a blow to our Constitution

Oh its gonna be a blow alright.....to the poopers of the left. Said a few days ago they best get out and grab some KY.....and if you work with any of these miserable people, make it a 4 day weekend and go back Wednesday!

One notes with interest that the writer fails to note precisely where the Kavanaugh vote "strikes a blow at the US Constitution". You guys do that a lot.
Well they can't very well mention the Patriot Act as a blow to liberty because originally only one Democrat was totally against it. thus try to continue with the spook dog and pony show. How sad for the decent democrats that still believe in goodness instead of any lie or bullshit scam will do.
The new normal is winner takes all politics. No bipartisanship. Republicans have made this very clear.
LOL actually Obama and the dems made it clear during his Presidency. He even stated for the record he did NOT need republican votes early in his frst term and when he lost the House he said he had a pen.
The new normal is winner takes all politics. No bipartisanship. Republicans have made this very clear.
LOL actually Obama and the dems made it clear during his Presidency. He even stated for the record he did NOT need republican votes early in his frst term and when he lost the House he said he had a pen.

No first Obama apologized for getting his ass handed to him, said okay well the people have spoken. Then within days he back tracked and said on second thought FU America I got a pen.
So by following the constitution, and voting for the presidents nomination, Kavanaugh (who the left characterized as a constitutional textualist ironically enough), they are striking a blow to the US constitution...because we no longer believe in innocent until proven guilty...because Trump is an authoritarian...because he doesn’t like the left wing media...coming from the “I have a phone and a pen” party...coming from the party of IRS targeting 1000s of political groups opposed to the administration...coming from the party whose AG was held in contempt of Congress for not turning over paperwork that the president retroactively deemed executive privilege to give Holder cover...coming from the party that illegally sent billions of dollars in cash on pallets to Iran...Coming from the party who said it was no big deal for Clinton to illegally create a private email server (only reasons to do so are for nefarious purposes) and use with highly classified emails that just so happen to be hacked by China...Coming from the party that has superdelegates in its electoral process...oh isn’t this rich.

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