and get the fuck out of here.
Um...and we’ll buy the plane tickets!

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